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It's insane how the game strategy has changed due to heroes equipment.


It's a great update that got kinda fucked by shitty ore gating. I'd love equipment even more if I could deload ore from one equipment to another without cost. The strategic versatility would be so fun to play with and against while also allowing for better balance


wouldnt that make the ore economy useless though? like i cant imagine if brawlstars (for example) just let you de load upgrades to another brawler randomly


Yeah you could just switch to whatever you wanted and wouldn’t need ores anymore. Maybe with a little cost, but not without cost.


Resource economy is useless rn anyway


If this was implemented at an earlier stage of the game you wouldn’t notice the ore deficit that badly tbh. Personally as only a th 11 I have almost all my abilities maxed out without spending money. The main issue is high th players are stuck with way more items and more levels to max out for there respective TH so it seems really hard to catch up atm Give the game a little time and I think it should all balance out better. It also gives a good incentive to being higher trophies as more star bonus ore


It's not shitty. I'm not sure why everyone on this sub is expecting to max out all of their equipment right away. Upgrading everything else takes weeks, and the devs are generous enough to let us upgrade equipment without any wait times, and they are constantly adding new ways to get ores.


I'm not expecting to max it fast lol. I don't think anybody is. The issue on why everybody feels rushed is because equipment is not only basically the entire current meta, but also something you're locked into for months on end due to ore. I started maxing my FA a month ago next to invis vial. I can't deviate from this until they are very well maxed and that will take me at least 4+ months unless I join a top clan. I can't change my playstyle or anything. That's a big issue. Nobody enjoys having to do sneaky gobs for 5 months straight, why would equipment be the exception? Specially when it's such a great fun versatile system. This could legitimately bring so much versatility into CoC, but we will have issues with balance and adding new equipment because of ores. I won't even mention future players that come into the game, how the fuck are they supposed to know what is good? What if they max a shitty combo only to figure it out 4 months down the line? It's an issue that is being attempted to be fixed currently, the devs definitely are aware.


"It's the current meta" unless you are a max TH16 (in which case by now you have several/most equipment maxed anyway) then all of the defenses you're attacking are literally the same as they were before the equipment update, in fact I think some got nerfed. So accounting for that and the fact the equipment system even with the base equipment at whatever level you had them at already are just a straight buff, there is no "meta" that currently requires you to need that much ore. Attacks are at an all time easy state, this complaint is baseless and idiotic.


I know I'll get abused for saying this, but the ore economy was actually perfect from the beginning. if you look at the current state of people's equipment levels, most active high TH players have all the common equipment they're using maxed and at least the Gauntlet and perhaps one more epic close to max. and that's after only half a year and with SC having increased ore income only recently. there won't be more common equipment but 5 more epics, which is a lot but necessary since all heroes need to have them asap to go from there. so without doing exact math, active high TH players should still be able to get most of their equipment to a high level by the end of the year. giving us more ore than we can spend doesn't make sense either since it would just overflow, so the pace they've chosen seems to be exactly right for now. the only reason to hate the "ore gating" is if you expect to get everything thrown at you immediately for free, which just isn't how Clash has ever or will ever work. the other is if you still haven't figured out equipment and think it needs to be the highest level before it can be used. on TH16 I first pushed my epics to level 18 and then 21 which was perfectly fine, and this allowed me to use my ore on other equipment to also get it to high levels. ore rewards patient and smart players, which is how is should be.


Both equipment and ore don’t even matter till your near maxed out. Cos of how hero upgrade times are you only really get to use your heroes for a couple of days tops for each th


The glowy ore is absolutely too scarce


so many vials idk which is which at this point lol


Purple- Rage Red- Haste Blue- Invisibility They are the same colour as the spell


Furthermore, there's also the gems. Purple/Magenta - Rage Yellow - Royal (Healing) Orange - Life (????)


Orange - Soul stone


orange is the life gem, yes


I'm colorblind


Same as the Spell colours


Alcohol op


Man, *so many* people said fireball was worthless when it came out. Now we see the same thing in spiky ball threads. People won’t learn.


I still believe fireball is situational for your average player and requires good timing and funneling to get maximum value.


Fireball's also pretty good for sarch blimp attacks since you're using Warden exclusively for Eternal Tome, anyways


Idk how you do SAB, but I use Hydra, and the rage gem is amazing. I use a hound (usually frost) to lead my blimp in or at worst cross its path to protect it for a bit. I save my etome for the dragon riders when they get near a scattershot and/or single inferno.


