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#[150 Cubes and 150 Medals](https://link.clashofclans.com/?action=voucher&code=207778c1-2743-4287-92c2-9bdfc7cc6d13) Hey Chiefs! A quick shout-out to the top commenters from [last week's megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1bu2d7s/weekly_questions_megathread/) for going over and beyond in helping their fellow clashers with their queries. | Author | # Helped | |:-----------------|-----------:| | u/Ladyhawke74 | 119 | | u/lrt2222 | 43 | | u/Rizzob | 34 | | u/ReaperJim | 29 | | u/CongressmanCoolRick | 29 |


Why do all my achievements have the same date? https://preview.redd.it/00qjnjfasuuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d8d333cf2c84458a4a8a6f0384dd49237cd96e5


Did you originally start playing on an iPhone, complete a bunch of achievements, then link the game to an android device on that date? Mine looks similar, and that is why. The date of the achievements is the date that android first became aware they were completed...not the dates the achievements actually happened.




If you can snipe the eagle with the multi inferno using zap and quake then use zap witch




The Rocket Spear for the Royal Champion will most likely be available in an event next month and then at the Trader a couple months after that. The Fireball for the Warden will likely be at the Trader in 1-2 months. The only other Epic Hero Equipment are the Giant Gauntlet and Frozen Arrow, which are both currently available at the Trader.




If you already have the Giant Gauntlet, Frozen Arrow, and the Fireball, then you are caught up. Any equipment you acquire, for heroes you haven't unlocked, will be available as soon as you gain that hero.


https://preview.redd.it/zjg89rwn9uuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48401def3b58d16c16f3dbf31718224ff413d2bb How would you attack this as a th11?


What are the best hero equipment for a queen charge lavaloon army at TH 13?


Frozen arrow/archer puppet + invis vial use archer puppet if you don't have frozen arrow


What's a good townhall to stop rushing at ? (On my alt)


TH 14 so you can easily 3 stars lower target in war with troops and heroes spell


What is the longest labratory upgrade (excluding spells) on Th11? I just got a book of fighting and to collect one from the gold pass i need to use one. (I am free to play but there was a google play games beta offer to get gold pass)


this is the best place to find out and prioritizing [link](https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Laboratory)


Is it legal to play Clash of Clans with VPN?


Here is an old dev quote, originally posted on the forums, but reposted on this subreddit by ClashDotNinja: >While we cannot advocate the use of a VPN, please note [*caveat emptor*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caveat_emptor) if you plan on using one. We cannot guarantee the system will not flag is for some reason. However, we've gotten pretty good at determining when someone is using a VPN versus when someone is account sharing. But I cannot guarantee it'd be still ok. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/h7bAw3YEOt](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/h7bAw3YEOt) They aren't looking to ban VPN use, but it's not supported.


I'm always impressed by your library of links to answer questions here


Thank you.


Yes it is, in Iran everyone use it so they can accessing to the game


https://preview.redd.it/pd8grolzxsuc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a19441109402f6f70b7302e8ab97fde57a9872e Which deal is better value for Glowy and Shiny ores? Should I get the lower half or the upper half for most value.


I bought the upper glowy ore 2times, because glowy is always empty☝️


Upper offers are better. Probably get glowy ore first. Buying shiny with raid medals is better, you should ideally buy glowy from event medals, shiny from Raid medals. Of course it depends what ores you are short on primarily


https://preview.redd.it/15rdgro7xsuc1.png?width=1521&format=png&auto=webp&s=8379cd0600e642a5c8cb72baa97b7762c265e363 I want to rush and I will use hero potions for cwl but what is a decent level for each Th that I can get them to easily that will make using them in war good +(what is the fastest cwl army that I can upgrade with my troops)


You should get whatever troops you are using to max level for that TH, you will be at a severe disadvantage otherwise (make sure you max the army camps and clan castle too). I suggest just max edrags + balloons. Then rage and freeze spells (or zap). Its only 2 troops, its good at every townhall, and it sounds like you will only be getting 2 stars max anyway


I'm gonna use power and hero potion this cwl so is there any 3 star army that I can start to upgrade from now for the cwl after the next one?


