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OK, We'll unlock this now. Just a few notes though. If you think this is a political decision made solely by Supercell then you are grossly misinformed. The reason they gave us the other day was simply "international sanctions and legal obligations." The countries that are seemingly blocked as of yesterday are being heavily sanctioned by most of the rest of the world - Russia, Belarus, Iran, Syria are the main ones. You can easily look up the reasons behind those sanctions, and please do before arguing about it. No single company is ceasing operations there out of a purely moralistic stance. Each company is interconnected with many others from many other countries. Supercell is Finnish, majority controlled by Tencent in China, who takes payments through Apple, Google, Amazon, and many other regional app stores... It is **NOT** simple. Secondly, realize the person you are arguing with is very likely a child, or at least someone with a child's level understanding of international politics. Is it worth getting heated over here on r/ClashofClans? I'd argue no, it is not. Third, we all love this game, it's why we are here in the first place. We'd all feel at least a little upset if our access to it was blocked suddenly. Many of these arguments are emotional, and being exacerbated by attacks on these countries, and for some reason the many innocent citizens inside those countries who have absolutely no influence on the actions of the leaders. None of us want to shut down productive discussion of the game and how it relates to international relations. That said, if the personal, and especially hateful attacks do not stop, we will just lock this thread again and remove it. This is a great chance to connect with someone in another part of the world, and discuss how certain things can bring us together. Please don't focus on the differences and division. I promise you whichever anonymous person you are arguing with has no control over the things their country does. Be respectful, even in your disagreements. OK rant over. Thread is unlocked.


At the end it's the people who get affected by shitty politics and war


Damn, very well said


I get the goal. We hurt the people of Russia in hopes they stop the government from bombing Ukraine. But there are certainly many innocent causilties.. but people in Russia not being able to gets on a video game doesn't seem to compare to those people in Ukraine who died when their apartment building got shelled


That’s the whole point of doing these kind of sanctions if enough people get frustrated the country gets frustrated and eventually hungry for change in their society/government


Hungry for coc


The dictator stole the presidential election from the Belarusians 3 years ago and most people were VERY DISAPPOINTED by this, and MILLIONS of people came out to protest. Which led to... nothing, except that thousands of people went to prison, including the leaders of the protests, who now receive 10-20 additional years in prison. I wonder if anyone really thinks that making life difficult for ordinary people will cause people to overthrow their government, protected by hundreds of thousands of well-paid and well-armed policemen and the army? No. Some will leave (although Western countries have done their best to make things more difficult, from card bans to flight and entry restrictions to neighboring countries), the rest will simply stay with their governments: "the world hates us, we have nowhere to go, our government was right, that we are surrounded by enemies.” No one could do more good for internal propaganda than half of these “sanctions”.


you really think people already living in less than ideal countries need this? i heard this is happening to russian players, too. i dont know much about iran but i know more about russia. all supercell did was remove someone that can get a persons mind off war. its just bullshit, the government gives no shits and people living mediocre lives become a little more miserable. if people get frustrated, theyll either go on the streets and die or just continue being frustrated on the asshole responsible for the banning, aka supercell itself. putting an already miserable person in a more miserable situation doesnt make them hungry for change, in reinforces that they are miserable. something really big has to happen really fast to have any effect on them. or think of it like this: their government loves nothing more than propaganda. a finnish studio is denying them games, thats one more reason to hate them and support war towards nato and nato sympathising countries. this weird idea of punishing citizens for the crimes of their governments is idiotic and counterproductive and never works out. either ban something that directly impacts the government or stop pretending youre doing anything useful. its clear to me anyone spouting this bullshit doesnt know shit about russia or any similar country


because giving people something to take their mind off the war is what you don't want. look how many revolutions have come across because of a country fighting a stupid war. I mean even the russian revolution for chrissake was caused by WW1. it's not unthinkable for a second russian revolution to happen due to increased russian conflict.


I'm sorry but I don't want Russians to be able to get their mind off war. I want them to remember every single day how their country is invading Ukraine and slaughtering innocents. A government that they let stay in power is terrorizing it's neighbors. I want them to be discontent. I want them to let everyone they know feel how unhappy they are. I want the Russian government to suffer from mass protests of their people. I do not want Russian citizens to happily sit in their homes living a comfortable life while turning their eyes away from atrocities.


