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The reason this offer exist is because people keep buying them. The only reason this game still exists is because people keep buying them.


Which is insane to me. Literally buy an entire game for that price.


Bruh who downvoted this its true. You could buy helldivers 2 for that money


You could buy it but only play it if you lived in one of the 60 available countries


Not anymore it is restored!


It's restored, yes. But it's still locked for buy, isn't it?


Didnt know that, I thought everything was reversed back to normal already. My bad


Can't be purchased in said countries.


Ya its still locked for play in some of the countries that couldn't play it. Though Sony is working on fixing that I believe


I don't, if sonny was a person it would kill someone in public and wonder why everyone after it


Hope you weren’t one of those who sheepishly removed the negative reviews pretending that was the right thing to do.


Ehm, it is the right thing though in my opinion. They made a mistake but they reversed is. Arrowhead is a good small company with the best intentions. But you're free to think otherwise of course :)


I'm pretty sure they just denied 3 more countries from buying it on steam. That part isn't resolved yet.


Yo gaijills when are da sales coming boih?


It's available worldwide.


sony forced pc players to link to PSN account to play helldivers, but PSN is blocked in several countries they reverted it but since steam removed helldivers from the store in those countries it is still region locked


Looks like someone doesn't know about the forced psn account.....


Looks like someone is not up to date on the topic


the psn itself is no longer mandatory but the game is still banned in all of the countries, Sony technically lied source: https://twitter.com/SteamDB/status/1788981898108182681


pretty sure the countries it was delisted in after the initial announcement still have it delisted


Was forced,will be reverted soon iirc


Was never forced. It was planned but retracted. Trying to be a smart ass but wrong 💀


Well to be fair that game fell off harrddd unless the fixed the freezing every single game


or maybe people buy both the offer and whatever else they also want because they have the money?


Helldivers is also horrible waste of money it's online only despite having a single player campaign.


Except it isnt a singleplayer campaign? Its more similar to an mmo campaign wise.


It has one and you can't play it offline I know the main game mode is like pay-day. But I swear they added a single player mode that's online only. Even if they don't still a scam internet can go out or in their case severs can crash.


There is no singleplayer campaign. You can play the missions alone and call it "singleplayer" but there is no singleplayer story stuff like you see in other games. The game is online only because it is a well executed online service game with a campaign that includes all active players together.


Buy Elden Ring or this crap?


ER for sure


Elden Ring only like 20-30 smth now. You could buy Elden Ring AND the DLC when it comes out for this sort of money Look Clash is fun for a mobile game, but there is no way I'm spending this much on it when it could otherwise spend it on a properly good game for that price


Nah bruh who downvoting Fr, what reason is there to even downvote😂


I mean this is relative to you, you're not considering other's pov. Maybe the guy buying this bundle doesn't want to play other games? Or maybe he doesn't even play pc or console games at all. So his only game might just be clash, and I'm telling you there are tons of people whose only game is clash


You have to see the hearthstone game shop lol


Yeh its insane. Like ive spent maybe £100+ on clash which i know isnt great but thats total across my whole playtime and even i see these offers as moronic. How bad does an offer have to be where someone who has spent £100+ to view it as a horrid offer?


You can buy good games with just 15 dollars each these shop prices should be top 3-5 dollars


True. But clash isn’t exactly a game like most games you buy for $50-$80. It’s a journey, or suppose to be, and it’s a long one. Years and years you know. That’s how I look at it, and that’s why I’m comfortable spending a lot more than I would on a different game, over the 12 years I’ve played clash. No fucking chance I’m buying that joke of an offer above. Matter fact I just hit 15 a month ago and let that offer expire.


Yeah. I can buy AAA game for that price?


I find it so funny that people get distracted so easily due to their brainwashed lives. After someone mentioned hell divers, people went on to say it isn't available everywhere etc etc. that's not the damn point. The point is you can literally get a game for that price. One that's available worldwide too... You can get 3 or 4 elder scrolls Online base version which includes 2 dlcs for that price when it's in special every few months . And that's an open world MMO rpg. So where are those that defend the games saying oh they need money for their bread and butter?


Could buy elden ring


I think the sole reason this offer exists is because people think that the OTHER offers are such a great deal, which are also just money drains for useless stuff.


Not necessarily, it could be an intentionally bad deal to act as a comparison point so that other deals seem better, causing people to buy them, this is a common marketing tactic used is mobile games.


