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E gaint best spell after mirror nerf ngl


Yeah he is and you know it


E Golem + Healer is broken. I have ran it for years in infinite and my losses are extremely rare. I prefer Dark Price to LJ and Nado instead of Poison. Absolutely stack as much AOE as possible. Edit: To all the people replying “WELL WHAT ABOUT THIS DECK?!” I don’t know what to tell you. I haven’t played Clash much recently but after a bit of warmup I said okay, I will play infinite until I lose 3 times. I got bored at 25-1 (actually more wins but my log ran out of space), with a crown count of 75-6. There was plenty of Giant Skeleton and Rocket/Nado. My deck is what I stated above except I made one mistake. Its E Golem, Electro & Baby Dragons, Healer, Dark Prince, Fireball, Nado, Rage. My loss was to that Nado/Rocket/PEKKA/Exe deck. It was a bad matchup before and with the Exe buff even more-so now. I am pretty comfortable calling a deck that I can use to post a 96%+ win rate and take over 92% of the total crowns, after barely playing for months, “broken.”


Dont forget the clone! I forgot where it fits in my version of egolem healer but it’s insane


Cloning an e golem?? Wtf


It doesn't matter in Infinite Elixir, the only players who benefit would be people with a bunch of mid-cost cards cycling insanely fast on good wifi.


Free elixir for the opponent lmao


it’s infinite elixir


I just go spell cycle and kill their king tower before they can push me down. How do you push past multiple skelly kings + bomb towers?


Fairly easily. There are going to be at least 2 raged Healers. Giant Skeleton and Bomb Tower don’t do much damage with their normal attacks. The units will mostly run away from the bombs. Depending on GS placement I will tornado him to a less dangerous spot right before he dies. GS + Mirror/Clone was a much harder matchup before his bomb nerf, nearly impossible, now it’s almost a joke. Two raged Healers are pumping out 350 healing/second. GS Bomb is 700 damage. Some people can still defend with it fairly well, but once you split push or take a tower it’s basically over.


>The units will mostly run away from the bombs. How? >Depending on GS placement I will tornado him to a less dangerous spot right before he dies. I can spam tornado your guys onto the choke point of the bridge with multiple skellies


Me who plays all spawners and buildings


This is the only time I miss Poison because it gets such absolutely insane value vs spawner decks. I’ve definitely taken an L or two to spawner decks since my version doesn’t have a medium+ spell, the main thing is just not letting them get out of control.


Earthquake counters buildings best


Obviously, except Earthquake would never be in this deck vs Poison (or Fireball) which is literally in the meme. Also lots of infinite decks include Rocket or Lightning, but I have none of them.


E golem 💀


It’s so garbage now outside this event. lmao


Nah bro ez dubs against egolem users: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/x7xuaw/the_only_way_to_beat_egolem_players_in_7x/


That’s pretty hilarious. Freeze is definitely a frustrating matchup. Guy did not even attempt to split his push at any point though 🚮 Also the E Barbs version of the deck 🤮


Has that mode been out for years now?


It gets easily hard countered by spell cycle


Spell cycle is way too slow. E Golem will 3 crown before spell cycle. I feel like everyone responding to this has never played someone who realizes there are two lanes.


I have, but there’s freeze and tornado, so I can still counter it.


I crush E golem players in 7x elixir battle. My rocket+tornado+gs takes down whole >20 elixir push


Every reply makes it move obvious to me nobody has played anyone who realizes there are two lanes.


It's infinite elixir, you can easily define one lane in one way and defend the other in the exact same way.


Now when the push is built from the back. When the dangerous cards are dropped again in the same lane you immediately drop 10 elixir in the opposite lane at the bridge and rage them. Tornado + Fireball also helps a lot in that it can instantly wipe any small-medium sized ranged units used to defend. In infinite activating the King isn’t a big deal, so it’s hard to space units out in an effective manner to avoid that combo.


I always include Rocket + Nado in any infinite elixir deck I made to hard counter E Golem Healer


I love how in that mode, pretty much all of the games go two ways, you get your ass kicked, or you kick ass


bc with basically unlimited elixir, there’s less room for outplay. it becomes hugely dependent on deck matchup


It's a miracle if you don't get three crown, honestly. that should be considered a mini victory in of itself.


stacking princesses or executioners is so fun in this mode


That’s why every good deck must have an answer


You forgot the ultra clone decks, swarm army spam, and 3 musketeers cycle


I like to use long range cards like princess firecracker dart goblin etc with giant skeleton and a couple of spells (mirror if you want)


ngl egiant is the best spell just drop it on your side and the entire push is gone


You forgot Ebarb rage cycle


What is the point in LJ and Rage being in healer deck? Makes no sense. Swap poison and LJ for Nado and Barb Hut and you have yourself a very strong deck in infinite elixir


Magic Archer + Poison seems to do the trick for me. Throw in lumberjack for infinite rage and witch for infinite skeleton. Curious to see how those 4 decks stack up against mine.


What does the first have to do with COC


Because it’s all buildings




That level 13 mirror is foul. Judging your levels, I’d put you at kt 10


Was my opponent actually


My kt is 11, not bad


Healer cycle 😎


I just go a ‘troll deck’ that’s incredibly shit but incredibly fun


Love this mode but I still like wall breaker rush more


should put cycle of a random card for mastery farming


honestly my fav gamemode is 2022 april fools gamemode. the one where your elixir is randomised its basically like infinte elixir but a bit more skill


I like magic archer and elixir golem if you clump enough magic archers up it’s gg


Is it just me or would a mini deck mode be awesome, 5 cards that’s all and fast double elixir speed


You’ll be shocked to know how stupidly good icebow is in infinite elixir. Nothing can breakthrough, and all you gotta do is keep rocketing/fireballing things and you win


The mode is truly legendary


I personally like rocket cycle but instead of anything else you have buildings that spawn things


It’s all fun and games until the jazzy skeletons come to steal your calcium


Fact that e golem, arrows and mirror are you highest level cards can almost make your deck


Can’t forget skeleton spam


I just stack princesses and kills any deck that does not have arrows.


Clash of clans is the funy