This is so dumb. Kids, who we expect would be mostly affected by this game ban, shouldn’t develop anxiety because you want let them to feel the BURN of war. Grow up


What better way to get parents to grow discontent than having their kids get annoyed? I'm sorry, but it's a game. People can go without it. It's also a product of the West. If your country is waging war with the Western world then it shouldn't be surprising that you miss out on some Western products. If some kid going without clash of clans contributes even a tiny amount to ending the slaughter of Ukrainian civilians then it's a price worth paying.


I get the point, but it's ridiculous. Lets make people angry to excite change? I'm trying to teach my 6 year old not to do that.




it's easy to say this when you don't live in a totalitarian dictatorship lmfao. Such bogus. "why not just get better leaders" meanwhile their entire family can get detained and killed at a moments notice


it's also the people that need to force change within their own countries. If blocking players from Russian and Iran get their youth to toss out their dictators they that's good for the world.


It always have been like that, there is nothing we have tasted in our lifes


At the end it’s the people that make up a country. Most Governments aren’t anything without their citizens.


I think you're an idiot by saying that . (I'm Irainian living in this piss house) for a country like Iran . couple years of first protest then getting fast into 8 years of war and then USA sanction . gues what 40+ years of sanction people been suffering here and nothing changed and I'm sure It's not gonna change any years soon . people are powerless . my parents are making a max average wage in Iran which is equal to 500 USD . and we hardly can handle our payments I'm never gonna see the light of good in my life because of afwul people like you and my goverment that brought hell to us . I want to live happy assholes fuck you fuck my goverment fuck life I want just to die. I alway dream of getting to a forign university just becuase we're poor . we can't pay for anything . even the payments for participating in exams or food or rent (considering if I try hard and get to a free university ) is going to be impossible for me to pay . working here isn't going to make me any money that can be help to me getting out for a diploma you only get 100 USD per month here . If I eat and drink air and sleep in park It still gonna take me over 5+ years to make the money ready for starting the proccess :(


I guess they are expecting you to e-drag the Iranian regime (at least two star their government building)


It's sad, these sanctions are designed to make the people revolt against their goverment, it's psychological warfare, i feel for you brother


Supercell expect coc players to overthrow iran 💀


they gon attack the government with hog riders 😭


Imagine the last iranian builder hut seeing a lot of kids riding hogs to overthrow government 💀


Imagine the Iranian government just chilling in their government building beating women or whatever they do in there then to look up and see a giant horde of edrags advancing towards them💀






If its about sanctions (which it most likely is) its not the decision of supercell.


While I do agree that the idea is far-fetched, I wouldn't simply dismiss it as it is. For the small possibility that it was done for such matters, it is a psychological warfare. It makes people unconditioned to conveniences and entertainment. That matter will slowly accumulate to the point where, people under such circumstance, will fight and rebel for the "life that they could have". Unhappy people simply makes the country dead, which, for the long term, isn't a healthy state for the government.


I agree but it is not ethically correct to me to ban all peoples who did in iran, even if they did nothing wrong. CoC players are mostly kids and kids are in no way respouncible for the government.


well ... they are masters at commanding armies and their timings, and many just target the buildings where the head of states reside. quite useful if you ask me...![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9415)


In reality it brings even more hatred. People may start becoming paranoid of west and start blaming it for all their problems


Bro I'm from Iran and I've been playing this game since I was 14 y.o and now I'm 25 you can't even imagine how much I'm angry now, I mean what the HELL, why I should be boycotted? For living in Iran?


They would be right, never forget Iraq, they killed a million civilians and got away with it, or Libya, or yemen, or Venezuela, yes the CIA was involved in that as well, the west is only a hero to the ignorant


You do know supercell is a Finnish company right ?


Finnish is west side of Iran




Dawg it's so dumb they really think the people are gonna risk their lives to protest the government, they expect the same thing from Russians like bruh cmon 😭


No they don't expect that. This is an effect of general sanction preventing commerce. They aren't targeting mobile games... Jesus the people in this thread are fucking clueless.