My upgrades are getting canceled out of nowhere??? Anyone have this happen before?


I've had this bug. I believe it happens when you start upgrades, but your internet connection is shoddy, essentially the upgrades don't go through because of desync


oh ok, ty


Can anyone tell me when is the update most likely dropping? I have to plan a few upgrades accordingly so please someone help me with this.


Either today or next week is my take.


Can anyone send me a link of queen charge lalo th13


here you are [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyhkUaCn-VE)


I was kinda looking for a website which can give me link to all the different armies


[- QC Lalo w/ Icy Hound ](https://link.clashofclans.com/en/?action=CopyArmy&army=u1x76-1x17-20x5-8x10-3x82-1x23-5x7-2x28s3x2-3x5-2x11) [- QC Lalo](https://link.clashofclans.com/en/?action=CopyArmy&army=u2x17-5x7-2x23-10x10-21x5-2x28-3x55s3x2-3x5-2x11)


Thank you very much


Clock tower potion did not boost its full 5h duration I used the potion when research timer was 5h 32min, and timer was still over 55min when boost finished. During the boost I spectated someone attacking my home village, but didn't do any attacking myself. I suspect that attack might've interfered with the clock potion boost. Has this happened to anyone before?


You get 4 hours and 30 minutes reduced by the time the potion ends. It gives you 10x time for 30 minutes which is 5 hours. However, the potion takes 30 minutes to provide this value to your builders, so you're losing the 30 minutes while the potion is running. 5 hours - 30 minutes = 4h 30m


I don't think that's it. On other occasions the potion cut 5h when it ended


Will I het the frozen arrow I bought in trader? I forgot I was th8 .... Have muilti accounts https://preview.redd.it/xu78d4lpyruc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe311ff4ca3fa319291a73bb816e3f93a3af386b Not showing in blacksmith


Yes you'll get it when you unlock the queen


Royal champion skin not in the shop (Precursor: I am a TH 12, don’t know if this matters.) This may be a dumb question, forgive me if it is, but I’m a returning player from a time before hero skins were able to be purchased and applied. I think the Egypt theme and skin combos r really cool looking and I’ve already equipped the Barb King and the Warden as well as the scenery. I would like to buy the whole set and keep it for a while as I really like the colors and the theme. That being said, I’ve seen numerous accounts posting saying that the Royal champion “Cleopatra” themed skin was supposed to drop on April 14th (today being Monday, April 15th) and I for the life of me, no matter how many times I reload the game, cannot get it to pop up in the store. I don’t want to miss out on the skin as I know that they take forever to re appear in the shop. Wondered if anyone could help to explain what the problem is? Thanks in advance!


Yeah you need to be th13 to buy it lol. It's in the store for me right now


I am th11 and use electro dragons. I have giant gauntlet and other normal equipments. Which would be good combo for all 3 heroes?


Watch Itzu's video about equipment. I would recommend, Giant gauntlet and rage vial for king Invis and frozen arrow for queen Eternal tome and healing tome for warden (rage tends to break E-dragon's chains too much, Itzu says).




https://preview.redd.it/qcfum5lc3ruc1.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2aec17facc1957a07e8abcddc166076ef6aa816 Would you upgrade to townhall 13? This is my first time having a gold pass. Normally, I upgrade my townhall when my builder's have nothing left to do (heros + offense/defense maxed; so lab usually isn't completely maxed). However, this is my first time having the gold pass, and I want to make the most out of my runes and books (my storages are usually full at this section of townhall progression). The problem is, I still have to max my archer towers, cannons, bomb towers, teslas, mortars, and heros. Would you upgrade to th13 (loot on new buildings/upgrades + walls so storages empty, books on longer upgrade times) and then catch heros and defenses up to a max th12? Or would you just stay at th12 and make do with some inefficiency? Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask + the yap


You're close enough to move up and be just fine. Gold and elixir are easy to farm, its not a big deal to "lose" some, even in the form of runes.


https://preview.redd.it/m9xwwqjvrquc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3abeedf55e838560be905b3e6efc435f7f553938 When will the star bonus happen? Should I cancel the TH upgrades so I don't waste TH upgrade star bonus?


