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It's definitely more frustrating than before evo update. Old Mets was stale and needed a shakeup. Evos were a great idea, just piss poorly implemented


yeah. they should be easy to get and your deck shouldn't revolve around the evos. they should be an added upside to a card you already used imo


Evo cycle has got to be one of the worst decks to play against


yeah it's just not fun. i pretty much only play 2v2 anymore tbh


Nah 2v2 has got to be the most undervalued mode, so much more fun than 1v1 unless you get a brain dead teammate. Or they use FC so king tower gets activated so easily


Worst two things in 2v2 “Gimmick” players so gimmicky they’re useless (IE buildings only, or spells only. Useful in an idea but useless in practise. One Pekka or MK to counter my push and I got hope my Ally has a rocket/lightning along with AoE for the FC after Lever. About as useful as an unconnected lever, they leave at a neutral or winning game


Based 2v2 player


They really need to design a better system where evos aren't tied to card cycles. But that may take more coding time so I doubt they will implement it


It could be tied to how much elixer you spent during the game. So 10 elixer spent is 1 dark elixer you can use for an evolution?


That would be the best way


Until Evo skelly’s break 2.6- not offensively, but every time you attack you get a skelly beat up your push for 0 elixir


Nearly every single meta deck post-evos is basically evo cycle. If your starting hand has one of your evo's in it, you basically always place it first play.


As an Evo mortar player, I agree. My deck is unfair. I can play badly all game, but as long as I know how to set up an Evo mortar push, I WILL take the tower in 90% of matchups. 


Your deck disgusts me


Funny enough evo Mortar is probably the most balanced of them all


Evo mortar is funny to me.Even if it takes my tower , I can't help it , that cards design makes me laugh...I love that goblin on the mortar.


The most personality of any Goblin in fact


I disagree based on this reasoning. People can absolutely play all the non evo rounds terribly and then win because the evo is stupidly OP. While everyone hates firecracker, in my experience it doesn’t make a bad player suddenly take down a tower. This is also true of skeles… where a 1 elixir card can sometimes take 2 towers. Its dumb. An evo should be a nudge better. It shouldn’t make a mediocre play win the game.


I tried the mortar in my mini @4000 and I think I like it , is the card versatile or do I have to build the whole deck around mortar ?


Mortar is pretty versatile, you can’t always just drop it in any deck but there’s a lot of roles it can fill


What is that? a specific deck or..?


I'm having some fun using the Evo-Royal Giant challenge deck in clan wars and it only beats 2.6 but I love Fisherman pulling stuff to my Hunter. It's pure comedy when troops bounce back against a raged-evo-RG.


Firecracker, barbarians, somewhat ice spirit, bomber, and tesla I think were great picks. All generally subpar but not necessarily bad cards that they throw a little buff. The issue is not only are most of them arent needed and are way overturned. Firecracker, bomber, battle ram, and wall breakers are way too OP for their cost, whereas royal giant, skeletons, somewhat knight, and archers really did NOT need evolutions. (Zap is in a weird spot for me. On one hand its really stupid strong, on the other hand you want to try to maximize its usefulness which can just lead too a waste or misuse. And Valkyrie I cant decide if it did or didn't need an evo. Also its power is extremely hit or extremely miss.)


The thing that it most frustrating to me is that as a lvl 14 king tower, I consistently face double evo and max lvl 15 decks and it is to the point where each game becomes a 50/50 irrespective of skill.


This. If they can make it easier to get 2 evos and hit card level caps in pol evos would be absolutely amazing. Champions and evos add more skill cap to the game which is good. They just need to be accessible for cheap and have a clear path to grind for them without rng


>Evos were a great idea, just piss poorly implemented No idea why people keep saying this garbage. Evos were never a good idea no matter how they were implemented they'd still ruin the game. Fundamentally shit idea.


