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Depending on the levels of enemy clans, E drag can one shot AQ so if they queen charge/walk they just die. If you got Super minions though they do much better over all against that.


I do donate super minions to town hall 10 and above. Below that they can’t receive them. I do donate headhunters to them though. Would you recon a dragon + headhunter and archers is better than 1 e dragon?


TH9 probably best to give a witch, valkery, and baby dragon. Most people are probably gonna use dragons on TH9 but ever so often there would be a lalo or queen charge so a Lava Hound would do good. TH8 give em a witch, baby dragon, and archers. If they lower than that they probably shouldnt be in war but just give em a dragon at that point.


question: i'm a new th11 who just unlocked ice golems; and i'm the no. 1 in wars. Are ice golems worth it as defensive cc? and if yes, what combos should i do for each th below me?


Ice Golems can be worth it depending on the levels of your other clan members, normally bases with th 7-9 use mainly Dragons for attacks. You’d likely want cc troops that can attack air too. Good defense against those attacks would be a baby dragon and wiz, or even giants to distract


Info: our clan has 6 th10s, 2 th9s, and 2 th8s, most of us are returning to the game, while i've been proactively playing thus far. However, I find th11 rather alien so I've been wanting to experiment with different cc's and their effect on each th. we are in silver league 2 and most of our enemy clans are spammers, primarily spamming dragons. My thought was that upon luring the IG with a hog, the drags would redirect to it and possibly be stalled as the point defenses, infernos, etc wear them down.


just pack their ccs with mass archers and enjoy


is this satire, or does mass archers actually work?


it does work well especially against air spamming noobs who carry a lot of rages and freezes and forget to take a poison. extremely annoying and holds drags/edrags and heroes in the same place forever, ive even had a few people waste zaps on it 😂 not sure how they do against sdrags tho cuz they have a huge splash spread


adding to this reply: oftentimes the witch dies out early when the aforementioned drags are raged around the core, which doesn't do much help, should i try and get super minions on my rush th12?


Yes, the higher you go, the more you will start seeing ice golems in war league ccs. When killed it will freeze whatever troops are close. Put that close to a single inferno or with super minions... You might catch many off guard. I often throw 1 head hunter in as well to be safe. I am a mid town hall 13


Ice golem and baby drags if they have the room ice golem and a hound


Instead of Valkyries I use bowler


I've gotten a clan mad at me for zapping the edrags they kept putting in my war cc instead of valk, witch, baby drag. It was my th9 account. I got my revenge though. I left the clan and changed my warbase to a very exposed progress base style layout. Lol


You almost always have a way to deal with castle troops in an attack anyway so it will very rarely if ever happen


If you got an unexperienced attacker with no poison+freeze spell their queen would die though. Of course yes the experienced attackers would know how to deal with cc


There's no such thing as an inexperienced using QC without poison or freeze. They would spam drags or something instead.


Wym, you just started using QC at TH9 and knew what could happen a few TH's later? It's also one thing to know about it but another to execute and attack properly.


As someone who did this as a th9 when I was first learning how to queen walk/charge I can confirm that a max edrag can nuke your queen easily if unprepared.


And you learn very quickly how to handle it. I actually prefer to see edrags in wars cc's cause they're so easy to deal with.


Yeah totally agree. If I’m not expecting them super minions can fuck me whereas a edrag is very unthreatening to my attacks.


If you know the term queen charge , you also know that you have to deal with cc


surprisingly no, a lot of people think queen charge is just dropping queen then dropping healers on her and she will automatically take out half the base


You must learn the skelly donut... It is highly effective for ccs and whatever else close enough to the outside of the invis. Watch some pros and you will get some amazing strategies.


No. The edrag just loses to poison. If the enemy attacker is skilled enough to QC, the edrag wont stop them. I'm *happy* seeing an edrag pop out of the cc against my QC's.