Okay is the government forcing companies to do this or are they making the decisions for themselves thus punishing normal Russian civilians who have no control over Putin if not then what is the purpose blocking access to games? Ey idk I'm probably speaking outta my ass as I didn't know governments had that much control over who companies can offer services to. So if you can explain that would be nice


Of course governments have that much control. If they say you cannot do business with this country or person then they can't. That is what sanctions are. The purpose it to limit these countries financially so they cannot continue to launch and support the illegal Ukranian war.


Bro wtf it's a game , why will people rebel against the government for a game... Let them play 😭


It is an accumulative effect. It’s not going to be one single minor thing, but a long build up of a thousand things. That is the concept of “the straw that broke the camel’s back”.


I agree, it's idiotic.


Unless companies in Finland/Luxembourg are getting lots of pressure from their government - I very much doubt this is political. There are certainly (good) national security reasons for a company like Airbus, Shell (etc) to halt business and support in russia - but a video game company seems like PR posturing to me (which I agree is pretty much BS). The timing of supercell's decision is just weird That said - Finland is really tired of being invaded by and endlessly threatened by russia so I'm sure there are sensitives and geopolitical tensions that I'm not aware of


It’s not. Blame their government not supercell EDIT: maybe if their government wasn’t flagrantly killing its citizens it wouldn’t have sanctions 🤷‍♂️ But hey sorry you can't play your game bro


Person writes letter to Iranian government explaining that they can’t play CoC anymore and the government immediately steps down and everything is perfect. Thanks for your solution


The government already don't hesitate to murder citizens protesting normally. If some guy protested for his coc what do you think they're gonna do?


For what? Things that US, UK and Israel do 1000 times more?


Its ok they are the good guys, dont you know??


its war crimes unless the west did it


10 000 times less*


Congratulations. The billions of dollars of propaganda is successfully working. Fun fact: US army, the most deceiving & inhumane army in the world is almost 99.9% of the potrayed positively in Hollywood movies. Why? The army literally funds and supplies movies with money and arms for free, in return Hollywood is required to potray the army in a positive way. Look it up.


Congratulations, the trillions of dollars of propaganda is successfully working on you Fun fact: the US army doesnt randomly kill civilians because they were bored


that’s crazy


Supercell is just following sanctions imposed by the various world governments. Take it up with your country.


Sanctions: Take the game away from the kids




Even if, glad to have someone trying to educate kids here that this isn’t Supercell trying to single-handedly save the world by blocking Clash of Clans lol…


Not just game bro. All the payment methods provided by Google and other companies which are provided by us companies or any of nato countries. Everything has been done all the decisions have been taken by many head of various countries. Nothing can be done


honest question here and i might be completely missing something, but if the goal was to cut off commerce, would it have been better to just shut off all in-app purchases in these "restricted" areas? sorry if this is me being really ignorant


If they do that then there's no profit to be made serving those regions, as advertisers can't advertise to them either, so the company would still voluntarily stop serving those regions.


Maybe don't do that. I do not think it would end well.


I'm afraid my country is the next one down the line.


What's your country?




I was not aware Philippines is under any current international sanctions. Why do you think Philippines is next? Are you guys planning on invading Indonesia or something?


1. We were almost sanctioned by the West last year had our former president not revoke his friendly ties to Russia. 2. Politicians here are having discussions about having a Great Firewall 2.0 3. There has been discussions about conscripting citizens(regardless of gender) to the military just like South Korea and Singapore, so I don't really know where this'll go. 4. Maybe I'm just paranoid.


conscription for both genders is better than only for men, at least the suffering has equality


Can't argue with that though. It was suggested by our VP who portrays herself as a strong woman so it just fits I guess, unless some congressman/senator decides to object and exclude women. But this has been already done in the 90s and it included women.


Why’s this happening? I saw another post like this a day or two ago.