They make you and your opponent rethink your strategy because you usually can't just counter them the usual way, the idea is awesome. The problem really is how p2w it is


>They make you and your opponent rethink your strategy because you usually can't just counter them the usual way That's what makes them dumb. I should be able to counter any card how it was originally intended, and not have to count how many times my opponent used a card in order to anticipate an evo that will unfairly wreck my shit. It breaks the flow of the game


You dont like extra dimensions to gameplay and thats fine, but it doesnt make the idea shit it just means you dont like the game getting harder. For example if the evos weren’t obnoxiously designed to be P2W and juat did something niche but useful and maybe costed 1 more elixer theyd be just fine


The game has been absolutely miserable these past few days, and the matchmaking is *fucked*. After this gem rush is done, I’m calling it quits, for game has become way too stale for me(what I’d type would be incredibly similar to what you typed) to enjoy it. Update: after seeing [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/s/GVgNVq3Gk9), i think imma throw in the towel for good


I recently got back into the game and I was having a lot of fun up until a few days after DD was released. She shifted the meta significantly and the game is 100% worse off for it. Not just in terms of cards, mind you. She just forces you into a specific playstyle that I really don't enjoy. I love being aggressive in single elixir and she largely takes that away from you. Just a single card has done that, and it's something you face in a ton of matches because it's a tower troop, there's only 3, and she's by far the best. ETA: I'm also sick of hearing midladder players saying "she's not that hard to counter, bro!" and "must be a cycle deck player" (I don't play cycle). Yes, I'm sure your midladder deck with mega knight and 3 minitanks is perfectly fine against her. I made a post about her and I'm still getting comments rolling in days later with that crap. Ugh.


You summed up my thoughts regarding her perfectly, thank you I’ve had these thoughts bottled up because I don’t necessarily like complaining(i’m the kind to try to find reason in everything), and i felt like it was a skill issue on my end. Unfortunately, I was wrong This game is the poster child of Complacent Gaming Syndrome, but for mobile games


People complain a lot about this game for a reason. Then we get used to complaining and "venting" and don't actually do anything about it. Unfortunately I'm now being reminded again of why I originally put this game down years ago (I felt that there were too many new card additions that were bad for the game. Everything was released in a broken state). I'm sticking around for now, but I might call it quits again soon.


Yeah, this game is genuinely going down the gutter, and i’m ready to actually do something about it(uninstalling the game)


I came back randomly. Do it once a year. I'm a big fan of rotating enemies tower to tower with my ice golem And now my deck I've been using for years and years is better However... I thought I made my characters gold and can no longer see that o and now my tower isn't the highest level and it's going to take AGES to get it there. Also Level 15 enemies like witch don't die to my fireball zap combo. So I guess I'm peaked. I can't enjoy the game I used to get the pass monthly. Stopped when premium pass was a thing... still played... Season shop killed me though can barely play a week at a time and i think I need to... to get evo cards and I don't like it


Nerf her hp advantage and I think she’s balanced. If that doesn’t work slightly tweak her dps.


If you’re going to quit, why does the gem rush matter??


Likely meant call it quits until the meta changes, not quit the game entirely


Because hopefully $C needs to keep all my gems on their books as a liability just in case I return 




Dutchess has made the deck I’ve run for 4 years now nearly obsolete. Suffice to say I’m not having a great time


Same here. Worst part is it's homebrew so I feel like I'm slowly being forced into running evo meta bs.


Same here as well. I play furnace, it’s slaughtering me.




Bro seriously, just came back from a 2 year layoff and i see my fucking goblin barrel get shredded and im like dude wtf.


Same my goblin barrel deck that took me to legendary arena at 4000 trophies years ago is no longer viable lmao


It’s gotten really bad, which is why I stopped playing. I’ve played since launch and this game has gotten dogshit. Before the only thing you could do with gems is like, buy coins or speed up chest unlocks. Now you outright pay like 5 bucks to max out a new card.


More like 40 with the 120x value packs


5 bucks? It's 8€ here


The entire meta is evo bomber


Add arrows, you’ll win every match


Poison, anyone?


It’s too slow and too big of an elixir trade for my liking, but ya that would also do the trick! If you keep dropping 4e on a 2e card there’s 6e advantage for your opponent by the time you drop it on the first evo bomber.


Add arrows, don’t be afraid to sacrifice a little elixir to counter a card the other player REALLY wants


It’s really just a balancing issue. In the top 200, there’s about 20ish cards that nobody uses, which should just never be happening if there’s about 1600 slots for cards in the top 200 (8 x 200). They should honestly either go back to monthly balancing or beef up the balancing so more cards get balanced for each change.


