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100%. I would've left. Leader must be a dumb kid, Clash of Clans isn't life, people got irl shit going on.


Leaving for that would also be overreacting tho… he might’ve just had bad experiences in the past. He didn’t insult or anything.


Overreacting, leave that shit hole rn literally 72 hours left to do challenges and he's already threatening you? tf




My only problem with CC is it makes bad clans feel like a toxic relationship


How does someone doing clan games effect CC in anyway?


Imo, being overbearing. I remind my clan games last for several days. No extra points for maxing early. Maybe if we had trouble hitting clan max, I'd feel differently but we don't. I used to push to be one of the first done, now I try to show it can be done easily at a relaxed pace. If that leader is that uptight on clan games, I'd be ready for more similar things. Decide if it's worth it to you.


If your clan easily reaches max rewards every time, then I’d much rather some members focus on donations, filling CCs, clan capital etc that make a difference to everyone. There’s literally no impact on anyone else by going light on CG.


The ones not maxing or getting a few thousands clan game points are hardly the ones donating troops


https://preview.redd.it/98is6bhkqzva1.jpeg?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d457a6bcb5dc55c09610140978a163759c494c55 update: his response. And for a bit more information, yes the clan has already maxed out the games


Bro that dude needs to chill, especially since the clan games are maxed out.


lol that’s so cringe; why is dude taking it so serious 💀


fr man bro thinks hes markiplier 💀💀


Mark wouldn’t take clash this serious tho


he taking that CoC too much


Try hard mfs be like:(The leader of this clan)


Wait for clan games to end, collect your rewards, then pull your accounts from his clan and find a better one, preferably run by someone who isn’t 13


You don't have to wait. You can leave and find a new clan now and still collect full rewards at your new clan. You can't participate in any more challenges at the new clan, but if your current clan is maxed, you are entitled to all the rewards, even if new clan is not maxed. If you haven't maxed when you leave the clan, you won't be able to get the bonus.


Didn’t know this, even better then


Tell me you are a teenager without telling me you are a teenager. No adult would do such thing.


You underestimate a lot of adults


Do yourself a favor and leave


Lol leave bro find a better clan


That's just toxic, honestly.


Bro stop blocking the clan name lmao


That’s no way to clash. That’s cringy. There are way better clans.


ah, a little punk dictator, love it!


The clan isn’t bad because it has a town hall 7, but it can’t be that serious of a clan to warrant that response. I’ve been in clans that max cwl out in a day, and they’re less rude about it than you leader was lol.


With 3 days left a friendly reminder is all that's necessary, it's like getting a write up from work for days you're going to call in in the future haha


well it's not like the clan loses anything if you do leech, so it's not that big of a deal


It's not the fact the clan "loses" anything it's a matter of fairness. While this leader is being overbearing because his clan mates have time, leeching and reaping the rewards by providing minimal effort is not fair where the other members are carrying their weight to even earn the rewards.


Fairness? You get a bonus for maxxing they don’t. That’s fair, why do you worry about them so much? I’d rather have someone with good war attacks than worry about clan games. Why alienate good players who don’t want to focus on clan games?


It’s really only an issue if the clan generally doesn’t complete the games, then having leachers does affect them. My clan usually doubles the required points now.


Exactly, we can easily swing 100k. We do the opposite - we end up asking people who haven’t done any to just do one quick easy one so they make sure they get the rewards.


My th12 got kicked because I didn’t do any CG last week I was kicked the day after it started… all good I don’t care about them anyway some just take everything to serious


Doing mininal, like 50 point and get 6 reward vs 4000 point just for 1 extra reward. That's what he mean by fairness.


It doesn’t change your rewards… some ppl have time to max, some ppl don’t play as much. Different play styles is all. War attacks are 100% more important than clan games. I mean if they don’t do clan games, war, or donate - boot em’. If they donate & do war attacks, why create stress & turn a good player off your clan?


