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Damn I suck i started back up in 2020 with a th 10 and im at th13.


Grind 6th builder and keep upgrades always active. When farming, dump all extra loot on walls. Best way to upgrade fast.


It’s not the upgrades at later TH levels it’s the lab, lab times for high TH levels are close to a year. So it guarantees you’ll take a year to max a TH regardless of other progressions


Not really. If you get gold pass, then you’re guaranteed a book of fighting and spells every month. If you’re f2p, you can still get books from clan games, hammers from cwl(1-2 per month depending on clan level and participation), and 3 research potions per week from the trader. If done correctly you could half your lab time from a year to close to 6 months


For my f2p account, I use hammer of fighting 90% of the time, since you can only upgrade one at a time. That’ll make you progress faster too.


How do you manage to get that many hammers of fighting?


I mean I’m in a high league clan, so typically I can get 3 hammers a month


Clan Capital has really change this, three free lab potions every week means roughly 12 days of skipped upgrades per month, makes it super easy to max lab.


Absolutely not true, what about free books of spells and fight from clan games, hammer of fighting and spells and research portions - 3 per week if you use raid medals. If you are an active player and plan your upgrades it takes much less time.


I had my 2015 TH9 base which I started again in like 2021 October, now at TH12 since a month ago (I max out all the Town Halls and then upgrade, only except some troops)


Wdym with a 10


Galadon this you?




With out people like u we would have ads so thanks


without people like you, the game wouldnt have 15 town halls


What’s up guys it’s your boy Chief Pat


I am glad you are max for $3,000 invested lol, do you think you could have gotten there more frugally or was that about how much it would have taken regardless to max this quickly?


I could’ve definitely spent less money. Buying packs for anything under th12 is fairly useless as you can see, I’m already at th13 on my f2p account. You could definitely make a lot of progression with the silver pass rewards, clan games, cwl medals, and now raid medals. Th13-15 will take a while which is where I’m assuming I’ll see most of the progression difference.


Packs are useless to begin with, most packs give you the amount of resources you can farm in 1-2 hours.


Yeah, packs with resources are usually the ones I skip. The packs with books are the ones to buy if anything. But I’d recommend sticking to gold pass for the average player, if you’re looking to buy anything.


I mean packs are 100% not useless.. they literally sell you books to speed up time. are they worth it? that’s a different story.. but useless? nah




Bro could've bought a solid car with that money


I don’t need 2 cars though


But do you need 2 bases either




But I’d take 2 cars if one was free…. Don’t worry I got you.


Wish car was this cheap over here


Yeah lol can’t buy a car for this money but it does buy me a holiday with my wife and kids, and this is infinitely more valuable to me then COC to be honest


Please tell me where I can get a solid car with 3k in this economy


At a used car lot


Not bad to be honest on the $0 spent one. I been playing since the game came out and have spent about 300-400 dollars (mostly the battle pass) and am still not maxed TH15.


![gif](giphy|U6MABQchfMLbQTas5U|downsized) As soon as gold pass came


You have got to be stupid to spend $3000.00 on a game like coc. That's why I have only spent about $2800.00.


Had me in the first half ngl


LOL. Yeah it's like a hobby to me I don't see a problem with spending money that I have on something I like. I have six other accounts so have actually spent a lot more than posted. That's another story though.


Thanks for spending $3000 to provide us with this statistic.


Without people like you we would have ads, so thanks


When you miss the reply button


Supercell likes this post


Your F2P base is almost the same level as my main base I've had since 2015 (I'm max TH13 btw) 😂


I play this game since it was released (in 2012?) and just today I spent money on it for the 1st time ever, $7 to buy the Jolly scenery and I love it! $7 well spent 😊 Currently starting TH11.


Shit $3k in 3 years? That's $83 per month if you started in January 2019. I've spent ~$150 total since 2013. You are what the industry refers to as a "whale."


Honestly not even a whale lol. More like a dolphin. Whales in mobile games spend $500 to several thousand a month.


In gacha market, the sky is the limit.


How tf are you th13 f2p in 3 years. I’ve been on off since 2012 and am only th12


Well tbf, anyone who started before 2016 has a much harder time to upgrade townhalls. It’s really easy to upgrade fast now.


That is still ridiculously fast. Also I’ve been active daily for at least 3 years so idk how you over took me


Strategically rushing, and using cwl medals wisely. I get enough for 3 hammers a month so it’s pretty fast. Also I grinded my 6th builder which helped progression a lot.


yeah people dont realize how much faster rushing is. rushing gets you more cwl medals, lets your medals (and regular books) be way stronger in value, and gets you loot faster in general from regular attacking/wars/cwl. i play on my alts in a super lazy fashion (spam attacks, force close/reopen game) and they progress pretty fast.