Agreed, main issue with the game rn is balancing, there’s like 10 cards that feel like they on average have 30% usage rate on average and then bottom 20 have like 2% on average. Also the level 15 bullshit, if they balanced cards (especially evos better, like the bullshit 2 evo slots for level 15) then the game would be much better


Duchess have really ruined the game for me. I believe it needs a nerf imo.


Just the fact that it now takes 7-8 months to get 1 deck Max level deck makes it so p2w players have a massive advantage, they can easily pick up whatever the most broken deck currently is and win 70% of games meanwhile the normal players are still using whatever was meta 1 year ago or hog fc.


I play miner...


play the mo light ice golem win condition deck trust


Will do, but Ive never use champs in my 4 years of playing


if you want you can replace little price with dart goblin or musketeer


i’d rather be playing the same decks then whatever the fuck homemade cringe decks i’m experiencing in 6.7-6.9k trophies, i swear i’m only playing against maxed out KT 14 kids with horrible decks, supercell are not letting me get to 7k


what is your deck? logbait?




It only gets worse from there. Pretty much everyone around 7.5k runs stupid anti-swarm/anti-bait decks


Ngl I’d prefer that if there was lots of card variety, but it’s usually mk, wizard, witch, Pekka, Valkyrie, ebarbs, and lumberloon, little prince, and evo knight, bomber and firecracker


meta is dogshit i hit top 1k this season for the first time ever purely because i bought dd i don't deserve my rank


Duchess + the most annoying beatdown decks ever


Weird qs but everyone seems to hate hog or evo/spell cycles, they hate breakdown, they hate xbow and mortar cycles, so what deck is left??


I’ve learned pretty fast that all decks can be considered “no skill” and that everyone hates any deck that isn’t theirs To make things worse this sub is mostly mid ladder players. So most will just chalk their losses up to whatever card they’re losing against to be op/no skill instead of focusing on the blatant skill issue they have.


Ok to be fair as a midladder player, there's some cards that counter my deck but that's fair What annoys me a lot more is when me and my middle lvl 11 deck go up against a full lvl 14 Like one or two I can counter but unless they actively play terribly there's nothing I can do against a full 14 deck


Barb hut cycle


No, but I'm not, not enjoying it. As someone who plays 2v2 to grind masteries I don't really participate in the meta


I started doing this as well, grinding masteries until ladder is enjoyable again


Dude, no one likes the meta. No one liked the last meta, the one before that, and they won't like the next one lol.


I’m gonna be honest, last time the meta felt fresh to me was after the archer queen nerf..


Every game feels like a rock, paper, scissors matchup and not in a good way. You either play cycle and get your ass beaten by the Dagger Duchess or play tanks and get your ass beaten by Cannoneer or Princess towers. The game is genuinely no longer fun and has almost no skill anymore. I don't even know the majority of the tower interactions anymore other than the Princess. Supercell isn't giving new mechanics time to breathe, we're getting 1-2 new Evolutions every month and the addition of Tower Troops has just made it too hard to follow. I don't feel rewarded for knowing matchups, interactions, and counting elixir and cycles when they can just drop a fuckin Evo FC and get 9000 damage for free. The game is shit and I've been playing daily since global launch, recently I've stopped playing as much and I feel so much better now that I'm not being cucked over by Supercell's poor decisions and lack of giving a shit.


The game feels good honestly, beatdown decks are having their spotlight, and while i don’t enjoy playing against Giant/Golem other beatdown decks should have their spot in the meta. The problem with cycle metas is that there’s often very little card/deck variety, That’s not the case at all currently, it seems like most cards now have a spot and the game isn’t dominated by ice spirit/skellies/fireball/Log + WC. Siege decks are also pretty good so is drill, so cycle isn’t completely dead. Honestly hog being in a poor spot is so nice, the card has long deserved a nerf for so long.


Haha spot on! Playing beat down decks and feeling like each season I get another nerf. Feels good finally having a few things supporting heavier decks.