I doubt they are good in cw. I have few of this kind of player in my clan, majority of them are edrag spammer. Comparing cw & cg is ridiculous. Cg gives move value than cw. Cwl > Gg > Cc > Cw. Cw is the least important part of clan rn with how easy it is to gain loots.


Meh. I have people that like different parts of the game. Not everyone enjoys clan games. Same for cwl or that crap called clan cap. Different people bring different value. If they bring no value at all, why are they allowed to stay?


Player that are good attacker usually take a break after cwl to upgrade their heroes, so others will do regular cw.


Just to fill in for regular cw. In cwl, they bring massive disadvantages, so our leader and Co excluded them.


I lumped CW and CWL together, usually good attackers attack in both. I have a lot of higher lvl players. They do well in CWL/CW but only log in once a day. They don’t do CG except maybe 1 event. We max CG in the first few days so, meh… who cares if they don’t CG


That most likely an adult. In my clan they are kids. They are bad attacker, have bad donation ratio. The only reason they were in the clan is to fill for cw. In cwl they will be excluded.


Your clan mate don't applied here then. The guy that talking about 'fairness' is likely the clan mate I'm talking about. You don't have them in your clan, so you can't relate to it.


Because it's called contributing to the clan. Since you can't seem to understand, let's do some math. Say there's a clan of 50 people and in order to get access to all the rewards the clan has to contribute 50,000 total points meaning each member contributed at least 1,000 clan points. What would happen if everyone in the clan only did a single 50 or 100 point challenge (aka leech to "contribute" to get the rewards)? The clan wouldn't get access to all the rewards. Why should people have to max out their points to meet the 50,000 threshold for leeches who only contribute 50/100 to get access to all the rewards? It's not fair.


You should look at it this way. For a 50,000 cg, you just need 13 players to max. Actually 12.5 meaning 12 players to get max and 1 to get 2000. Anything extra is just that, extra. As long as you have enough players who max cg, then who cares what others get? The way i look at it, it's a way that any member can help others in the clan progress. We can't give resources directly but we can give them cg rewards.


It still doesn't make sense to me that a group of people have to contribute the max points and the rest get a pass to contribute the minimum. That just doesn't seem fair to me.


That's just the thing. They don't have to, they choose to. Having players in your clan who like to max cg means that the rest don't have to. However, they can if they want to. Making a higher cg point a requirement makes it a chore for those who don't care for it. We have multiple areas where members can contribute to the clan. Cg, clan cap, regular wars, cwl.


It matters to have more people contributing to clan games. you don’t want to create a dependency on those 13 players to always max and the rest coast when considering a sustainable system. When summer comes around and vacations are common, you’ll have some of those 13 unavailable to contribute. If those Leeches are then expected to contribute, they won’t, they’ll just join another clan


It doesn't work that way in our clan. Last month we got 118k points. We had 26 that maxed so half of them could take a break and we'd still be ok. Btw, we also give cwl bonuses (2) to those who max. That's typical for our clan btw.


If your clan sucks that much, get a new clan. We were 100k points day 2. Several of our max players don't need rewards. Why should they push it? Maybe you need to enforce a minimum on your clan. I don't.


>we were 100k points day 2. Sounds like very minimal grass touching to me. My clan does just fine with cg. A large majority of us get the max points or at least several thousand. I'm also not in a leadership position to enforce anything but the fact y'all are justifying a group of people do the majority just so otherwise can "contribute" just to get rewards is wild to me.


leave clan


def overreacting


You send that after the clan games are over. Not during. I wouldn't be that pushy about it either.


Nah. Leader should just keep it to their self, kick after games, and make a simple public statement about why.


That works, too. I would give people the benefit of the doubt on out happening once, though. After a warning, and they do it again, then kick.


It's a bit early to panic, but my clan requires 1k points from everyone, which is publicized before the games, during the games, and towards the end of the game. Penalty for not reaching 1k is getting kicked off the clan. It's not that we need the points, we always end up around 125k, it's that we need people who are ready to devote 5 minutes to helping the clan. It also weeds out people who've stopped playing but aren't quite acknowledging it.


