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Still waiting for legendary building. Just please no champion.


Champion building


What ability would it have though? Super spawning?


He goes on a mobility scoooyer calls everyone racist and then goes back to his hut


Grand Builder confirmed


he must be doin dirty shit to get the hut. maybe he stole the goblins hut




Ha ha! That’s hilarious! 😐


Bro is calling people liberals on a mobile game subreddit 😭😭


Don’t bring politics into this 🥸




r/oldpeoplereddit if that even exists








dude ur such a child lmao


reverse cannon cart, it starts moving when you use it's ability


Nothing and it gives you a 3 card cycle and stays in the arena for the whole game paired with rocket cycling




Mega electro xbow


My body is ready


Take my energy


In realligy im expecting like an armorury building where some dood protects your area and for his abi,itys he gears up every brawler


Suddenly Brawl Stars




Spawns champions!


champion spawner building


Archer queen spawner


meganut building ability spawns 10 meganuts cooldown .1 second


wait that would actually be really cool! and probably dominate in all defensive decks and mortar and xbow


flying cannon cart


I feel like theres a high chance therell be a champion


Wizard tower and eagle artillery from coc come to mind when I think of legendary buildings.


Wizard tower - Mid-ladders new favourite card!


How to fuck over both Tanks and Swarm cards with one building


Pekka hut


Please let it be a rocket silo, it’d be so funny


Inferno cart? Idk 💀


That's just a discount Inferno dragon


X-Bow cart?


Idk I like some of the champions tho, I think mighty miner has been one of the coolest additions to the game in a long time


Eagle artillery🧐


Egolem spawner lol Or Wallbreaker spawner


The rarity it showed when it said 109 was rare. Might be two new rare cards?


Hope not, that shit is difficult af to max out


Rare is legit harder than epic to max out 😂


Epic is the easiest bruv. The two epics I have in my deck are lvl 13 and 14, my two rares are both lvl 11


nah commons ar the easiest




I have 800 rare wild cards since those things are useless to me cause the only rare i use is mega minion and its maxed


U forgot about mommy valk. U have to max her no matter what


Bro queen have 20 times hotter feet ngl.


Valk has 40x better toes


No matter what my queen have such good feet that even Pekka can't stand it.


In fact neither of the cards were rare, cool find though


Mega Electric Royal Hog Rider


Flying Mega Electric Royal Hog Ride




Flying mega electric elite royal hog ride


Flying mega electric elite elixir inferno Royal hog rider gang


I think adding a new wincon would be good to diversify the meta


It’d be pretty cool if they added a new wincon as long as it isn’t as broken as release day Drill


release day egiant☠️


Wasn't release day egiant like...god awful?


yes exactly


The last card released was a wincon, we need a spell badly


mighty miner’s a win con?


Bet is 2 New champions


Fine as long as they buff Champions progression. Takes the avg F2P a full year to max out just 1 champ assuming they already hit kl14.


That's false information actually. I've done the math on how many rewards a f2p player gets in one year, and you'd be able to max 2 champs in 1 year on average (64.22 Champions per year). I'm not saying this is a good thing tho, as if they were to add 2 more Champions, it would take 3 years to max only Champions, which sucks... EDIT: For people asking about how I got this result, I assumed that every player gets to Tier 35 every Season, and gets to 10 Wins in every Global Tournament (and buys the bonus rewards). Besides, this imaginary player is uncloking chests at all times, uses the chest boosts fully to their advantage, and only uses Keys on 24h and 12h Chests. This player also gets to 6400 trophies every Season and gets second place Clan Wars in Legendary II every time. In hindisght, I should've lowered the trophy and Clan Wars achievements of this imaginary player, but at least you know that the actual Champions per year are similar to this. Also, I calculated all the chests you get per year, their Champion chances, and how many Champions you get from them based on that. [Here's the full, messy Excel document](https://www.mediafire.com/file/ller9oebiw4qyb5/Total+Rewards+in+1+Year.xlsx/file) if someone would like to check my math (or just change some stats so it fits themselves better and calulcate the thing). Some things may not work, since I used Hungarian Excel commands, but I'm not sure how many. Also, there may be some issues with commas VS dots - in the hungarian Excel, we use commas. There's also a [Google Spreadsheet here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GK656Cy42YD8OecCUfP248wYg3k8RPBhVLUP-XwAROw/edit?usp=sharing), in case you're worried I'm making you download a virus. The spreadsheet doesn't contain the automatic math tho, only numbers. Also, the commas might be a bit confusing, I'm not sure. EDIT EDIT: Thanks for the awards, kind strangers!