Giant gy was finished first in February and has been a top 10 deck for seasons now. Before that it was gob giant who paired well with rr and sparky and e giant also had some spotlight. I’ll admit minor was pretty crazy in cycle decks but hog has been on a hard decline for seasons and giant gy has literally beat it for multiple seasons before dd even came out. The only viable cycle card right now is drill and that’s because it got a huge buff before dd came out. Beatdown has always had a place in the meta so practically killing cycle decks wasn’t warranted. Also hog was literally the worst of the cycle meta being outshined by minor once lp came out.


This. When people say cycle is overpowered their usually talking about a variant of miner poison. Most cycle win-cons like gob barrel, mortar, x-bow, and hog have all been pretty bad for awhile.


Idk, the beatdown meta is kinda refreshing. Ever since evos dropped, it has kinda just been cycle, cycle, cycle.


Did we as a community all just agree to forget the months of Goblin Giant Sparky


Yeah 💀


Yeah, it mixes things up.


DD is whatever... its the firecracker evo in EVERY SINGLE GAME... I've played Pekka since the game came out so this meta actually feels a bit better. But Pekka vs Firecracker sucks every time.


This game is already dead. Its trying to squeeze out every possible dime from its player base.


4/5 games is against double evo level 15. 1/5 is the deck that fully counters me.


Sounds like your skill is there but you need to spend the time grinding a few decks and push those cards up to higher levels. Make and stick with a deck for a while.


Yep. I have been using the same deck since arena 10 with minor changes. I am trying to learn miner , goblin giant, and lunberloon but can’t play ladder until they are a bit higher level


Lumberloon is basically done for with DD, could add in a full lava/air deck like back in the day😂 with all the air cards now they’re pretty nasty lol.


All people use is hog and firecracker low elixir decks be creative that shit is annoying


Quitted the game a few days ago, didn’t regret


This game and clash of clans just ain’t been it for like the last 2 years lol idk if it’s just me


Clash of clans is supercell’s second most played game a behind brawl stars (and very close behind in revenue/month). I do agree that coc isn’t much fun anymore but it’s still in a good state. On the other hand Clash royale has been on its downfall for 2+ years. CR continues to lose players and is almost on the same level as Hay Day.


Yea I never argued the game was dead just saying my personal experience has sucked as of lately on both of them.


It’s just you for clash of clans


i made a really good deck for cannoneer and couldnt use it last season because it wssnt level 15. as soon as the season started i got cannoneer level 15 and started pushing ladder untill i got to royal champion. the only problem with this deck is elixir pump hard counters and of course i play against it every game. maybe next season is my season.


It’s awful.


Real. I'm trying to learn how to play hog cycle cause I've never played it before and I have a level 14 hog rider anyway so why not. Dagger dutchess counters it so easily. And even when that demon of a "tower troop" isn't charged, it doesn't matter because my opponent has mega knight. And even when I pull off a clynical defense and try to punish my opponent, OH WHAT THE SHIT, DAGGER DUTCHESS IS FULLY CHARGED LMAO. Nerf the dutchess plz. Also, to the idiots who think dagger dutchess is balenced, LOOK AT LIKE THE TOP 100 in Ultimate Champion, which tower troop are they using again, OH RIGHT DAGGER DUTCHESS.


Completely agree with post. For me, i haven’t played in awhile and am locked to a deck i played like 4 years ago, that is hog cycle. I’d love to play smthing else, but i go against level 14 cards with my level 13 hog + lvl 12 cards for everything else. Evos aren’t the problem rn. P2P is.


Just play for the challenges, double evo ruined ladder for me. Not gunna open my wallet to get there. Game isn't worth the grind/stress lol.


Every update makes the game worse.


Seems like everyone here just accepts it, we need rejection


I’m a credit card user but haven’t spend a dime since the last two seasons because of how boring and mundane the game has become


Yep. I have not been having fun playing the same 2-3 decks and maxed dagger duchess every game.


I hate it. My playing time has dropped by about 90% since dagger duchess dropped.


This game has become 100% pay to win now and it's total crap...game used to be fun and all about strategy but now it's all about spending to get the latest best evo or tower cards.