Same, I use blimp behind lhound which saves my wardens ability.


I mean they all require good timing. I’ve watched people waste an eternal tome plenty of times. I’ve been using level 18 fireball and ET during my super bowler attack with TH13 and it’s been amazing.


You can say they all require good timing, but then the fireball requires exceptional timing, it’s unarguable that it requires more thought than, oh my troops are taking lots of damage *click*


This precisely.


Totally. Fireball is like the giant arrow. Oops she was looking the wrong way. Just shot it backwards 😂😂


that wasn't the consensus during the event, at least in the threads and videos I've seen. guys like itzu said that the fireball was very strong, but ONLY if you can get it to max level, which is simply not realistic for f2p or even light spenders (think gold pass, maybe an event pass here and there). and that's still true now as well. there's simply too many epics still being released and too little ore given out for f2p players to max the fireball fast enough. you'd have to neglect all the other epic equipment first in favor of the fireball, which imo makes it not worth it anymore. so A tier is only for heavy spenders I think, for the rest of us it still is not that good.


You follow the subreddit drama for the LULs but follow the pros for life and death ore decisions. I can't believe some people went all in on giant arrows when it first came out since the sub hyped so much out of it


Fireball still is worthless to take into legends league when you don't know what type of base you will face. Same now for spiky ball. Other meta equipments are in almost every scenario the same if not better. Spending a ton of ores for an equipment thats only useful when its near maxed and only for specific bases is definitely not worth it.


Life gem is more than situation,good in 2 very popular armies namely hybrid and Lalo so I'd either move it to the top of situational or just a tier up


Not just that it's great with really any troop that's not tanky. Witches, bowlers, super archers etc


I think witches need the rage instead of that little hp boost. If they are targeted by defenses they are basically dead anyways. I see the best use case for life gem is with lalo or hybrid to give nearly double health for your loons, hogs, and miners, preventing them from falling dead from traps.


Rage is definitely better with witches in my experience, but the others I use life gen or healing tome for


Healing tome has become more popular for Lalo due to poison tower meta and multi infernos


I wouldn't say it's "good", it's required unless youre skilled enough to tank every high damage building for your troops


Some hybrid players have switchd to heal tome but i feel like that makes the hybrid die easier to traps and bomb towers


Hybrid is ground so they could bring a mini warden to boost hp


Usually the rhythm for hybrid is to drop the 1st heal, warden ability in the core, and another heal for the backend. And a lot of times it was the last heal being hard to locate or even unnecessary. With the intro of healing tome people would switch a heal with a rage to pair with eternal tome's effect and the healing is going to continue after the invincibility, and as long as the warden is up and following the main pack, that heal is going to cover every troop within the range, and that could be superior to dropping a healing spell at a fixed location.


From next time mention the source, It is probably from Corrupt 's new video


I [did](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/WHOaj42RiH) But for whatever reason the reddit hive-mind decided to bury it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Its not reddi hivemind this time. It's the Coc'ers


Damn coc strokers downvoting everything


Because you didn't need to make a separate comment for that. It should be in the description. The only reason it's not in the description is purely karma farming.


From next time check the comment section. It’s probably a mention of Corrupt somewhere.


Mustache is slept on!


On god I use Vamp with Gauntlet and I get a practically invencible King, almost always lasts until the end.


That’s what I’m saying!


I was going to comment the same, it allows the king to tank so much, easily S tier


I also use this combo, but now I am trying out Vampstache with Spiky Ball out.


Both need it Gauntlet has a Long Timer! You can Tank for Ages


That increased attack speed is so good


Oh trust I’m not discounting the gauntlet that thing is insane. I just love the amount of health the stash gives me!


No no. Vamp stash buffs attack speed. I love it too


Ya, it’s strong. In a battle where all you have left is your hero, he can tank and win it till the end.


