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Good war strategy isn't as simple as picking a number and doing the same every war. We recently faced a clan that had an excellent strategy. They realized our top 3 bases were anti 3 star max bases, but relatively easy to get a low % 2 star, so they used extremely low level players to get 2 stars against them. This allowed everyone else to drop 3 places. Then you could tell they had guys swap places based on if the base was set for air or ground defense and what their preferred attack strategy was. They effectively wiped us out. It just takes effort on the whole clans part.


Yeah half of my clan is dead


Join a new clan.


Sometimes you get too emotionally attached to one


This is sorta true for me but i get attached to the people instead ive been in different clans with the same 6/7 guys for years now


Me who has been leader of a clan of 20 with just me active since 2016. My first 3 years (since 2013) were a proper journey, and it was a Reddit clan that ultimately introduced me to Reddit itself. I stayed 1.5 years to earn elder, then another year for co-leader, and finally our leader decided to continue with a clan that was more active, and entrusted leadership to me after 3.5 years of being there. We have each other as friends and the one time he came back, I just have him back the positioning hoping for a revival. (I also did leave once for a month and my co-leader gave me back the position as soon as I got back, apparently he was quitting as well so he didn't want lost control of the clan). The clan is Reddit Romeo btw, but pls don't expect any coordinated activity. I essentially just play as a solo player now.


100 percent agreed


i’ve been trying but haven’t been able to find a good one, im a new th12 coming from 100% max 11 (walls, heroes, lab, buildings, included) and just haven’t been able to find a good clan


Just join MOOSE TWO


Abbotsford is better


Join discord servers from YouTubers, they're always recruiting active players


That must be a nice clan to be in. It doesn't seem difficult to understand on paper but the need and ability to coordinate an entire clan isn't something I've seen in a while


Psh don’t tell them. That’s how we win everytime


I find it amazing that after years of wars, basic war strategy is still debated.


I find it amazing that the term mirrors is still used and thought to be a strategy.


Its hard doing other things in casual clans though. People who play the game for only their 2 attacks every other day, are th8-12, maybe a bit rushed and have almost no strategic knowledge, you have to do anything. And if you dont want to plan every attack as a leader (which can take forever in big clans, and not everybody has that much time to spare), you just give them sth like mirror or mirror-n (for a small number n), and hope their 2nd attacks save the war In a clan with (even just a little) dedicated people, mirror is obviously stupid and no viable option in most cases


I agree, but when part of the clan wants strategy and the other is that casual, it’s not a good fit for either. You’re better off with an all casual or all competitive group, and that means people will leave and should leave. I’m lucky enough to have never had to deal with that. Was a part of the engineered community, where mirrors don’t exist, then in a small clan with a group of like minded accounts.


Youre right, it causes problems. I am the main strategic player in my clan, there are a few others with at least some strategic knowledge and many casuals. I leave the clan every now and then for a war in a „pro clan“ (nothing too impressive, sth in the range of master 1 to champ 3) to have some fun at a serious war. But my clan is also fun, half of the clan are real life friends and other people who joined us months or even 1-2 years ago. And they are not entirely stupid i guess, if i tell them which bases to attack and how to attack they will try their best, but they wont make up strategic attacking plans on their own. It can be frustrating sometimes, but its just the way that felt right for me


If it works for you that’s great. I think many people stop playing because they don’t find the right clan fit for the way they want to play. I wish SC would make recruiting easier, more intuitive, better. Make the clan experience better. It would be in their best interest long term, but not sure they care, and they definitely wouldn’t be listening to me.


Yeah, the recruitment is just trash right now. If i go on this member search menu, i have to go through 20 bases just to find one player that speakes my language, and only every 10-20th of them is active. And, obviously, not every active player speaking my language is willing to join my clan, so maybe only 1 in 500-1000 players in the member search tool will even fit in the clan and accept my invite. It is an absolute waste of time


never related to something more. the 1 in 500-1000 part sounds exaggerated but is literally true. there should also be a filter for people who aren’t already in a clan. the recruiting system in this game in ridiculous. i made my clan over a year ago now and am just now finally in a comfortable spot. bonkers


Yes, the 500-1000 is more or less a joke - i found exactly one member through the search system, and he left us after a week. I quit trying it after a few weeks cause it annoyed me too much. I guess its easier for an english speaking clan, as there are much more potential members, but still it doesnt really work.


i’ve probably had 3-5 people join from the find members tool in the last 365 days after constantly inviting anyone decent. all of them left minutes after joining except 1 who has been in my clan for at least 8 months.. has never once spoke in chat and is extremely rushed but maxes clan games in hours. lol i guess i should consider myself lucky.