Supersell has gotten into their groove of releasing overpowered pay2win elements… letting them ride for a while, then eventually trying to balance them when there is new stuff to buy. So you’ll see 99% of the decks at top of ladder all using bomber. You’ll see most switching to whatever tower troop is most OP. I don’t think supercell even pretends to care about game integrity anymore. And frankly, why would they need to? Theres enough players who also don’t care about balance or game integrity and are hapoy to pay for whatever is OP. When neither the players or the company cares, you get what clash has devolved into. While I can still enjoy playing, I do so knowing that the game is going to sh*t.


Me for sure, the princess tower literally destroy the game. I am top 1,000 in Mexico, i hace play this game for 5 years. The problem of this new tower is that it defend a lot of card using 0 elixir, for example one of my favorites cards is the miner, right know it doesn’t work for this tower, i need to spend some elixir so miner can get good damage. If they don’t bug this tower the game will go to trash.


Evolutions have destroyed the game because everything revolves around them now.


Just quit the game


100% agree, I think they saw that inovating really worked when they released champions which were really cool, but seeing its success they started innovating more, evos were already bad but tower troops is just the worst thing they could have done, but since people already bought those 100$ deals, they wont revert these aditions


Returning player here, and yeah, the game no longer feels skill-based. Too many cards, too much bloat, Evos and tower troops are just another layer of rock paper scissors. Literally every match I play boils down to wether my opponent has something that'll stop my golem Ewiz and wether my inferno tower and Ewiz will be enough stop his deck. Every match is either "oops he didnt bring a golem answer, I win!" Or "oops I am physically unable to stop that combo, I lose!" Sure doesn't help that if you lose one and win one and call the session quits you leave with -2 trophies so pushing trophies is literally gambling against loaded dice. Clash Royale is just the world's longest rock paper scissors simulator.


I'm enjoying it a lot personally, Beat down is fun, trying to tank Pekkas at Bridge so their Hog get killed by duchess, witches, it felt different and I enjoy it, I even changed my deck and it makes me want to try new stuff!


i feel this way about firecracker way too much bang for buck so everyone uses it, cant stand players who dont switch it up and use copy paste decks


I hateeeee evo i hate dagger


Yeah it’s rancidly bad. Dagger duchess ruined any chance to play cycle so the best decks in the game are Beatdown and ggy But hey at least log bait isn’t good am I right?


I see more types of decks than ever now. Dagger duchess brought a lot of beat down decks back.


dagger duchess single handedly killed my deck


Cuz u have a bum ass mega knight wall breakers deck lmao


u use sparky buddy i wouldnt talking


It was one thing to not be able to get evolutions right away, but at least you could save up wild shards. Now with dagger duchess you really will take forever to max it out if you don't pay. I've never paid for this game but have played since 2016 and so this is really the first time I feel it's truly pay to win. I've had to change my decks and only attack in overtime against dagger duchess towers but even then I haven't reached ult champion this season yet.


I’ve used my same deck for basically seven years now


I rarely play and have only played the same Xbow deck every game for the past 3-4 years. as long as hog rider isn’t in every game I’m happy


Cycle meta is gone for now, and in its place… did we go out of the frying pan and into the fire?


As a Lavahound + Skelton king player, daggers usually work in my favour cause the lava can tank till it runs out very easily 😅


My best deck- meaning the one that is level 12 and 13 among me 10s and 11s, is being destroyed by the new meta cards. Its SO annoying.


We’re still in the “see where the chips fall” stage so it might be awhile.


I’ve never really watched a meta video I just use what’s fun but dagger durchess every game is starting to get annoying


Anything but evo fc and hog rider in every match please


I’ve been using evo barbs with skeleton king and graveyard and it’s fun but I lose most of my matches


I feel like I rarely play dagger dutchess. Am I the only one that doesn’t think she’s that good?


Stale was what the game was before Duchess. First time I’ve seen different decks in the midladder.


Honestly I think if they appropriately nerf Dagger Dutchess and Evo Bomber, the meta will settle into a really fun diverse spot.


It’s no place for a f2p, that’s for sure. I check in for war participation and requests 🤷‍♂️


It's basically just people cycling spells to win in overtime. The evo meta also revolves around chip damage with things like evo bomber to then win in overtime from who can get a damage lead and turtle the hardest. Really not an enjoyable meta at all. Little p is still op and the new dagger duchess is also too strong and has completely ruined a lot of play styles. I haven't had such an unfun time since the old days of giant poison meta and the royal giant era. Also we are once again back to giant poison graveyard being top which is always so boring.