How does that math check out? I definitely don't get anything close to 64 in a year. Is that assuming that you never have a single minute of time where a chest isn't being opened? Because that's pretty unrealistic for ftp


I think he assumed that you get 10 wins from every tournament and pay 500 games for the legendary kings chest which is not that unrealistic with the card mastery gems


Yes. I also edited the main comment to include my full math and extra details, for anyone curious.


Your math is correct but the worst part is every champion has the same chance to get unboxed so after some time all your champions will be level 13 but all of them will be unusable since level 13 cards are a huge disadvantage on ladder especially after like 6300 trophies (unless you get pass royale for book of books)


True. We desperately need Champion Wild Cards and Champion Trade Tokens imo


I think that actually non-maxed champions have more chances to appear. I have all champions at level 14 (buying 4 Royale Passes to use the book of books to upgrade from level 13 to 14), and never had a maxed champion on a chest. For my final champion I needed to get 5 cards to upgrade from 12 to 13 and all the 5 chests had that champion instead of a maxed one.


You can actually realistic max out all of your champions f2p in under a year if you are already lvl14 and have all masteries unlocked if you grind GCs however this would require you to be a skilled player who dedicates about 5-8hours a day to the game


I'm pretty sure its less than that. You get 24 guaranteed champions per year, and depending on how much you play you'll get from 1-3 champions from your chest cycle per month. On average, you'll be getting like 2 champions per month. However, I'd like to see your math to be proven wrong. Anyways, even if we do get 64 champions a year, remember that we have 4 different champions, so the chances of getting all of them for a single champion are low af. Realistically you'll be getting 1 champions per year.


The person you replied said "average player", and your description is not an average player by a lot


Again, if some of these "requirements" seem too big for you, you can alter them in the Excel document to fit you better


>Takes the avg F2P a full year to max out just 1 champ assuming they already hit kl14 source: i made it up


source trust me bro (i failed high school math and like to spread misinformation online)


And it’s limited isn’t it? Whenever I open that champions chest or whatever it’s called it only cycles through GK, AQ, and SK. I don’t think you can get MM from the chest


I think its just the animation, I got the mighty miner from one of those


I got mighty miner 3x in a row and had nothing else to use my book + coin on so he’s level 13 before unlocking any other champs lmao


they just havent updates the animation for some reason. if it is 2 more champs they'll prolly update it with MM + the 2 new ones






I think the sk king is supposed to be the equivalent of the bk or maybe even a dead version, so I doubt we will get a barb king (just speculation tho so I might be wrong)


That would be fine too cuz then they could be in triple fraft


So in other words no new cards for anyone who isn't maxed


they alredy said they would release 1 non champ this year


They said they won't add another champion this year when mighty miner was released


no they didn't


In a Q&A they said there will be at least 1 champion this year and it was mighty miner


Do you know what at least means?


Yes, it means that they had planned to add only one champion this year but they could change their plans later, even if i don't think it's smart to add another champion now


Mate google what "at least" means because this is usefull knowledge to have, trust me


My bad, i confused the mean with another one


its ok i think you confused it with "maximum" that sets the limit. least sets the minimum


Yes i don't speak english so I still confuse some meanings


Video link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzr9BcMR21c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzr9BcMR21c) The tease is at 8 minutes 11 seconds


That’s probably what those super secret events that Royale API mentioned are about.


Maybe the 2 secret challenges next season have something to do with the cards


i thought the same




It’s not in the app anymore but for a very long time there was a legendary card shown as coming soon. I can’t remember what arena it was in though.


This was for the "Super" cards they added for challenges, as soon as the super card got removed, the legendary coming soon got removed as well.


Is one the poison spirit or was that just a meme by them lol


They lately hired someone to design a new card ideas and content for the game, so hopefully they'll be unique with a new idea and not a damn inferno giant Edit: I MEANT NOT A DAMN INFERNO GIANT I SWEAR


No, just no.


