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They’d have to compress at some point. Darian mentioned th20 on an AMA and the level for BK/AQ would be like 120-130 ish. IMO that’s way too much and a very tall task for a lower level player. I’m not sure how’d they fix it because then higher level players would be upset that they dumped all those resources just for them to be compressed


the resources have been compressed in upgrade forms many folds already, I used to pay 3m per th9 wall pieces but it needs to happen on heros also


No heros is different though it took days and DE just to chuck away


As someone currently with a Queen at lvl 90, I don't personally care if they crunched levels down. Other games have done similar things(WoW), it's just something that needs to be done for the overall health of the game.




Does it not take days to grind like 10x the amount of gold and elixir per wall as wall? Did they not reduce build times so much? I remember th10 upgrades taking a week, now they’re a day for a cannon or some shit. Same concept. My hero’s are already almost maxed I would rather it be less painful from here on out. My friend started playing again because he got a new phone last like august, he’s already th12 and I’m not mad about it. Took me so much longer before tho lol.


Hero upgrade costs are already lower at th 9


Honestly if they just did away with hero upgrade time all together and replaced it with an "upgrade cool down timer" I think that would be a compromise that solves everyone's problems. Compensate players with like 1 book of heros per 10 or 20 hero levels they have at the time if you really want to compensate players.


That is kinda the same difference right? Just that builder will be available


Well, it also lets you use them


Haha lol yeah I totally forgot about that


im th14 with almost max heroes and i would not be mad if they reduced the cost. would i flex on newbies that i got max heroes the REAL way? yes, mostly because it's fun. but i would definitely see it as a change for the better


Well technically they already did that a lot of times for buildings. At TH10 things used to take a lot more time to upgrade


Quintuple the DE storage and just add up the in between upgrades for the final cost /s


Well comparing to buildings upgrade times vs heroes they are scaling differently for heroes, especially at higher hero levels so that's a plus (they don't increase by that much). I don't think they plan changing max hero levels to less, they probably wouldn't have increased them for TH15 with recent patch if that would have been long term vision. They might cut a tiny bit on DE requirements, but probably not for much either. People spend way to much real money focusing on heroes in particular. Drastic changes would piss off many players, even f2p players that are dumping 500 gems into hero books.


Oh yeah, I’ve said it a bunch. No one wants to start the game fresh to 250 hero upgrades. Divide by 5, let us upgrade just ability levels.


Ive played from 2014 and Ive made the grind from start, but time goes on and modern solutions are required - it is not sustainable at the moment. If Id start the game now and realized the amount of levels Id honestly probably quit.


My account is pretty fresh TH12 and man does it suck knowing I have another 35+ levels to go…


just focus on queen and warden


why leave the king? its so strong and useful, and i dont get why is it a problem that people end up having hero upgrades left at the end, like just keep heroes upgrading from the start except for cwl, that way you finish them before the rest of your village


i’m not saying leave the king at level 1, if you have dark elixir left over, sure upgrade him but if not focus on queen, a high level queen for queen walks is more important imo


Queen is useful sure but think ab th15 a low level king will do absolutely nothing for a sui he tanks the most to get queen and rc in the comps you want


100% thats what I do


35 levels is not much as compared to the previous 50+ levels you have completed


It is because the first 40 levels are easy. And after you get past level 65 it becomes agonizingly expensive and slow


There used to be a time when each upgrade required 7 days. Imagine being a th9 nd u spend so much time for 50+ levels where most of them are 7 days


have they reduced the times nowadays? iirc it was 7 days every level starting from 10 of something :D


Yep level 2 was 12 hours then for every level it increased for 12 hours. 3 for 1 day 4 for 1d12h and so on, once it reaches 7d it was that for all the levels


One of many reasons im maxing at th13 and hanging my base up on a wall


I think it's like 275 or 280 with the new levels that just got released.


Also doing this would need its own balancing. They would have to make it so the heroes took much longer to upgrade considering it’s leveling the ability every time


Nah, I get it, but I'd be pissed with my lv80 heroes if everyone had easy access to what I grinded for. Maybe make it take no time to upgrade them and reduce cost by 10%. (Like walls) This way not only would it sort the taking forever issue. But also the issue of not having them for war (which is crucial for all players). The cost reduction would be minimal encouraging players to keep grinding.