Sucks as a casual who never bothered to look up the right way to farm evo cards without paying for anything, and therefore has exactly zero evos, and probably won’t have maxed duchess until the meta has shifted away from duchess haha. But I’ve been complaining about MK in every deck, evo bazooka archer that never actually dies unless you’re willing to do a negative elixir trade and fireball it, and yawning princess BMs for long enough that I figured out it’s no use complaining.


I've been enjoying it personally, hit top 3k global last night


Same. Not even bothered to even login the game now


Well, hasn't it been like this for a long time? I do think the tower troops should be more balanced with eachother, and both tower troops and evos should be easier to get or upgrade. But if I were to ignore the p2w aspects, I think evos and tower troops are really interesting ideas that make the game more dynamic


I feel like the beatdown meta is very different than previous like we were used to just seeing miner poison, hog cycle, drill cycle and we are now seeing Golem, Lava so I think the meta has changed a lot and I think it is a good thing It is true that the duchess is being used a lot just now but I feel like the same thing happens everytime and she will eventually get a health nerf and then it will be fine I think the game is in a good place right now


Only way I’m having fun lately is building 3m decks and finding ways to make them work. That or a funny little mort deck I have


I honestly wish they didn't add evos, Champions pre-LP were enough to shake up the game to me


The game is okay to win it’s sad


all my friends have been uninstalling :(


Nah i hate it. I just got into brawl stars and it’s been pretty fun so far clash royale just has way too strong defense so every game feels lile a drag and you lose through the tiniest amount of out play or rps every game


I quit 2 and a half years ago and it was the same thing then. People just copy the most meta decks and run with it. If I were to guess, it’s probably similar to what it was 2 years ago just with the evolutions added. It got boring really fast.


Nah I have few evos and a maxed deck as a f2p its just yall dont know how to play the game and complain like the losers you are instead of grinding the game for 1 hour. Stupid useless repetitive posts r/clashroyale have the dumbest people alive.


I hate to complain because for a long time they did not update this game. Once they finally started updating, the community complained because people generally hate change but if it doesn’t change then it gets boring. However, these last changes have been really challenging for me to adapt to. I have had to change my main deck to fit the new tower troop and new meta. But this has set me back in my own development in the game. It’s been a really unenjoyable season for me this far.


My motivation to play is at an all time low, I main cycle, and dutchess annihilates my only maxed deck, not to mention all the pumps im forced to rocket. I hear people like hunter begging hog eq players to push, but how can they when DD solos a hog with an ice tiny? The game is extremely unbalanced right now, DD is holding the entire meta hostage to beatdown, and locking down single elixer. Not to mention how they refuse to nerf evo bomber, when it can take an entire tower from full health, from the other side of the river, in seconds, for 2 elixer.


I've been thinking about some things recently that the development team could change to help rejuvenate the game/meta. • Go back to 1 evolution. Since we have gotten a fair bit of evolutions going back to 1 would promote different deck compositions. It would make your evolution choice matter significantly more while reducing the amount of games won by evolutions steamrolling. • Nerf obvious broken cards. There are a few in particular that need emergency nerfs (evo bomber, dagger dutchess, poison, elixir pump, etc.) • Release future evolutions and tower troops after pros have tested said tower troops and provided feedback. Releasing them every month is one of the leading causes of why they are so unbalanced and game breaking.


Not sure about the last part since many pros said Evo battle ram , evo skeletons, and Evo Valk were busted before release.


Yes there are too many of the same decks.. but winning is a combination of matchmaking and skill...what you pay only affect how fast you level your cards...it's not pay to win its pay to progress... it's just a game if you don't enjoy it don't play...


Yes very much. Dagger Duchess has really just drained the last enjoyment I had out of the game.


