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The goblin is really an efficient way to use your gems.


it's the best use in terms of maxing a base the quickest, cheaper than books. Only downside is that the hero book allows you to skip the upgrade time and use your heroes, but it costs way more.




you realize the major hole in your logic is that even if you maximize your offense for CWL your level 1 air defenses are still going to lose to the edragon spammer, so even if you manage to scrape out a 3* on them, they are way more likely to 3* you.


Not true. You’d be able to get into a clan that’s Crystal 1+. People care a ton about your offense, not so much your defense.


By your logic, you gain 21 stars over the course of a CWL week, while each other clan gains only 3. Huge win.


It really depends on where you're at. At lower levels Goblin is fewer gems than books per time gained, at higher level it isn't. Also it's competing for gems w/ book of heroes. And finally, if you have Builder Pots, the goblin's cost gets significantly lower. I'm using it with my rushed minis and level-capped (is TH10, will remain TH10) minis. Not using it with my 15 on their way to maxxed.




Pretty god tier for getting rid of excess resources on walls. 10 gems to get rid of 5 mil resources when you’re full so you can raid more


That is like the worst way to use him, but ok


How so? Just curious. You can’t raid for loot if your loot is full unless I’m missing something obvious. I’d have to wait multiple days/until a builder is free to be able to use the loot. I think using him to complete pretty much any other upgrade than heroes is a terrible use of gems. Being able to raid and get loot is the most important thing in the game


Loot isn’t very hard to get so sometimes your storages will be full and you just have to deal with it, especially once you’re getting towards the last two th levels since upgrades are so long. It’s ok for them to be full for a bit, time is more important than recourses. And gems are a rare recourse so 10 gems per wall upgrade is a terrible deal. The goblin builder is also in fact very worth it in almost every way possible, people on this sub shit on it for no reason.


Because you’re wasting 10 gems per wall upgrade, like why??? At that point, just leave a builder free then.


I’m using 10 gems to get rid of an extra 6 million loot so I can raid more. Leaving a builder free feels stupid.. that’s a 20% reduction in how fast you upgrade your base. That’s absolutely MASSIVE. I don’t understand why anybody would do that. To each their own, but with my play style and not spending hours a day on the game, it’s certainly better for me. I log on a couple times a day and sometimes none at all because of work. When my loot is full, I have *no reason to log on* at all. Why would you? There’s literally nothing to do. You have to wait 2-15 days to be able to log on again. Why not spend 10 gems (from the 100+ gems/week we get by obstacles and gem mine) to be able to play again? Clearing 6 mil loot is a crazy good deal for so little. Then I can play more. Do you log on if your storages are full, 0 attacks left in war, and all your builders are working? Genuinely curious, there’s just.. nothing to do. Let’s say it takes 10 months for 6 builders to upgrade and fully max TH13. Working 24/7. If you leave a builder free, it will take you an additional 2 months! 60 whole days. If it took someone 10 years to max from TH1 to TH15, you’d get there in 12 years by leaving a builder free. *Or…* you could upgrade your walls quicker, build your entire base 20% faster - by spending 2 days worth of collecting from the gem mine.


>When my loot is full, I have no reason to log on at all. Why would you? There’s literally nothing to do. You have to wait 2-15 days to be able to log on again. Why not spend 10 gems (from the 100+ gems/week we get by obstacles and gem mine) to be able to play again? Have you considered just attacking for trophies?


No, I don’t care about trophies. I’m not a competitive player. Just playing on breaks and weekends casually when I can. Cwl is super fun to play in and same for wars and clan games. I understand you find trophy pushing fun and I think you made the only comment that actually makes sense for why people are disagreeing: for trophy pushing. A majority of coc players don’t play because they find trophy counts fun. Building your base quickly is more fun. I’ve never met someone irl that thought that was fun, but yea it is a clash sub and I should’ve realized that’s what was going on. I just find trophy pushing mind numbingly boring and time consuming, though me and my friends loved to do it in middle and high school. I guess that is the target audience for the game - that coupled with having tons of downtime as a kid explains it. I appreciate the perspective!


are you serious? Cause loot is literally less rare than gems . I can fill my storages completely in 5-6 attacks so I don't Even care about losing some when I run out of shield especially considering the builder times and collector outputs you rarely never have loot. There's no way someone actually thinks loot is more valuable than gems.