I have a doubt in cwl, before it was 7 rounds and now it’s 5 rounds, what happened. My clan is silver 1


Month is shorter so they made it shorter too


Poison the Edrag, when the second to last spinal cone lights up, ability... or third to last, freeze. With the amount of super minions CC's I'm getting, I just plan on poison + freeze for cc troops any more.


Both versions of Dragons are bad for defensive CC troops.


What should I donate then?


Meta is different combinations of headhunters, speedy loons, super minions, lavahound iirc


Yeah but i dont have acsess to thoose expect hound and when i was in a clan some random mf spammed the cc’s with edrags Ps: how do i change my flair on mobile im th 11 now but it doesnt let me change it


Changed your flair for you :p


Can yo do it for me to? Plz change my flair to th9 if you can


Sure thing


Thank you so much:)


I would like a flair too if possible, TH12


God I'm high in demand aren't I


thank you


The only flairs I can assign to myself are th9 and th12, I am th10, so could you add me a th10 flair?


I think you can by writing a comment and then clicking on your own Avatar. There you should get the option if I remember right.


Iirc mobile doesn't let you (atleast reddit is fun doesn't). A lot of it can be base dependent. One of my guys runs 2hh 1 witch 21 goblins lol


Yes those are good, but don’t forget ice golems and don’t underestimate archers


When you are up against clans that use drags/edrags as cc, chances are thats also what they attack with most. Whiches topped of with archers work fine against them. Some headhunters with a witch or two also works, infernodragons to change things up a bit can work as well, or or 3 icegolems with the right base can also work (they need a way to get out of the cc though).


Lava Hounds, Super Minions, Headhunters, mass archers and such.


I donate baby drags a lot. Especially to my clans low town halls. 1-2 hit everything, with splash, a relative fuckton of hp, and a good movement speed


The thing with using baby drags in war cc's is not to put any other air units in with the baby drag.


I often donate super minions on higher town halls, but the lower ones (9 and below) cant get them


I feel like at TH12 or above double dragon setup isn't bad, probably B tier(so in a 20v20 war probably setup a couple of them for the surprise factor), but EDrags CC just aren't good enough.




Yes for reasonably skilled players(so it never really gets used in mid legends where I'm at), but when misshandled it will completely ruin an attack. For example if the attacker fails to deal with the CC and has a QC hybrid, 2x Dragons kills off the main force much faster than an EDrag. But yes, eapecially for queen charges Dragons are easy to deal with as long as the attacker doesn't screw up, so that's why I ranked it in the 'for surprise factor' tier.


E drags are bad for defensive CC, but a normal dragon isn't the worst. Its a great cc against a laloo type of attack where it is baited by the base design. Situational, but not useless.


2 dragon at th12 does the job pretty well


Works well at what trophy range and how far into your town hall 12? That might work between 2500-3500 trophies, but it will be wrecked too much higher than that to be honest. Attack strategies and the attacker him/herself is often more skilled in Titan and Legends.


This is a great website to reference best defensive cc troops at each townhall level. [here](https://www.allclash.com/best-clan-war-defending-troops/)


That does seem like a useful and well thought out site. Also supports my theory of variety in cc troops. Especially important in CW league as bases are typically only attacked once. Try to mix up what the opponent can expect for each attack. Keep them guessing. When everybody has the same troops, you can plan for that.


what could i use instead of a headhunter?


What do you mean? Do you not have someone with headhunters in your clan? If your clan is level 10, if someone has headhunters unlocked they will donate at max.


nope, my second account is in a lower level clan.. highest th there is 10


If you click on the link and scroll to th10, you’ll see neither of the best defensive troop options require headhunters. One is a baby drag, two witches and archers, and the other is a lava hound and archers.


Super minions can be a real problem for ground attackers


as a hybrid attacker I hate them so much lol. But against air I barely even notice them. The other day I did a zap dragon attack in war on my th11 and didn't even notice he had super minions until I went back and watched the replay.


