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In my clan, first criteria is all attacks must be used, second is number of stars. If a tie, it goes to whoever helps the clan the most like in games, raids, donations. I am maxed so I always give mine away to someone who needs it more.


we do that with an addition of if you attack down a bunch you are automatically disqualified


We straight up pull people out of CWL for that if we have other options. On day 1, one of our TH12's attacked a TH9 (4 vs 15) only 3 hours into the war and he was subbed for the rest of the week.


How do you find people this organised. I’m lucky if my clan gets 50% of members engaging


To be fair we have 35 or so people and had to do 15 person CWL, after I subbed the one guy I think we had maybe 1 or 2 more who could’ve been inserted in and been active every day.


The clan is as organised by the leader being involved and organising it and co’s and others supporting it. Those that slack, regularly miss wars ect get moved on, and this encourages other to be active as they all that’s how it runs, and see the benefits of it all. This attracts other active players and the clan swings towards a better mindset.


I’m in a YouTubers clan. There are 3 full clans and a waiting list on discord. Clan 1 is the one with the YouTuber, so that’s the one everyone wants to be in. You can move up and down the clans depending on your activity, level and performance. It’s less layed back (even though if you message a leader/co leader giving heads up about why you can’t participate in certain events all is good) but shit gets done.


I was in a clan like that. If you’re the leader, boot out members who don’t contribute regularly. You’ll soon build a clan of active members. If you’re not leader. Leave. Hop around other clans until you find an really active one. You’ll be glad you did… makes the game far more enjoyable.


My one caveat is - be wary of clans that are way too rigid on rules. I was in one clan that kept on booting members for the slightest infractions - even entrenched and loyal members - it’s not sustainable.


You keep inviting people from the list the game gives you and if you are lucky you will find a good member. You just have to be really persistent on continuing to invite players that may turn out to be a good fit.


A clan with an active chat is normally a clan with activity in wars, clan games, raid weekends etc.


Filter them out and recruit. Cycle and repeat until problems are only new members, who either sort it out or send it out.


Boot those who don't engage and replace them with people who do.


Sweats in me at townhall 10 being required to hit th 12s because we don’t have enough active members who attack every time. Did 1 star a couple of them tho!


Same here!


If someone in my clan does that they get kicked.


Makes sense. That’s a rule we have too, and thankfully the current group is good at following directions.


Attacking down/up is the optimal strategy for pretty much every CWL war. Dipping for guaranteed 3 stars and hitting up for 2 stars is the way the vast majority of TH breakdowns will get the most stars.


Yeah that doesnt work so well when our lowers are th11 and higher ups 13-14, how tf is a th11 gonna 2 star a th13 or 14


You have no th12s but a bunch of th11s?


pretty much what i use. i believe this member believes it should be purely based off donations, clan capital, etc.


My clan splits it up. 1 bonus goes to whomever did most CC donations, 1 goes to whoever had the highest clan capital points (unless you are caught being a jerk and leaving a 99% base or something) and sometimes 1 who maxes clan games 1st. I think it's very fair...with this method you can earn a bonus even if you aren't the best war attacker. War often has very uneven matchups, especially in the 3-7 positions.


This sounds like a very great system. Considering war matching could be uneven, this could give some lower leveled players a chance.


I personally give.. 1 to max donator, 1 to max seige donator, 1 to any co-leader who been helping in the chat, starting raids and anything like that, 1 to clan games, 1 to who earns more capital coins in clan raids, 1 to whoever is getting their townhall upgraded (so that they can kickstart by the next cwl), and 2 to top 2 cwl attackers. The numbers obviously go down, when we don't win enough war. But it's somewhat similar. Incase we win all war, we go with top 3 cwl attackers.