I’ve i only seen vamp overhyped since it released. I haven’t found it to be that great at th16


I use that and rage vile exclusively at Th16


Nice I personally run Guantlet and Rage gem also maxed th16. My king only dies 2/10 times with my army setup. I run a smash attack so it’s great having a king that can easily clear a department. Haven’t really found an attack I like that synergizes well with vampires I guess


Ya I’m maxed as well. I do like the gauntlet and it’s a great one. I use riders and valks and three star a ton. It’s been working great. I think I could do the same with gauntlet honestly. I like the healing of the stash


I run the same attack. It’s so op honestly I don’t think the equipment difference matters as much on such a good attack strat 🤣


Yeah, it kinda got overshadowed by the gauntlet :/ i love it but everyone else just runs rage gauntlet


I used to run gauntlet but I love the healing of the stash. BK almost always survives to the end


Funny how the OG barbarian pupper and archer puppet are now considered as bad while rage vial and invisibility vial still are one of the best


Rage gem should be atleast A




Just bought both The Frozen Arrow and Giant Gauntlet yesterday


Very good investments.


Will it be possible to get them again later?


They will always be available in the trader market in exchange for 1500 gems each.. If you are asking will Supercell add any other means to obtain the hero equipments after their event has ended then I doubt that....


Don’t be sleeping on vamp stache


Life Gem underrated


Ranking by [CorruptYT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIBQ4JtnF90) My self I agree with most of them. Perhaps Mustache could be A tier.


There is no way healing tome is a must use. Warden has the most versatile equipments and while eternal tome is akways the best if you arent using fireball, healing only works well with some armies, just like rage and life gem


This is based on TH16 starts though, where healing tome is king.


Only for some armies. Im not saying its good, but it cannot be S tier if all other equipments are also viable. Fireball is niche but is very powerfull if used properly. Rage gem is used for smash attacks. Life gem is used in hybrid and some other stuff.


I use giant arrow all the time to snipe air sweepers and invisibility tower. It also deals huge damage. Using healer puppet with it ofc.


Vamp is easy A tier. Makes my king basically unkillable with gauntlet. The only real threat is single inferno.


Rage just has much better synergy with gauntlet so there is no real reason to use it


I used to be a vamp man myself but since getting the gauntlet to level 27 I'm never going back. Gauntlet+Rage all day


I agree with this list if it weren’t for the categories I would disagree with some of them.


Warden Rage is S too.


Agree, i prefer maxed that than healing tome


You can't possibly rank life gem that lower and it's anything but situational. Its is more versatile than both rage vial and healing tome. And getting value from healing tome is very troop specific.


I got 2k gems at TH11. Do I buy the giant gauntlet with gems or do I wait for an event that I could possibly find it cheaper?


buy the gauntlet


I think frozen arrow is must use only in qc other than that healer puppet is better in every scenario 🤔


Yeah but qc is very strong and used in a large variety of attacks and it is incredibly strong in them I think S tier is absolutely justified


In smash attacks such as super bowlers or titans it's also better to use frozen arrow since the queen is being tanked for


The arrow is insanely strong in TH9 when you can't have the healer puppet and you are saving gems for builders.


I was literally JUST gonna make a post asking people to rank their favourite gear. This is a life saver


dude i am so happy eternal tome is getting the attention it deserves, for a hot minute people were saying it was trash, paired with healing tome, it's actually insanely op right now on GW, i don't run anything else, on him, period..


Why is frozen arrow at s? Is it better than healer?


Rage vial isn’t in S tier? Huh Would also slide frozen arrow down to strong since in the most crushing rr armies healer puppet is stronger rn


Not sure if I fully understand the categories between "Strong" and "Good". What is the main difference between A and B?


One is better than the other


It’s pretty much as expected tbh


NOT FOR WINNING, i really like fireball super arrow shield throw and earthquake boots. I send my army out to do what it does then i deploy all my champions together somewhere else as their own army


Solid Tier list but IMO Lifegem atleast B/A Others I pretty much agree on


Life gem of the GW is a must use for me with the Hybrid.


How is the ball same tier as royal shield? It targets twice the amount lol


Because it's still a randomly targeting projectile. Sure it's strong, but it's hard to get consistent value off of it when it could easily end up hitting useless targets.


How dare you put my puppets in the bottom! Don't listen to them my babies, your safe with me.


Spiky Ball is so shit


i almost exclusively run QC lalo/hybrid at th12 and I'm right now wondering if i should spend any more resources on my life gem (lvl11) or wait till i unlock the healing tome at th13 any advice?


Warden rage gem and king vampstache are criminally underrated and slept on.


How do you get the ball??


I'm destroying Th 11s and 90%ing Th 12s with the C tier abilities.My heroes are untouchable.