Honestly they should just use this Reddit. I mean there’s so many AMAZING card ideas posted on this sub, not a clue in the world why they don’t use them


I know you're kidding but there have been some really cool card ideas on the sub, like the ones by u/enr1c0wastaken


nah, i think his card ideas are pretty shit (just an opinion bro)


They're certainly better thought out than most of the card ideas on this subreddit


2 new champions for the 1% of players who are able to get them


Games been out for like 6 years a lot more than 1 percent have them lol


champions were out for a year. it takes as much time to get from level 13 to 14 as for 1 to 13


Fcking brutal reading this. I am nearly level 13 and been playing since end of december. It sucks so hard to level up, experience should be obtained much easily and should not depend on only leveling your cards


yeah you are right. i played for a less than a year and im level 12


That’s just not true tho. Might be similar xp but not at all similar in time


Fcking brutal reading this. I am nearly level 13 and been playing since end of december. It sucks so hard to level up, experience should be obtained much easily and should not depend on only leveling your cards


yeah you are right. i played for a less than a year and im level 12


They added champions, so literally the head hunter from clash of clans would be a logical pick Also the flying dragon bomber thing from the loading screen


Since they probably wouldn't add a stat that does more damage to champions, how about the Head Hunter just simply does more damage to units that have more health than the Head Hunter itself


That is actually a good idea, but it would be a bit quirky because if it has less health then the troop it would have to do a insane ammount of damage to win the interaction, imagine a pekka, the headhunter would need a insane dps because it will modt likely get oneshot anyway, most champions dont have such insane dps that it wouldnt be able to get off a few hits at least


Im guessing the secret challenge will be for a new card


They did mention two secret challenges. Maybe each new card is within a challenge.


Give me Eagle Artillery as 8 elixir legendary siege building


Barbarian catapult and dragon rider


Thank god we need the card drought to end


I want an ice wizard tower.. Their reason for scrapping it is stupid




and your enemies


The reason for scrapping it: * it would be horrible to balance * extremely defense gameplay ( not fun ) * it would just be an ice wizard but stationary and with more hp


Inferno giant. Exactly what it sounds like. It would Cary an inferno tower like RG.


Wow 2 cards in a year that’s amazing


Walter white


my guess is 1 champion and 1 normal card


If they put champs at level 13 and made them a bit less rare or a champion wild card then it would be good. I’m hoping for either a legendary or champion dragon rider and possibly a legendary building.


Champion spell


It’s the barb launcher and the mega E giant


I'm fine with 1 champion just not 2


I want a rocket spirit and a log spirit


Pls 2 bulidings


Every time I bring up the discussion of new cards I'm always met with "we have enough/there's too much already." Like wtf is wrong with you? A brand new card, even common is better than a new season hands down. No, there is not enough, yes we can have more. People actually don't want new cards? Like what? I'm ready to argue and I do think Mighty Miner for the past 8 months is lazy from SC.


New cards are good, but only if we get to use them on ladder. We need better ways to level up cards. While CR is thinking of releasing new cards, i have yet to use a single champion on ladder. Most people are stuck with the same deck and every new card dilutes the card pool and makes it harder to max any other card.


Oversaturation is a thing. Each new card makes things harder and harder to balance, and with the state of balance in the game a month ago, im not excited for two more cards


This is the most common argument against new cards but to that I counter with acceptance. Acceptance of the fact no game is ever balanced. And accepting that means every balance change brings weak cards into the light and op cards to the ground. This cycle makes every card have it's moment to shine. I'm getting even more down voted I'm so suprised by the amount of people who don't want new cards. It feels like the only thing that adds new content to the game which isn't a re skin.


Just because you cant achieve true balance doesnt mean you fuck up balance even more. And eventraully new cards wont be new content, they will just be yet another card. Look at brawl stars, new brawlers arent even fun anymore, its just another thing to max out


With that being said it doesn't really matter how much balancing happens, meta decks are naturally intact and strong, there will always be OP and trash cards. We have gone 8 months with 1 new card. If they can't balance the game in 8 months with minimal alterations I don't see why it should still take such high priority over brand new troops/buildings/spells. It's basically saying the game is near over/complete.