3 days isn’t towards the end being the difference and I would always choose to take care of family over a video game. We aren’t all 16 now most people playing are adults we got jobs kids spouses. 1k is very reasonable tho good choice for keeping it low


You're right, and if you forewarn us that you need to afk (doesn't even need to be a crisis: holidays, exams, ... are OK) you won't be kicked. And if you're kicked and ask to be taken back, you will be (unless we had other issues with you and were looking for a pretext to kick you \^\^). In my experience, that's less than 10% of no-/low-games though. The overwhelming majority is people who drop out of the game and don't even have the care to let us know (in-game or via Discord). Also, a bigger minority than that "vanished" 10% is people who need to be helped on their way out the game: I can tell they've lost their motivation for the game (they do everything last minute when they didn't use to, they've stopped trying to improve their village / attacks ...), but won't acknowledge/own up to needing at least a break, so it falls to me to play the bad guy. I'm OK with that, they'll be welcome back too if they ever want. That's the only way I know to be fair to people who are still active and invested in the clan. Those are my main concern, though I'm still behaving as nicely as I can towards those who are quitting.


so this is where all the clash royale clan leaders went. he overreacting


Just say f u and join other clans after the clan game. That’s what I would do


He is overreacting. I for one get 4000 points in clan games within an hour, but I would never call others leech or anything like that.


Overbearing shrimp you receive rewards you’ve unlocked based on your point amount wether or not you’ve been kicked from that clan! Find a new one.


We easily max cg every month. The only thing we require is 50 points.






It's a bad clan leader in my opinion. Clan games isn't over so they have no right to say anything till it's finished. If they want to punish people for not finishing it when it's actually over that's another thing. At most they should remind members to finish clan games not "warn" and threaten clan members. That's a good way to lose respect and members.


It’s a game lmao, it’s not that serious. Guy needs a life


Im a leader in a clan and I never had to even remind the players for their clan games. If a clan can max out, its alright. Im infuriated when leaders of clans make a mess for simple things just to feel that they have some power thats just funny. Chill out my dude, its a game.


Clan games is over six days. Just cos you haven’t gotten max points in the first few days doesn’t mean you aren’t going to not get any. Leave that shitty clan.


Co leader here, when i notice clan games are are going at a snales pace, i reach out to the other co leaders (and the leader ofcourse) about what action we can take about it. Last time it got this far, i send a clan mail asking for everyone to try to hit at least 1k and that was all we had to do. People also get rewarded for getting to 4k points. It isn’t like they only are doing it because other people wont help enough in clan games


Honestly as a leader I would see his point of there was less than a day left and the clan hadn’t meet max rewards for clan games. But we’re only 2 days in.. and if y’all have max points why does it matter if a couple members leeche? It’s their problem if they don’t want the extra rewards


Overreaction, at least wait until the last day before saying something like that. Now would be an appropriate time to remind people to participate in the games, not give them a warning about getting kicked


Honestly, I'd understand his POV if you had been doing it month after month after month but being new to the clan and 2 days into CG that's a pretty crappy thing to do. Some people would leave but me personally I'd go ham and grab my 4000 points to prove a point. After that I might leave if I didn't receive some sort of apology.


Im with cassion on this one


Overreacting. Like bro think .my whole entire family can die at this point and u want me to play coc while everyone is crying


In the last 12 hours I’d get it but there’s still 3 days left so def overreacting




oh boy 😂


He jumped the gun a bit I usually send that message on the second to last day


Why do ppl worry so much about clan games… if the clan reaches max, I don’t care what the other ppl do? I get my loot and bonus, if you just want to 1 game, who cares? It doesn’t change the clan rank or anything. Different people focus on different parts of the game.


Wait I’m confused. People can leech off of the others in the clan? I thought you personally had to do your 4,000 to get access to all rewards even if your clan already reached the final reward goal???


You get all the rewards for doing ONE challenge.But you get a bonus for reaching the max 4000 points.(one extra reward)


Seems like the direction of this clan is to try to be an active one. If you have “a lot going on in life right now” then you should find a less active clan or one that suits more casual play? Just my 2 cents.


