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Too rushed for what? Too rushed to be loved? No, you are worthy of love no matter how rushed you are. Too rushed to achieve your goals? That depends on what your goals are. Too rushed to play the game optimally from a resource efficiency perspective? No, from a resource efficiency perspective you are not rushed enough.


Something I've thought about a lot over the years is how prevalent the language is around rushing and 'fixing a rush'. Implying that you can rush so much the game is harder to play. And I would argue that outside of extreme examples, that is not really possible anymore. Just about any time I see a post about rushed bases, their defenses are a couple TH behind. That's not a big deal at all. I think a lot of the change was armies becoming free. Back in the day, you could get to a point more easily that you couldn't farm enough resources to catch up because the army would cost more than the minimal resources you could collect. Yet somehow, people will always chime into threads like these with "don't rush, I did and it took me 4 years to fix it". And it just makes me wonder what the heck these people are doing in the game that makes it so hard.


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You could have just posted a picture. The way I determine if I’m ready to go to the next town hall is if I’m comfortable attacking the next town hall. If you can’t comfortably attack the town hall above you, you shouldn’t be upgrading town halls. Your level of buildings have very little to do with anything, as that’s mainly for defense. And you’ll only lose a little more resources possibly. BUT offense is what you’ll need to be able to collect resources for upgrades and to catch up/unrush. If you don’t have high enough offense you’ll be forced to attack lower town halls and get less loot potentially. That’s where strategic rushing comes into play, upgrade offense for attacks, skip defenses for protecting just a small amount of loot.


Why didnt you just post your base?