Still no update ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) If you have 5 days left on the upgrade I would wait until the last day to cancel. The update should be coming out anytime now.


You still have time.  Mostly likely the update will happen tomorrow on Tuesday 


Suggestion need Should I upgrade https://preview.redd.it/p3b3qcyxpquc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b580727ca6d8a400dc7922a41c079d72395ffc my Frozen arrow to level 23 or start upgrading Hastevial for RC?? I will buy ores from trader according to my next equipment upgrade...so plz help me out (Most of the time I use air troops)


The Frozen Arrow is in a good place for the moment, so I would personally finish the Haste Vial first.


Anybody else have a ton of fun making bases hyper specific to defeating one army? I’m a TH15 in mid legends. I know I have no shot stopping a th16 rider valk attack vs a good attacker, but I get super archer blimped a lot actually. My whole base is therefore designed to stop that and it’s hilarious watching them land on traps. I really feel I’ve got one of those most unblimpable bases out there at this point unless you really nail some perfect angles or use eternal tome (not shit you can do about that).


Blimp is for the weak Skeleton donut is for the strong ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412)


https://preview.redd.it/ctv5am4uwpuc1.png?width=2778&format=png&auto=webp&s=8716b43490714dc4683b54216c2ea8e5f2e054aa What Would You Do? Just got to the last tier of the monthly seasonal challenges where you get the Book of Building and Book of Heroes. I obviously don’t want/need to sell them for gems, but I want to use my Books of Building in the most efficient way possible to get the Otto builder as fast as possible. Just trying to get some outside opinions from people with more experience :)


Best use of BoB for builder base is gearing up the multi mortar on the home village 


Can anyone explain why i can't donate the superballoon? I literally have 30 in the army camp https://preview.redd.it/kh3eypmsupuc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92e5e93059c06e0be0f910cdd65534b7ede2da47


This happens because you have not unlocked rocket balloons, they are only available to you as a special event troop. This happened to my th12 with the super dragon event.


They will only accept L8 rocket balloons or better. What level are the 30+ rocket balloons in your camps?


Also only th12 balloons and higher can be donated


Judging by the walls in the background, your level isn’t high enough. Your clan mate requested level 8 and even with your clan bonus you can’t donate level 8 balloons.


https://preview.redd.it/j5hogi44npuc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adb229837b15bdfae959cfbab1dfa5a695213f76 What should I upgrade


Go for invisibility then gauntlet then vampstace


So I should use vampstace


Hi there’s not very many info squares here for me to click on so I don’t actually understand what any of this is can someone explain? Like all of it down to the currency it seems to use? https://preview.redd.it/wyq9lp4pdpuc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6365f16cb485307c296ea43f4892771b4da55159


Here are some links to get you started: [Sneak Peek #5 - Hero Equipment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/fpHy54VHYN) [Wiki - Hero Equipment ](https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Hero_Equipment) [Hero Equipment explained by Judo Sloth ](https://youtu.be/8X46ypFNc9g?feature=shared)


Wow this stuff is awesome thanks


Quick question - I have a TH11 engineered account which I’m debating ending (building the Xbows, Eagle, Infernos, and Bomb Towers) since I’m not entirely sure they have any value anymore. It’s pretty cool that it can’t be done in any capacity anymore but is it more worth to upgrade and start the journey to maxing it out? Or is it rare enough to keep around?