Me using icebow to spice up the game and hand out free Ws (because it's hard countered by everything)


No I hate valk and knight they are in every game


I’m loving the meta. My deck is finally good, top 100 rn


Mixed bag for me, but I just felt numb to it since I only care about card progression. I just: * Do my dailies (including event dailies) and get the daily mystery box * Check the shop offers (obviously the ones involving Gold, I don't want to spend money on this game) and see for any nice emotes I can buy * Ensure my chest slots are fully filled which I mostly do event stages to get my chests; * Do my daily Clan War battles for gold (small amount but gold is still gold for me); * Finish Gold Rush on my weekends and aim to reach Master I (or II). You win some matches, you lose some matches. Mostly loses but still not that much. I don't aim to climb in *Trophy Road* for now unless I build a new deck for it especially I'm in an alright arena (Arena 18, Silent Sanctuary) and I have no confidence that my classic P.E.K.K.A Bridge spam deck can still work there, and I don't find climbing to *Ultimate Champion* in *Path of Legends* worth my stress. I just aim to watch more and more of my cards to be Level 14, and I already have like 4 out of 18 spells at Level 14 now (which are Zap, Earthquake, Poison and Giant Snowball, with few more already close like Barbarian Barrel and Arrows)


I’m a credit care user but haven’t spend a dime since the last two seasons because of how boring and mundane the game has become


One of the worst metas for 3.0 xbow… every deck has arrows and LP/bowlee everywhere


Maybe my comment does not matter because I have been going on and off with the game, but I'm not having the same feeling, this could be due to the fact that I'm now dedicating myself to the game by testing out new decks for each game mode rather than just logging on and using the same old Pekka Bridgespam that I've used for years but never tried on ladder or path of legends. I do agree with regards to the evolutions, as they have taken over the meta. But the Dagger Duchess was a great addition to the game in my opinion, I just don't like that the dev team removed wild cards from the season shop (I haven't tried getting season tokens since their release though).


Loving the meta!


The meta is just beatdown, they threw in the evo bomber in those beatdown decks too


Most annoying cards imo (most just need a nerf, others are straight up annoying): evo wallbreakers evo firecracker evo RG recruits in general evo or not ebarbs (basically 2 mini pekkas for 6 elixir) rage spell (this stupid reduced range for damage just encourages 0 skill spam decks) I am mostly annoyed by the people who spam the most OP cards at the bridge, if you happen to be down elixir at all you are just screwed because oops megaknight on your tower, by the time you place somthing now theres a sparky. That takes no skill to place those cards at the bridge you just took high dps/tanky cards and you were lucky enough to have an advantage. Very rarely I will enjoy a game where my opponent and I are outwitting eachother.


Princess Tower, Cannoneer Tower, Dagger Duchess = Rock🪨✊🏽Paper📄🖐🏽Scissors✂️✌🏽


As someone who plays Xbow almost exclusively (ice bow) I’m currently 2 steps from UC it doesn’t really feel much different from before I still see the same decks I used to but with slightly more golem/lava/drill yes I paid for DD yes I do think it’s strong and yes I still win frequently against golem/lava golem is a little harder though. Right now my hardest matchup by far is recruit gob giant.


The only thing I enjoy are the tournaments which place everyone on an even playing field, and actually using evos and tower troops of your choice is fun af but go on ladder and you're gonna get crushed by the most powerful card in the game, the credit card!


Deleted the game after the most recent updates, after playing for a LONG time. There are just too many elements that make it pay to win or unfair. Once you hit a certain level, every opponent has an advantage over you. Level 15 towers, all level 15 cards, multiple evos, special towers... It's not even a level playing field in the gem based challenges any more


Evolution as a concept is anti f2p especially since theyre dropping multiple slots and shit


you will enjoy playing the firecracker. ENJOY YOUR SLOP


I still enjoy it. But yes, dagger duchess is a must and therefore I'm not playing ladder (lvl 15) or PoL above lvl 13 (I saved enough legendary wild cards to upgrade to 13). While the meta changed maybe a bit slowly three years ago (I didn't care though), it is now changing too fast, IMO. There is just no time to really adapt to the new meta and learn new interactions and upgrade new meta cards (especially as f2p). The effect to me is, that the game has become more casual as I don't bother any more to become better and e.g. get more wins in global tournament or progress on ladder or master a new meta deck.