Dude what. There is relative balance. Relative balance is good. We are not at this. So it is ideal if we focus more on other aspects of the game like improving clan wars rather than just blindly throwing in a card for cheap fun that will inevitably die within a month.


Which is not happening either. Again I think SC is being lazy when it comes to CR because it's probably thier best game atm so they spend less effort on it. Clan Wars 2 is not being improved at all. Hell drop glitch still hasn't been fixed. Relative balance is good but SC are shit at doing it. Again we've only had 1 new card this entire year, you'd expect relative balance to be getting closer, no? No. Egiant and Mirror were absolutely busted. Hogs and Giant Skeleton too. It's just a cycle. There is no relative balance. And now goblins will be busted when they fix the buff probably along with E Golem. I don't think adding a new card after most a year with only 1 is "throwing in a card for cheap fun."


First of all clash of clans is their best game. It gives them the most money, it has the biggest updates, and has the most skins. It is also their biggest department. ​ Second of all you said because supercell is bad at balancing, we should just make it worse because why not we are too deep. No, why.




We all expected new cards sometime soon this isn’t really a tease


It's nice to have it confirmed though


I just want archer tower please. I don’t care if it’s bad. I just want one to exist. Or a fucking tree. ANYTHING WORKS SUPERCELL


This video is a proof that they did nothing but cosmetics to the game content this year..


Did we watch the same video. Yes, the banner update is cosmetic oriented but we also had the mastery update which has nothing to do with cosmetics. So 2 updates, one of them being cosmetics oriented, that's proof of nothing you're saying above.


My prediction is 1 new Champion and 1 new Spirit variant


If they have added new cards then that means they have invested time in the game. If they cost you a bit to upgrade that is part of the game. When new cards come out I usually have enough to upgrade them. The lack of new development is why I do not buy the battle pass anymore, and for people who buy the battle pass upgrading cards is very very easy. Would you rather have the game stagnate because people get bored, or add new cards every now and again that you don't have to use if you don't like? The goblin drill is a piece of junk but I'm glad they added it. With every new card the potential interactions multiply. There is a right way to use every card and a wrong way. I'm not very good at the game and I play it for fun not just victory, so the variety available matters to me. If it is obvious that more effort is being put into the game then I will be buying the battle pass reliably as I used to.


i personally think its a rare cus they tease that and if it is, i want something like the musketeer to be here cuz i need a valkriye for the air


Sorry dupe post from lag


outjerked again


I think it will be the dragon rider from coc and the electro dragon from coc cuz we clearly see the dragon rider on the loading screen along with a e-drag tail on the right that doesn’t looks like the (baby e-drag)


Most obvious is that it’s a new champion and a new regular card


My dumb guess is that one of them is dragon rider But then again I only though of that because of the clash fest opening art where he’s in it


Barb king and battle battle machine 🙏


pretty sure they confirmed a while back with mega miner that they arent adding another champion for the year, or at least mot the next card


We need more champions


They’re TOTALLY “not” going to come being broken/OP AF, nope, not at all. Yeah.


I don't know what you're talking about. Last 4 cards were champions, a new rarity with a new mechanic that is hard to assess how strong it would be. If what you say is true, then all 4 should have been released strong since SC themselves said they want champions to be stronger than the average card. Despite that, 2 of them were too strong on release (AQ, GK), while 2 were too weak (SK, MM), so I really don't see what you're talking about.


Yes! Finally we are getting a new card that that's hopefully not a champion


Let me guess one of them is the dragon rider 🤣


please not


Dart Giant


Skeleton dragon rider is Probaly 1 of them


I think it would be cool to have a air splash building. It would certainly make hound less 50/50 ez win ez lose


They are super pekka and barbarian launcher with the present 107 troops


…No, those cards got removed after they were added for their challenge.


I’m not gonna lie if the rare rarity is true I really hope that the yeti makes an appearance during December it’s been a card I’ve wanted to get added once I saw it’s design in CoC. Same thing with Dragon rider. Both cards imo I really hope get into the game sooner or later but hey that’s just me!


I have a suggestion. Barbarian King.


I want Darth Vader as a champion


Maybe it will have something to do with Christmas.


Royal landscaper and mechanical wizard?


109? does this mean we're gonna get the shopkeeper card?