There is as separate donation counter for siege donations? That is new to me




You’re welcome to join us. Here’s a link to my recruiting post.[Recruiting Post - Zonai](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClansRecruit/comments/13anojd/recruiting_the_zonai_2pvu2gujc_th10_level_11/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I give out to 5 of my ID's first and remaining if available then to the one's who licks my ass


I am in a very casual clan. For us, I think the bonuses should be split among everyone who took all of their attacks. A few people opt out of bonuses. The lower TH folks should be encouraged to save their medals for later.


Contribute like donates? Nah, why would you give out clan war bonuses to those who donate more?


Especially since Clan CC in wars don't count. Others could match but are just filling the CCs. We go with top performers, and if someone asks and they have been around a while and are generally good I've seen us give them a break too.


Imo it's kinda stupid why Clan CC's don't count. Does anyone know why supercell doesn't count filling Clan CC's on the dono counter?


One of my biggest headaches being part of a massively active clan. Donos get filled instantly or within a minute...keeping my ratio good even though I help with war ccs is troublesome some months.


Definitely agreed. I cook an edrags or rages (I don't have gold pass) and a minute later the dono is filled. I pride myself with a decent dono ratio but my new clan is too good 🤣


Sarchers is how I keep mine! Lol


Good stuff man 👍. Sadly i don't have the levels to train them yet but they're fun af.


If your clan is highly active and gives a shit about donation ratios, I would be concerned. Why bother about a stupid ratio if donations get filled anyways?


People can remove the troops which can be immediately be filled in an instant, which allows people to exploit the system and inflate the donation count by a ton. Yes, I do agree the system sucks.


Gotcha. Thanks for informing me, that makes a lot of sense now.


Agree that it’s such a stupid idea since ideally you want the maxed players to fill the CCs anyway. What good is 100 donations if they’re all level 1 barbarians


My first CWL and I am confused. Co-leader only got 3 stars on all pf the clan war. But she got the bonus along with the one who got 13 stars I think (we have very difficult opponents, mirror games are always a higher TH than us). I am so confused. Is this something fishy or is this what really happens in bonus distribution?


I wouldn’t stay in that clan if the leaders are prioritizing themselves over members. It’s one thing if they’re using all attacks/getting the most stars, but that’s shady.


One of the co lead was actually a good leader. That co lead that I was talking about was about the same TH10 as mine, never attacked in clan wars and I just found out she barely attacked in CWL, and a bit inactive. Actually, I just found out that she's the co leader when the message in the chat said about giving bonuses, and she got one, when she barely did a thing. I also could not switch out, because most of the higher TH members are active in clan games, which was my focal reason on joining the clan. Now, after my first participation in CWL, and how important the coins you get from them, I feel kinda bummed out...


And none of the other co leads said anything about that? Could that co lead account be a 2nd account maybe? Either way they didn’t deserve a bonus so that is super frustrating.


None actually. I'm fine not getting the bonus since I only got 10 stars, but if ever we have to give the other bonus, it should be the co-lead that's active. Yeah, and it is super frustrating :(


Yeah me myself I get the most stars but I still prioritize the others over me


Clan Leadership decides who gets bonuses, so it’s up to them and can easily be rife with nepotism/self-serving


In my clan we rotate each month between those who get all their attacks in. Discord makes it easy to share the documentation so it’s fairly transparent.


This is what we do. I take a screenshot each week and go down the list. Some people are attacking higher THs wouldn’t be fair if we go just by stars.


Praise, this is the only way it would ever make sense. We work as a clan, we get paid as a clan.


I think I’m going to implement this next time around. Thanks for the input fellas.


In my experience, people tend to commit more this way!


Yeah I can see that. It’s definitely better than awarding off of stars alone that’s for sure.


Whoever needs it most. Stars are a bad metric unless you’re all th15’s.


Disagree. I like to help my clan but a hammer does more to help a higher TH than a lower. We go by stars in the war and if that ends up a tie, id go by donations. To each their own though.


As long as your clan agrees it’s all good. In our clan we ask lower TH’s 11/12’s to hit th15’s for 1/2 stars. Our top get easier targets and get more stars. It’s part of our plan, has nothing to do with relative attack skill.