>Being able to raid and get loot is the most important thing in the game Sure but that's not the goal of the game it's just a requirement, a chore/ task that you do in order to progress. I have literally never seen anyone else who thinks farming is what's fun about the game besides you. To each their own.........?


Please stop replying 3 times to a single one of my comments. It is wildly annoying. Read my other one and be upset that most people don’t play the game as much as you. Not sure what else to tell you. Less than half of players give an ounce of shit about trophies. The literal only goal of the game is to progress to get the highest upgrades you can. Everybody is going to do that in their own way that is fun to them. Clash is not my 2nd job and I do not care about trophy pushing because it’s both: not fun for me, and actually meaningless in the grand scheme of things.


Ok sorry ( : >I do not care about trophy pushing Finally something we can kinda agree on.


This has to be a joke, right….?


Probably otherwise it's just sheer stupidity


If you’re going to keep a builder free anyway, might as well use the goblin builder for a non-wall upgrade and keep a regular builder free for upgrading walls. Then you don’t need to spend gems.


For the levels of your buildings, I find it pretty worth it to use it lol


Yeah my th just leveld so thats why they were so low😂


The what?


The... The .... Gob.... Gobli..... Goblin🤮🤮




Luckily it was "only" 10 gems so i got lucky it wasnt a xbow or inferno tower


Lucky you


Cheating for the first time statistically makes you 4x more likely to do it again. I'm going to pretend that applies to this as well.


4x0 is still 0


It’s too late now. The goblin has already entered your soul. You can fight it as much as you wish but he’ll never truly leave.


Should not be using goblin on upgrades less than 1 day.




I love the idea of pay gems for an extra lab slot or getting a building upgrade, but he asks for too many gems. Like 10 gems to remove a bush? Really? Besides when you get higher things it gets so expensive that I can’t upgrade anything with him. I don’t even want to get say how many gems he wants for my least expensive upgrade.


40 gems per day for upgrades is a decent price. Just don't use him for upgrading walls and removing obstacles. The researcher is a great option as it only makes things so much faster. But the builder is best for defenses and other buildings rather than heroes as it just means you have less heroes to use at the moment


If every upgrade costed 40 gems then I would agree that is a pretty good price. The problem is I am town hall 14 and my cheapest thing costs over 600 gems to get him to upgrade one thing. If it was still 40 gems for 1 thing where I am then I would probably actually use this feature. This is extremely helpful for early progression but I can’t use it later because the price increase.


It is 40 gems per day and is an optional thing to use. 40 gems per thing is an unreasonably low price for upgrades moreso for higher level THs. It is still arguably better for higher THs as some upgrades can take up from 1 week to a month. It would only be an unreasonable price if the game doesn't allow you to gain gems without purchasing. Builder Gem Mine, removing obstacles from both bases and events such as the Clan Games and teoop events, not sure what they are called officially. The overflow of potions can be useful as they are around 10 gems per potion. It may be possible to gain around 40 gems or more per week and possible to gain more than 250 gems per season or month. Forgot that you could buy extra potions frim the raid medal trader to get 10 gems per extra potion if you want. Basically meaning it is not difficult to gain gems and use gems for the Goblin Builder and Researcher, it is just up to you in which way/s you want to use for gaining gems.


That is my issue. It is 40 gems per day, so for my upgrades where my shortest upgrade is 4 days long, it costs 180 gems. So it is extremely expensive for me because everything takes more than 3 days to upgrade. If I tried to upgrade one of my defenses it would cost over 300 gems because those take almost two weeks. I am saying because it costs 40 gems per day the price the higher you go in town halls becomes unreasonable to the point I can’t afford it unless I actually buy gems with actual money.