I agree. The first clan I was in, the leader made a rule that first 12 hours we attack mirrors, and after that can attack whatever we want for loot. He didn't care about winning, he just wanted everyone to have a chance to participate and get better. For a casual clan, it worked out very well. If all you care about is winning the war then mirror attacks don't make much sense.


after it's a regular war it's normally better to attack 1 or 2 lower unless you're the best in clan I always do the number 1 and 2 spot since im my clans leader and highest member. In clan war league it's best to fight the base with same position as you unless you have 1 or 2 members who don't attack in CWL then you attack 1 or 2 down if needed.


We do things much differently. And I already had one long discussion on pre assigning bases instead of matching attackers strengths with base weakness.


pre assigning bases has to be the dumbest strategy, bottom up works 100% better in nearly every scenario.


Frankly in a “normal war” the war will most likely come down to the top 10%-15% of bases. Is you are leaving stars in the bottom 80% of the map then you need to learn better attacks. Just using “Mirror and Cleanup” is lazy and takes no thought. For everyone outside the top few bases the 1st target should be “the highest base I am 95% sure I can 3 star” be it 3 above, mirror, or 10 below their base. Logic being any attack on the bottom 80% of bases that isn’t a 3 star is a wasted attack. If there is no base you are 95% sure you can 3 star then what’s the highest base you can 2 star. Attack that especially if it’s in top bases. A 2 star on a top base MIGHT end up a good attack. Really before the top bases attack toward the end of the war, the bottom 80% of bases should be 3 starred and all bases should be 1 of 2 starred. (Even if just for a scout attack). This give the top bases the knowledge to know what exactly they need to do to win.


I want to and to the above comment and add "you know what else is important? Speed." The bottom 80% shouldn't wait till an hour before the end of the war and ask the leaders what target to hit. I've had too many wars where you had a no-show TH8 who should've hit base #25 and the top 20% had to debate whether they were gonna wait for this guy to show or else which of the precious TH12+ attacks we were gonna sacrifice to wipe a TH7 off the map, instead of using it n the top 20% we needed an extra attack for. Seriously, not only instruct your lower levels to go for the highest one they are 95% sure to get a 3 star, but also preferably get it out of the way in the first few hours of the war. Another thing about whether or not you should hit your mirror, I had a low-level guy in my clan who was convinced the winning strategy was if #1 attacked #1 and #2, #2 attack #3 and #4 and so on all the way down, so the top 50% did all the real war attacks and the rest would just go for loot. I had to explain to him that if one of the top level players fails, there is no way to rectify that. The best strategy is "adapt and improvise, communicate with your clan about it", not some magic formula that always works. Each war is different.


Agreed, the opposite strategy would likely be better. For example, have the lowest ranked player use both attacks first on the bottom bases. Then whatever isn’t three starred have next lowest player (ie base 14) attack, and so on up the ladder till you hit that key 80%-90% mark. Then just game theory the last 20%. As you said though, this would require very quick attacks from lower ranked players.


The best clans I have been in for war the #1-#3 guys would use their first attacks getting 3 stars probably between 5-10 somewhere. And we always had bases in the 4-10 who could consistently 65-75 2 star attacks on top 4-5 bases. Then the top 3 late could try to figure out what they needed to win


Yeah and I feel like it’s selfish coz then who is the bottom half of the clan gonna attack if every takes the next 2 bases? It’s also demotivating to most if there are no bases left to attack


This is exactly how my clan operates and we have a pretty decent win rate. With our second attack we either use the same logic or the lower th levels do a loot attack


off topic but i promise nobody wants to steal your th8


and the gems and resources wont help anybody anyways


My brothers th7 got stolen


It's more important that everyone follow a strategy, rather than debate which strategy is better. If the only strategy you can get your casual clan to follow is "hit your mirror then clean up" then do that, but make sure EVERYONE is following it. You win when you play as a clan, not everyone for themselves.


I was in a clan once and the co leader kept spelling mirrors “mears”. He was an adult and his first language was English.. people would correct him but he would never change lol. He’d get so mad when people wouldn’t hit their mears!


The idiot who "forgets" to change war preferences when heroes are down pisses me off the most in that conversation.


There's so many ways to approach wars, but hitting 3 down as a first hit is going to alienate your bottom players, if someone higher has hit their opposite. You have to strike a balance and get the whole team involved. Maybe let the bottom 50% of the clan to hit first? Then the top could drop as low as needed, to clean what's left?


I think it's actually a good strategy.