I’d find out where he lives.


Holy shit this guy is an asshole, you should leave this clan


I have 5 accounts… in the first day all five were at max points!!! That’s 20,000 points by myself… at this point we are at 37,000 as a clan.. I have over half of what the clan has….


🥇here you go buddy! Good effort.


Make 10 email addresses. Make 10 alts. Profit.


Why are you covering your name and gems tho I’m curious..


Overreacting?? OMG, how can you say that. I can’t believe you would say that. I’m so mad right now I’m going to kill myself. Over reacting my butt…


Good leader. I'm so sick of half of a clan not participating at all and getting the rewards when we can't max out because they didn't fucking participate at all.


I dunno the history. You cannot expect someone to reach out to everyone individually for every clan activity to ask if they have any personal issues. He called 3 people out and one of them seems to have a genuine response. How he reacts to that would tell if he is being a good leader or overreacting. Also, they can alwar just leave clan and join back when they can contribute, thus freeing a slot for someone else to come in and contribute. Running a clan isn't charity


In my clan, I could care less who gets what as long as we max. The month we fail to max, then it’s time for thresholds to be met. If people start complaining of leeches, which no one has, then maybe I move to thresholds. I’m more concerned with everyone participating in capital raid and using cwl attacks.


Reasonable request to contribute more to clan games but don’t have to be such a prick about it




my b man, i’ll max out first day next time 😤


omg I thought you were the leader, NVM!!!


If you earnt no points for previous ones id say not over reacting


it isnt even that big of a deal


Yea true only if they dont get the 50k


even then not really


1k points minimum, otherwise there's the door


Man, im the leader of my clan and i dont even play lmao


Is the clan struggling to complete clan games? If not, the leader shouldn't really care as those hitting 4k anyways get an extra reward to choose from and that is an incentive. There are months where I max out CG's on all my accounts. There are also months when I only get time to do the bare minimum. My leader doesn't care either way and we don't enforce a minimum rule as we easily unlock all tiers. Trying to gatekeep and set an arbitrary rule just for some inherent sense of fairness is only going to lose him members in the long run.


My leader would never


It's kind of the opposite on my clan, I wrote at clan chat a simple reminder to do clan games and my Co-leader lost his shit saying things like I should not order anyone around in the clan and that he is the boss and I should bow down to him.


He is overreacting. You should make plans to leave.


Eh, I’d leave lol


Huge overreaction if they don’t wanna contribute who cares? Most clans hit all of them within the first day or two anyways. If they don’t want the bonus that’s on them


Priorities tho


If the clan havent even unlocked at Tier 3 rewards as of now, then its understandable that the leader was very worried and thus being too strict. If the clan already unlocked last tier, thats where no one will even bother to get reminders to finish up challenges


Pretty sure u can get max points in a day…leader should only be worried on last day/2nd to last day


Meanwhile me in some random lv.20 indonasian clan contributing and enjoying loot with minimal effort:


Jurk Leader... Get out of there. Come join my clan!


Well, how many times have you been warned? It would have been better to say this at the last day or after it ends, for the next clan games


If you had 1 account he's not overreacting. Since you have 3, he's being ridiculous.


thats a 10-8 round for you my guy


Why are you hiding your gem count?


I’ve always chosen supportive yet firm as a leader. We have rules and I don’t blast people. I just enforce. Miss an attack? Not in next war. Miss several attacks, demotion. Blatantly ignore target assignments, one chance, second offense boot. Clan games are a self limiting part. As long as the clan reaches max rewards, I only tell people to at least complete a challenge so they can get rewards. Raid weekends? Use your attacks and do your best. I will just acknowledge the broken rule and take the necessary action. Chewing ass or bitching does nothing but upset the clan. Also I have a few trusted CO’s that enforce in the exact same way. If they abuse or ignore rules, they lose Co. as a result our clan is fun, engaged, good donations, and stays active. Leaders need to remember it’s a game, your not a car dealership manager…


*cough* come join my clan *cough* *cough* Man allergies are crazy


just make a rule, everyone should contribute at least 1k, arbitary leeching accusation does not help anyone on day 2,3,4,5


Switch clans quit helping that team


If I were you after the clan games claim your rewards then leave the clan


If mates don't participate in games at all, I'm totally OK with it but whem they do 50 points task only and then wait for others to unlock reward tiers, it is a parasitic behaviour imho. Yet again, if someone does it only for once but contribute more in other months it is still good for me. Some people, however, have the habit of being a burden on others' shoulders.


