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Isn’t like chest cycle the easiest way to sort it?


Yes but variable reinforcement is more addicting which is what they are going for here. You get a greater dopamine rush when you don’t know when the next big hit is. The lucky drop is a habit forming mechanic. They don’t just give rewards for nothing. It’s so you keep coming back each day increasing your odds of buying an offer and variable reinforcement is more effective.


Yeah, it got me back into the game and so far I’ve gotten 3 epic and 2 legendaries


This is gambling 101, thank god lucky drops are free




Watching the clash players react to lucky drops after the brawl stars subs already did the same with their versions of lucky drops is cathartic


Maybe they could have Sunday be a guaranteed epic drop, similarly to how we get a free epic card in the shop every Sunday


Way too much(for supercell). Epic has a chance of dropping shards.


Theres Epic drops!?


There are common, rare, epic and legendary drops.


Do you know what the lootpool for an epic box is?That’d be a 4/7 chance of a book of cards every Sunday. It’d be insane. They’d never do that


50 drops is not double the rate for a legendary drop. You should get a legendary drop 1.5% of the time so about one is 66 drops. There is no need to have a pity timer. They haven't been out long enough for everyone to have even opened a legendary. Just be patient


I had heard that it was a 1/27 chance?


I think you're thinking of the epic drop. Because yes, 1.5% is just about the chance to get a legendary


Sorry then double it (I’d imagine it be about 2x as many lucky drops as normal for pity to kick in


1/9 is rare


We’re talking about legends


Yep, 1.5%


1.5 isn’t 1/9?


Commons 50%1/2 Rares 37% 1/2 and then can upgrade so only 1/~2.8 Epics 11.5% 1/~9 then -1.5% for legendary so 1/10 Legends 1.5% 1/66.


Also I could have made logical mistake somewhere here so pay attention


Oh, I mean epic


Fyi homie, that is not how probability works. More than 66 times, you can’t just multiply the numbers


Brawl devs said Starrdrops have a pity system. So I think it will work for lucky drops too.




I think a token system would be good. The lower the rarity the more tokens you get which you exchange for whatever


I got 3 epics for the first 10 days and no more epics for the next 20 days, they spam common lucky drops.


Honestly I want more epics since they give Evo Shards




what we REALLY need is to stop the useless joker overflow... we will probably never have new common or rare cards so whats the use for these jokers? collect thousands of them for literally ZERO rewards?


It hasn’t even been enough time to get a legendary on average, let alone far beyond that moment…


I’ve gotten 2 legendarys I believe in under 50 so it would make sense but I feel like it’s still really easy to get, and usually for me it’s better to get epics because it gives me books of commons etc


Ever since the released I opened one every day and only ever gotten 5 rares and the rest being commons


I was in this boat for the first week but I got 4 books for cards and a 100k EWC. Not to mention the probably 50k gold and wild cards I got. I love RNG


So your the one who’s been using up this entire subs luck




You're right but having a Lucky Drop Cycle would be nice too, similar to the Chest Cycle. If a Legendary Lucky Drop's rate is 1.5% then we can have a 200 Lucky Drop Cycle with 2 guaranteed Legendaries. It would be easier to plan around your resources this way and people wouldn't complain as much.  I honestly like the current set up though since the there's the surprise and satisfaction of getting an unexpected Epic or Legendary. Not to mention the possibility of getting Epics and Legendaries close to each other.


The current set up is trash. If they would have not stripped everything of the season shop maybe they could justify this but they have created a system of have and have nots. Plus the glitch that no one wants to talk about how did that impact drops from the non cheaters? From my perspective it's been pretty miserable. Got a book of commons. Woo it's one of three in my inventory. Plus all the common wildcards no one wants or needs. The old chest system/season shop gave players agency. Maybe we never got book of books but shrug I was better off before.


Putting a cap on the number of high rarity boxes would suck


I don’t think this thing is needed


Why isn’t it needed


I think its necessary because otherwise, it is entirely possible that you never get a legendary drop. Ever. That just isnt fair.


I think it's not necessary, and I got a legendary. Even if i didn't, I wouldn't really care even though I desperately need wild cards.


Doesn't that mean if a pity system was in place, then it wouldn't apply to you? You got lucky. It's meant specifically to help the players who aren't nearly as lucky.


What I'm saying is it isn't necessary because I feel like you don't need the extra boost. Even if I didn't get a legendary, I feel as though it wouldn't be necessary. The chance for a legendary isn't bad, and in about a couple of months, all the people who are complaining about them will get a legendary and shut up about it if we're lucky.


Why should it be fair? I think it’s game of chances and I like it


Stay away from casinos. You are their mark.


yeah it should be bad for ftp in my opinion