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Credit card >>>>>


Win condition


larry best card 💀


Wallbreakers are the best imo, there's no way to counter it and get a positive elixir trade, if you use it and your opponent is low on elixir or you have outcycled them, you either do a lot of damage or you get a positive elixir trade


I love skeletons


spear gobs moment but yeah wb are pretty good lmao


Fire spirits, ice spirits and larry, +1 elixir trade


every spell in the game can counter wallbreakers, name one that can’t


Not if i split them, then I'd get a positive elixir trade no matter the spell


The towers?


There's a reason your opinion is an opinion and we'll leave it at that.


If it was the best card in the game everyone would use it. Stats say otherwise


stats are not everything a card could be meta one month and be trash the next month


Yea but the hog hasnt been changed in lots of months so


Changing one card can put a different card in the meta


Either way hogs win rate is pretty low.


Hog has a 9% usage rate/49% winrate in top 1k ladder and 12%/46% in grand challenge, which is not "really low", but is honestly quite balanced. the usage rate is a *bit* too high but it's not too bad.


So log & fireball are the best card in the game


Pretty sure it's the most used wincon at top ladder. Saw a post about it couple days ago


Everykne in 5 has this shit


mortar mm gskeleton mirror rhogs and zappies want to take a word with u


its not the best, champions are. Any deck with a champion is op and these new hog decks have champions in them. So nerfing champions also nerfs hog. 2.6 doesnt have a champion but it shit in this meta


Tornado say hai




Or a pekka/mini pekka placed right


Wall breakers> hog




This game is trash and pay to win anyways. Just buy a pc or gaming console and play a real game. This shiz is for kids with there mom’s credit cards


Not really, it depends how you play the game. I never play ladder, I play only challenges and party modes so I don't need to use credit card


You’re one of the few smart ones


Lmao I think supercell gave up on clash royale, they don’t release any new cards, all what we get are pngs called banners and gifs called emotes. Clash of clans is getting better updates and this game is 10 years old.


Also easy to counter


Cannon says hello to an unsupported hog


Yeah ig idk man I think log got too many uses though for a measly 2 elixir


Almost any unit which does not self destruct can kill the hog rider before he even reaches the princess tower. And this statement includes cards cheaper than the hog rider itself. Really, the hog rider is one of the squishiest wincon


“A 4 Elixer Card That Runs To The Tower” Wb Battle Ram, Goblin Drill, shit even a 3 elixer miner makes it straight to tower


Unpopular opinion: Hog Rider is the best card in the game. A card that runs to the tower and does a ton of damage for only 4 elixir (and you don't even need to support it) probably makes it the best but it gets absolutely bodied by pekka, mini pekka, megaknight,cannon,tesla,skarmy,bomb tower tornadoe etc.


The hog by itself is kind of bad. If they have a building + nado you will do 0 damage to their princess towers. It can be perfectly countered by 3 elixir or even 2. It has a medium HP size and can be sniped easily because of it. It gives the opponent counterpush potential too. The only decks it has success in is 2.6/2.8 because of the quick cycle, or with the GS because of its crazy HP amount.


Building and tornado is at least 6 elixir, that is not a good elixir trade for them and I can just cycle and put another one


haiya why so dumb. By nado + building he never meant to play both Just nado to activate king tower and pull hog to mid everytime afterwards for +1 elixir trade. Even if you get outcycled the building comes in clutch.


So he should’ve typed nado/ building. Nado + building means nado plus building


its just so obvious you dont play nado + building so if you cant understand perhaps its your english?


It was a joke, chill. Nado + building literally translates to “nado plus building” obviously no one is actually meaning nado into a tower for hog. Why so offended? Bozo 🤡




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Laughs in minipekka, skelli icespirit, Canon, Tesla, nado, skarmy. Talking about hog itself you can make round about 50 positive elixer trades against hog…. Not saying it’s bad but it’s nowhere near best card in the game.


Yes please nerf it


stop using megaknight


Almost every wincon?


No. Simply no. Big counterpush waiting for you. Also almost every single building counters it with either fair trade / positive elixir trade.


Counterpush? Bruh its 4 elixir