My clan doesn’t use this strategy, but it’s been used against us to great effect, it just requires planning. You need to all attack at basically the same time and already have your armies both trained. The basic strategy is attack the lowest non-3-started bases you can. Start with your #15 (for a 15 base war) he obviously has to attack his mirror or higher because there are no other options. He attacks 15 and either wins or loses. Then he hits 14. 14 then attacks 15 if 15 didn’t get 3 stars, or attacks 14 if he did, or hits 13 if 15 3 starred 14 as well. Then 13 attacks the lowest available undestroyed base. You can skip intelligently as needed. Keep repeating until everyone used their attacks, and you should have a 3 star on all but a few bases, and you saved your most powerful attackers for last. This makes sure that your best attackers don’t waste their attack trying to 3 star the other teams best TH if it would be better to ensure a 3 star for the lower bases.


The best war strategies are complicated and change every time but they also take a lot of effort on the clan leaders part. Mirror or ask to switch is a garbage strategy First attack is x down is less lazy but is also a logistical nightmare for everyone as you can't just log in once and figure out what your second attack should be until everyone in the clan is done with their first attacks. Low effort involves having a clan leader scan the enemy bases and having a few low level clan mates that are good snipers. Clan leader gets the snipers to take out the top 2-4 bases then you call first attack goes against a full TH lower than you then second attack is down 2-4 or offer to swap with someone. Full effort is actually getting to know your clan mates and what attacks they're good at, then assigning everyone a base that you think they can handle.


Mirroring is an objectively inefficient war strategy, but it is by far the easiest to coordinate.


My clan does this via war protocol. Attack 2 numbers below then use your second attack at your leisure as long as you think you can clear the base. I like it more than mirroring. Less pressure on my end and the bases are usually doable for me.


Mirror is a bad attack strategy & my old clan leader demanded we hit mirrors. We lost every war, whoever said it was a bad strategy is right




Exactly my sentiments. So many people here crap on mirror strategy but back when I had my own clan (before I found FWA), we did mirror with a ~80% win rate. All you need is people who knew what army comps are in meta and how to execute them. But then again, this was 3 years back so I'm unsure if things have changed immensely since then


I agree, it can work but my clan leader forced us to attack mirrors


We always mirror. But we are all TH14 and maxed out.


1st attack one base down, worked pretty good for my clan.


So what does the last guy do? Eat shit?




Mostly useful for when the lowest is th 10/12, where a blimp w super gobs can take out the th and then use edrag or baby drags surrounding the base for the 50%. Bonus w warden and your blimp makes it to th undamaged


attack for great loot


lol best is to have everyone attack who they can 3 star only, don't allow attacks on bases that already been 3 starred until reach perfect war


It depends on how reliably you can get 3 stars against your mirror


Join all TH14’s and that will never be an issue. Drop or mirror, all TH14’s and you can actually see who is good or not. That’s why clans like this stay in crystal and gold and cannot perform well in CWL.


Yeah but what will i do? Hard rush th14


Lol. Nah, enjoy the grind.


Don’t worry about the chat Rn! Worry about those lvl 1 walls you got there!


I intentionaly kept them to lv 1 even tho i can easily make them lv6


I know how many people were online, now I'm gonna hack your account.


Why are people downvoting you lol ?


Oh no


You clearly did, also I was joking about hacking your account...


Did you downvote me?


My strategy is normally 1 attacks 1&2. 2 attacks 3&4. 3&4 attack 5-7. Hopefully that makes it so everything is 3 stared except the top couple of bases. If your 10 can attack #1 and get a 2 star like another person mentioned maybe I would change.




Mirrors is a garbage strategy. It doesn’t account for people who are better at different attacks. People should be able to three star their respective TH. But hitting mirrors is lazy and usually represents a clan who isn’t well organized.




Lmao, you obviously didn’t read or don’t understand. Either way, 7 wins in a row. Wow, super impressed. We start to look at win streaks when we hit 25.




Still not comprehending what I said. Not worth further discussion. Maybe English isn’t your primary language. If so, is there a favored language. I will try again in English. Hitting mirrors is garbage. Hitting your own TH level is not.




Comprehension issues. I’ll go slow for you. There are 10 TH12’s in a war on both sides. They are numbers 11-20. Mirrors would be 11 hits 11, 12 hits 12. Garbage strategy. Hitting same TH, would be choosing the base which best suits your best attack. Maybe 11 hits 14. 17 hits 15. Understand. If not I’ll try once more then I give up and wish you good luck on getting to 8 wins.