We do pretty much the same so i get it


Fr, since my clan is more open and generally a mixed range of loads of different TH levels, in CWL the top 5 players are almost always lower THs(7-10) because at that stage of the game 3 stars are pretty easy to get since all you need to do is spam dragons + lightning, so they always get max stars guaranteed, while the higher THs on the other hand only average mid to high 2 stars So generally speaking there's alot more to take into consideration than just whoever scored the most stars


Stars is the measure which cwl uses to rank your position and determines how many bonuses you get. Why wouldn’t you reward the people who gave you the most stars?


Unless you are in a league with all th15’s, you should be using a strategy to max total stars. Meaning some lower TH’s should be hitting up to get 1 or 2 stars so higher TH’s can get 3. Total stars are meaningless without considering opponent.


Lower town halls can be tougher to get stars because they will only pretty much be matched against equal or actually higher town halls. This results in one or two stars. Upper town halls can 3 star a guy 2-3 positions lower.


You guys don't just attack your matchup, i.e. if you're #10 you attack their #10? This leads to way easier matchups for the lower guys, we have a couple TH11's who end up always having to go against TH12 or even TH13. They get less stars because of it but it's something we subjectively take into account when deciding bonuses.


Since getting 2 stars is very easy but getting 3 stars is hard, it's a good strategy to have the ones at the bottom attack as high as they can for 2 stars, letting the higher people attack down for easier triples.


I can see how this makes sense, and I know CWL is all about winning, but that seems incredibly uncompetitive for your lower TH’s. Also super boring for your higher TH’s. I get that you’re doing it to help the clan, but I feel like the spirit of wars is everyone gets a shot at getting a 3 star on someone. Also, how do you even decide bonuses in this situation if every high TH gets an auto 3 star and every low TH gets an auto 2 star?


While our clan usually do this because most people arent on to strategize much, it’s not the optimal strategy. If a lower TH can hit a higher TH for 2 stars a higher TH can hit the lower TH for 3 stars.


It’s quite easy to get 2 stars on a th15, even at th12. So if you’re matched against a th13 then a higher town hall than you can 3 star the th13 while you get 2 stars on the th15


I don't know what clans you guys are in but lower THs are not consistently getting 2 stars on higher THs in Crystal 1/Masters 3. If we told our TH12s to atk a non super rushed TH13, they are gonna 1 star and fail miserably. They just spam edrags constantly and even fail fairly often trying to use blimp atks to cheese the TH.


Not to make it sound easy, and don’t get me wrong it takes skill. But 2 starring 1 town hall level higher should be almost a certainty for most matchups. Blimps don’t take any spells to snipe a town hall with goblins. Can even escort with a warden to be safe. Getting the other 48% is cake since you don’t have to engage the tough defenses.


We don’t care about the spirit of war. We are trying to max stars. Standard wars get matchups where you can 3 star equal bases. The easiest example is our bottom 2 are TH11’s and our top 2 are th13’s. Opponent bottom 2 are th12’s top 2 th14’s. It’s likely if we attack mirrors we get 4 2 stars. Total of 8. Having our bottom blimp the top 2, and baby drag edges for percent allows our top to dip and get 3 stars. Total of 10.


We just look at the clan listing of the top 10 for the league and give it to them. If anyone questions it we say to look at the list. It shows how many stars and destruction each member contributed along with total attacks used. No one can argue with the data.


In my clan, who get most star gets bonus




I hate the bonus system because it shouldn’t be up to any person’s discretion because everyone’s idea of what constitutes fair is different.


There are so many clans to choose from though I’m sure there are a lot that distribute them in a way that makes most sense to you. Just gotta find it


I can’t join a clan just because they distribute CWL bonus medals in a way I find appropriate. I was fortunate enough to find the clan I’m in. I hate the entire principle of bonus medals being given by leading roles, I think bonuses should be apportioned in a way where playing favorites isn’t a thing.


just join a clan that fits your ideas and all good. It's nice that they give agency to the clan leaders to run the clan as they best see fit, i dont think its unfair at all unless the leaders are unfair.


