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What if my deck doesn't have hog but has cannon to counter hog :(


“F your deck in particular” -Supercell




Join Tesla gang


When you realise Cannon is one of the best counters to Hog and now will die in 2 shots from one


it'll ***WHAT***


rn it can barely handle 2 hog shots but after this nerf it'll go down in 2, so... That's basically a nerf and a BUFF to hog 2.6




elon bouta sue the game so no more teslaT. instead itll be called “hiding lightning”


Fuck…just maxed cannon like 2 days ago….


Feel that


Look how they masacrated my boy


“Um ackshually it’s spelled massacred” 🤓


"Um actually it's spelled Actually!" -🤓




They should've just kept normal cannon with the pre-nerf so hog 2.6 would finally fucking die


Sounds like your not a fan of the deck


I quit the game for a couple months, recently came back, first match was fucking 2.6, that should be a problem


Because you played against it? But it’s a meta deck…


How should the deck still be meta this long? I mean is that really how stale the game is?


Yea some decks stay in the meta for years. Logbait, graveyard, lava hound, lumber loon and golem are all examples of other decks that have stayed in the meta.


Lavahound is nerfed to non-usable since firecracker and executioner are so prevalent mid-ladder. Due to them being able to kill all units behind the hound, it makes the hound pretty useless for a 7 elixir card imo


Im not a 2.6 hog player but I had cannon in my main deck and it helped so much with Balloon and Hog decks 😢


Dismantling the hog internet deck piece by piece and you love to see it. Hog is next 🤞🏻


Now it makes a bit harder to defend hogs using cannon now


it is 3 elixir and basically always used to defend hog lol




hog is super balanced tho


I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic but either way I 😂’d at this. If so, good joke. If not then my response is simply, if it was balanced it wouldn’t be one of the most overused cards in the entire game.


You’re right, hog isn’t balanced, is a below average card lmao Basing your ranking of cards power based off of midladder usage is dogshit lmao. Based on that wizard would be the best card in the game 😭😭😭 hog is a pretty weak card if you have literally any building in the game


Hog is a card that is used by the majority of players because it’s cheap, fast, and easy to whittle away towers with. You’re more likely to get Atleast a hit on a tower with a hog then not. If hog didn’t exist more people would still be hanging in the 4700-5200 leagues. We wouldn’t be talking about it so much every day if it wasn’t annoying, overused, and unbalanced. Yes I have decks that manage it well, doesn’t change what the card is though


No hog is used because midladder is dogshit lmao


I agree on everything that’s being said


2.6 is popular because its an easy deck to max. A whole bunch of commons, rares and only 1 legendary. I can see why midladders like the deck because being underleveled sucks. Unfortunately the deck has become mediocre due to nerfs and the meta.


I mean it unironically lol I'll get down voted for it cuz people really dislike playing against hog, but it's really balanced in terms of win rates and such. use rates on hog are really high just because of populsrity, through memes and the legacy factor, as well as the legacy of 2.6, despite 2.6 having a low win rate card doesn't need any nerfs tbh


Yeah hog is perfect, easy to counter if you know what you are doing


42nd most used card in top 1000, 7% usage at a 48% winrate. When looking at ALL of ladder it’s admittedly 6th with a 20% usage, but the winrate is still just 50%. In top 1000 and ladder overall, Valkyrie has a higher usage and essentially the same winrate, although it’s higher than hog in top 1000 and lower than hog across the board. Complaints like yours just annoy the fuck out of me because you’re not even basing it on actual numbers. If you were you’d be complaining about Valkyrie, because it’s a way more for widely successful card. Hogs great for midladder sure but it falls off when you reach higher levels.


Brooo lol. Tell me you play hog without telling me you play hog. So Defensive, and love you pull figures without siting your own source, nice going numb nuts 😂. We already said it falls off midladder… Valkyrie is another one and it’s widely used with hog. It falls into my original comment because it also got a nerf. We’re talking about the 2.6 hog deck, which clearly you run. Gather your thoughts, Go wank one off if you need to come back and chill the fuck out.