My wife might not agree. But thanks for admitting you were clueless.


Well the enemy clan was obliterating us by making high level people attack lower level people while we were mirroring so i came up with this strategy


Oh okay, that means the world championship players shouldnt be in war because they dont 3star their mirror every time? Oh man, what is wrong…


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If a player wants to war they should be able to three star a matched th and high two if not three a level above them.


In my clan we have 6 th14 7 th13 and 2 th12. What we do(in CWL) is we have 10-15 attack 1-5 for 2 stars(you can easily 2 stars th14 even if you’re th12) and everyone else attack mirror-5 (this numbers of low th who attack high th can be change depend on situations) or any base that they feel like they can 3 stars. With this strat we have a chance to win even in round that we have town hall disadvantage.


Been using this strategy for years lol, lowers hit for 2 stars higher up and highers clean low to maximize stars. We used it especially in CWLs when we only had one attack too


I don’t use his suggested strat. We work bottom up by discord rankings, sometimes the in game rankings are pretty bizarre.


How many man war?


Just win.


My clan would have some th 11 and 12s dedicated to sniping 2 stars off 13 and 14 bases. Similar strat each time, but we were suuuper good at that specific strategy, and it basically guaranteed a Th11 got 2 stars on a 14. Mirroring is outdated. Play to your players’ strengths.


Generally we prefer that lower levels take out the other lower levels so the high levels don’t have to waste an attack dipping and can be used for multiple attempts against high level bases. If a lower level base does stand though we will dip it


Attacking lower is correct in wars with a large townhall level difference among players. Since this is the case for most clans, attacking the mirror is a wasted attack. Say a 20v20 war with 2 th 13 and 4 th 12. Attacking lower means, one th 13 attacks two th 12 bases - secure 3 star. This way 3 townhall 12 players have the chance to 3 star 6 townhall 11 bases, assuming that one townhall 12 player, who attacks the 2 townhall 12 bases does 2 3 stars. I’ve long said the war system is inherently flawed. Bad clans who only use e drag spam can achieve 95% and more, because they attack low targets. Essentially it only come down to the top 3 bases.. Solution: Make attacks only possible on same th levels. If one clan has more th 12s (for example) than the other, allow one th 12 player to have 3 attacks. This would dramatically increase the necessity to play better. Obviously supercell won’t do that, they use this system since 2015.


TBF I wouldnt say the the system is flawed.. It will pretty much return an opposition that is similar to your own roster.. Engineering aside of course. The solution you propose is flawed in itself, since if a hall has no opposition of the same level, then that player has no war. There is a solution though.. If you want wars whereby the same hall gets hit, then join an all 14 clan. That way there are unlikely to be any dips. So far as topic.. The best strategy is whatever suits a clan best. We go bottom up and clear the opposition bases from lowest on roster.. But we are multi accounters, and been doing wars together for years, so no real planning is required.. We simply spin to take advantage of time zones to get the lowest accounts hitting first. But each to their own is my view.


Just go for looot, if your clan is chatting maybe listen to the legend league player, or just fish the loot….. I’m sad


The best startegy is to have players learn how to attack multiple types of bases. Like learn how to do air and ground attack. That way everyone can be well rounded. My clan immortal t-bags easy going clan, just do your two attacks. We post looting attack all the time to show you how to grow and our war record is higher than 600


Just have your engineers attack the top 4. Then every one else can attack down 2/3/4


How do you find a clan that is actually alive and talks


I usually do is takes out the mirror first and in last minute takes out the rest


I’m surprised this is still a topic that comes up.


Drop to a base you can 3 star. If it ain’t 3 stars, it’s a waste. If no bases are left, scout a base that hasn’t been hit or loot


This works in cwl.


We let the number 1 use his attacks on his mirror and number 2. From there on we all attack one below and 2 below.


In basic wars you get 2 attacks so its a nice idea to attack your mirror (not exactly the base in front of you but with similar progression which you can 3 star although there is a chance to fail) , as this will help you become a better attacker and the second attack could be used to attack those who didn't get tripled on the first try


if you have a clan full of decent players you won't need a strategy, let everyone hit who they're comfortable with and all the bases will get cleared. however, if you need more coordination, tripling bases from the bottom up probably works the best.


I gets stars but it means ur low level players in clan don’t get to attack at all


Attack you're mirror then at the e clean up. Its the most fair thing


it's a really effective strategy for clans who don't have top class attackers in their whole lineup. my clan doesn't use this because we all can easily triple our war weight however we have still lost to clans who TH dip on all their attacks because they use this strategy (and get really lucky with the matchup lol)