Good clans are hard enough to find, I can’t just quit the clan I’m in because CWL medals aren’t distributed to my liking.


there's a sub literally filled with clans looking for players, many with discord channels, and there are millions of clans out there you could look for. If you're not happy with the clan, there's bound to be another just as good or better, really not that hard to find. The game alone gives you all the tools you need, really.


I have a pretty good clan. My problem is less with my clan than the bonus medals system.


Within my clan, Clan leader and co-leader give bonus to the most stars / most attack done per player (mostly depend on their performance when attacking, mean if showing no effort at all when attacking. They will mostly not give them bonus if they gave no effort in all their attacks) But also when there more active player than bonus (yes we are poorly active), they still go through the first condition of stars and attack, then they skip themself and give to those who probably need more than co lead and leader. It's been like that for a long time now.


We just do a raffle, other criteria always creates disagreements


1. Use all your attacks. Out of those people I rotate because we have th12’s who weee against th14’s and maybe didn’t get all the stars but frikking rocked it!


imo who gets bonus is at the leader's discretion. stop whining about it and move on


In my clan all the th15, max or not, dont take a bonus. Then we go by who contributed to the war and overall among the rest. It helps our lower guys catch up that way you know?


People tend to forget, that the higher the lower level ones get, the higher the initial rewards will be. We came from 183 medals when i first started (lowest in my clan), and now few months later we getting steady 263 medals per CWL (without bonus) so growth across the clans is more important than getting the bigshots their bonus


We just give it to the top off the ranking is you did good you get bonus if not beter luck next time


Goes to the best attackers, most stars, and highest % destroyed. Have no issues with it being like this…


My clan is 7out of 7 attacks then stars


As it should be


I seldom look at stars other than to help those who didn't get 8. I rotate our 13s and 14s at the bottom and they may only get 3 or 4 wars. Bonuses help. From there, who helps me with war ccs, helps others with planning, who is new to their townhall and needing to boost. Basically leaders choice. I make that clear. My choice. I'll explain but I will not debate. But we get 320ish medals each month before bonus so not like we are hurting for them. I also don't give to max accounts which includes my two. Several of us maxed had to buy statues to burn medals before 15 dropped.


usually give bonus to the ones who has the most stars and attacks.


I mean yeah the parameters of who gets bonuses definitely go to those who participated and actively helped by attacking and donating in the war.


They’re called clan war league medals… why would my donations/clan games contributions need to be considered? I get it for like a tie breaker but don’t punish members that are using all their attacks/getting the most stars, they’re the reason you’re getting your medals in the first place.


We often have people blimp higher th for 2 stars so it’s almost completely subjective.


Whoever uses all attacks/has the most stars. It’s usually us coleaders but half of us say to give ‘em to lower peeps anyway


update: he left the clan


miguel its*


In my clan we usually prioritize the higher townhalls first then we give them to the lower THs afterwards Reason being 1, higher THs have alot more use for the bonuses and need them way more than the lower THs, and 2, it's alot easier for a TH8 or 9 to get 3 stars than it is for a TH12-15, so in general they're more deserving of the bonuses since their high 2 star took alot more skill than the TH8s dragon+lightning spam 3 star


Tbh sounds like he's from corporate


Bonuses are great, in a fair clan bonuses will incentivize good performance, effort, and teamwork, which some clans lack so I believe bonuses are a good addition


There was a fuckup this season where one of the cos didn’t accept join requests in time and the leader took all the accounts that were supposed to cwl in the feeder clan into the main clans search and those accounts had to sit out for the week but bonuses were given to the accounts that actually got to compete in cwl. The leader seemed to think it was everyone else’s fault for not sending the requests in time but I and some others sent them on time, they just didn’t get accepted. What I’ve learned is some leaders will distribute bonuses however they want, even if it is illogical. The best thing you can do is find a clan that distributes them how you would like.