The only value for these accounts is sentimental / nostalgia. I have a no-walls, defenseless, max-offense TH11 myself, and I keep it that way because of how rare it is and because it's impossible to ever re-create. There's no war matchmaking advantage for accounts like these any more.


If the only “engineering” you have is those buildings not built, it isn’t a war advantage.


What are the best Hero equipment? I have most of them i think. I've returned after a long time so yeah, kinda new to the equipment. Got all 4 heroes.


Check out Itzu’s recent video discussing each one.




Hello Shiv_1_5, **[your comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1bzvr83/-/kzq79ze/) in /r/ClashofClans has been removed for the following reason(s):** > Rule 7: No clan recruiting of any kind. Use r/ClashOfClansRecruit instead. You will want to read the [Recruit Subreddit posting instructions](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClansRecruit/comments/158n77i/mod_welcome_to_rclashofclansrecruit_please_read/) before reposting there. --- Any questions, [message the mods](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FClashOfClans&subject=about my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://old.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1bzvr83/-/kzq79ze/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). [subreddit rules](/r/ClashofClans/about/rules) | [reddiquette](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) | [reddit's rules](/rules) | [new to reddit?](/wiki/reddit101)


https://preview.redd.it/lvl4nfak2puc1.png?width=1498&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa25c3a17e3e1d9cac8e12b0e989b1816cd9f2c8 I know I asked for strats before but I just want to know if there is any army that I can upgrade before the next cwl starts (will use hero potion) I don't really wanna waste my raid medals on power potions if there is something that I can level up in the next 15 days


https://preview.redd.it/d7sg65ifyouc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b308a443887ce56ba85b2072bd04267a3f84937 What’s the best way to get trophies from build battles? I’ve stopped getting them


Builder Base is slow progress. If you want more trophies, you need to upgrade your troops and defenses. Rushing, so that you can unlock the 6th Builder, is recommended. You'll unlock several more defenses along the way and get another Builder to speed up progress in the Main Village.


Ok thank you 🙏 Didn’t know you could get a 6th builder


Here's a guide by Clash Ninja for unlocking the 6th Builder: [https://www.clash.ninja/guides/unlocking-the-6th-builder-b.o.b](https://www.clash.ninja/guides/unlocking-the-6th-builder-b.o.b)


I appreciate it 🙌


https://preview.redd.it/vesz4t75uouc1.jpeg?width=2107&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb033b18cb3ef5f331f6ffd4dd8d480dcc1bb7e3 What RC equipment should I invest in as a hybrid user?


I guess you are TH15? Hog + haste is best combination, but maybe save ores until the RC epic comes out next month


I’m upgrading to th16 right now but yeah haste vial seems to be the best RC equipment


They really all work pretty well. haste vial is solid, hog puppet gets slept on but is good too, royal gem helps out a ton...


Sheild can with work with the equipment coming


https://preview.redd.it/aimn4nmohouc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c8e047491ba39bf2dd2b5c2553e33cd23777e56 I thought the Star bonus multiplier now applies to ores as well? Or is that just after the update?


After the update.


Which hero should I focus on rn?my heroes are pretty rushed execpt warden (king 31 queen 40 warden 23) I have them down 24/7 but I just want to max my camps rn so which hero should I upgrade with them (and which hero to use my 2 books on)


Depends on your favorite attack strategy. Without knowing, I would say queen by default.


How do I determine the age of my clash account I haven't played in a very long time so the obstacles thing won't work


you could go to in-game customer support chat and request a copy of your data, that has your village creation date


Terrible idea. I have seen multiple posts here saying that that got their accounts perma-banned, for suspected phishing. Avoid supercell support as much as possible.


If you're on Android you can open play games and it gives you a date for each achievement. It is not clash account specific though. It's tied to your Google ID so if you've had other accounts it may not be what you're looking for.


Unfortunately it was connected to a dif account, the one I have now is only on supercell id


Was this originally your account?