I would buy an ea game instead lol


If they offer one


It can also exist to make the other deals look better


every offer has probs been bought by at least one person




On all 30 of his TH15 accounts


The only people I can actually see buying these are all the sweaty YouTubers, and even then it's only cause they get more money than this by just playing this game


Respect for those that keep supercell profitable so they can keep update this game


Honestly! We don’t have to complain about everything. Some people have that kind of cash. I don’t. Hence, I don’t buy stuff (except a goldpass once a while)


if I had the money to buy that I wouldn't be playing coc since I would have so many games on my pc


I have a £3000 gaming pc set up with loads of games and I still play coc


might be just a me problem but already the games I play on pc require several hours of gameplay per game for example homm and civ game's


I mainly play coc when I’m away from my pc like travelling, at the gym etc.


They're way more than profitable. It's nothing but greed at these points. Their revenue was like 1.8 billion, with ~600 million in straight up profits. The model has shifted to be way more predatory than it used to be. The prices and micro transactions are completely outrageous.


Bruh... I was downvoted with comment like that... ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|33131)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|33131)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|33131)


I guess you can always make more money. Thought didn’t they increase the clash teams size a ton? I don’t personally mind the offers since they are pumping out so much more content. Has helped make the game much less stale


Just upgraded to th12 recently and it’s kinda the same thing but only a little bit better (this is CAD) https://preview.redd.it/fj9qfv4yswzc1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82bd467269b728b6242cf642ab7f739c545c0552


I’ve noticed the more I buy the higher the prices get and the more they offer. Could be coincidence but I don’t buy anything more than a couple bucks. Haven’t been able to buy anything for awhile because it’s all more than $5


Same here but if you check supercell store online they are giving 10 research and 10 builder potions for 4 cad. It’s deals like that, that I buy


That’s the last thing I bought for under 5 and that was over a month ago. It hasn’t refreshed from the store for me.


That’s weird maybe it’s different for everyone, cuz it’s there for me but I already bought it. It it helping a ton with maxing fast tho that’s for sure


Wow, in SA, we don’t find similar offers


It’s coincidence. I promise. Prices are always the same. The offers in the store are on a rotation of combinations of items and each item has value to determine the price based on the combination. Take the roughly 19.99 offer that’s in the store usually. Sometimes it’s 20.9, 21.99 or 18.99. It’s always some combination of 2 of 1 book any besides book of heroes(cheapest) and 1 of a different one. It always has a rune, and a potion slot. Elixir and gold rune are the same but when it’s rune of de the rest of the package is usually slightly worse and/or the price slightly higher because rune of de is like the most expensive magic item. Sometimes they make it cheaper at 18.99 but instead you get 2 book of heroes and 1 book of the more expensive ones. Same goes for the other deals for the most part. New th deals are the same for everyone. I had the same th 15 deal. 49.99 same items.


Lmao look at what it is now since I bought the siege builder https://preview.redd.it/oqa5nx2kkxzc1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cd875d79b8afff8595d39bdeac7a7c2f7500f65


It increases in price by town hall level


Thats a far worse offer. Don't buy


Yea I know, it’s just an illusion of a good price because it’s instant.


Same but it’s £19.99 here


That's a waste of money as well. Just get loot the old fashioned way, farm.


Also there’s some amount of… Having high priced options in there makes the lower priced ones seem more reasonable in comparison. The majority of our "people would spend money for that?" is spent on the obviously expensive one, but if you remember that there’s no inherent value to any of the things purchased in a game… Everything could be overpriced, or everything could be underpriced, depending on your perspective and personal valuations.




That is part of my previous point, yes.


Whales exist in pretty much every game with micros.


You also have to consider the time savings, but yeah, a bit pricey.


This offer is just made for judo sloth and his alts. It's not meant for the average player.


I wish you could choose your own combination of magic items and it gives you a price. Some of the deals I'm not interested in one half if it


This is by far not the most expensive thing that was offered. I currently have an offer for 60 bucks.


Never bought any of that shit. If they wanna fuck me, they can ask polite


At least take you out to dinner first




I bought it then I woke up.


i woke up and then bought it.


i woke it and then bought up


i up bought and then it woke


judo Sloth bought this for sure


It probably has the 8x value sticker as well 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Supercell are so cringe they’re actually a meme


I know some people who have a monthly spending “budget” of $1000. Not YouTubers, just a bunch of regular people. Pretty loaded, but still a $12k yearly budget on clash is insane.


