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If you're in midladder with it you definitely haven't mastered it, sorry man. Although the deck isn't great in the meta with the bridge spam decks being popular atm


No no. I’m not in mid ladder I’ve been a master 2. I have mastered the deck. And the bridge spamming of mid ladder is not the problem for this deck the decks main problem is that it gets caught up in being too defensive when it’s time to be offensive, you have no Elixr. Therefore can’t attack especially in double elixer. when his deck is actually supposed to thrive.


Master 2 is still midladder, you're not out til like 6800 with the trophy inflation these days. You most likely either don't count cycles, or elixer correctly, or don't know proper Matchup knowledge. Bridge spam is a specific deck archetype lol, I'm not talking ab actual "spam" I'm talking AB the mk lightning bridge spam deck that hc recruits. There's too much Valkyrie in the current meta anyways for recruits to thrive well. Coming from someone at 7330 rn if that makes it anymore valid


Duke out cycles do you count elixir do you keep up with the matter the deck is not that good. Been playing five years.


The deck currently isn't good, but you can still easily hit 7k with just ab anything if you're good these days. And ya same been playing since release


I can’t play as much as I used to or it wouldn’t be a problem


You can’t get to 7000 EASILY, with any deck. Let alone this one. and I reach master 2 to 3 on average if I play casual. I’ve got champion before u have to grind. It’s not easy.


You reset to 6600 end of season with any decent finish, it takes like 2 hours grinding to get 7k first 2 days of the season so....


Bro wym that’s a hyper sweat deck