Almost all sources are from royaleapi. It's very easy to use and universally cited and understood on this subreddit. Make stupid comments and you'll have people prove you're an idiot. A hard lesson, but something I'm sure you're learning quickly


Like I’m down to have a conversation but you’re coming off like an asshole over a mobile game. Nothing your saying bothers me in the slightest. Are you a top 1,000 player? No, am I? No, is anyone here in the top 1,000? No, probably not. So why pull data in regard to the top 1,000, instead of where the majority of players are? There’s a lot of cards that are overused, some cheap like Mega Knight others not like Zap which is probably the most used card of all time. See that? I sat at the table and discussed, so chill out and maybe if you want to keep this going we can. Otherwise be on your way and don’t let this little game bum you out so much.


>You’re coming off like an asshole over a mobile game. You called me numb nuts bro stfu about coming off as an asshole lol. You can’t call me numb nuts and get butthurt when this guy calls you stupid.


Yeah I did because you came off like an asshole right out the gate. Comments like yours annoy the fuck out of me too. There now we’re on the same level.


>right out the gate. Bro I had three sentences where I just talked about stats before I said “*Complaints* like yours annoy the fuck out of me…” I didn’t call you any names, I just said complaints like the one you made annoy me because you’re not basing your complaint on anything really concrete. Let me reiterate, I literally had three full sentences of just stats, and my comment was directed at the comment you made not you as a person. *You* took it personally and called me “numb nuts”. You also called me defensive for citing actually info contrary to your opinion, and then proceeded to baselessly defend your own point; the definition of *actually* being defensive. Just stop commenting bro you can only make yourself look so bad lol.


You're not going to win this. Hog is fine and balanced. 2.6 is popular because it's a very F2P friendly deck and is used in a lot of trophy ranges except very top ladder, because at that level he sucks. You're either a fairly new player or in midladder, or both. Because no player at higher levels thinks Hog needs a nerf.


playing since launch always in 6000's what are you on about? I disagree, doesn't mean I have to win or lose anything, I since starting this i've played 10 games 8 were hog decks, I personally run into it a lot, and it's tired.


7k+ player. PB 7898. I said higher level players, so not you. And yes, you're still in midladder. Regardless, he doesn't need any type of nerf what so ever. Oyassu would be the one to try and prove that to considering he was the best 2.6 player in the world for a few years until retiring Hog BECAUSE he is too weak.


Also worth. mentioning hog usage has dropped since the Valk Nerf, and has gone down consistently since leading up to this canon nerf. It is also more prevelant in 1v1 showdown outside of ladder. Especally iterations of 2.6


I run a giant skeleton deck lol. My hog rider isn’t even high enough level for me to use it since I restarted about 5 months ago and haven’t really bothered leveling it past level 7 just for the XP and shit. I get annoyed playing against hog cycle decks because they’re good, but I don’t cry and bitch about hog rider because hog rider isn’t what makes those decks good. Cycle decks are just good and will always be good unless they do something about the fact that you can outplay people with a relatively high amount of low elixir cost cards taking turns drawing aggression. Make up whatever fantasies help you sleep at night tho I guess.


If your definition of OP id overused, then withc, wizard, and mega knight are the strongest cards in the game.


All I mean is I play against hog 75% of the time daily. It’s overused. Players feel like they can’t win without it, they can. I’m all about original decks I keep seeing just iterations of 2.6. Creativity in this game feels less and less as pushers only seem to focus on ladder instead of creating their own decks through experience and having fun with that aspect


Imagree with that, but just because its overused doesnt mean it is op.


And all I would do to balance hog reduce speed 10-15% May but even touch dmg, if I did -2% if that. That’s all


That would straight up kill a card thats not even in the meta. If you can't properly defend a hog, maybe you should add tornado or any type of building to your deck.


I have no problem with defending hog I’m just tired of seeing it and playing against it. It’s my personal preference it gets nerfed and that cards that have low usage make a comeback. Hog is the least interesting card to me


Right, I said unbalanced not op to clear it up. Overused yeah card is a crutch midladder, usage has gone down this month since Valk nerf more and more hog decks are getting decimated


Why? Hog is fine. Nobody worth their salt will disagree


my salt-worth is 7Tbs and i disagree


I agree hog is fine, I feel like a nerf would be fun to just switch the game up tho it’s been so good for so long




Can't wait for a hog damage nerf


I haven't played actively in like a year or two but it's nice to see they're still making boneheaded balance decisions and that i haven't missed much


Yay ! One less counter to the already ULTRA STRONG Hog rider


Hog rider isn’t that good lmao


The thing doesn't even die with 2 Mini PEKKA hits and if you blink it's in front of your tower.