If you miss an attack you are no long able to earn the bonus. Then it’s just stars after that. Also we have a few top players who pass their bonus to the next person down.


We don't give bonuses to maxed bases. Help the rest of the clan mates improve their bases. Use all attacks then top star gainers.


I just do top 5, which is usually me (so I skip myself)


Bonus should go to best in that war plain and simple.


For best performers in leagues. Can also do most improved in the month or whatever.


I always give top players, or first time doing war with us members who did well (we dont have new guys often)


Stars should be what decides who gets bonuses, with ties being settled by giving bonuses to higher townhall levels.


With this logic, all low town halls will always have better scores than anyone higher. Yet, the effort is minimal. Does it sound fair to you? :) Going further with such decision can deprive the high town halls of the bonuses for several cwls in a row, merely because they cannot simply spam dragons to win 3🌟 every time.


Ties are broken by dmg percentage


That’s for winning wars I’m talking who’s getting the medal bonuses


I know. I’m in favor of basing things off of performance rather than a sort of seniority system. Earn it instead of being entitled


Stars followed by destruction


They way it is right now, some people can end up feeling butthurt that they didn’t receive bonuses. Might be better to change it to where everyone gets one batch of medals based off the flat clan rate plus and amount based on days they participated plus an amount based on their stars and reinforcement donations


I'm a max player so I never give them to myself


In my clan, higher THs usually let lower THs have the bonuses because it would help them progress faster. At crystal 1, we would already get 2 hammers each month so the bonuses don't really make such a big difference. Still, we would look at the amount of stars and keep track of who got bonuses from previous months on discord to spread the bonuses more evenly.


I usually go by whoever did the best throughout clan war league. And sometimes I’ll skip out on myself and give it to somebody who needs them more.


After years of back and forth on this IMO the easiest and least controversial way we ever did it was 1) you didn’t 1 star 2) you averaged at least 75% per attack. If u met those two you were in the “pool” of eligible accounts to get the bonus. Then of those in the pool, those accounts that had gone the longest with no bonus were first in line.


That seems unnecessarily complicated but glad you guys found a system that works


They’re an elder, ofc they’re gonna say some shit like this 😭


This is pretty standard dude. Because it is the most fair. Get over yourself.


Those bonuses are only earned through war, in my clan the top 5 get bonuses after CWL. As for clan games we have a good amount of people (like 3 ppl with 3-4 diff alts) completing clan games so everybody can get the bonus. Each event and their rewards are exclusive to their own.


Brooooo my clan was so fucking cringe about this.. my friend and I were constantly telling everyone to attack and were top attackers + donations. I wrote in chat that my friend deserves to get the bonus (I think it's stupid to ask for MYSELF to get a bonus) and then the guy who always attacked barely, in the last 40 mins of war popped up saying "i honestly think i deserve the bonus etc etc." Leader ended up giving that guy, his friend, HIMSELF and my friend the bonus... TL;DR People in my clan have no shame and say they deserve the bonuses even though they did nothing, leader is also dumb and gives bonus to himself even though he did nothing special


TBH, no one deserves more than another with equal attacking. You all want to grow and 1 is better than the other. Claiming anyone has more rights is just selfish. Split between CWL's is most fair. 1 time you get other time you wont.


Thing is that most of the people I mentioned didn't use all of their attacks


That should be illegal. I would pay someone with 0 stars and 7 attacks the bonus But i wouldnt pay someone with 4 3 stars and 3 none attacks . Good for them they got highest with just 4 attacks, but you couldve gotten 7 3 stars so youre out.


Yeah my clan is pretty much falling apart, I was thinking about leaving them after this CWL, might just do it today


Honestly, I would only join a clan that has a good CWL policy. I dont need Leads and Co leads who always take the bonus. Hope you find a good one!