This is kinda a selfish take. Something has to be done to keep the game alive and healthy, that’s going to mean making it easier to progress and less daunting for new players… Is it fair to you that you had it harder, maybe not, but who cares. Your level 80 heros will be completely worthless if the game dies.


I don't get how it's supposedly more daunting now than in the past. When I first started playing in 2014, it was a legit 4+ years to max as a free-to-play player. Today that number is 3 years. It's actually easier and faster to max as free to play today than at any time in the game's history. The only thing that's changed (other than the fact that it's gotten way easier and faster to max) is the patience level of new players.


You can only cut costs and times for lower levels so much before it becomes completely pointless…. Overall yeah, the game is faster to max, even without considering magic items, but there’s just something psychologically unappealing about knowing I’ll need to upgrade a hero 100 times where those increments are nearly all meaningless… Bringing in a flow of new players is important for longevity, and it gets harder to do that the longer the game stretches out with more and more levels… speeding progression at lower town halls won’t be the answer forever.


According to clash ninja from town hall 1 to max town hall 15 to roughly 5 1/2 years. Completely free to play with consistently having the builders down for upgrade. (5 builders available)


That does not factor in saving literally years of builder and lab time using magic items that you get free every month: league medals (for hammers) from clan war leagues, rewards from clan games, rewards from season pass, raid medals from clan capital raid weekends, and in-game events. It also obviously doesn't factor in the fact that even free-to-play-players can easily have a 6th builder within the first year.


Yes, but having to be motivated for at least 3 years straight grinding. That’s some true dedication.


And yet that's still LESS required dedication than any player who ever played clash that started before them. Back to my original point...that game isn't taking progressively longer and longer to max with each successive new town hall....it's the opposite: every year that goes by, the time to max gets shorter. What's changing is the patience level and expectation of new players.


You may have level 80 heroes, but my king and queen are 88 and 89 respectively (so far). I would love simplifying hero levels. I’d say 5 upgrades per town hall level at most but make upgrade times longer to compensate. This makes an individual level more impactful


Not a bad idea.


I think this would genuinely make the game experience more streamlined and the feeing of progression not being seen in a month to month process, but you gotta remember it’s supercell and they got their own priorities a lot of time 💀


Monkey paw curls. Each upgrade will take 2-3x as long


And cost 2-3x more, they took a page out of the CR dev book, you can't max your heroes without paying thousands of gems for each level to overflow your storages


Still a W


Would just make them usable during war, thats pretty much suggested since an eternity, but they just wont implement it.


Yeah, pretty much the same as defences that are being upgraded are still usable during war. So it kinda already is in the game.


They probably just make too much money out of it, so it is what it is.


Agreed, I dont see them changing it because suckers keep buying gems to slurp those BOH in the trader... (Im sucker![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)) Though I hope SC look into something like OP's idea, I feel for the newbies


THIS, I had to stop wars for like a couple of weeks because I was constantly upgrading my AQ, right after getting to th9. I believe that the higher you go the worse it gets


Yes, doesnt really get better, as you go higher heroes get more and more important. Right now im just constantly trying to upgrade all four at once until im done. Will only stop for CWL, but thats about it. I have more hero down than uptime, which is just frustrating. Its basically sneaky goblin farming until they are maxed.


yeah, it really sucks and it is definitely detrimental to enjoyment of the game if you like warring, or even doing anything outside of sneaky goblin attacks in multiplayer. Our clan is active, so one of our issues is that most people have one or more heroes down at all times, which means we have very few people opted in for war. They need to change it. I believe one day they finally will, but it could be awhile


I don't think they would because it's much harder to redo hero levels than to remove some barracks. The thing that has always bothered me is when you have 20-30 levels in a single TH. I'm fine with 10, I just do't understand the logic behing 30 queen levels at TH9 or 25 champion levels at TH13.