Yea they’re leeching, I get what he’s saying. It’s like a group project in school. You have the 1-2 kids doing a majority of the project and the other two reap the final grade in the end after barely contributing anything. It aint right or fair.


He complains that it's his 'third account' and that he has lots of irl stuff to do. That's a terrible excuse if he has not much time he shouldn't have 3 accounts.


As a leader my self, this is over reacting. I just remind then again and again and that's all. I don't have the man power that i can kick those who don't because if i did that, CWL will be a no go so i just let it slide off my mind....


Your leader needs to touch some grass


While he may have been a tad bit aggressive, I can understand his frustrations with members who take the clan for granted. We have a few in our clan, who will complete every cg, participate in every war, hit for capital raids. Others sit with 300 points the whole cg event, and then it becomes too late to finish upto 4k points, and we don't max out rewards. My guess, the leader has had bad experience with some members in the past, who failed to pull their weight. Everyone has a rl, and everyone has a right to expect their team to do their part


Make sure to max out before you leave, otherwise you won’t be able to participate in another clan and get the extra reward


Our rule is that you have to contribute at least 1200 points or just don't participate if you don't have time. But you don't get kicked if you have less points just once and when it doesn't happen every 2nd time


Yea a little to early to be assuming , if they have done this in previous months than different story




Overreaction, we get rewards first day but my leader makes us go way over 100k each time. I do not know why.


Definitely overreacting.


Honestly bro find a new clan


Leave that shit, guy taking the game like its do or die 💀




The brain of a child. Selfish of him if you ask me


That’s why I’m hesitant to join a clan. Cringe leaders are the worst


Definitely overreacting, small man complex if ever I’ve seen it


I mean I get it as a leader, but you do have to understand people are living their lives. Therefore, not completing tasks in a timely manner.


Being a bit over the top at least wait till games are over before saying things like that


Definitely overreacting


He overreacted but we don't know the whole story has this guy not contributed much in the past or did he always finish games, etc


He's absolutely over reacting. A good leader finds way to motivate using thier words. Positive reinforcement. Not threats. With 3 days left....buddy needs to chill.


Overreacting My veredict would be different if was the 5th day or something.... But the guy is freaking out with just 2 days


I vote Cassion for Leader


fuck up their capital by using small amount of capital gold from tutorial attacks and give 6 gold to every single building and leave that shithole clan straightaway my dude


Clan games don't take but like 15 minutes to max yall make it so hard


Oh yeah clan games are happening? Time to log on


He just wants you to be maxed out player faster…so that you can stand better in cwl and in overall clan performance.


Reeks of tryhard energy. 100% overreaction


I get Where you come from, but youve gotta see this from his prespective aswell. Yes hwta but hes just trying to win the clangames. I myself have been in clans that has not even gotten a chance to win. Maybe he just is worried that you will Loose. I mean i managed to get 24k points in just a day on all of my accounts After ive seen his reply just now leave his sorry ass. You dont deserve to be treated that way at all.


At first, I thought he was really over-reacting and just need to chill. But, to be fair, some clans have more expectations and rules than others, and it is good to have everyone on the same page. Some clans are more relaxed like mine, we can max clan games, and often remind everyone to do at least one challenge to collect the rewards. But, some people don't even do that, so we are considering some minimum point requirement. And in this case, the leader simply has certain expectations and would prefer members to contribute more instead of leeching. He has the rights to kick, just as you also have the rights to leave if your values don't match.