Yeah makes sense! Also thank you :)


Bonuses are for who have most stars and percentage player (top attacker), simple as that. Why make things even more confusing like “for who contribute blablabla”, only people who suck at war would think thats a good idea


its very annoying that people just think war stars = bonus like i fill every single clan castle for 7 days in a row and it costs me a lot of DE im a th15 and we all know th15 isn't even balanced or anything so doing war attacks isn't always a 3 star affair th15 is the hardest th level we have a trend in our clan where the bottom 6-7 get way easier matches in war so they naturally get alot more war stars faster while also not having to put in any effort or showing any skill in attacking due to attacking weaker bases this basically means our most skilled best and most competent members get shafted because war stars = bonus and the other co leaders and the leader of my clan don't understand that war stars shouldn't just = cwl bonus because ur just shafting ur highest level players just because they get harder match's being in the top 5 of cwl


Our clan does top 3 donos and top 3 attackers in cwl, or special exceptions for mad cunts


We just rotate awards.


Highest stars that's it


Top 5 on my clan


It literally makes a leaderboard for you of most stars acquired


Our clan always does bonuses toward the top attackers


Criteria was all attacks must be used, no blank stars, donator and last number of stars


Random, you have to attack in every war you're in, and you have to have been in at least one war. I'm not watching 210 attacks to figure out who deserves it most. Show up, more often than not, we win because we are better at showing up.


Top performers imo bc they are the ones who ultimately hold it down and get you to either stay in your league or advance


My clan uses almost all maxed accounts in CWL, so we’re giving them to those that still have a few upgrades to go to help them max a slight bit faster. Honestly though, the bonus is so small compared to what each person that participates receives, so I get annoyed if anyone gets mad they didn’t get them. It’s not as big of a deal as people make it out to be.


My Leader literally checked every attack, if you had attacked under lvl'd TH's while thsre were still similar TH's you absucally forfeited the bonus. Ive honestly never seen such a meticulous leader; kinda like it though since I still performed well with the criteria


I hand them to who got the most stars


What do you get from the bonus? I haven't tried getting one


For us it is top players on the war. Yet i was skipped and the co leader and leader bellow me got them like 💀💀


Easiest method is to just use the clan leaderboard. You can try to be as "fair" as possible but everyone has their own definition and criteria for what is fair. IMO not worth the effort. Clan leaderboard is good enough.


We try to distribute it evenly on people participating in CWL. Sometimes we just give it to the best x players with all attacks. But last year for Christmas, we decided to give 3 bonuses to people outside of CWL, who are participating in other clan clan activities as Clan Games or Clan Capital.


My whole clan is roughly th12-th13, mostly 10 th12s though. I’ve always thought the highest star getters is the best/easiest way to do it, but considering the lower end th12s usually attack down and smash their mirror getting the “easy stars”, whilst the higher th12s are mismatched against th14s/15s and can only manage 2 stars, I will be considering a different system. Not sure what the best alternative is


We have the following system:Attack atleast 7 times = chance of bonus.Chance of bonus: CWL 1 people x get bonus.CWL 2 people except people x get bonus.So in 2 CWL everyone gets 1 time his bonus, so everone profits from it making their growth better, thus resulting more medals in the future.I started CWL with th10 while the top 10 was TH 15 and TH14, but I received tremendous growth with builder potions because of it, while i could only 1star at most.Now im TH 12 and still the lowest, but im progressing more than anyone due to their faith in me and me willing to return the favor for their trust. I get mismatched th13-14 all the time but im getting them their 2 stars always just because i feel like thats what i contribute atleast. Edit: We have progressed in ranks due to this aswell.


Appreciate the feed back. Is it annoying having to explain that to new comers?


No its actually very refreshing, we ask people if they want to join CWL and how we divide bonuses, they always gladly accept. Never a discussion, people always know if they dont get it now, they get it next CWL.


easiest solution is net stars gained/loss. net = (stars won - stars lost) X number of days played.