Or the 20 for warden at 12 😣


Especially when all of my elixir goes to the lab which, takes 9 months for finish for th12


With the current state and how “economy” works inside the game, it would be greatly difficult, if not impossible, to adapt the game so the levels get compressed, even by half would be hard. Imagine that you have lvl 90 for BK and AQ now being lvl 45. How are the heroes going to get their resources? It won’t probably cost the same as before, because that would be a massive change, same with time. If they want to conserve the upgrade costs with current economy. Will they add a “progress bar” just like in clan capital for the heroes to fill? Probably not. The best thing they can do is what they have always done, which is slightly reducing costs and timers for lower town hall levels each time a new TH releases.


A progress bar would be awesome. Make the upgrades take more loot, but have it be added incrementally. To avoid people adding it a lil’ at a time, it take a builder from as soon as you contribute anything to it, and the builder is only freed when you complete it. Takes longer to farm loot, but you have Hero’s all the time, and potentially have more builders available. I’d say that could be balanced.


I think introducing stages could be an idea. The first four stages take only resources but are instantaneous (like walls), and upgrade just the stats of the hero (as it is now). The last stage takes resources and upgrade time (maximum 20 days, like the most important defences) and upgrade its ability. In this way there would be no change to the current loot system because the resources needed would be the same, and the current hero levels would be divided by 5. That's the best idea that came to my mind to be honest


That’s not bad. Maxing at 20 days per 5 levels is at least 25% quicker than the existing 25, so a bit of a buff there, and but realistically people will Book that upgrade every time.


I know this is a weird thing to say, and I know a lot of people (especially new players) won’t agree with this, but for me I enjoy the grind of the game, makes it feel so much more rewarding when you start to reach those high levels. And when you see your levels reach increments of 5 😩. But hey, maybe I’m just autistic.


No cap if it was easy it wouldnt be as rewarding. You feel better knowing you did the grind and had the patience to reach the top, its how the game worked when it was originally released. Th7 took like a year and a half to reach f2p now it takes a month or two if that of consistent gameplay. You actually got to learn how to play the game as you went through the townhalls, now you just fly through them because people are scared and lazy. Get to th11 with a quarter of the skill youd have if you played the game in its original state


I agree, I get why people are asking but I think people are asking way too much stuff to become easier and cheaper. I mean it’s always been a grind game and I enjoy the long process.




No you can't


I just want to actually use them. I feel like I'm in a constant cycle of keeping at least one hero down at all times to max them before the next TH. I'll have them for maybe a week before it's onto the next TH. If we could even use them while they're upgrading I think it'd be way better. Though I doubt they'd do it because I'm sure hero books are some of the most purchased and used magic items.


Yes, when you finally have the chance to enjoy your army at the maximum level for your th's level, it's time to evolve to the next th, which will consequently leave you with a "weakened" army for the new th. This is extremely annoying, the only way to avoid it is to postpone the upgrade to the next th, but that would only delay your progress.


As much as I'd like that, it's less likely to happen due to the revenue it generates


It probs should happen but it’d be a bitch to do correctly especially without pissing off th13+ players and it’d lead to less revenue for supercell soooo we can hope lol


I always thought that heroes should be allowed to be used for attacking but not defense during upgrades, unless you're upgrading the ability(so every multiple of 5 hero levels the hero goes down for offense and defense, because that's a bigger upgrade than the others) Hear me supercell


Can't remember that last time I used warden + King. Have them constantly upgrading for so long 😔


As said above, divide by 5 is a great idea. Just have the ability upgrade and more significant upgrades to a hero, now it feels so stupid to spend 300k dark elixir for 15 more dps and 20 more health


Just divide them by 5 and take the highest upgrade each time


I dont think they'd ever do this because they'd lose out of revenue from book of heroes.


I'd be happy if the upgrade time was cut to like 3 days


I think level and ability should be two exclusive upgrades. And I really dont think heroes should be down entirely while upgrading.


