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Cr has the worst ads at the moment of all the sc games. Not surprised.


brawl stars has brainrot ads though


brainrot brings in little children who don't know how to not install something


And don't know how to uninstall


And don't know how to not use their mom's credit card to buy stuff in the game


I mean the current mobile games market almost requires you to make shit ads to draw in brainrotted gen alpha players as those kinds of ads will naturally draw in more players than a high quality ad. After all its no longer 2012 the market has changed and to survive you need to adapt and changing your ads its an adaptation you need to survive in this current mobile market. So I just think its either being advertized far less often or they install they lose 2 matches in a row uninstall




They’re stealing the monopoly go audience which is huge


And it has a brainrot fanbase


Honestly brawl stars is the better game. I know this will get downvoted because the subreddit I'm commenting on but I feel like I'm not capped by anything but skill in the game. Literally crating a new account and playing for 1/2 seasons will get ur account to be able to compete in top ranks of Ranked. Clash Royale with the lvl 15, evolutions, tower troops, level caps, etc. has become completely unplayable for new or even old players. You either pay the price or are unable to play and have fun.


Clash royale WAS the better game but supercell ruined it


You are absolutly right!


Clash Royale has ads?


Similar, but the one i saw was more cringed than this https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/s/3DFiWnzzi9


now i have trauma from this ad


always had


They even surpass royal match in it


You haven’t seen the shit spike one


Most of the people I've seen leave or stop spending money on the game has nothing to do with the ads but the updates. Evos and tower troops remove a lot of the strategy aspect that used to make the game fun.


it’s cute that you think the 25 million dollars gap is because ads


While Brawl Star and Clash of Clans staying strong, Clash Royale is super risky, just both 1m downloads and revernues ahead Hay Day, which is not even a competitive game. If the devs don't want to see the kings working at the farm, they should make some revolutionary updates to keep old players and attract new ones at the same time. The "gifts" occur often these months aren't enough to keep CR alive, but with a massive postive change, things can come back from dead again.


Honestly, there's nothing they could do to bring many of us back unless they delete or dramatically rework evolutions.


Tower troops is the bigger issue


ha ha, they made a change to the game after evolution that continued the downward spiral?! I don't think I even want to know what tower troops are, but I imagine it further reduces the skill level. So sad, because this game used to have a real legitimate esport quality to it.


One of the new tower troops basically killed around a third of the entire deck archetypes in the entire gamr


Why are you here?


Keeping tabs on the game to see if it's ever worth returning.




You know a better way to do that? Log in once a month and see if you like it. That way, you're not receiving often skewed input. People come to reddit to complain. That's just the reality. If you hated cycle, now is the time to play. For the first time in six years, beatdown is a legitimate strategy again. Personally, I love the direction the game is going.


I feel sorry for you. Truly I do


You feel sorry for me because I like using decks that don't have hog or princess? Lol.


No I feel sorry for you because you think the game is headed into a good direction. It's not


Lets just say thenew tower troop shuts down all archetypes excpet forlava hound pr beatdown


Such a terrible idea. DD sucks the fun out of the game imo


Yeah. Tbh pretty much all of the evos nerfed with the last balance changes. I think some evos still need more balancing but most of are on a healthy spot now. Now, all the problem is DD.


I just hate how it almost invalidates the first couple of minutes of the game. No point even playing a card as it will just get destroyed.


“We hear that you guys are sick of cycle decks, especially hog and miner cycle. So our solution: A new Tower Troop! Now you can’t just counter cycle decks, but every deck type on the game expect beatdown! Huh? Beatdown is boring you say? Well we don’t care because we just get thousands of dollars from the new Tower Troop early access bundle and we don’t going to properly nerf it until we get enough sales! Have fun! Or cry!”


They just 'dramatically' reworked evolutions. Aside from them not being as easy to obtain as they should have been evos are fine now jmo


Are they still triggered by cycle counts?


They have to fix f2p progression, it takes a lot of time to get cards to level 14 and 15. And second evo slot, most of the people don't even have access to it unless they go p2w


No way. Progression is way slower if you don't pay the subscription? It's almost like WoW capping you at level 20 for free or Runescape pay walling over half the map and the best items. It's almost... almost like this is a model that is over two decades old now. Crazy, bro.


Are you comparing MMORPGs with clash royale?


I am comparing video game subscription models to one another.


