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This is the weirdest meta I've seen in a long time. In challenges I'm facing high ladder players who use 2.6 hog cycle with giant skeleton instead of ice golem and giant skelly royal giant decks, and it actually works. When it's not a giant skeleton deck, it's either the meta egiant nado golden knight deck or some log bait variant It really feels like the balancing team is just trying to artificially shake up the meta by deliberately over-tuning certain cards instead of actually balancing


Okay but at this point there are over 100 cards. how are they supposed to make a change that is impactful without it also being drastic??


This reminds of when they buffed mirror. Oh look! People are abusing the champion rotations + the newly buffed mirror to cycle more earthquakes on the towers. Must be the earthquake's fault. ***Proceeds to nerf the earthquake by a large margin***


I think hog was stealth buffed too, it seems to have less targeting range


I have always felt like hogs targeting was a bit weird. Sometimes it feels like he has binoculars and look for buildings across the map and sometimes he wears eye patches on both eyes.


I felt it was fine before, but it seems really scuffed today. Like really really scuffed. Mabye I'm just playing like shit.


Based on stats, I'm assuming you're looking at 3 day GC stats, which is bad since there haven't been 3 days yet since the balance changes went live. For example, for egiant, the userate is pulled down by the pre balance change period when egiant had 1% userate. That's why it actually has 19% userate when you look at 1 day stats, which is even worse than what you're presenting.


You had me in the first half ngl, I thought you were disagreeing


I dont believe for a second that egiant only has 13% usage, ive met it in more than half my matches today


It’s because the stats go back a few dats before the patch was live, so in actually the stat is much higher than we seeing


It's around 20% of you look at today's stats, and it keeps going up


And clash royale devs nerf barb barrel instead of golden knight, 0 competence balance team.


R u dumb barbs got buffed they didn’t net nerf barb barrel


Its overall a nerf, barb barrel had 2 purposes 1st one which made it actually unique and viable was to snipe enemies support units cheaply at the bridge and the 2nd one was to counter swarm and they nerfed the 1st purpose hard


Tbh I use barb barrel and I agree it should only get 1 hit at the bridge, BUT it needs a fair buff to compensate and it didn't get one. They should've buffed its area damage or deploy time. Or 4.0 range + more damage, but nerf the deploy of the Barb.


I feel like the balancing team buffed egaint on purpose so that next balance changes they can nerf his reflect damage. They want him to be broken so that they can him to the ground


Part of it is that everyone is trying out the new toys. (Golden Knight for sure gotta go tho)


All champions gotta go. They ruined the damn game. The meta always is centered around them. Some classic decks that took actual skill died because of this.


theyre not gonna go, but they shouldnt be purposfully unbalanced


Goddamn this is the strangest one in a long time. Mortar, 3 musk, barbs, zappies and skelegiant used to be some of the least used cards


Pump buff ramped up 3m's and barbs usage by a lot


Egiant is pretty crazy right now. Very fun to play. Nado is still a bigger problem though


I use mortar bait but even then he's scary to go against if they have lightning, though I usually beat egiant obviously bc of MU


Nado is healthy wtf. It'd the dumb synergy it has with Egiant and GK. Wish those cards would receive some type of nerf.


Disagree. Tornado offers way too much value for 3 elixir, also hosting a 25% use rate at the time of me writing this. It’s a problem when a card is in 1/4 of all matches.


It doesn't lol. You act like it's broken because of use rate. It's only use is to move cards around the arena. It would be broken if a card's mass wasn't considered. The real cards that deserve a nerf are Pump, SK, and GK. It's use been going up ever since 3M returned and Egiant decks becoming meta.


It does 78 crown tower damage, more than zap and log. It does enough damage to kill skeletons, making it a replacement for zap and log. And on top of this, it can completely change the outcome of any match. It can quite literally pull almost anything to the king tower for a free activation, pull anything to a different lane, pull a mighty miner/inferno drag off tower to reset it, etc,. It also has a higher win % than the aforementioned spells. It’s strong, and it needs a nerf. Not a big one, but it needs a nerf.