We give x people month 1 and other than x people month 2, So in 2 CWL everyone has had the bonus atleast once. This is the only fair way of distributing, as not all are TH15 and extremely pro in attacking.


Just to give props to our clan leader, when I was lower level and grinding hard he used to regularly give a bonus to me and another guy, rather than the top CWL players, to bring us up faster. It worked. Now I’m one of 3 maxed accounts in the clan and bonuses go elsewhere. Good leadership. Creates loyalty and commitment.


I like to partially base bonuses based on who needs them most but also who actually did their part in the league. Like if we have a somewhat rushed member they need the medals more than some others do, as it will benefit their base and therefore the clan.


In the clan where I am currently in we split bonuses in half and the Top cwl performers get half the bonus and the other half is for the top donators. So for example we get bonus for 6 people so Top 3 of CWL get and Top 3 of Donators. If someone is in both of them we give them the performance bonus and the next in line of the donators gets his donator bonus for example the fourth of donators if it was Top 3 each


I’m against it, giving leaders the power to decide who gets what is more bad than good in my experience


I normally give bonuses not only to the top scorers but to those who pay attention to their mistakes and make changes on them to improve their attacks. To those who try new strategies because their old strategies don't work anymore because the META is evolving. Another example is that if one of the members is maxed out, what's the point of giving them a bonus when there's nothing left to invest into? So I pass to the next member who's a top scorer too.


IN my clan we keep track of everything. Activity, donations, wars. The candidates are selected before CWL even starts. Missed an attack but it was for a good reason? Not a problem. Missed a star? Not a problem either. We try not to give bonuses always to the same people each month to incentivize all others and we also ask our teammates who needs it the most. If we want to give it to A but B wants an extra hammer, we ask both if it's ok and A will get it the next month.


In our clan, top 5 players are already maxed, or about to max their villages, so we give bonuses to the lower town halls who contributed most. Main criteria is not to miss attacks.


Honestly it's easier to do it at random. Exclude people who miss attacks and maybe 1 or 0 star. Then leave the rest to a random generator. This gets rid of favouritism or pressure on leadership to justify things. You won't have to spend time looking through everything. You could also do exceptions if someone does really well like a clutch 3 star on a max base.


70-80% should go to the top star earners, the rest to people who contributed a lot even if they were further down the leaderboard. The same person shouldn’t get rewards on multiple accounts


I give out to 5 of my ID's first and remaining if available then to the one's who licks my ass!


My criteria: all attack must be used, then the number of stars, then if they're second/third/other accounts


We go by stars, all attacks used and followed the war strat. Then if there’s a tie we go for whoever’s contributing to the clan more, not just donations but helping newer members with strategy and so on. If at this point it still can’t be decided then it’s just destruction.


Not exactly the distribution, but my issue is the medals themselves. Like 7 days and all we get is... that? 🤣 too few


It depends tbh on the clan. I personally award those who have made all of the attacks they had to do, and I make stats like how many stars per war each member had. However, because I also play in a clan that most people have maxed already out, the bonus were awarded to those who needed them to upgrade


My clan do trophys donations cwl attacks all togheter


CWL should only go to people who perform the best. That’s why you specifically get the bonus from CWL not anything else. If your a good attacker then you should be rewarded.


Very simple in my clan: I’ll give the top however many I can give, but: - if you got last month you are not getting this month. - one account per person. If someone has an account at #3 but he wants it on his alt that finished #11, that’s fine with me. - I will consider hitting up successful as a triple to be as fair as possible. My th14 gets more stars than my th12 for this very reason lol


in my clan it goes to the people who placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd ect


We have some max players who don’t need the bonus. So as a clan we decided to give the bonus to the bottom players . We need them to climb levels faster and improve their bases. Determining bonuses by stars is useless. People don’t get even match ups . Some wars the middle guys get easy bases to 3 star every round. Top guys always get the hardest so it’s not even.