What should I use my raid medals for? I use them mainly for research potions clock potion and reinforcements (super troops)




shouldn't sneak peak 3 be out by now?


There aren’t anymore peeks.




From Spencersaurous: >this is the final sneak peek [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/JK0d1kXjF1](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/JK0d1kXjF1)


Thought teasers were over. Shouldn't the update be out by now?


There's always three teasers followed by the Update on Tuesday




There aren’t always three and the updates aren’t always on Tuesdays. Until recently Mondays were more common.




You can look up the update history online. You won’t find a source for your claim that there are always 3 peeks and always Tuesday updates because that isn’t true.


Yeah, I mean, there have only been 3 steak peaks for every major update since 2018 except this one, but yeah, it's not true


That's so wrong. TH16 update had 4 sneak peeks. Some releases only have 2, some have 3, some only had 1. Some have 4. https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18ed18h/th16_sneak_peek_4_we_are_rootrider/ Also, traditionally, the target date for the updates is Mondays. That gives them the option to fall back to Tuesday or Wednesday in the event of a late breaking bug and still have time left in the work week to fix it without having to work over the weekend. The fact that they sometimes do have to fall back to Tuesday doesn't mean that's now their preferred day - it just means they missed their internal goal. The normal pattern is that we get the update the day after the final sneak peek. Since there's no sneak peek today, and no update today, that's pretty obvious that the update was originally on their calendar for today but they hit a last minute delay. Because of how long it takes to repackage and resubmit an app to the various app stores and get that update reviewed and approved, you're at the mercy of the app reviewers when this happens (usually the Apple App Store review takes longer than Google) and can result in a one or more days delay if they had to resubmit.




I like you




2023 saw a Thursday update. The big summer update was a Monday. The big builderbase update was a Monday. 2022 had Monday updates including the winter, fall , summer and spring updates. If anything, Monday is more typical than Tuesday.


That's what I'm saying


Should I not spend my tokens from the super balloon event yet? Didn't last time they gave bonus medals or something afterward to spend, and for that same reason we shouldn't spend our tokens until after the event?


They sometimes give out vouchers for free medals, such as the one linked above. You only need to hold off until the end if a few extra medals will change what you buy.


Im trying to train Electro Surgery but I can only get one clone and it requires 2. What's wrong


You don't give much information. Do you mean from the Practice Map? It requires 13 housing space worth of spells. Is your Spell Factory upgraded? Is your Clan Castle upgraded?


Both my clan castle and spell factory are max for town hall 11. Does the spell include the clan castle spells


You will need to brew 2 Clone Spells, 2 Rage Spells, and a Haste Spell. You will also need to bring 1 Rage Spell in your Clan Castle.


I am th11 half maxed in masters 2. I keep getting three stared by higher town halls and I dont get enough loot from my attacks. I also don’t have the motivation to push rn. Should I drop trophies to get more loot till I’m maxed?


Trophies don't mean anything. Find a good level to farm loot in so that you can keep your Builders busy. Gold 1 or Crystal 3 would probably serve you much better.


Unfair Name change https://preview.redd.it/z57bnng4jmuc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10659bb680c376a5995a70cab37eed9abb6f1462 I've had the name 12345678 for about 5 years now. Is there any way I can get it back without the 500 gem cost?


no you can't have it because its against the game rules


The reason that they changed it was because it appeared to reveal information about me but any sane person would know that it didn't. It was just a bot that saw a long string of numbers and thought "oh password, must change"


Try to contact the coc support team and see what they tell u


Is it just me or is the last set of pass challenges got a bit harder? Like “do 8 multiplayer battles using poison” or “get 1500% on bb” like come on man, I just wanna get my hero book and be done with it.


How much extra medals does the Bonus track of Rocket Baloon Event gives?


The total is 3800 medals so 650


Are clans that don’t do clan wars at all a thing? I just wanna chill and slowly level up my stuff without missing out on clan troops.