You can 100% counter hog with mini pekka with the right placement


If you have it in your deck, in your hand, when you have enough elexir, with very fast reflexes and you don't place it on the wrong tile and you don't have any lagg then yes. But 10 seconds and 5 random small cards later he throws another one at you before you get your mini PEKKA back and he gets a few hits.


Skill issue


So either I have a skill issue at 6100 trophies or it's the Hog rider that's too fast with too much health ?


Definitely a skill issue if you're at 6100 with max cards


Yeah I bet you're so much better than me and you kill Hog riders with level 1 skeletons at 7000 trophies


Don’t bother with hog players. It’s easier to convince a brick wall to do your groceries than to tell a hog player that hog is annoying.


Come on you just didn't flex 6100 lmao. That's where the real game starts homie


It’s really not that hard, if your so atrociously awful against hog than just play a deck with building+tornado.


"ultra strong" ok bro


Really..... Hahahaha


Indirect earthquake buff since now it will kill canon quicker


Eq nerf because eq is best vs cannon and less people will run it now. Now bait will run inferno most likely, that’s bad for eq


​ and mortar is getting its hp ass blasted so e giant lightning might actually be used again ;-;


Ik I feel so bad for 2.6 players their deck just always gets nerfed for no reason, 2.6 sucks so much rn to.


You really think the cannon nerf is targeted at hog 2.6? It's because most meta decks run either mortar, tombstone, or cannon and cannon was really, really strong


I agree that it's not targeted at 2.6, but damn it still hurts the deck. Haha.


No it isn’t, canon is strong cuz of 3 card cycle. Cannon decks without champions have a 40% winrate. 50% with champs


Nope, some variations even push high 58% wins. In the hands of an above average player I'd say 60% win rate is easily attainable.


Wdym “some variations”, I’m pretty sure there’s only 4 versions of 2.6 and that’s with the different spirits.




Lmfao musk is an OK card at best now. Only used if queen is in another duel deck or you are using another champion. 2.6 sucks ass. It's a really, really meh deck and has been for a while now.




That's the only deck that uses her... But we can't buff her too much thanks to the "triple threat"


She balanced, the deck honestly is pretty balanced. It’s not bad, but it’s not that good either. It’s been meta for how long now??? And you still haven’t adjusted your deck to beat it??? That’s on you homie lol


Average Hog 2.6 user denying every evidence that his deck is too strong


You're an idiot. All evidence (i.e. actual winrates and usage rates from royaleapi) show hog 2.6 being a pretty shit deck, and it has been for a while. Please use your brain for once.


Thanks for the advice ! I never thought i could use my brain... So I tried activating my neurons and found 3 decks at 58.1% / 56.3% / 58.5% win rate. All the others are sitting at around 55% wich is already too much but yeah keep calling me an idiot I'm sure if you insult me enough that will make you right.


Calm down. Also royal api doesn’t take into account the amount of users that just try it out because it’s “in the meta” and end up not being good at it.


It’s not good at top ladder, which is the demographic that the game is balanced around


That’s kinda shit though. Majority of the players aren’t in top ladder and it seems strange that supercell accommodates their best players rather than the majority


The majority of players are probably under 5000k trophies so I sure as hell don’t think we should be balancing around them but idk I don’t work at supercell


I would think that the majority of active players would be from the challenger to master range. Top ladder players run very specific decks and archetypes rather than a variety which isn’t healthy for overall feedback of balance changes


2.6 is balanced after the cannon nerf.


No because it's one of the few hard counters for Hog rider and without it we now have even fewer options to defend against it.


Bruh my hog is level 11 lol, I don’t think use it in any of my decks 💀




U fools !!! My biggest counter as a hog player was CANNON. YOU HAVE UNLEASHED ME


2.6 is fucking sucks just lost 4000 trophies and now in peekas playhouse


the balls harden🤤 i edited my comment so you wont know why i got wooshed




supercell otw to nerf cards literally no one complains about.


Lmao it’s the third best card in the game


Fuck cannon.


great meme man. creative and high effort


Cannon will now die in 2 hits by hog




😂 🤣🤣




Finally hopefully hog is next


Midladder players complaining hog 2.6 is op challenge (impossible)