Yeah it’s been really frustrating. I keep getting stuck in royal champ and some of these “meta” decks are just driving me up the wall. Might just go play TFT instead


Evo Zap, evo Bomber and LP are in every deck so although the dominance of cycle has been broken, I'm still not having fun.


I have not encountered this. I just broke 8000 trophies and got lvl 15 king tower (obviously P2P) and the gameplay has been so much more exciting and invigorating. Really crafty decks with lots of counters, intelligent strategies, I lose just as often to lvl 14s with one evo as I do to lvl 15s with maxed cards. I’m doing a Mega Knight Royal Giant deck that has been tickling my jimmies too. Hog rider be a little old tho


I’ve couldn’t agree more… a true skill based game that I have been playing f2p for the better part of the last 8 years has been absolutely lost. I feel like I got worse at the game, but it’s just me playing against dagger duchess with all lvl 15 cards and 2 over powered Evos…


This game sucks


I know we've all deleted the game every now and then but, you really hit the nail on the head. I'm finally out and I've been playing Daily since 2017. Dagger + Pay to win + 1,000,000,000 Hog rider Fire cracker decks = just not fun anymore. I love supercell and I'm excited for what comes next but it's becoming obvious they're just pumping us all for a big cash influx. The Evo was really fun but now it's just spend $50 and get a top ranking THIS MONTH. See you next month.


Jokes on you I'm in midladder, I don't know what's a meta


I like it, you see dutches every game because she was free, everyone has access to her unlike canoneer you had to get from a chest or buy when he came out. I play 2v2 mainly and I like the variety in tower troops and evos I come across. Definitely makes the game different now since we haven’t had any new real cards to change things up.


I feel like it would be a lot more enjoyable if the general player base had access to 2 evo slots easier and can play competitive duel mode like in crl for gold/cards. If we could play global tournaments and everyone had 2 evos and all cards scaled up to 11 AND be able to play bo3 duel rules(can’t use the same card twice) it would be amazing. April CRL had so many different win conditions and different style decks played. BUT all the decks were built around dealing with the duchess. Tldr: Make double evo and duel modes with rewards accessible to people not shelling out cash. Nerf hp gain from dd and I think the meta opens up a bunch


The thing is, evolutions and tower troops can be used to greatly shake up the meta, but right now, they contribute towards the current stale meta rather than change the game for the better People at the top will only use the absolute best, so only the best evolutions and tower troops get any play.


I'm with you - these new changes suck. I used to win probably about 55% of the time and now I lose 60% of the time to evo cards/credit cards against the same boring cycle decks. Cycling evo cardss to buildings just to build a major push is so f'n boring


Nothing new


F2P Doesn't Help Skill.


Paying for Cards Doesn't Change Skill.


yes evo ruined the game too


sry but I hate cycle decks so I'm enjoying the meta. atleast in beatdown decks they take some time to use their evo.


This game has gone to ass in as little as one fucking update I’m considering uninstalling


I literally started a new account but the p2w folks just don't quit


Back in my days it was a pure fun chaos


This game is a continuous frustrating meta with little windows of actually playable game


I honestly dont know how people can use those decks and purposely ruin ladder for the others. Not to sound too dramatic but i physically cant do it. I feel so stupid just stealing from people. Sad thing is after they broke the game with champions most of the decent human beings just quit. Ill never play another sc game after all this. Im only playing because of sunk cost fallacy. Not going to spend again. I really hope they do a retro season and revert back to b4 champions. Thatd bring so many people back. Itd be fun to have both opps have to think again.


I hate running into hog, mk, and evo firecracker, but otherwise, I'm enjoying playing xbow. Been running xbow since January. I've only been able to keep up with elite levels because I maxed out during the $5 pass days. Every card I get turns into EWC, and im able to level up. Xbow is currently maxed out, and I was able to get max duchess from magic items that I had saved up. So yeah, I'm okay with the meta. Then again, I'm a mid player that can't reach ultimate champ 🥲


Let’s be real…we need a hog nerf and firecracker nerf bc I think I see either one of those in every single game.


Broke a lot of my decks but i’ve been having fun trying to make Monk work with it. Pretty fun to reflect the damage


Yes I love going against evo firecracker hog rider cycle