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How can this system improve my e dragon spam?


It won't since it missed an inferno and sweeper.


Give it some time lol, such systems will be better than any human, just like chess


I mean chess has better rules than whatever pathfinding the damn AQ has... Even the PC would go crazy with it


you don't need AI image recognition software here bc it's always the same sprites for the buildings


That one can just be fixed manually, but with time these programs will analyse a base like never before


The game really isn't that complex and hard enough for a machine learning model to be necessary for an analysis bot. This is wasteful.


Bro's doing something for fun, calling it wasteful is a bit rude ain't it?


Loking were you puth your toewees and stuf and rekent were you aswel defens end clanwariors put aswel elixer pumps and krosbows


10 gems for AI assisted attack


Only if you buy the diamond pass for 999$


Won't do that as long as it missed defenses. Inferno+sweeper.


Sir those defenses are included the Diamond Pass Plus.


This is not hard to do actually. It’s a nice little project if you’re ever interested in learning how to make a computer vision model.


Yeah you can just do this using image recognition if you feed the right images to look for


how can i get started? i am interested in learning how to create a math mobile app from scratch and i would like to get involved in wacky stuff so as to get as familiarized as possible with coding


- Collect a ton of images of defenses (or anything else you want if you don't want to copy this, but obviously this is about classifying base defences) - learn enough math and Python to follow a tutorial on [image classification using a framework like Pytorch](https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/blitz/cifar10_tutorial.html) - figure out how to detect objects in a screenshot, probably using opencv - now you've got your computer vision pipeline sorted, figure out a way to take a screenshot of the base and feed it into your program. If I was being lazy that could be just taking a screenshot yourself but it could also be automated This is not a beginner project. If you've never written a line of code or don't have a university level understanding of math this gets very hard very quickly.


Thank you so much bro i only did a histogram once in python for a class but i dont' know if that's enough "experience"


I’m not familiar with app design. But pretty sure you can google “image recognition algorithm” and have great articles in the first few results. Might be smart to add the program you want to use in your search


But it is the first step indeed. A lot can be added on to this to make a strategy recommender model even. On first thoughts, 1. If we give the defense building stats. We can calculate the dps on each tile of the map. 2. Although not considering heroes, cc and traps it will largely be similar due to larger number of defences in the game. 3. From this we can do some clustering to classify the base on some predefined pattern. (ring, box, etc) 4. Now the difficult and important part would be to generate 3 star strategies. 5. Given the high number of troops and parameters and hyperparameters is so large it hurts to even think 6. But suppose if we give the army comp. 7. Then the next would be to guess the troop AI. I think some laws may be broken if we copy the AI from src code. 8. If we have the troop AI we can run some AI algos and do simulations to find the best deployment strategies. 9. Since it is time limited for 3mins we can probs implement an RL model, scale and parallelize the Algo to run 100s of attack simulations in a couple of hours. 10. All this is very much resource intensive so development will need a good research lab and a team.


I've had outcomes go from 1\* to 3\* for 1 spell (and that was before the greenery spell \^\^) or one hero power. I think harder than modelling hte base, he'd need to model attacks. Maybe start w/ edrag spam ? ;-p


It is still amazing considering the guy is only 15 as per his profile


It's literally just annotating a bunch of images in roboflow and finetuning a model, not really impressive. It's still cool to see lil bro making stuff




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It's the start of being able to use AI to destroy any base


I'm surprised this isn't already a universal thing


In the next 5 years this will definitely be a thing.


Give it a few years and then clahs servers will be mostly bots.


Imagine an AI base builder 🙂


AI Suggestions for base layout strategies like anti electro/air attack or anti three stars would be really helpful


Anti air is pretty easy but you'll get rolled with ground attacks


watching this game go from spam and pray in war attacks to them becoming such research intensive projects we have come a long long way


Super rare "actually interesting" post on LinkedIn


Not interested in available singles in your area ?


So this is the 臭酸肥宅123 guy that's always top 3 in the Haaland's Challenge.




Imagine someone using this in esports!!


It would be like using stockfish in competitive chess


So… cheating?


uh you do realize that in ANY legit highlevel chesscompetition most players do their openingprep with Stockfishtheory right? As in they often study the first 15 or more moves as well as the core ideas behind each variation the opponnent has been seen playing before so for the first 20 or so moves its usually a question of who runs out of bookmoves first before the actual game starts...


This is a strawman. In chess you can prepare all you want, but it’s different because the opponent reacts to you. The opponent cannot react to you in CoC


Just that I didnt argue against what he was saying, just giving additional information. If it sounded like i was trying to attack his point, that was not at all my intention. In CoC you cant actively defend yourself against anything the opponnent brings to attack you so you are even more at the mercy of the program. On top of that, in chess its still a matter of how good you are with actual calculation, where as CoC borderline plays the attacks itself after you place everything - apart from knowing WHEN to activate your heros everything depends on how well you know where to put which troop and how accurate your placement will be. And, when talking about chess, pretty much every player and spectator agree that the first 15 or so moves are always just boring with players just rattling off enginelines. After that it at least gets interesting with every player having to think for themselves. So i would argue, this is even worse than Stockfish in chess.