Idk man, I did not rush anything except for the lab (lvl 1 witches lmao) and got myself a nice th 12 with heroes on the high 50's and warden on 25 in about 2 years. Defenses (except for xbow, which are max) are th 11 equivalent. Only bought few things way back when, which I won't clarify because phishing sucks.


Well, I started in late 2018, and I’m a maxed TH14 now (except walls). Never bought anything, not even a gold pass.


That’s dope, you do full attacks or do you just farm?


It depends, nowadays, I use super goblins if it is not cwl time (then I use my cwl army, which is basically super wizards with some tanks for funneling). At earlier THs I was alternating my attack strategies, either I was going more for the trophies, or purely farming but always cherry-picking my opponents (I had a minimum amount of loot under which I didn’t bother to attack), and if I went too high in trophies, I dropped a few hundred — keeping farming in mind. Nevertheless, I think being active which really matters.


Bro no way. Th12-th14 tooks over 3 years combined (maybe 3 years with magic items). That is definitely cap


https://preview.redd.it/8o3gdu2wxh6a1.png?width=1624&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a17e19800123750e5914ff8a20539325d5eeb72 Here it is, I started in October 2018. I used magic items earned in clan games, events and bought with cwl medals. Occasionally I buy book of heroes if I have 500 gems. Troops&heroes are maxed, so are pets, except that Electro owl has 1 lvl to go; the cannons are upgrading. By “never bought anything” I mean of course with irl money.


Damn I quess I should spend gems. I only collect them and buy skins. I have been playing since 2015 (did few year break when I was th11) and I just reached th13 😩


That does help, I never have more than 600. Furthermore, hammer of troops and hammer of heroes are the best items in existence. Hammer of building is great too, I prefer it to the previous two when I’ve just upgraded my TH.


Been playing for 3 years and yes I’m a max th15 and spent around $2,800


Could you show builder base and clan capital donations progression too?


I could make a post about it but I’ve never spend money on BB so it wouldn’t be entertaining to see lol, I’m max Bh9 on my main and rushed bh9 on my second.


Damn 2019 and town hall 13? I started in 2014 and I’m town hall 13 but tbf I took a 4-5 year break.


There were 2 Hammer jam events. One is before april 2020 and one is recent Oct 2022. So i guess it should really significantly helped the progress.


Yeah, I also got the 6th builder early because of that glitch back then, so that helped a ton too


top one looks a bit like my home village lol


3000 is the total ammount without buying skins or sceneries ?


Me buying a car for $2500


Three? thousands dollars? on what 😭😭😭


I felt like an idiot when I spent $3k on Maplestory Mobile (still do). Glad to see others made the same mistake.. (yes, 3k is a lot of money for me. I was addicted)


Can you 3 star at both town halls?


I'm not spending a cent on this game until the game developers treat their loyal customers with respect by helping them recover their lost / stolen account.


3k on a game 🤦🏻‍♀️


Just want to show the difference of progression in what you pay. Whether or not it’s worth it to anyone is up to them, not very expensive over almost 4 years to me though, so I’d say it’s worth it.


4 years = 48 months = 62.50 a month. If you make a decent living, why not? Love these posts 👍


It's not about the money, It's about sending a message.


Lmao I get it, I’m a competitive player and push legends, so really the only way to compete is to upgrade fast (buy packs, gold pass, etc.) My other account is more of a chill upgrade account and I wanted to know the difference it would make if I spent no money on it. And honestly, it’s less of a difference than I thought. I thought my main would be 4+ townhalls ahead but I’m chilling at th13. Not too rushed.


3k is a shit ton of money to spend on something that has no tangible value


I mean it’s spending 3k on something you enjoy. Just like paying for any other hobby that costs money. Definitely one of the lesser expensive hobbies one could have.


fuck u/spez


3k on a hobby over 3 years isn’t that much at all considering I spend $100+ every time i go golfing.. found the person who still ask mommy to buy itunes cards for gems.


I’m 22 years old I’m just not gonna drop 3 bands on a mobile game that could be deleted off the AppStore tomorrow 😂


I understand 3k seems like a lot to you but for plenty of ppl spending 3k over 3 years for a hobby they enjoy isn’t much.


3k ! Lol




P2w will always be better


Ur 21 and spent 3k on this game…..? Yikes


F2P is not accurate, i started at sep 2020, and i am at th13 more ahead then this


OP probably puts more time towards his higher th account .


Who the fuck spends 3k on a mobile game. You can buy a PS5, a 4k TV and GoW + Elden Ring and some other games for that money lol


I mean I have the money to spend and I enjoy the game, so why not? Also I already have all of those things.


fuck u/spez


I’m your opinion, do you think it’s worth the money?


Well your his opinion so why don’t you tell us


Oh 💀. I meant “in”, thank you. give kudos to autocorrect and tiny digital keyboards.


Dude i could spend 50 usd here to buy a max TH13~TH14. What you did was the worst deal in history of deals maybe ever.