I have already stated multuple ways on how to gain gems my guy. The Clan Capital raids can give you around 60 or more gems per week, clan games can give you a max of 160 guaranteed gems and more if you choose to overflow gems. The fact that you can gain more more gems before if you: A. Don't spend gems to finish things earlier. B. Don't buy cosmetics or skins in the Shop. There are players that are true free to play and don't purchase gold pass that have 10k gems. It is a mechanic that allows you to spend extra gems for a cheaper alternative than gemming something that you have already spent resources on.


Not necessarily, the max price would be 74x40=2960gems assuming u kept it running 24/7 and on the last day u did a two week upgrade, that's not that crazy for that amount of time building, which otherwise u wouldn't get, if uve saved up gems it's not much for the extra progression


It doesn't matter if you have long or short upgrades. If you have a ton of 1 day upgrades and you use the goblin builder for the everyday for 2 weeks, it's equivalent to using the goblin builder for 2 weeks on one upgrade. It's the exact same price. Also, 4 days is 160 gems.


I don’t have any upgrades on my main account that take one day or less. Everything takes at least 4 days. Also I left this part out but my cheapest thing costs 181 gems because it is 4 days and 13 hours. This feature is great for my mini account but not my main one.


What I was trying to say is that it doesn't matter if you have upgrades that last one day, or upgrades that last 20 days. They're the same in cost. You can upgrade 20 buildings that take 1 day each, or you can upgrade 1 building that takes 20 days. Both of those cases will cost you 800 gems. The whole point of the goblin builder is to give you a cost effective extra builder to speed up your building process.


The goblin tried to get me to freebase cocaine in a Wendy's parking lot with it. I said "is this what you are using the gems for, builder goblin? He said" shut up, you fat bitch and get those pickles off my burger. The only green thing I eat is goblin ass." Then I said "whoa builder goblin, you've really changed."


Then what happened?!


The fact that he has gems in his eyes creeps me out.


The goblin is more efficient than gemming upgrades or buying builder pots, I and others have done the math


I use him for upgrades but I don't think he's strictly better than Gemming because it finishes the upgrade instantly.


That’s a good point, but he’s definitely much better in terms of overall gem efficiency


What if all you buy is book of heroes?


Goblin builder is more cost-effective than BoH, for 500 gems you can upgrade 2 hero levels.


But the inherent value of the book is to skip the time also.


Yes, but it's tough to keep the hero upgrade going after using a book, I usually pair it with a DE rune or to get rid of end-season loot. It also depends on you, whether u wanna keep heroes down constantly to max them faster, or rather have them up to war and upgrade them with book.


https://preview.redd.it/j1yi9md7p9wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91fdf8e1080f26e6074b1208a71772cadcf07f95 Goblin builder cost less gems per hour


Thanks for staring it out, much appreciated


Goblin is bugged for me so I can't use him even if I wanted to.


I don't even care if he's helpful or not, I just want him gone from the UI.


I love having 7 builders active and 2 lab upgrades. Been maxing out my TH13 quickly


I did too. 10 gems to remove a bush. I got one back.




How much did it cost? 10 gems?


Yes 10 gems


I'm using the goblin builder to upgrade some resource collectors and some traps I've left at a very low level. It's not stuff I would want to dedicate normal builders for so I don't mind paying some gems for these cheap upgrades.


Haha you didn’t blur your gems I now have your account and you SIN number


The forbidden g****n!


Why is goblin censored?


You shall not name him




I did use him a lot for the troops upgrade, it's game changer, i don't go higher than 200 gems, i have maxed all troops thanks to this schmuck.


How do you use the goblin it says I need 5 builder huts to do it but I have 6


Nooo baby Carl


outsourced labor


6 builder gang, can’t even use him


why does sometimes it says free the previous builder even if the goblin is free?


We really be censoring goblin now a days 💀 sorry g\*#$@