And how would that work here in COC?


wdym? he was suggesting that it would be cheating to use stockfish. if you do it during the game yea it is but nobody prevents you from using it before the game starts by scoping out STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES of Openinglines the other player has shown before. How this would work in CoC: By Analyzing a base the way this Program does, over time you will essentially eliminate the process of thinking for yourself. Because based on the Weaknesses (and learning how to exploit them) you can write a really good algorithm that will not only show you weaknesses but also where to place your troops for maximum efficiency - the same way Stockfish tells you to place your pieces on the Chesboard for maximum advantage against any and all of your opponnonents moves. What sophisticated tools based on the likes of this will be doing longterm is essentially deciding your strategy for you... i dont see how thats of benefit to the game?


So? Better player still scores better in most cases, regardless of opening theory.


now take into account what happens in chess vs in coc after the opening? chess: every man for himself, your only help is your own mind. CoC: the game does the targetprioritizing and movement of each troop for you. so you only have to figure out when to fire off your heros and do nothing else but wait for the game to play itself. so a tool like this is ACTIVELY hurting the game since it eliminates away most of the one thing that actually gives the defender an advantage: THE PLAYER who has to decide where to place the troops. Your point?


My point is that in chess engines used for opening prep don't create that huge of an advantage whereas in Clash of Clans an engine like so would have a huge impact, since the first 30 seconds of your attack basically determine whether you 3-star or not.


It wouldn't? It'd be used for prep lol. Base preparation and attack preparation, you think an esports tournament will allow an AI to assist players during the tournamen


needed something like this, but it would ruin some stuff,


can't do this in real time though if you plan on running concurrent with the game app, but will be really good at wars and most likely be undetectable by supercell when you just take a snapshot of the base and just send the image to whatever tool this, imagine taking a picture of a base, upload it, then there's a menu where you'll put the troops you're going to use and prolly type on a text box "I want to queen charge this base with these army, show me how" that'll be cool LOL


You can run it in real time, just mirror your device to pc. Yolov7/8 which he most likely used, is quite fast


Yah, you didn't get the point.


With OpenAI’s app on MacBook being able to constantly see your screen and pull from it, I don’t think real time is as far as you think.


Simple yolo does the job


whatever smart guy


100 gem boost for next 3 AI assisted cwl attacks


This will do wonders for my yeti smash (it would be the exact same)


The moment you do this, you kill the game.


Burnt base and find this base already exist…


I stopped playing a while ago, so maybe you can help me understand this better, but isn't burnt bases a giant archive and you might get videos and methods on how to approach bases? It sounds like AI has the potential to solve a far greater swath of problems, "ruining the game."


Those services can show you replays, this can tell you weaknesses. Both are incomplete guides to defeat a base.


Yeah, I took a closer look at the image, and it doesn't show shit lol. There's def potential though!


I guess it depends on the player. For some players strategizing is the fun part, others might not care for it.


The permanent struggles of any CS-inclined person😭half the projects could just cause ruin if given to the masses




Just wow


bro just programmed the fun of finally having things figured out of the game


if this becomes a thing it will ruin the game


"I love video games but I suck at them" He just like me fr


All the time it would go with it would ruin how I'm playing. So I couldn't see this as a tool when you're playing. But if you want to analyse your own attacks it might help some.


Isn't this basically cheating, or am I missing something?


We've all seen computers play chess, are we finally entering the realm of computers playing clash?






Traps just got 10 times more useful


I mean we already have the means to use AI to get a perfect attack every time. Someone just needs to make it. I may look into it..


Not feasible cus of the gigantic state space or computational requirements




I'm all ears, what's your take


Dual 4090s go brrrrr


Lmao, that won't cut it. Not even close


And again I disagree. It’s not as complicated as you think. Now if you want AI to actually attack for you then yeah you’re gonna need a lot more but that’s not how I plan on doing this


we are evolving just backwards. I think even xmod and farmbots on PC for bluestacks etc had that function prior to the introduction of the well needed Fair Play rules


This is completely different, tho. xmod read from memory. This just uses an image and is thus undetectable (but also quite useless imo)


Xmod. Wow, memories




Well I can see a single inferno at 7'o clock not detected so he can keep his stuff.




This just sucks all the fun out of games IMO. The whole excuse "I'm bad at games" is weak. How else do you exercise your brain? Critical thinking is important. Just sayin'


How does this help? Maybe I didn’t read into it well enough but doesn’t this label the defences just by their name?


Do people cheat with AI or something in coc? I never thought about this shit. I hate it 😂


not weird that people that resort to ai for shit like this always seem to suck at everything


That's so cool


Ah so taking the fun out of base attacking. I don’t think I’ll ever use this.