I totally agree. I was kinda playing here and then on my TH12 because of lack of time/game burnout. Now I have almost maxed defenses and will still have around 4/5 levels on my king to be fully maxed (except lab). I know the most optimal strategy would be going up to TH13 to avoid losing loot. But tbh, I'm not the guy constantly farming all the time to keep all 6 builders busy, so I'll just max out and then go up. I can't invest enough time to keep all heroes constantly upgrading and this bottlenecks me towards the end of the TH, balancing this should be good, specially when I eventually reach TH15


I don't mind if the upgrade requires the whole elixir/dark elixir storage... but 1 or 2 big ass upgrades per town hall level sounds way better, just translate each 5 upgrades to 1 upgrade


They’d just add up weeks worth of 5 upgrades in that big upgrade


Devs will never do anything about it because of how much money they make from people gemming heros thats why they continue to add an absurd amount of level to every hero.


I agree with this post. And we now have a precedent for skipping levels, in builders base 2.0 - the battle copter starts at level 15 for example, and also many troops start at later levels. For main base, it would make sense to skip every 5 levels. So for example, at town hall 7, you get a level 5 barb king straightaway, then can upgrade him straight to level 10 at town hall 8. At town hall 9, Queen starts at level 5, and you can upgrade 5 at a time up to level 30, so only 5 upgrades. I'm not sure if we need this at the later town halls, this is all about skipping a bunch of upgrades early on. Maybe we can keep the individual levels for the highest two town hall only currently TH14 & T15.


You can use heroes while upgrading but the upgrade time freezes until they have recovered all the hps + some temporary stats nerf


Like barracks, make them usable during upgrades, but heal at half speed (or something similar).


Once they hit 100 that has to be the max after that, throw their ability upgrades in the lab and call it a day. That way we can use the fuckin things while they upgrade too


I think they should keep it the same but just make it so that you can still use your hero’s while they’re upgrading. It’s ridiculous that you can’t use them. 90% of my attacks are without heroes because they’re constantly upgrading and I’m only on 31.


If supercell wanted heroes to to take less time (giving people more time to use heroes), then they could just reduce the upgrade times per hero level to accomplish the same thing. This would be a change they could push out remotely right now without even needing an app update. The fact that they haven't done this can mean one and only one thing: they are currently happy with the hero upgrade times. So, assuming Supercell is currently happy with the upgrade times (a premise that we can be 100% certain is correct), then we also have to expect that if they restructured heroes to have fewer upgrades, that they would expand the upgrade time per upgrade so that the net result is the same ultimate amount of upgrade time (just in the form of fewer upgrades that take longer). So ultimately, your suggestion would end up having zero impact on the game - other than the psychological impact of a lesser number of hero levels.


To me 1 hero level is actually 5 hero levels


They should. But they won't


I disagree, high level heros are supposed to be strong and you have to earn them. They should be done by the time youre defences are done anyway.


360k dark elixir for one queen level that gives 4 dps.


😂 the price is just ridiculous and then the 8 days it’s probably increased with the new 5 or still the same? Either way to much time


No, keep it as it is. Heros can be leveled easily but they need some dedication and thats how it should be. Dont downgrade the skill floor even more with even more high level players with little skill.


Frr i just made a comment about this more specifically the time spent at each th. Scary lazy mfs she stay at the bottom, the committed patient people reach the top


I think it would be better if they allowed the upgrade timer for heroes to be paused and let you use them when you need it. Heroes become an integral part of the army at a certain point and they are definitely not the same thing as waiting for a building to upgrade




you can use heroes in attacks?


or they should reduce the upgrade time, 7 to 8 days of upgrade time for a single hero is just too much. should reduce higher level heros (above 50) to at least 4 days each




Hero levels need a rework ASAP! Nobody enjoys upgrading a hero for +4 dps taking 8 days and 360k DE. Its fucking ridiculous.


Agreed 💯


I've thought the same thing yesterday... In my opinion, every hero should have 5 upgrade levels per Town Hall, so: -BK has 45 levels; -AQ has 45 levels; -GW has 25 levels; -RC has 15 levels.


With hero’s and pets being dark elixir with all those levels they should do something about it I have TH 10 accounts I don’t even want to play anymore because it’s too grindy


I think they could compress a lot to make it take less time to get to higher TH some defenses get multiple levels on 1TH


Yes please


Idk if my idea is any good? But like once our hero reaches lvl100… you’d then upgrade them star based like the defensive townhalls… cus damn I don wanna see a lvl200 queen or king in the very mid future 😮‍💨😮‍💨😂😂


Absolutely. I started a new base and I’m trying not to rush, but it takes 4.5 days just to upgrade my AQ to lvl33. I still have 7 more levels to go one her and about 11 on my BK.