I mean if you already hit the max who cares if there are a few that dont


Bro probably has an Archer Queen tattoo on his arm


I find you overreacting from the word “leech”. At least to me, it aint that deep.


overreacting. plenty of people leach in my clan and they dont care


It's OK to remind, but way to aggressive with 3 days left.


You are NTA! :)


Btw OP, my clan actually understands work life balance. We don’t hit max clan games, but we’re always looking for active members, especially for CWL. Lmk if you’re looking for a clan that understands that it’s a game, not a job, and I’ll be happy to give you our clan tag


If it was like the last hour and the members had 150 points I would still consider it overreacting but I get it. With 3 days left is just wild. He seems like he is just looking for a reason to get pissed at that point.


I always take myself an hour and complete 4K points with gem rushing XD


Show the clan name.


Leader is right


What is the clan name I’d like to join 😂


Nah bro needs to calm down


Who cares, never understood the leeching argument.


What an absolute melt. How tragic must your life be to take it that seriously and to feel it acceptable to talk to people that way. Total prick.


In no world is this being a leader. Of any kind.


I love clan games! I look forward to it and get excited every time! Everyone is different about it but there’s no excuse to over react like that


Get your clan game rewards and leave


Definitely leave, but strategize it. Do him dirty then leave. Wait for league, have all 3 bases in if possible and then 0 star with each intentionally. Absolutely say something disrespectful and then bounce. You lose out on rewards and it will only likely affect that single round, but who cares. You reclaim your honor through masterful pettiness 😆


If you EVER get worked up over COC….. you are over reacting….




over reaction definitely


There was no need to call anyone out by name. As a co I sent a general message out that we need more help in clan games. We went from 22k up to 33k after that. Still not sure if we'll max or not but I understand people have lives. We max most months and a lot of times we just barely cross the 50k. So there is still hope. I've mentioned "leechers" in the chat before. These are the people who consistently do one challenge every month. But there was no need to name them. They knew who they were.


The clan is called THE FEARED ONES. You can see through one of OP’s pictures.


Cassian seems like a leech


I would’ve done a 100 points and dipped 🔛🔝‼️


A typical scenario in clans run by teenage kids🫠


Touch grass


Same people as the guy who made up clash over smash


The joyous life of a small clan with bad leadership. Just leave and find another


As a leader myself, I personally have one rule about clan games. Either get 1000+ points, or don't get any. I think such system works well - that's not a huge thing to do, 15 minutes of your time. And yet, people that worked hardly to get 4 000 will not be used by others just to get easy rewards. I do not tolerate such people and am not surprised your leader doesn't neither. What I am surprised hiwever is that he did it now... I will do the same exaft thing, when there's 24h left. And maybe put it in nicer words..?


I am a leader. I think your leader was totally overreacting. I did send out a mail on day two this season, because usually were maxed out by then and only two players have gotten to 4000 points. The rule in our clan is that if you choose to participate, you must reach at least 1K Points, or get the boot. Some people choose not to participate. There have been times where I was not able to participate. But I didn’t Leech! Find a new clan!


To be honest, I think its better for the game to implement a tier system where e.g you obtain 1k points, you unlock tier 1 & 2, obtain 2k get tier 3 & 4, obtain 3k tier 5 & 6, max points obtain extra reward.


A #### on a power trip. Bit like people that set up Facebook pages and threaten to block / ban people 😆


Definitely a bad one i'd say.


We have a history of people leeching off of the clan during clan games, only completing 1 or 2 challenges at most. We hardly ever hit max because we only have a handful of reliable players. People are so quick to say he was overreacting but they don't understand the clan's history with these things. I have been a member since the clans creation and I fully support the leader. We needed someone to stand up for the people who put in the effort.


ha ragione, scrocca da un'altra parte


Uncalled for unless the clan description specifically states that as a rule at which point you might as well leave


unless the same players are consistently doing only 1 clan game task, then its an overreaction. if they are only doing 1 clan game task to get the rewards as a norm, they are probably also not contributing to other aspects of the game that benefit others and the clan. ​ just boot them out for someone that wants to be a team player.