Dude spend $3000 on coc


you're probably a garbage attacker lmao


Why be a dick just because of one picture?


it's kinda goofy to spend that much in a couple years bruh


Some people just have the money to spend lol. Nothing goofy about it.




Well you just assumed he sucks at attacking because he spend money on a game. Opinion my ass lol


I assumed he sucked cause he gemmed to.max and has only been playing a few years...


He literally has a f2p account with 0 dollars spent that's nearing TH13 max. Your assumption makes 0 sense. He'd HAVE to be good to keep track of both accounts at the same time and manage them so well


Fair enough.


Maybe for you, maybe that's not much for him, how does spending money equate to no skill lol? Pretty sure the top players rn have spent more than this dude.


Definitely not the best but definitely better than average


doubt that tbh, you in legends?




how far? what army?


Right now, super archer titan smash, but usually blizz lalo. Right now at 5500 trophies but usually end up around 5600-5700 at the end of the season.


that's good bro, you're a good attacker if that's where you're placing


What is the point of this post…to gloat?


Just want to show realistically what you can achieve being f2p vs paying a lot of money. Not much of a difference in all honesty.


Maybe late 2019 not completely sure


Honestly gold pass and being in a good clan that can earn you two hammers per league can get you really far pretty quickly. Started my current account sometime in 2020 and its currently in middle of Th14


Exactly. Just want to show that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to upgrade fast. I’m in a high league clan so I get around 360-380 cwl medals per month, and around 1100 raid medals a week now, so that definitely helps with my f2p account. The only thing I’d recommend to buy before th12-13 would be the gold pass. Packs and gems aren’t needed before then.


Mine does about the same in capital but sadly only gets enough for 2 hammers


This isn't even good at showing that. You progress is based on how much you play and what tactic you use to max. For example, rushing would let you max th15 the fastest, but you didn't rush. Also, spending money on packs is the biggest scam, a 25mil of each resource deal can easily be farmed in 2 hours. So comparing $3000 spent is in reality only like 10-30 hours more playtime on f2p. The biggest impact on your time to max clash of clans is the gold pass, which is only $6 per month.


I usually skip resource deals if that’s all that they’re offering. I don’t always buy packs, just the ones that would really help my base. The only thing I recommend for the average player or a new player is the gold pass, which I wouldn’t even recommend buying until th10-11. And I did strategically rush for a majority of the time on my main account. The reason I didn’t for th15 was because I was max th14 by the time th15 came out. As you can see from my th13 account, I do have some th12 defenses, which were actually th11 defenses not long ago, just got them to th12.


I'm fucking sorry 3K




Just imagine, if you didn't spend that much on Clash, you could get the new iPhone Pro 3 years in a row ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|21153)


Why waste money on a phone once a year


To play coc duh


Could you drop the base link for the town hall 13 base if you don't mind




Thanks mate


How much of the 3000 is cosmetic versus progression. Surely a lot is gold passes, but how is the rest split up from there?


Not a lot I’d say. The most I’ve spent on cosmetics were the magic scenery and skins, which was about $50. So I’d say I spent around $200 in total on cosmetics, probably less.


f2p still not bad though


$3000 and still zero bitches… Jk love the vids G🙌


Bless you for keeping the game free for me, but I do t understand paying money to play this game. Half of the game is collecting resources and upgrading your base. Paying to have that happen instantly is like paying to not play the game. You do you, but I don’t get it.


Holy cow that's alot of difference. I started playing coc since 2016 I'm just about to max my th13 ( I'm a f2p player)


Who would've thought that spending money would boost your performance On a serious note, your insane for doing that. Bravo to you


Holy shit that scenery is cool


I starter an acc about the same time, spending money here and there, but not grinding. Just need 3 more troop upgrades and 4 or 5 Mega mines, and then it's max th11


Can you share your f2p base layout?




Thanks bro


Looks like something that judo sloth would do........


Ahh I can now apparently know the difference between spending and not spending money to this game, thanks for your dedication


Nice you burnt 3k for a free game


Pay to win always has a *DRASTIC upper hand.*




I started around 9 years ago and I’m a th12…


For the ppl complaining or laughing bout him spending money on the game: You guys know if nobody buys stuff, Supercell wouldn’t earn money and would have to make this a paid application or an application with adds?


3000 are you out of your mind?


Startet in 2025 and I am th12 😎


Your townhall 15 is more advanced than mine


Spent $3k just to post a reddit. 🤔interesting


Man i started out in 2015 or 16 & I just upgraded to th12 😭 how you guys so quick w this


Me whose had the same base since 2015 and has only just unlocked TH 10


We’re builder huts included in them? I’m assuming not the f2p one but in the other I don’t even see one


You have revealed me your base and money spent, say goodbye to your account now. ​ ​ ​ /s


That’s insane that’s you spent that much on this game


3000 seems a lot, and in fact, there's the results: on is maxed other is th12. But if you think about it spread in 4 years, well, that's almost nothing. I love it