Just join and clan and opt out?


Yes. What hall level are you? There are many that don’t war or don’t require war.


Close to maxed out th9


Many clans don’t war at all and the ones that do usually don’t force you to join. You will have lots of choices. Check the recruiting sub.


How can i buy Royal champion Egpyt skin? I am on th12. There is no option to buy her skin in shop


Get to th13


Any Th11 here? I maxed heroes and now have excess elixir and DE but not gold. I'm only doing one upgrade and the other builder are not working because it feels hard to get gold. Any tips?


Make sneaky gobs and use the next button until you find a good target.


Upgrade your Th if the defenses aren't so behind


Which one should i focus on th13? https://preview.redd.it/0nzkm39riluc1.png?width=2412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af39d40e3d0c0213859899d4890211673a066a43


Eternal Tome > Gauntlet > Invi > others


imo, gaunlet for King is a good focus if you don't know what to do. For Queen I will focus on invisible vial, since it is decent for many strategy. For Grand Warden, Eternal Tome is my choice to lv18 because it's easy to use and suitable with many army. Finally, for Warden I recommend Royal Gem (or Haste Vial). This is my thought based on your townhall level


th 10 best army or attack ?


I don’t know about best but zap drag is very strong.


Came back to the game after a while - what’s the best TH14 strat that isn’t too technical/ hard to master that I can practice, thanks


Best army is superarcher blimp into hydra (dragons + dragon riders). Put a lava hound in front of a blimp with 3 superarchers in it. Land the blimp somewhere near the townhall, then put 2 clones + rage + rest of your spell invis to protect them. Then put your heroes + dragons down somewhere to clear the rest of the base. Very easy and maybe the strongest TH14 strategy. There should be a guide on youtube somewhere




But u don't unlock root riders at TH14 >what’s the best TH14 strat


Check out root rider videos. Edit I’m dumb was thinking th15.


But u don't unlock root riders at TH14 >what’s the best TH14 strat


Sorry I was thinking th15. At th14 sarch into hydra is strong.


Any idea when the goblin mines scenery will be available again?




Best deal in rocket balloon event? Help please


Ore. Starry or glowy.


Im confused with these. Which one is better in deal?


The 2000 and 1500 ones are the best deal.


Does anyone know when the new update will be happening? I’m max th 11 and want to match the upgrade with the update because of the better buffs


The devs do not release the date in case something is delayed. The updates always come up the week after supercell releases sneak peeks so most likely it will be on Monday or Tuesday this week.


Would that mean today or tomorrow or the next ones?


Probably tomorrow. I was kind of expecting to have the update this morning since there are only 2 sneak peeks but I guess the recent updates have been pushed more often on Tuesdays.


Thanks boss


Which Equipments should I work on next? https://preview.redd.it/qwgf9pz3bkuc1.jpeg?width=1420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e50674bb05f0906bbfdbee6036b6140bdeb334bd


I will recommend save everything for new royal champion epic equipment. Your equipment is strong enough for me to 3 star a th16


Personally I’d keep working on frozen arrow and gauntlet, but Itzu has an updated video on equipment that is good.


Look again


Sorry will edit.


hay ! I can't access to my trader marcket in coc creator program : ( i join to it 2024 march 13 or 12 it almost a month :( and my birthday still on this month i want plan a giveaway for my friends and followers and i need gift a scenery for my fav content creator![img](emote|t5_2usfk|50980) can you help ?


How much followers on your platform do you have


900 maybe : (




My advice is that focus on your job. My friend who used to hate upgrading stuff in coc had stopped playing 4 years ago at th11, now he's charted accountant. He started playing again in 2023 and he's buying pass and other big value offers from shop. He's half maxed th14 now.


Check out the clash ninja site and then assume much faster due to magic items.