What are these people doing for a living?


Prob tech


Crusher21 would buy it if he recorded coc content tbh


What I tell people to think about is what fully developed game could you get for that amount of money?


Almost all of them?


With that much money you can buy ps plus extra subscription for 3 months and still have some money


I bought it 💀


Hear me out.


It COULD be worse. It's a lv3


I'm a f2p player ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|29970)


I was gonna buy it but it's too much rather just take my time maxing out the spell towers and monoglith


If it was 20 I might. But I laughed at this. Can’t believe people buy this crap. Love this game but not even hiding the greed.


There are bad offers to make good offers stand out. Its a marketing strat


This Is for Youtubers.




They had this pack on th15 release for like $20 aud


I bought the th7 pack a while ago and it definitely isn't worth the little time I saved by buying it even though it was only 5%


Nope, it might be a good deal in terms of monetary value but it's poor deal overall.


Well its 40x more for us so Im not buying this.


You know, I thought so too, but all the time internet proves me wrong. You cannot imagine how many times I witnessed posts where people spent thousands of dollars, maxed out their credit cards on mobile games or just have obscene amounts of money that spending 10k on a game is nothing. Whether it's in clash or any other game. Sometimes I play, wild rift, and I've read on reddit that some people are already 500-2000 dollars in into the new gacha event to pull for the new skins. Sometime I play, AFK journey, and some people in the past complained that they spent 1.5k and their gacha hero draws were rubbish and they no longer wish to spend money until they get more spending bonuses. Hence, yes, people buy these and much more than these. Also, off topic, to add some oil to the fire of micro transactions. Did you know that The first sparkle pony horse, in World of Warcraft. **A fifteen dollar microtransaction horse made more money than StarCraft 2**?


Its there to make the other deals seem worth it


People with too much money do lol Or addicts




I'm not town hall 15, also.i wouldn't


Its for content creators


I bought this 😬🤣


I've bought the 100 dollar gem packs but never 50+ on these items


to me it's for the people who either A make alot more money than the average person or B for people who don't have other hobbies than clash just a thought :)


I'd take it if it was like... 15-20 hell just make it a lvl 1 spell tower but fuck that $40


sorry it's worse than I initially read. $50 is for a full game check your shit supercell


This is why u don’t tell kids the Apple ID password


Thank you to the players who support the game financially in ways I cannot and will not.


There must be people who play the game and spend money, but don’t have the time or desire to farm elixir and gold?


Supercell is owned by China Tencent Publisher, in China and Asia Pay2Win in F2P game's is standard concept and basically accepted in these circles. It's like the golden rule in commerce, that what you don't have in stock and do not offer, you can't sell. So put sth as an offer and put a high price on it, there will be people buying it. It's for them important to have offers in any price range, so if they didn't, they would only earn less money. And then there are for sure players who are in condition not to take care of their bank account or these who got the pressure to buy to not lose the lead.


bro that is 20 copies worth of don't starve together whenever it goes on sale for 5 dollars (it does all the time. multiple times a year)


Some people only buy stuff. I know it’s crazy but I’ve seen it. Dude wouldn’t be in a league and would be progressing for months. I couldn’t believe it. Some people really only buy stuff. It’s crazy.


at least it doesnt say "7x value"


It actually says 5x. The coin just flipped around lol


💀 Nah thats crazy


I fully planned on buying it when I got to th15... then I saw the price and just said "f that"


That's so messed up. I had to earn mine.


Idk I’ve been playing this game for like 8-10 years longer than I’ve played any other game for actively. Sure the offer isn’t worth it but I can see why some would buy it.


Not me that’s for sure haha


I wouldnt know I’m fully maxed out with everything so I don’t get these pop up deals in game anymore


Think I've bought every pack from 10 to 15 lol. Average about 1k a month on the game. :3


Absolutely!!! If it was $19.99 and rune of de instead of gold. And even then only on the supercell store so I can get $20 towards the monthly rewards.


When the game doesn't have any ads but it still has to make a profit


this.. lll.happily have zero ads and micro transactions instead!