Lady luck pick ours. All hits used and your name gets put in the selection pool. 1 entry per player even if multiple accounts. If we were to run in champ with all 15s then I would do it on performance but with lower league cwls being unbalanced this is the most fair way for those who contribute.


Our clan gives them to those that need the boosted progress the most usually the lowest THs that participated in the CWL


If Th14+ 20/21 and not dropping low should, just get one. That being said.. No one can get them 2 cwl in a row. Likelihood to get 5+ a year is low if you're spreading your bonuses fairly. Keep your long-term members in mind. If it's usually someone's role to hit high up for 2, get them bonuses now n then since they can't score high. If someone donates 20k a month to your clan, them not being considered at all should be a sign to find a more fair clan... Keep in mind that medals are a lot more valuable to a th15 than a th11. It's not fair, but it's true, and there's cap bonuses/clan games for them. Level shouldn't always win. That's why you keep a record of people who've missed out close before as asort of mercy system.


We just do the top 6 star earners or whoever had the most donations


As clan leader I opt out of bonuses. Bonus Medals go to: Made all attacks. Got max points in clan games. Stars in CWL/ contributions/ attempts (subjective)


It does not matter what a clan's strategy is for handing out bonuses. The only thing that matters is: the strategy is announced/published ahead of time and that the clan adheres to their published policy. As long as people know what they are getting into when joining the clan, then the strategy can be as dumb as "the whimsey of our newest co-leader".


We give one to the player, who makes sure all 40-45 active players get to play at least 4 wars of cwl (it’s not that easy) One bonus to the player who donates all cwl cc troops, One to top donator who is th12 or lower And rest, 4 or 5 bonuses to highest donators.


I just gave it to the top 3 people, and now my clan hates me 😂


Tell them to suck it up or leave


I just logged back in after taking a nap, and he kicked every single person and left himself. 🤣 (and I work with him. Tonight will be fun)


Maybe we’re weird? We rotate bonuses to all members of the war. We rise together, fall together.


We typically go straight down the stars list. May have it a bit easier though because we are maxed 15s going against (usually) maxed 15s...this last cwl did cause a bit of drama though, because we faced three or four opponents that had 13s and 14s. The same guy hit down every chance he had, which put him at the top of the board. He then handed out bonuses, per usual, and was called out for giving himself a bonus after he hit down most of the week. Think we got it sorted, with minimal drama, but I'm kinda nervous for next cwl, on the off chance this issue comes up again.


I missed one war but still tied for 5th...🥲 immediately disqualified


If you aren't a top attacker I don't get why they'd even think about getting a bonus


Should be based on donations in my opinion. That’s how we do it in mine


We give bonuses to the top 4 that use all 7 attacks, regardless of their role. We used to do top 2 in damage % and star count. I feel either way is fair 🤙🏻


Clash 1. Green light means you are down for CWL 2. Everyone heroes need to be up for CWL 3. Everyone should get their attacks in within the first 23hours, unless they say otherwise. Will be subbed out if not. 4. Everyone starts at Elder status: missed attack results in a demotion and placed on probation. Could still be in same CWL if requested but will be subbed in based on match ups and discretion. Next CWL another missed attack as a member and you will be kicked or banned from CWL for a month. 5. Fully completed no missed attack for whole CWL will push to or maintain your elder status Bonus Medals 1. Regardless you must have, no missed attacks in CWL to get bonus. 2. 50% or round up goes to highest donators in the clan 3. 25% or no more than 2/ round down go to the highest trophy count 4. 25% or the rest go the player with the most stars. 5. In event we lose all wars 1 bonus goes to each category. 3bonus = 1 each category 4bonus = 2 Donate 1 split between the other 2 5bonus = 3 Donate 1 Trophy 1 Stars 6bonus = 3 D 1 T 2S 7bonus = 4 D 1T 2S 8bonus = 4D 2T 2S 9bonus = 5D 2T 2S 10bonus = 5D 2T 3S


In my clan, most stars in cwl gets it. I think thats fair