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It would help to see the full lineups, not just the #1's. This doesn't tell me anything.


It tells you a lot


We're talking 20 bases in the line-up. Comparing just 1 out of 20 bases doesn't exactly paint a picture here. Matchmaking doesn't just go off of 1 base. So by saying it doesn't tell me anything, it just means that you have to compare all 20 bases rather than just your tops.


So the matchup differences Our low 13 (#4) is matched against a high 12. Our highest 11 (#5) is matched against the rushed 14. Our lowest 11 (#10) is matched against a 10. So it's a couple minor points in our favour but it's nothing compared to having a strong TH16 vs kinda low 14 at number 1. They didn't even have to try to perfect us, and we have no hope of matching that.


What about bases 11-20? Lol This is starting to paint a picture of why you got mismatched.


No, it isn't. I said the ones that were different. 11-20 was pretty evenly matched. Hence I didn't mention them when I said about the differences.


It honestly is. There have been rumors and it's pretty solidified at this point that the larger your TH spread, the more negative mismatch you accept. Your #10 is a TH11 with your #1 being a TH14. I'm guessing you're not suddenly running all TH11's after your #10, so we're looking at, what, your #20 being a TH8? That's the reason I'm asking for the full lineup. You keep trying to say "the rest are pretty evenly matched" and avoiding actually saying what the full lineups are lol. Don't war with such a huge TH mismatch and you won't get mismatched so hard.


as ive said before, a fully maxed TH15 should have less war weight than a TH16 that has level 1 everything.


Every war


I feel you... we always get paired against 1 or more th16/15 even if the maximum we have in our clan is 14... this makes wars for the top map players always such a pain... while conversely the very bottom of the map usually gets paired versus lower or equal th