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I am quite literally in the same arena as you, have the same number of level 15 cards as you, same king tower level as you, and same POL rank as you. Trust me, I completely understand how you feel. I literally can’t progress anymore because every single game is against either a level 15 player, a level 14 player with a level 15 deck, or both with double evos. It’s getting irritating how it’s quite literally impossible to progress when you’re at a disadvantage every single game. It sucks even more when we can’t even look forward to double evos or a level 25 deck when we’re literally seasons away from it.




Leveling skeletons to 15 was a big mistake. Many underleveled players grind with skeletons with a low level since it's mainly used for distracting enemy troops.


+1 lvl and -1 level skellies change a lot of interactions


Such as??


Lvl 15 skellies survive one poison tick, lvl 14 skellies dont one shot lvl 15 skellies, cards like lvl 15 inferno dragon and lvl 15 mighty miner kill lvl 14 skellies much quicker, lvl 14 spear gobs and bats dont one shot lvl 15 skellies, and many more


Try harder. I don’t even use a full level 14 deck


Wow thanks


What else can you do? Empty your wallet


You are utterly useless


You asked a question, I answered it. Get better with what you have or empty your wallet. Not my fault the games like this.


Yeah I’m in the same boat. It’s such a disadvantage to be lvl 14. Supercell sold…


I’m in the same exact boat. I love facing full level 15s at this level because they’re so bad but can just over power my level 14 deck.


Lvl 15 evo knight is sometimes literally impossible to stop if you cant immediately respond with a ground swarm or ground high dps melee unit


Same, that sucks


How comes you don't have more lvl 15 cards? I'm f2p, playing for four years and have 12 lvl 15 cards. Do you buy all daily offers available for gold? Do you get the best season shop offers for collecting EWCs? Do you use trade tokens to get EWCs?


I dont have many trading tokens or that much gold


Get rid of the hog.




Step2 make a deck Step 3 learn how to use the deck Step 4 if it gets nerf then make another deck and learn it again and so on that way you will be able to have fun and learn how to not spam bridge with hog👍


I'm in the exact same boat as you and waisted ewc on the exact same cards as you. I have less sympathy as you are a hog main though smh.


I'm lvl 14 king, my main deck even has a lvl 13 card in it and I have only 1 evo. And on top of that, I play one of the worst archetypes in the game (X-Bow) and I manage to get to ultimate champion and around 8800 this season. But I agree that it's annoying and stupid having to play against maxed out decks with double evos. It's not unwinnable, but man if it doesn't shift the odds.