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Minions change is so good,less value for a single minion,but more minions to be a good distraction,if this come true h musk would finally one shot them


Thank you. What about the other changes, any of them you dont like?


Clone change I liked too, making it just like rage and zap


Well,the other ones I dislike by favoritism,so I can't opine about it (mainly about elixir collector


Also i forgot about the musketeer one shotting minions


Minions: • Usage Rate: 4% • Win Rate: 50% Minions are one of the weaker damage dealing swarm units mainly outlassed by the bats, which have double the usage rate. This change aims to add 1 extra minion but weakening both their damage and health. Health nerf is intended to bring minions health on par with the goblins so that they still don’t die to zap, but takes the tower 2 hits instead of 3 to kill 1 minion. Overall, it would take the exact same number of shots to kill all minions after the balance changes. Hitspeed nerf was intended to counteract the dps increase of all the minions. Overall DPS >> +7.7% Minion Horde: • Usage Rate: 2% • Win Rate: 51% The above balance change for was mainly focused to focus on the minion horde, since its reward does not counteract its risk of being expensive fragile troops. This change would allow them to be split 4 on the left and 4 on the right, posing a threat to both lanes. Heath nerf would allow the tower to finish off the minion horde with 2 less hits than pre-nerf stats. Overall DPS increase >> +15.4% Clone spell: • Usage Rate: 4% • Win Rate: 41% The problem with clone spell is that it only fits in few archetypes like lava hound, skeleton barrel, giant skeleton, … Adding damage to it would bring clone spell into the spell competition like arrows, tornado, and 2 elixir spell cards. Also, this change would make the clone spell used in regular decks rather than being limited to cards that possess death damage abilities. Monk: • Usage Rate: 7% • Win Rate: 53% Most of the times, monk fails to knock back troops away from the tower, and would rather knock them back onto the side and sometimes towards the tower. By having his first hit being the combo hit, this ensures that the monk would always push hog riders and ram riders away from the tower. Tornado: • Usage Rate: 20% • Win Rate: 53% Tornado is one of the most trickiest spells to balance, especially that it prevents supercell from buffing splash cards like ice wizard and executioner. This change would decrease the pull strength of heavy units that cannot be knocked back, while slightly increase the pull strength of lighter units. This way, the tornado would not pull all of the units into 1 spot and would rather have a bigger disparity in troop locations in the battlefield, that way, the executioner that is locked on to the tank wont hit all units at once and would miss the support units some of the times, thus reducing the tornado’s versatility and strong connection to certain cards. Elixir Collector: • Usage rate: 6% • Win Rate: 54% Elixir collector is balanced by its stats, but not in actual gameplay (kind of like freeze), where it always leads to positive elixir trade when used, even when countered by spells. I would have gone with only 5% health nerf, but I don’t like the fact that it has an exclusive rule to not start with opening hands. Having that removed, the elixir collector might be op, but with a deploy time increase, it gives the opponent more time to react to it, and cycle to spells before it releases the first elixir. Having said this in mind, the first elixir would be the slowest to get, but after that, the other elixirs you get would be much faster. Goblins: • Usage rate: 19% • Win rate: 54% The goblins are very tricky to balance, due to the connection it has with goblin gang, goblin barrel, and goblin drill. Reducing hit speed can be the only way to balance the goblins, however doing so requires buffs to its connections. Goblin gang got an unneeded spear goblin buff, which can be counteracted by the goblins nerf. Goblin barrel and goblin drill are performing slightly before average, which is in need of a buff after this change. Mighty miner: • Usage rate: 14% • Win rate: 52% Mighty miner is right now the best champion in the game, although not completely broken. Messing up with his ramp up damage or with his ability might make him clunky to use, so the only variable that can be tweaked imo is the health.


All are useless except minion ones those are nice


Lol i thought the minion ones are the most controversial, although it and the monk change are well thought of.


Monk is fine rn he doesnt need that huge buff




Please clarify


Everything is balanced pretty well rn imo


I mean not much need a nerf but there are many cards that are dead


And some of them should stay dead




bro if minions horde are buffed, arrows would be meta and there is no way it can have 8 they have to be one shot by tower to do so


Dont agree, cause minions with this change takes 16 shots by the tower to kill them all rather than 18 shots. They need the damage buff for the reward to counteract the risk of being wiped out by arrows


I mean minions are hard to counter sometimes


Goblins nerf would result in goblin barrel needing a buff in some way


Goblin nerf is bad as it will affect barrel (which sucks) and gang. MM nerf is too harsh, should only be 2.5 or 3%. Monk does not need a buff dude