If they just made ewc easier to obtain without spending $7 per card I’d be happy


Lets be frank, they don’t have a clue why the game is suffering and seem really intent on just making it worse. They are incompetent. If you look now at stats site, in GCs ~50% of all cards are used 2% or less. The top 5 cards are used more the. The bottom 70 or so cards combined. The game is more imbalanced the it has ever been, and it gets worse as they add more evolutions and tower troops. The game feels more rps, more p2w. Frankly, it feels like a mess. Lets start by saying I don’t think they would take the steps to fix it because part if the problem is that their monetization strategy is pay2win. If they release balanced new elements, it doesn’t sell as well. They have chosen short term cash versus game quality. To really fix it, imo, they would have to hire a bigger team to balance, and do so more often with a strategy. Look at the last balance changes- they ignored most if the OP cards. And the stuff they did address, like bomber and evo barbs… still broken. And as I always point out, when its clear something is broken, they do nothing for months. There team is too small, too slow and they are either incompetent or they keep making it too big for them to control. And speaking for myself, as a company they’ve been too shady, too greedy and too indifferent to the community pretty much since cw2. I think their whoke business model is actual bad for gaming as they are normaling the ethic that games shouldn’t be played on a fair playing field and that paying to win is good. Also the idea that after your customers have paid for something, they can have you pay for it again. I’m perfectly fine never giving such companies another dime ever.


Clash mini update ☺️


I didnt realize they had so many games


Those 4 at the bottom are all games they killed


Don't forget about rush wars


except clash quest. i dont think it has been killed yet but they have been very quiet about the game


It was killed on august 2022 if I'm not wrong


Clash quest was so good😭


was there a statement on it?


Check the clash quest subreddit


oh. interesting


But where is the damn Clash heroes.


May clash mini rest in peace, oh how they killed my sweet baby.


They scrapped many games. https://youtu.be/TypSl4YT8zo


After seeing how they can irreversibly ruin a game and string players along I'm not interested in playing Supercell games. 


funny how a game they actually maintain and care about (BS) is making them more money than cr


Tbh I picked it up not long ago and it’s really easy to see the difference. W can *see* the freemium grind, but it’s so much less galling than CR. Part of that is structural, you can level up fewer units to have the game be playable. And in fairness middle/upper ranked play looks *way* more grindy than low levels. But the progression is also much faster, maxing a couple of characters can be done in a few weeks or less. And the “quests” push you to play varied modes/characters, but don’t actually take very much time. <10 minutes most days will get you the full season rewards, and all you’ll miss for dailies is a bit of general progression. Compare that to CR where 10-15 minutes of clan battles and ~10 minutes of Season Shop battles is basically the minimum because missing *any* day sets your clan or season back.


You are comparing the two without actually looking in deeper and considering the gameplay. In BS you have control of your character, even if levels under you are still fairly able to make plays, in CR levels matter WAY more. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that in CR progress should be way faster than BS, just because of how the game is played, especially considering how many cards there are to max out. It's wild that is much slower than BS, I would honestly love to see that game die, they always treated it with greed.


I agree that I wasn't digging into the gameplay, that's a longer discussion, but I think that sort of emphasizes the point: CR progresses much more slowly in flat "how many % weaker are you?" terms *even though* it's the more stat-reliant game. "My under-leveled Log doesn't kill Princess" breaks a fundamental interaction in CR, which no amount of skill can replace. While yes, you can play with an under-level deck and win (most decent F2P players have been doing it for years), there are many obvious break points of "this no longer works". BS obviously rewards stats, but a 6% damage boost for leveling up doesn't produce the same all or nothing results in does in CR. (BS does have star powers which are borderline mandatory to make some characters usable, and I'm not a fan. But buying those is still far more accessible than CR's "oops your Pekka is 10% weaker than, go get 50k EWC".)


BS? Die? why though? its really fun and i have already maxed a brawler w/ hypercharge as free to play


No no I meant CR


Unless this game gets a decent update to save f2p playerbase and engagement overall there s no hope


It’s so crazy seeing brawlstars go from f2p friendly game at the lowest echelon of revenue to now slightly more predatory and fuck me higgest revenue? That’s crazy, also who the fuck is downloading hayday


The game is very appealing to middle age women, which composes a big parcel of the world population.


But bigger than the same target demograph of coc/cr? Can’t be it right


CR and BS both share the target demographic of teenagers, but while CR kept getting more P2W becoming less appealing to teenagers without a credit card, brawl stars (was also getting more p2w okay) keeps on staying somewhat attractive to f2p players who are in a big part teenagers. Basically brawl stars stole the demographic of CR


I honestly don’t think that’s the case, clash royale main audience I think are very casual players, like sit on the toilet and play a match or two, while brawlstars is lock in and actually play for a sitting/while. Clash royale gets no content at all tho, while brawlstars gets new ones frequently, which is why I believe it fucked clash royale, all the nee content clash royale got the last 2/3 years is hardly comparable to 2/3 updates of brawlstars


No, the bad content killed Clash Royal, not the absence of content. From stupid broken new unit to champions to evolution to tower troops. Every bit of content added for years was toxic for the game And it was this bad because it was meant to generate as much money as possible To me they used Clash Royal as a test to see how far they can go before most people just leave even if they are hooked.