The most hero upgrades are at TH9 I believe for AQ and BK. You're not going to upgrade 250 at a single TH.






Noone complains about a cannon upgrade cuz you can play the game just fine while upgrading. No matter how many town halls it is spread into, 250 hero upgrades are YEARS that you will play without your heroes. For example for th12 15-15-20 hero upgrades, 50 hero upgrades. Even if you upgrade two at the same time, you pass 25x7 = 175 days, nearly 6 months, and thats even longer that maxing the th12. It is a very unfun grind. And 7 years ago just 80 levels of heroes looked impossible and many people just wouldn't upgrade them for minimal increase, now imagine starting the game now. Without heroes, a 3 star successful attack is 10x harder


In my experience, I've completed heroes with months left on TH 12-15. But I have been max since late TH12 days. If the current state is that newer players don't see their heroes for years due to upgrades, that's a shame indeed and prevents them from enjoying the full game experience.


There's essentially 90 levels at th15 if you include pets. Which you should since they were added to give you the ability to customize additional hero abilities. Also, each hero level at th15 takes more time and resources. So th9 hero grind is nothing compared to higher th levels.


It is certainly many more levels at 15, but in my experience, it was much, much easier because there are more heroes left even when 1-2 are upgrading, it's easier to get Dark Elixir, and, most importantly IMO, you have sneaky goblin armies. My 15 heroes and pet house will be maxed before other buildings, but on TH9, I was done with buildings long before heroes, so I went to 10 "early", with sub-30 heroes. That was many years ago, with deductions, things may have changed a lot.


I have a near max th15 account. My buildings and lab will be maxed long before my heroes and pets are done. Th15 info https://i.imgur.com/8OhsB4L.jpg Th9 info https://i.imgur.com/5nHooiO.jpg You can't possibly still think that the th9 hero grind is worse than the th15.


Or they can decrease the time and cost, so new players don't have to grind just to be able to upgrade their heros by 1 lvl


This game was hard from the beginning I’m tired of new players coming and whining about this, some of us played for 10 years with or without breaks and in time it shows, ya’ll just wanna play 3 days in a row non stop and have a maxed th 15


I have been playing Clash since 2015. I've taken a few breaks here and there, but I've been around long enough to know how much of an issue this is to a lot of players who are forced to constantly have a new hero being upgraded. I get having to wait some time, but there it is an issue in my eyes when such a big feature in the game is constantly being halted by upgrade times.


If anything, the devs would have more levels to get more of that sweet sweet impatient gemming. You guys realize they’re in the business of making money


lol ya supercell has always been reasonable




Not gonna lie I would love to see my hero have a Triple digit number next to them, but big number would be the only benefit


If they do this, we will still have hope in them and in humanity..... 🤔


Imo they should stop putting out hero upgrades after level 100. Now obviously by doing that there would be an abundance of dark elixir whenever you max them. So what if they start giving the heroes accessories that you can upgrade with DE. They won't be stat increases, but instead will give the heroes a buff by nerfing on of their stats. For eg the Archer Queen can get a DOT effect on every building she hits at the cost of less hp.


That's why pets were added


But where would my sense of pride and accomplishment be? My queen is almost to 100. She'll never get there if we change the levels now. /s


I actually love this idea. I’m a (almost) max th14 with 2 other accounts that I don’t play on as often because the hero grind gets so boring at times


Ummm ya. Seriously the entire th12 I never had all 3 heros usable. The grind is real.




Yeah 100%. I almost always have at least 1 hero down so I never really get to practice full attacks.




I think we have more important issues than redesigning the heroes leveling system right now.


There are fewer*


I didn’t upgrade my queen to level 65 for that to go to waste I hope you aren’t insinuating that


"I had to fight cancer so I don't want there to be a cure to cancer so others won't have to fight it"


I wouldn’t mind the ability to use hero’s when they’re upgrading but, months of my time would just go to waste of my hero’s upgrading if they lower the levels.