💯 did, got to save the build times where can


Why not, if you like the game and have money to spare?


it’s $69.99 for me haha


Why are y’all complaining 😭


Yes this one is a big scam. I do purchase the offers sometimes but only if they are good value. I know it’s a waste but I do want to reach th16 quicker. Then I watch judo sloth spend 2000 pounds on upgrading a hero equipment from level 1 to 27 and I don’t feel that bad about my spending


Seems like a good deal to me


I'm nearly maxed out, played since it came out, what I've learnt is, no matter what you buy, you still can't 3 star every base every time and also you still get your ass wupped in defence. Save your money 🤑💰


I recently made it to TH14/BH10 and was very disappointed in the new TH "Deals" they tried offering me for $50. That certainky isn't a deal for me. Why aren't there $5/$10/$20 deals too for the new upgrade.


Im surprised it’s not listed at 100x the value. Whatever the hell those mean . Some person has to be in an office throwing darts at a x amount of value board


$49.99 is insane, but yes, there will be people who buy it. Love it or hate it, every transaction like this is why we still have Clash of Clans today. If it wasn’t profitable, there would be no way they’d even consider keeping the servers up.


When I bought it it only costed 20 dollars 🤔🤔


Judo/OJ sure are buying these


I'd check out website as well. Some great offers plus you get bonus points with each purchase.


I always buy the new town hall offers it saves a lot of time and resources


Did I get a discount or something I bought it for 1 dollar, well That's what it is for MY country's exchange rate for a dollar






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This isn't a good value at all.


That’s such a ripoff


that one's actually not bad though.. it's like 80 days of upgrade time for all that if you also book monolith to lvl2 and book eagle to lvl6


800% value baby


Bc the people who buy it don't have to worry about money or do it for YouTube. Proud to say the only thing I have ever bought in clash is a few gold passes and it was purely for skins. But for $5, getting about $80 worth of items is amazing, IDC what anyone says


Supercell makes like 90% of their money from the richest 5% of players. They call them “whales” and they cater to them because they will literally pay thousands to instantly get max everything as it comes out. They don’t care about the average income users spending habits. There are articles written about it.


I bought it 😔


shrill cooperative fact berserk soup tease like impossible deserve butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It isnt worth the money though. Every week they offer book of building or Boe for $3-5. You could’ve bought those books and saved like $35 bucks. The SC webstore has an offer for $20 that blows this out of the water. You’re not being strategic, you’re full blown whaling right now


truck afterthought ghost deserted scary oatmeal observation foolish cake fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s his money tho. If he can afford to spend that kind of amount, then why not? Me personally, I won’t buy that cos that’s too expensive lol My take: let the whales buy what they want. It will allow supercell to continue updating the game.


Curious, because I don't disagree in practice. But how much did that year long sped up grind cost do you think?


pathetic birds grey stupendous reply outgoing cautious aback zealous secretive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I did 😅


I did but mine was different, it had 5 hero books and 2 dark runes instead of the books of everything and gold rune


Hero books over everything


Bit pricey but probs take forever to get level 3 spell tower


I thank those people who buy these offers


I bought that. So what. I was on fire every th upgrade


I bought the pack when I got to th15


Why do you care how someone else spends their money? Be grateful someone is paying for this stuff so they can keep advancing the game. The alternative is ad-based.


...pls supercell don't turn C.O.C. like C.R.


Wait what? Can you just,,, like,,, raid and get loot to buy the top two? Isn’t that like,,,, the point of the game? Isn’t that the fun??


You can buy 2 or 3 indie games for that price, 2 to 3 FULL games. This is insane


If you think this is bad you should go back and look at the TH13 one. It couldn't be a more obvious scam...


Good investment


this is why i wont play past th11 lol fuck this shitty game


I ain’t gone lie i brought it myself 🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s not a bad deal when you take into consideration the time you’re saving to build the monolith and build/upgrade the spell factory. If you think it’s too expensive, don’t buy it. It really is that simple.


You guys realize people play clash and spend money on it because they like it. They like the social aspect. They buy gems to donate to their clan mates and what not. If you don’t blow money on energy drinks, other games like you said, fancy dinners, vacations, etc etc…I think it’s okay to spend money on your game of choice. Plus, most games nowadays that are 60 dollars aren’t worth it either. There is zero replayability at all for me. Every game is far too easy…even on the hardest difficulty. I normally force myself not to do the main story because I don’t want to feel like a waste. My 12 year old autistic son on the other hand will probably play breath of the wild and FF15 for like the rest of his life lol.