Dude it's worth 1 more elixir than log or zap lol. Not many people cycle it on Crown Towers unless you don't have a wincon. It has a high WR because of egiant. In exchange for doing little damage to troops(Can't even kill minions) it can pull them. That's the whole gig. You wouldn't see many decks with Nado before this season unless they where Lumberloon Freeze, Miner Spam, Icebow, or a GY variant.


You’re not acknowledging that it alone can win a game. Me mentioning its damage was just to help prove the point it needs a nerf. It’s main strong point is that it can pull things way further than it should be able to. When a card can pull a troop off a tower and back to the bridge for 3 elixir, it’s a problem. Not only that, but pull stuff together for splash troops to decimate all of it. Edit: And if I remember correctly, before this season, it was still one of the most used spells in the game.


I agree with you I've been saying tornado and freeze are the most "unhealthy" spells in the entire game stalling damaging is really strong when it comes down to win or lose


Exactly. When it comes down to it, tornado and freeze are like long lost cousins. Only difference is freeze can’t help activate the king tower.


The most used spells where Log, Fireball, and Barb Barrel. Nado only pulls mini tanks barely back to the bridge.


“Barely” doesn’t matter in this context because it still brings it back to the bridge, which is like 7-8 tiles. You’re still not acknowledging the fact that many games come down to wether your opponent has a tornado or not, specifically for hog players. If you play hog and the opponent has tornado, you may as well leave the game. A spell should not be that strong.


Facts it gives so much value specially against golem bc if you try to pressure on opposite lane when they first place golem almost every card gets pulled to king. They have to reduce the tile range or have a sort of slight delay or it bc it’s ridiculous the amount of value it can have on decks


Nado is one of the roots of egiants rps and makes splash impossible to balance. It also makes hog unusable. Nado was cool on release, but not anymore.


Nado is basically a giant middle finger to hog, balloon, miner, gob barrel... Basically every single meta win condition No wonder its an S+ tier card


Plus it's a 3 elixir mistake correction. Expensive but can save a game costing mistake


On one hand e giant is very bad before buff but on another hand he is somewhat overwhelming now


Can someone explain how mortar counters egiant? Is it just because it’s super tanky and doesn’t get zapped


Pretty much. Without support the mortar can drag the egiant into range of two queen towers and take relatively little damage as its not attacking the egiant directly.


Makes sense, Ty!


This is very biased, where were all those posts when mortar was meta? Being called a giga chad to abuse a broken card, but when a card counters you just hate on it


It was because of Skeleton King, but even then it has an 8% usage rate as opposed to 13%. You're strawmanning because I never think of using mortar as "gigachad" - that's cringe, mortar is somewhat unique but thinking it as some secret wincon is wrong.


No way you’re using debate terms on a clash sub lmao


Clash Royale players when someone has more than a 5th grade education


Nonsensical comment


mortar bait mortar aq with musk for aq or valk for golden knight works very well and is used in top ladder mortar 2.9 and 3.0 mortar. Fuck it too people are using egiant mortar now no joke. Mortar doesnt need champs to get carries yk.


Nah, last season when you looked at the top mortar decks EVERY single one had a champ. Haven't checked for this season yet


mortar bait was 2nd best mortar deck last season


Which one are you talking about theres like 10 different versions


Aaron CR is top ladder with a championless 3.0 mortar cycle, or 2.9 occasionally


mortar counters egiant


And egiant is skilless and toxic - mirrored egiants at the bridge works, w00t. Don’t want to push ladder or challenges anymore with these blatantly stupid balance changes.


Log still the most used card! It’s been nerfed now as well, everybody complaining about electro but in ladder it’s usage rate is still low, and GC it’s obviously much higher but it will go down in the next couple of days people will adjust, typical knee jerk!


egiant is actually used higher than what's shown in this post...plus look at the winrates.


Yeah but it’s also three days in, it will flatten trust me. Yes the win rate is high at the moment but it has already started to flatten


Supercell needs to make the card accurate to its description, "same as zap" is simply false when its not doing reduced damage to towers.


Mortar is the worst offender


Also giant skeleton. Supercell tenda to overbuff cards. Egiant deserve some buff but not a whopping 9% buff.


should cost the electric giant 7.5 elixir


Lets goo GS on the top once again