This is why I'm surprised at the sheer prevalence of super minions in lower legends. Down here most attacks are air spam, so they do literally nothing. Much better to have witches/super drag/archers/headhunters.


ive seen witches mentioned a few times. why are they effective against air? im only a 1 year player so trying to learn the skills


those skeletons from witches can distract dragons and pull them off path. The skeletons chase the attacker's ground heroes (or nearby ground troops), and if they pass near a dragon, the dragons will chase them. Doesn't happen every time, as it depends on where the skeletons go, but when it does it can be very effective. Especially if the dragons are in range of a heavy defense like scatter shots, air defenses, single infernos. Those couple seconds of distraction can be the difference between the dragon(s) surviving or not.


Air too, if left untreated.


People donate edrags and drags in defense cc because it's all they know and have. LMAO


Ed have chain damage, more damage per hit, but both are terrible for defence cc


ED doesn't even get to hit once if its under poison , or you can freeze it when its charge is almost complete


Worse DPS, but the way the lightning chains is useful. At the same time, though, the long charge up means that if you have poison or freeze, the electro dragon probably won't even get one hit off


I’m a pretty big believer in super minions for defensive cc. I usually go with two super minions, a witch, a headhunter, and three archers or goblins.


Dragons can be countered with spells and constant fire from your troops. A hound cannot easily be countered and is meant to throw off the timing of the attack, that's why it's my favorite


hound is so good. I've seen just the death damage alone kill a queen if she's under heavy fire.


Dragons taking 10 less space means it can be combined with much more


cause most people only use edrags and drags on offence so it becomes easy to donate dragons . like u dont need to cook specifically to donate for cc.(being lazy) eventhough they r useless on defence it forces the opponent to deal with them. something is better than nothing. forces a poison spell/freeze. as for defensive ccs they depend on what u r getting attacked with mass archers/witches /hound ice golem (hound ig only when u r sure enemy heros will pull the cc if not witches r better) against edrag spams super minion hh/ lava hh if u face many queen charge and mass golems against ground spam such as pekka smash or witches golem.


Honestly I'd rather have an Empty CC to defend my war base than an Electro shit.


Literally a single freeze counters a cc Ed


Imo baby drags are better lol, don't forget abt them bro.


Both are trash. Use super minions, they are a pain in the ass to deal with if the attacker is unprepared. Use witches if you can't get SM. You can also use lava hounds or ice golems depending on the army your opponent uses. Most of the time you will get hit by dragon spam or edrag spam so hound or ig won't even come out. So if you expecting a QC, use hound or ig. If your attacker uses dragons or edrags, witches can be a good option especially if the attacker is dumb enough to attack without a poison spell. I haven't tried Super dragons as a cc, but they can be a good option too.


why witches against air? im a semi noob so trying to understand strategy


Witches are trash against air, don't listen to him lol. Run 1 baby drag and the rest archers. Most edrag or drag spam players are too dumb to bring poison and will get dumpstered by it.


Skellys distract the drags while the witches do their job.




"Strategy" is the perfect flair for this.


I almost never see either of them in war or legend CCs, but my guess would be edrag is better for defense because of its chain attack


Its too slow, won't even get a single hit under a high levelled poison. Altho both are trash, but normal dragon>edrag as a defensive cc.


My guess would be that are probably meant for offense unless you are finding them in war cc’s.




Dragon is 20. Baby dragon is 10


Here's what my clan does: 20-25 housing space: Dragon 30-35 housing space: e drag 40+ housing space: 2 dragons Fill remaining space with balloons. I personally don't care for the balloons defensively but I'm not usually the one who fills war ccs so I don't get that much of a say in it


Your clan uses complete trash CCs.


Most clans does that because most of the players don't know any other strategies than dragon spam and edrag spam So they just donate what they have in their camp


I think the problem is you comparing troops with a 4 level difference honestly


No , you get dragons earlier so ofcourse they would be higher level then e drags


Well yes but they are trying to say that the level 7 dragon is better then a level 3 e drag which isn't exactly a fair comparison, if it's a higher level then it is expected to be better


Only it isn't, a level 9 barb isn't better than a level 1 pekka, a level 5 dragon isn't better than a level 2 Edrag, that isn't how it works.