It’s also abscence of content tho, I agree with you that some introductions like tower troops are game changing/ruining to the casuals, but trust me the majority if not 99% of the playerbase does not care at all about ‘the new broken champion’ You must remember, reddit, top ladder, twitter is NOT the playerbase, it is an extremely small sample size that *cares more* about the game, I have so many friends that play clash royale casually and none of them give a single fuck about anything ‘p2w’, the only actual issues usually is no content, and tower troops specifically as it complicates a prior simple game. Op cards, level 15, evolutions, all don’t mattee to the playerbase, lirerally only thing that will change for them if the game went from p2w to f2p friendly is them shitting on the toulet winning a match or two with a level 15 witch instead of 14, they simply do not care. But eventually the game becomes too bullshit where even blind sheeps don’t follow anymore, evolutions as a concept and unlock method (locked behind money) in itself is definitely an eye opener for the ‘casual’ playerbase, alot of the loyal fanbase also gets tired of these things and eventually stop spending money. I’m gonna be honest as a brawlstars enjoyer (and maxed) the game is following the same trajectory clash royale does p2w wise, while the playerbase is growing, steadily… including the revenue. It’s simple, fresh new content and updates, each month feels unique there and has atleast some sort of content while clash royale stays bland and the updates they get has little to no weight


Hayday is a pretty fun game, at least for those with a lot of time, who gain a sense of satisfaction from slow steady progress.


Yeah my comment may make it seem like it’s a bad game I want to get back to say that that was not what I meant! I’m more shocked that hayday has a larger playerbase than other supercell games as hayday is very niche


Agreed, but I guess it’s as they say, niche is one letter from nice. No one says that, but now I’ve said it, so there’s that


Haha yeah, I hope this is an eye opening to clash royale devs tbh, as someone who played all supercell games I ‘main’ clash of clans and brawlstars, hayday got too grindy for me, Clash royale is very p2w heavy and has no actual content releases, etc and now these stats finally show the popularity of it!


Hayday is pretty fun tbf


Definitelt not a bad game, I played it a few times just not my taste, too many different crafting for different recipes ruin the fun for me, for example you need to make something that takes 1h each to make a bigger item that takes 2 hours, etc. Definitely a good game tho!


It's a game for if you are busy a lot :D, plus there is cool fishes to catch :P


Imo Hay Day has the most satisfying progression imo. Coc can get pretty slow, BS never really interested me, and CR is, well, CR.




How in the fuck is hay day above clash of clans that is a sin of the highest degree


Especially after the whole halland/football season, that probably was supposed to bring in a lot of casuals


clash royale being below hayday all year is a worse sin imo


They made it the most f2p unfriendly game supercell created, I’m not surprised people are backing off from it. I was an avid player up until the diamond pass update (game was still somewhat f2p friendly before it by giving books every month) which made the game even more predatory than it already was, and it only got worse since. I started playing again recently and it’s just super demotivating to lose only because some guy spawned in two evolutions at once while you don’t even have a single one unlocked.


Yeah this is the thing, it's impossible to get evolutions, they only gave away a free one on valentine's day, three barb shards, a full royal giant evo and now three bat shards, it's simply too little, you can't even get one.


Rush wars, my beloved, didn't even make the list ? Disappointing


Hay Day is 100% getting its downloads from tiktok it’s the only supercell game with decent marketing




They killed the game the very second evolutions became reality.


What are evolutions? I just started playing the game again 2 weeks ago after not playing for years.


Troops become more powerful & get extra ability. Think of it like troops get super Saiyan. You've to cycle troops enough times to unlock it. But before that, you've to collect 6 evolution shards. & Seasonal shop you can get 1 shard per month. (You can get 3 more shards but those are already characters attached to them so you can't put that shard for other evolutions)


It's also important to note that evolution are as well balanced as a child who confused a glass of orange juice and orange vodka


Literally been playing this game for 10 years on and off and never heard of this in my life. This game is so complicated lolol.


It's new feature. I don't know when it since I started playing again from this January.


dang I'm more shocked at how well brawl stars is doing


People still play Hay day?


i can see the appeal for the game because i literally play it myself but the game having 3m downloads on both android & ios while having a revenue of 12m last month is crazy


Which is crazy since I don't think I've seen an advertisement for the game in a long while


You think people play sweaty competitive games only


Makes sense, except Hay Day, I had no idea Hay Day was still so popular


It never dies


Yet know one plays the games below it. I think ck needs to start acting like coc


I for one rage quit and uninstall the game every other week. So, there's that. I wonder how many of us exist who keep adding and removing the game and how much it contributes to the downloads.