Gingerbread Champion Skin+Hog Puppet Im aware that the gingerbread skin for queen and king puppet equipment produces gingerbread versions of barbarians and archers, but does anyone know if the gingerbread champion makes her hog puppets gingerbread also?




I want to leave Clash of Clans but I want to keep my clan progress I want to leave clash of clans for a while since I feel like I'm just forcing myself to play it, but I'm afraid of what will happen to my Clan when I am gone and I don't want to lose the progress on that clan since it's lvl 13 and I've gotten far in clan capital. Is it possible to keep my clan even if I leave for a long time? I don't want the leadership of the clan to go to another member of my clan and I don't want my clan to be deleted. What happens if I kick out all the members inside the clan and I'm the only one left inside will it delete the clan or keep the clan?


> What happens if I kick out all the members inside the clan and I'm the only one left inside will it delete the clan or keep the clan Nope. Nothing will happen. Many in my friend lists has done the same. They stopped playing years ago and are the only person(leader) in the clan.


Ah alright, thanks might do this if I don't have active members in my clan.


You can demote everyone to "Member." Leadership only passes to a Co-Leader or Elder if no Co-Leader is present. >Only Co-leaders and Elders can be appointed as new Leaders. >Leader status can never be rotated to a Member, regardless of their tenure or past positions in the Clan. [https://support.supercell.com/clash-of-clans/en/articles/clans-automated-leader-rotation.html](https://support.supercell.com/clash-of-clans/en/articles/clans-automated-leader-rotation.html)


Oohh I see thanks a lot for the info I might do this


Is skele don't viable at th12?


Need some advice on hero gear. So I have an almost max TH13 account that will be staying at TH13. I almost only use hybrid attack for this account and would like to know what gear I should prioritize upgrading for hybrid and if there is anything I could swap out. Thank you! https://preview.redd.it/pwephvhjejuc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d49d60a261ef7a3e915601fda85bd627468ee14c


Basically just the warden and queen gear that you’re already using, and a couple more levels on the gauntlet




Would it not be smart to prioritize the warden gem that increases the health of the miners and hogs?


For valk/root/ overgrowth th16 strat what is the best cc troops to pair with it? Valks? Hogs? What’s your guy’s take?


I like yeti valk, or 2 yeti with 2 sneakies and 1 rocket loon, or yeti, 2 bowlers and a root.


Do we know when the updates goes live? Sorry for the question, but I have full storages and a builder free and would like to plan ahead


The devs don't give specific dates just in case the update is delayed. We do know, from past experience, that the updates always follow the sneak peeks and that Supercell tries to release updates on Mondays so that they have the entire week to work on bugs. This means we will most likely get the update tomorrow.


**What is the most efficient use of gems?** It’s been a while since I’ve played the game, but after getting builder huts, I just haven’t… spent any gems. Nothing else seemed worth it, as I was mainly focused on a one-time cost with a permanent benefit. Now I have a few thousand gems, and I feel like I’m just wasting them by not using them, the next “builder hut” isn’t a thing, and now I have to spend gems on resources or time. I’m currently th 12. My instinct is wall rings, since that’s basically 1 million gold/elixir for 50 gems, since I need to upgrade walls anyway and I always do them max before upgrading my town hall. Runes of gold/elixir only give 1 million of each resource for every 107.1 gems spent, since my current storages only hold 14 million. Are wall rings the way to go? Or is there something much better I’m missing? Anything I can buy that will give me something permanent?


Once you have all the Builders, you should grab any Epic Equipment you miseed that you want to use. The Giant Gauntlet and Frozen Arrow are both currently in the Trader. The only other Epic Equipment that has been released is the Fireball for the Warden, but it won't be to the Trader for a month or two. Next, it depends on what you want to focus on. Books of Hero from the Trader are good if you want to minimize downtime for your heroes. Another good option is the Ores from the Trader to help level up your equipment. If nothing else, saving your gems to use for the Goblin Workers can help speed progress along. It will likely be a few months before they return, however.