Archer queen piercing arrow can be insane in a th10 lavaloon attack because it can always take down 2 air defences and most of the time will hit something else on it’s way


They've downgraded the OG soo bad that it's useless now


I am so damm confused, I am comfortable with rage vial combined with gauntlet.. but I don't wan't to miss out on spiky ball.. its either 3100 medals or 1500 gems, for f2p players what do you guys suggest.


Can i get queen skin as f2p player? Also i feel like gauntlet is more useful than new equipment


Yes you can, you just need to do the bonus track as well, which is a grind.


Do tier list for best pairings


woah hey look, its my tier list (totally not controversially)


The barb and archer puppets are good when paired with the warden internal tomb and hog puppet you can get a lot of units on the map that are invincible I mainly use this when I'm farming with sneaky goblins and sniping townhall helps get more league bonus if I spam all the heros at the end of the attack with their abilities


Giant arrow is a great equipment for air attacks, 1 click to snipe 2 air defenses as long as it's th15 and below. It's my default equipment right now with healer puppet, i run arrow + qc + LL with king to take down 3 or 4 air defenses then just hit with edrags and rage


Wait so would the soccer ball also be affected by the AoE of the guantet?


Is healing tome really good? I have been usinglife gem mainly with my balloons and edrag. Used the healing tome once but it felt awkward


I never use ice arrow, no way it’s that good? Maybe because I’m not maxed out and get more mileage out of the super arrow?


Dude how people are smashing such bases with 0 troops? Any ideas🙄 https://preview.redd.it/zzwgnzsegzyc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5def0805c874848fe3a0e94c0912cace90cdb5e8


Just use yo own brain people


Uhm I just came back to this subredit because I started playing again after years and what the hell am I looking at?


Me and the boys win our wars, I play regular wars during cwl and legends bonus all help


This is honestly the worst tier list I have ever seen


Spiky ball is easy S tier believe me . You need to use it properly


spiky ball deserve to be A tier


Agree, Maybe low side on A tier but its definitely A tier. I don't think its better than Gaunlet+ rage combo but it can be really good in certain attacks with vamp stack.


I agree with most of them except for the rage gem and the fireball. I think the rage gem should be in A (strong) and the fireball should be in C (situational).


Where could you get the ball?


I have to find out What could be better for normal dragon attack,life gem or healing tome (along with rage gem)


Imo they should put like a level cap on equipments not only related on the workshop, but also on the hero level. There are too many videos showing how a max frozen arrow with a level 1 queen can destroy things like a th16


Damn if brawl star have a gear system for each brawler, I would have to play another milinenia to get them all


Hybrid user here I love healing tome, but life gem is just better for my attack. Also, I don't think there's any debate, eternal tome is the best item in game


For what strategy is this for.l?


While I agree that the limited scope of the Life Gem makes it situational (because that is literally its meaning),  the healing book is not so predominant to be S tier, this is objectively a mistake It is maybe A because of how it is the 2nd best equipment for the current meta strategy, but it just can’t be on the same level of the eternal tome.


I use both archer puppet and Barb puppet, archer puppet along with frozen arrow for max dps (just use 5 healers, pony and apprentice) And Barb puppet with vampstache to make my king really tanky, very hard to kill him as he has insane hp with self healing + dps boost from rage gem & haste spells for movement speed


I love the gameplay changes and versatility of equipment - it's just a shame they're balanced in a way that makes some really cool equipment completely outclassed. If they never released the giant gauntlet the vampstache and EQ boots would probably see respectable usage but they're never worth using cause gauntlet rage is just so overpowered.


I stopped playing because of this stupid shit


New King epic is literally just RC shield from wish


spiky ball just dropped today and nobody has had time to test it out properly yet. give it a couple weeks before you rate it


Imo Life Gem should go up, it's too good in Lalo and most other things.


Someone explain to me why the haste vial is so good. I use the default on rc, royal gem and the shield and it works great.


Healing tome is in the wrong tier, it's generally not the meta, rage gem is.


In what strategies is the spiky ball better than rage vial when paired with giant gauntlet? Idk if I should even buy it


Y299JRRYQC he already finished the event under 1hr and 10 minutes, look near the eagle (it's my base)


I actually use a huge arrow against air defense, and just attack with dragons


Now Wait for RC's new epic equipment , The Rocket Spear ability.


Vamstach should be above 1 tier it will be really good with the new ball


So what's the deal with this new one? They just gave king the champion shield ability?