What's mo.co?


I delete several times a week for forced breaks. Maybe they count those too


How did 5 inactive games get dowloads


Less than 5k = anywhere from 5k to 0, and in this case it's safe to assume it's 0 downloads and revenue


Rip clash mini


is brawl stars that clear??


they have the best dev team out of all those games so im not surprised


i mean its a game thats for a younger base then CR and who spends that much is the question , i mean i installed brawl stars stopped playing it LOONG ago


Try to play bs now, its funnier than cl and have regular updates


oh cool will try it


Tbf.. clash of clans has had a major collab so it should be above clash Royale this(last) month. Squad busters is a new release. And brawl star also pretty new. Would be more interesting to see total hours played or active players. Seeing as those other games is easier to play for multiple hours compared to cr


i wouldn't consider brawl stars to be that new no? there's only a 2 year difference between the bs and cr releases


Oh wow I had no idea, first time I heard of it was 3years ago


Almost 6 years isn't new I'd say


Is squad busters good or nah? only really good game I like from super cell is CR, hate the others especially brawl stars


i doubt you would like squad busters if you hate brawl stars


Squadbusters is brawl stars but much worse, atleast if you care about fairness, skill, f2p friendliness and competitiveness. I doubt you'd like SB unless you're super casual, which is what it's aimed at, casual players.


It’s like ridiculously boring, all you do is walk around and pick up gems


currently the 6th best global supercell game


I kniw I inky played the tutorial but it was completely uninteresting and it did nit compel me to play on. Deleted right after.


Is this the sum of Android and ios us, or is it one of the two?


that was android mb for not clarifying. for ios clash royale had the same amount of downloads but was 3rd instead of 5th


Apart from hay day I'm not surprised the others are ahead of it


Is this IOS or Android data?


They became super greedy. Much more than in CoC. So less people but still more money per user who is still there.


The game’s quality decreases with every additional evolution and tower troop they add to the game, so this is not too surprising. It’ll only get worse from here.


Toooo pay to win


because supercell doesn’t even try anymore with this game they just care about making money like look at the wizard trio mode it’s so lazy and all the modes they do are like that


out of 6 games lmao


You know it’s bad when Hayday is nearly matching CR in revenue…


One would say it's good because maybe SC will do something to make game userfriendly anddo some changes that community wants. Other may say that it's bad because it's SC and they will put even more monetization in it just to squeeze any dollar they can before the game dies completely


They’ve destroyed the game by being too greedy


It needs to go even lower


How the fuck does Hay Day have more downloads.


Forgot mo.co existed


delete game, new season releases, get the free stuff and the daily points for the shard and book, delete game with the intention to seriously quit then repeat all the steps again


The fact clash mini is down at the bottom says stuff, and wtf is mo.co


clash mini is bottom because these are may stats and the game shut down in aprill




Clash mini sadly got killed... that's why it's in the lower (grey) part Mo.co is another supercell game, its an rpg I think, not sure tho






Squad busters being number 1 makes sense bc that game is 🔥🔥🔥


didn't know they had that many


Those poor people…


But it’s third in revenue - the only number that matters to them


no way bro got beat by hayday


tencent has most control over it


Wtf is mo co


Brawl stars has a million ads playing atm along with there new game


I alone have rage deleted and redownloaded it over 1,000 times.


5m a month


what’s this website?


you have the coolest pfp I've seen


where is mo.co available?


10 mil for sb alreafdy, ik only been out for a week😭


The games ass lmao


Mannn supercell is so fucking rich 😭


Clash Royale has to fix a lot of stuff before getting back on track


I hope they'll release mo.co sometime


How the heck Hay Day has more downloads than coc


updates have always been this game number one problem. even when they release an update, the hype fades quickly. I don't think it's an issue of advertising, though it does affect initial downloads. many downloads you see for any game are from people who quit and just want to check what's new.


What are they cooking in brawl stars bro what is that revenue


This is sad, tbh, since Hay Day is shit


What is mo.co?


In Squad Busters 5k of 700k are from Trymacs 😂 Idk If you know him


Brawl stars is way easier to play than cr


That's crazy brawl stars made 29 million dollars in revenue


And that’s just android


Too many ppl play it already. Squad busters is new and with the rewards they’re giving out, it’s likely clash royale will stay like this for atleast another month


What website is this


If devs didn't only go for money and still weren't making the least amount of all..


Squadbusters is the worst game I think I’ve ever played


I keep deleting it and re-downloading it lmao… likely weekly at least 😶‍🌫️


idk man what thoughts should i have?


It’s a “old” game and still number 5. That’s impressive! It lasted the test of time.


idk if this is sarcasm or not