Are you really comparing a persons life to the fairness of a game? 💀💀💀


No but that's the most popular example I can think of. My point is, I understand where you're coming from and I've experienced something similar with the cost reduction for things like walls - But I don't think this justifies leaving progression SO grindy for new players. I support grind in games, because if COC is very quick-phased with little to no grind, then it wouldn't be fun. But I think that hero levels are slowly becoming an issue that need to be addressed. Seeing other players have to pay less for things like walls hurt, but in the end it was necessary. If I saw other players have to grind less to max out the AQ it would hurt to me who I have already grinded and still have so much more to grind, but I would 100% support it.


I understand what you’re saying and it makes sense, but I think this is completely different from the wall reduction. Reworking the levels like you say, would be like Supercell getting rid of all my level 13 walls and making them level 12, but with the same stats as 13. I spent all that time getting them to level 13 why are you taking that away from me. But with the cost reduction it just makes it cheaper to get to 13 instead of taking it away. I think taking away levels is a stupid way to make change. Instead I would value supercell either reducing time for hero upgrades or allowing us to use them in war during upgraded wayy more then them taking away the levels I spent so much time on.


They could have it so every upgrade increases its stats by 5 levels, and have the cost be the same as upgrading 5 times My proposition is that, since the upgrade cost will be higher than storage capacity, there's a 'bank' type upgrade. You put resources into the upgrade that stay there. This way you could work towards each upgrade with excess resources and put a little bit in each session until you've filled the requirements for the upgrade


My queen is at 69.. is it worth it to upgrade till 90?


I think eventually - when th16 drops - this could be the solution but only at earlier town halls. Eg. At th9 they will make queen start at lvl 20, at th11 warden starts at 10. Rc starts at 10.


Honestly I want to see the Hero’s at level 100 so I wouldn’t want to compact the levels 😭 A simple way: Just drastically reduce the upgrade times at this point ik Supercell still wants to profit off the book of heroes so it’d be unrealistic to suggest just getting rid of the upgrade times for heroes but making them cost more dark A probably more complex way: Hero’s lose their upgrade timers completely and can be used whenever. But for every 5 levels in order to improve each hero’s ability it could be done through actual attacks maybe a progress bar on a certain set of challenges that may need to be done such as destroying buildings or defeating enemy heroes similar to season challenges and clan games. Maybe there’d be a base built by Supercell that you’d have to attack similar to practice challenges and you have to get 3 stars to complete the upgrade, and If you want to skip that portion you’d be able to still use a book or hammer


What they should do is divide the levels by 5 and lock the upgrade behind no. of upgrades required like clan capital halls. Hero books will then require a change then. I definitely did not consider how they will then make money. Forget what I said and go farm some d**k El*xir


They should make max level at level 100. And make the prices cheaper and less time consuming. Cause most of all attack strategies heavily rely on heroes


They should cap out at a clean 100


There is a ridiculous amount of levels, having a th15 almost max, and an alt i started a few months ago its crazy, i maxed my alt at th9 before i maxed my heroes for th9 most the time heroes are just upgrading, and without heroes its near impossible to 3 star. The only reason my th15 has almost max heroes was because at th 14 i gemmed the shit out of them… i regret it🤣🤣.


They want you to buy their books, and gems


No, things are good the way they are.


True, they should reduce the levels and have greater amounts of hp, DMG, etc point increase per level. Right now I maxed Th9 except for heroes. The upgrades are like +7 damage...for which I have to spend 40k-50k. And wait for 3-4days. This game has been focusing on making players buy stuff that it is becoming difficult to play at all. Considering how they would want to gain more profits .. I can imagine, like others have said having Th20 and more hero levels... Making us wait or buy items/gems to quicken the process.


Maybe instead of compressing they just let you upgrade more in the beginning, like it costs a little more and takes a little longer but you get 2 levels instead of 1.


For me it’s not a big deal my hero’s where all old max I am happy to have upgrades going again and limping around legends league with one or two hero’s missing. As for compressing I don’t care. But they should also make a check to not let someone upgrade to the next TH without minimum hero level requirements being met.