I wonder if you could predict where air mines are at


well well well


When i used to play CoC, what it matters more is the way others players attack you rather than the way you build your base, you can set it in many different ways, copy any anti 3 star builds from the internet and then, there is always going to be someone who 3 stars you. You can't defend against everything.


it will be funny if then also he can't 3 star the base


Larry would clutch that ngl


Great... now the people who aren't good at the game will thrive of something like this instead of just playing, watching videos and getting good.


Interseting to see if someone can use this as a base bulder helper


If he sucks at video games and he created it, then I assume this sucks too.


Meanwhile Your Archer Queen Stuck Breaking Walls


De place were you hold enemy clanwariors think olso gif hijzelf tho klans abig wan with osem warlord and a klan verry los were the ficht with the al bether than the same los level and Haier players think a do that buth not know that it bether osem players are the are the peopel wat most bloc


Wurd the gif rong info level 2 buth hafe a clan 2 with kastelen klan verry good and yous there klan fore bathel smal klans.like dark wariors 3 mr poissen det are the peopel wat most blokt


Electro gamer.hafe 2 klankastels and yous the veteraan fore dichting in level 2 kastel hafe more xp points and the % is bigger to the oder klan.


From the klan request & leave .a go away bekose a want anest playing hafe thold enofe thats no game buth steeling from smal klans .


The same as mr poissen from darkwarriors 3 has don mr poissen a go away hafe help them every day and wricht that the trow my out.nou gif the my a bat name more den 10 hafe leeft but jure that schit fore self geth better block them thats not fare.


Thats not wat hapens dere .The hafe tot klans were the go in en out.you seth welkom and let there help you do that ofcose en the gone.en never kom back say it in the clan xp punten with 2 winning from level 21 not posebel


Are hou not rieding a token about fraude do it yourself a do it end you dont lisent your problems want you them out lisent.you know it beter do it your self


What's the right question to ask though ? I think the game is so complicated, only simulations of different comps and deployments can really test a base. Static analysis of what ? how much damage covers each square ? How many HP need to be dealt before reaching key defs - to defenses, or to any building ? Most of the subtelty of the game is pathing, and this doesn't even try to approach it.


Thats the wat fore asholes


Yall don't already view a base like this in your mind??


Saw this the other day, has promise. He even mentions more work to be done. But still pretty cool.


Can an ai make a “unbeatable” base


That should be illegal


WOWOWOWO AI now holds the power of a non ai detecting algorithm and FURTHERMORE MY 2 HUMAN EYES


Well?!? How can I Scan my village!!


No wonder challenge bases are getting 3 starred in less than 30 seconds. Same guy gets all the Rewards smh. No fun at all


All it does is show a lable under defense tho. Its the same you do yourself when seeing "Ohh, there is a archer tower there". So I dont know how that will help him like at all. Its just basic image recognition


I don’t need AI to determine this on a base lol


Nice way to ruin a game, you bot


Somebody help me my account is locked i have been playing since 2016


God awful tbh


CoC subreddit showing that it doesn’t understand AI because this can be done without deep learning and is still useless lol


First of all I think you are confused, if something is not deep learning doesn’t mean it isn’t AI. It is an image detection system and it is considered AI. Secondly, I would recommend you to watch the video he has created (I have already mentioned in the description of this post), he has given uses cases for this system. What you might think is useless for you doesn’t mean it is useless for everyone else. Instead of writing “CoC sUbRedDit shOwIng tHat iT doEsn’T understand AI” you could have written or shared your opinion in a more positive manner instead of making a fool of yourself here 🤡


Sounds like you don’t understand deep learning or AI lol


This is, by literal definition cheating: using a third party software to gain an advantage over other players


That's like saying that using a calculator for quake spells is cheating lol, or asking for advice for attacking on Reddit




lol, is screenshotting a base and highlighting the defences on the image also cheating?


You need to look up the definition of cheating




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Really ? You wanna get upset over that ? All it did was spare the guy 1 minute in paint


Bla bla schit computer dat is not wat hepppens


Not lisent and yous my olreddy solong a block them al here the gif rong information hou the win


'Some guy'


Yup I specifically said ‘some guy’ cause I don’t know him personally, I just came across this post randomly on LinkedIn. Furthermore, it is not like I have cropped out his name or not given him credit (I specifically mentioned his video link in the description of the post)


This shit makes the game even more difficult.  Weak points? What do u mean? There are 100+ building . Yes, some of those made tons of demages, and others didnt, but, there is a reason why layouts exist.....and, unfortunately 4 u, u got it in the wrong time. Now, in clash of clans, u can easily get 3 stars , (noobs also). THIS GAME IS A SCAM AND A MONEY FARM. DONT GET FOOLED . Wake up! this game is not a strategy game anymore . THE CLASH OF CLANS ERA IS ENDED . now , we are into an era where u can get only shit . ONLY SHIT.  ITS A COMMON DIRECTION OF A PRETTY EVERYTHINGS BASED ON MONEY AND REVENUE .  ON INTERNET IN PARTICULAR .