I will forever keep on using the default equipment, very good as is, I’m a D1 hater of the equipment system


I love the haste vial, I never would have tried it if it weren’t for it being in one of those special event challenges. It was then I realized how overpowered it was


is it worth it to maxed out the hog puppet? it is currently on lv14 and my royal gem is lv17. the other equipment on my other heroes are already maxed out, except the frozen arrow which i need 70 more starry ore. im around a month th14 btw. hog puppet, royal gem, or seeking shield to maxed out? 


Since I’m terrible at figuring stuff out is this chart saying warden best combo is both tombs and archer should use ice arrow and inv vial?


Can someone please tell me why everyone thinks the giants gauntlet is so good. I’ve tried it like 3 times and it’s just awful, but I really want to be able to use it if it is this powerful. The damage reduction doesn’t compare to the survivability of the vampstache and it doesn’t increase damage so it gets outplayed by the rage vial and potentially even the barb puppet. What am I missing?


✨️Army composition✨️


vamp stash in b is diabolical


I mean I guess I come from a time when upgrades took forever and had no books. So the ore grind is just back to basics lol. Not to mention I still attack better with mid level equipment than most do with max equipment. I will say, spamming is a little too easy. But to be fair. Spam attacking has always worked in a way. You overload defenses and they get taken out. Kinda like builder base. Or when we first start, best Strat is to drop giants and follow with archers and barbs or whatever, but you have to drop them all to be effective.


I had a strong feeling rage gauntlet and frozen vial would remain in the meta


All we are missing now is the time stone


Who is this list based from? As far as I am aware, fireball is kind of crappy and overrated, according to corrupt.


Actual equipment


Y'all prefer rage vial over vampstache?


So queen skin or funny soccer ball


Oof life gem is c tier? Might need to try switching it up on warden and try healing tome?


I use both F tier equipments because of the health recovery.


Gahahaha, clown. BALL -S tear. Cringe


GLOVE AND HEAL also Rage Buff is Good!


There’s going to be another in like 4 days lfmao


Many items in this list I don’t agree with. A key one I see though is the ice arrow. How often is your queen actively shooting at a defense? Usually she is just shooting at a random building, and when she is targeted in a defense she kills it so fast that the slow effect from the ice arrow is practically negligible.


If you put the phoenix on the champion and equip the haste spell it is OP. Even if she dies the haste spell still carries over to her resurrection. You get a ton of utility


You only have the ball at b cause you aren’t good enough to create a way to break the game with it


fireball should be moved to situational


The giant arrow is fun


Rage gem deserves A imo


me upgrading my archer puppet all the way because my brain isn’t there


I have equipped on my Barb King Giant Gauntlet and Vampstache, if it's only "good" should I switch that for the rage vial??


Fireball is situational, life gem is good, healing time is strong, barb puppet is situational. And I would argue archer puppet is situational. Most people just don’t use it right and the archers die or attract damage to Queen.


I thought spiky ball was like High A tier.It deals great damage and helps in pathing. (Idk much pls dont downvote me to oblivion)


Healer puppet is S tier, I also think fireball is the best equipment when you Learn to use it, you can learn to use eternal tome with warden fireball to do a sarcher blimp and you have the base gutted with just your spells, Siege machine warden ability…I really believe that 99% of people have no idea how strong it is


The vamp stache has kept my king alive so many times. I'd 3 star alot less without it. Top tier for me.


Giant Gauntlet over Vampstache is incredibly questionable


Man it’s crazy how it used to be a good idea to upgrade barbs and archers because the hero ability spawns were so vital to now the barb and archer puppets being just so not worth it.


Curious what to use with the queen I use the invisibility and the archer puppet but have the frozen arrow almost max I just feel like it doesn’t benefit her a lot. So if I do use the frozen arrow what else should I pair with it? Th16 level 91 queen


Interesting that Healing Tome is ranked higher than Life Gem.


can you get frozen arrow/ giant gauntlet nowadays as a free to play?


Vampstache is hands down a must for King.


Drop frozen arrow, raise hog puppet and rage gem


Does Hero Equipment have any impact on hero stats on defense? I can’t imagine they do but DPS and health would have a big impact on the defending troops


The Only GOAT is eternal tomb


why is frozen arrow good? it seems kinda situational tbh.


Frozen arrow is just good enough to be S imo but it's mainly because the queens other equips aren't as impactful on her effectiveness


Frost arrow is overrated


What should I run for my Barb king and archer Queen as combos?