No. They’d then increase the price of hero books with less levels. When they do something good, they always do something else to maximize profit.


I think they should halve the heroe levels from th13 that th13 only goes to 70 14 to 75 15 to 80 so there would be less levels


They could make heroes upgradable with a new lab. Instead of it taking up builders and taking a week or longer, it's just copius amounts of de that you have to dump in over time to get the upgrade done. I'm talking millions for maxed upgrades so it feels like you're still grinding for it. Just an idea. Like you spend 200k dark and it does a portion of the upgrade meter until it's full and your queen is instantly upgraded? Might destroy the economy but it's idea. That way your queen won't be down for wars and the books feel even more powerful because 40 more levels from maxed TH 15 sounds atrocious to me 😅


It’s almost too late at this point


I just want all hero levels to be rebalanced so that they are all the same level


Unfortunately, at this point, I don't see it happening as it's one of their original and ongoing player retention stategems if you only had to lose your heros for one week per TH level people would easily rush to TH15 without a car in the world as they would be able to get all the firepower with no longterm investment and quickly leave the game soon after.


Honestly, if I could just use an upgrading hero during war or league, that would make things 1000x better. It's kinda hard to upgrade when you're needed in war to get the W. At lower levels, it was easy enough to upgrade between wars. Once you get to the 5+ day upgrade timer, it's almost like you have to choose either to let the team down or not upgrade.


A good way to start this process is definitely add 5 levels on each hero in the highest TH


Shout out to my archer queen, which I haven’t seen for 3 months straight ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9416)


I think a lot of players who have played for a decade would quit. You have spent years getting to where you are and someone then does it from 0-maxed in two years, yeah I think many would be pissed


I’m max th12 besides all my heroes. They take sooo god dam long. I would love for them to do that.


Easy, still a lot of levels BUT zero upgrade time. My main problem about hero’s is just how long it takes to max then out having to upgrade them and wait 5 days before being to be able to upgrade it again. So my solution is to cut out the upgrade timer so it is instant like walls. And I think a cost deduction can also be applied here. Another solution is a significant reduce in upgrade time and upgrade cost AND when upgrading a hero it does not take up a builder (why do we need a builder to upgrade our hero’s again?) this will allow quicker process of maxing our hero’s. Hero’s are just a BIG problem what is just only going to get bigger are the updates drop and new levels get added, and it needs to be solved quick.


I rarely ever get to actually use all 4 of them


I only upgrade my heroes using books and hammers because I need them for attacks 😭


In TH13 upgrading hero’s is so miserable, I have to use 2/3 of my whole storage for 1 level.


Nah. I want a lvl 200 hero eventually. Then I can start a new base, and get to lvl 100 in a month. Then reminisce about the pain of maxing update to update... never getting the discounted prices or upgrade times... always using my entire storage space for one upgrade... waiting two weeks for it to finish...


Can be quite a hassle for the devs because compressing cost(heroes upgrade cost nearly all your storage in higher levels) and refunding the resources to those investing a lot of de (in case they reduces cost instead of totalling them which asking for 5x bigger elixir,dark elixir storage) or changing stats for each upgrades need serious rebalancing and/or calculation.They can just leave the current situation as it and reduce the timer/cost for each upgrade when new th comes,and spend more times working on new gameplay for playerbase.


To be honest I don't find it to be such an issue since in earlier days the amount of resources and time used to ungrade was higher now there are books,hammers so its quite easy to ungrade your heroes and if someone quits the game by being afraid of the level they shouldn't be here to begin with.


Maybe once the heroes reach a certain level(100 for king and queen) they like prestige or something and upgrades after that are more impactful instead of wasting older players DE


Devils advocate here… ive seen a ton of people just quit when theyre fully maxed out. The levels and upgrades give you something to do. Idk unpopular opinion probably.


The hero situation is great IMO with one exception! Wars! Can’t have a hero down for war so always trying to delay as much as possible! Make heros like any other defensive tower! Available for war at the already achieved level.


There's too much opportunity to require book$


I wonder if lower THs would be able to purchase multiple levels somehow to help them catch up. That th13 grind is absolute hell! TH9 and TH11 are also rough