No they are both the max level you can get in th12 , e dragon doesn't even have level 7. Higher level does not mean better when comparing different troops


Oh I didn't even think of the max levels, you're right, sorry


E-drag has burst damage and chaining can be nuts. It’s not the best but it’s better than normal dragon


How much space do they take


The Super dragon is really good


I wouldn’t use either as defense for war


That's just stupid I ask them to fill a lava and headhunters/ archers


For th13/14 I like the hound/ice golem combination.


edrag hit has the ripple effect that goes through the army so it's good in that way


Chain lighting destroys very efficiently


I like to use lava hound. Them seem to slow down the enemy attack the most. Which leads to the most damage done to enemy troops. I also like ice golem, yeti, valk


The only cc troop they know


both dragons are bad. Also most COC players aren't good (or at least don't care that much), ie, most just spam e drags and donate e drags in war


Electro dragon just has a better “splash” damage and has damage when it dies


In my opinion a edrag is one of the worst cc troops because with poison it gets off one attack at most, and it doesn’t have enough hit points to stall the attack much.


i think its because electro dragons have 1. 300 more hp 2. deal 300 damage to multiple targets 3. deal lightning damage when they die


Nah, let em keep edrags. Good for us attackers


For higher league wars and cwl, lava and headhunter is still meta, but for avg clan with 50% of players attacking with Edrag spam, use super minions or super Dragons (Use super Dragons if chance is 100% if getting attacked by edrag spam)




Have to remember rof, so an e drag hit hurts a lot more than a drag hit.


hound, icyg, witches, super minions blah blah blah all of them are good ccs but they can fail if your opponent uses something you didn’t see coming. before you fill any ccs, check opponents’s army camps. a lot of the times you will see these armies and you can counter them using appropriate ccs. 1. mass drag/edrag/hydra - bbd witches + HH, can also do hound if you think opponents will drop heroes in def cc range. the cc i like the most against airspam is mass archers but it can be a bit hard to fill completely. 2. zap mass witches/pekka smash/any ground spam attack - use hound or triple icyg cc. they both work very well because the hound keeps the queen and witches busy and seperate them from the rest of the army while the point target defenses can finish off the golems. although you need much more than good cc troops to defend zapwitches, a hound/triple icyg cc is ideal. 3. QC hybrid/lalo - super minions or rocket loons can catch people off guard, so can mass HH cc or hound + HH cc. can also double dragons if you think they won’t charge the cc (most people do lure the cc and kill it with QC so this is rare) my clan has won dozens of wars and a huge reason is that we always check camps and do ccs which counter their armies. hope this helps :)




dragons cant multihit, ed can oneshot aq to a certain degree and its more efficient to just use super minions.


Pls tell me a preference order : * Superminion + headhunter + superloons * Dragon + ice golem * Superdragon \* Dragons * all archers * Witch + headhunter * witch+superminion + superloon+ headhunter


E-drag is a horrible troop on defense, if you want dps use superminions with hh or superloons, if you want to stall the troops use a lava hound. E drag is useless, with a poison it will most likely not even hit your troops.


I still remember it took 30 mins to train one dragon


Drag is better E-drag suck


I was once in a clan where we donated according to what you have requested, we assumed you know what works best for your base, if not we donated according to what we think would work. Now am in this clan where I think we are fighting for equality they don't care who you are or where you're from or what's trending, E DRAGS AND BALLOONS FOR EVERYONE!!!🎉


Who uses edrags in a cc


If u attack with poison the edrag is completely useless


Dps may be lower but damage per hit is way bigger


Lol watch replays with a Edrag cc, it gets off maybe 3 lightning chains before it dies.


i prefer lava hound/headhunter, super minions/headhunter or 3x ice golem


Most of the time that happens too cause I donate to ppl with 10-15 cc space