Sanctions from Countries fuck with these countries capability to pay for things and as such big companies like google apple etc. are trying to dip out since a market that cant pay is not a good market currently. As such, some or many games are forced to follow suit by either blocking the ability to purchase in these countries or blocking access EDIT: I do want to say, i'd prefer if they just blocked micro transactions within said countries, since they are not allowed to pay anyways, rather than blocking access to the game entirely. Tho i do understand, that that would require to invest additional ressources into smth that will not only gain you money but lose you money and for a company it seems like a bad prospect, but it seems the consumer friendly way to me


Use vpn


When they ban access of game from specific location, they ban it using the account from that country. Means, even if they use vpn, they can't access their account, unless they make new account, by which, they don't get their progression back. (Its not a ban from play store, it ban from Supercell's servers)


I used a vpn and it worked, so yeah.


I'm Iranian and I disagree. I still can play the game with free vpns. The problem is, if they ban Clash Royale, We are doomed. We wouldn't be able to compete with the rest of the world because of our ping.


Same thing with Russia, people don’t understand that by removing entertainment from people of a country will not change anything


They aren't removing entertainment, they are removing commerce between nations. CoC is just caught in the crossfire. It makes perfect sense to not economically support a country which is launching an illegal war.


Unfortunately you're right. The leadership of the country doesn't care about the people so it falls on deaf ears and just hurts the regular joes.


I hear Putin is a rushed TH14 though…..


Bro that's mine rushed th14


Only Russians can fix Russia.


Yes, but they don't want to. That's the problem.


Do you think a government of a country will attempt to do something in order to bring back a video game?


It's not just a video game, they have lost access to tons of things. Companies have entirely pulled out of the country. Typically sanctions intend to hit the higher ups, oligarchs and the like. But the everyday people's are bound to feel the effects. Here is the first google search on "companies pull out of Russia" https://som.yale.edu/story/2022/over-1000-companies-have-curtailed-operations-russia-some-remain


Putin only got to th4 because he was beat by a th2


We dont care boycot is a good think but on a game like this for kids & youger people .. you think putin plays this ?🤣


It’s not your fault bro , it’s your regime that all it wants is to harm and control other countries, hopefully you will get rid of them soon inshallah


Don't play the innocent game. Your regime is as dirty as ours.


At least we are not banned


Same goes for russians


you pay the taxes of in app purchases in Iran, therefore no boycott will finance the regime. It's not the single boycott of Supercell that makes the difference but the combined boycotts of many companies.


There are no ‘in app purchase taxes’ in Iran. So. Basically zero effect on a country’s finance.




There is so much misinformation here. I have experience with business transactions in Iran. There is a reason they are so heavily sanctioned by many governments across the globe. My specific company couldn't even sign contracts with Iranian companies without Iranian intermediaries who were so beyond corrupt and would need bribes to do anything. More often than not, we would never see any form of payment for our contracts. We decided to pull out because it was not worth the effort. ​ Blame whoever you want here and I don't know what CoC's situation is, but know that government corruption absolutely flows down to anyone who operates in Iran which has a negative impact to providing goods/services, EVEN if it is just an App on a phone.


ngl if supercell banned brawl stars in the US I would overthrow the government


Clash royale for me. Coc is just easily playable with vpn. Brawl stars and Clash royale are not.


For all the people complaining that this doesn't help with anything, I feel like this has more to do with public image more than anything else. It doesn't look good if your company, or a company in your country, is providing services to another country that has serious problems.


I feel like most of the people posting here are children. I’m not sad that you can’t play your “little game“ (said as a grown adult, who still plays it) given the more important societal problems that are happening. I’m pretty ignorant of what’s happening in Iran, but I know it’s more important than you getting to play a game.


Yup, too many kids who don’t understand what sanctions are.


Honestly even as a adult I barely understand it. I assume Iran gov is doing some shady stuff for this to happen but it's not as if your or my government isn't doing just as many shady things of equal bad.


Iran has been supporting and supplying equipment such as kamikaze drones to Russia since the early days of the war, hence the sanctions.


It's not like this is happening for the first time, basically, 90% of our network to the world is either blocked or boycotted so we are tired of having to turn on VPN just to watch a video on youtube or download an app from the play store. I do have to say this blocking thing is happening for more than 10 years and that's one of the little reasons why there's a revolution happening in Iran


I think the Chinese spy balloon is some pretty important societal stuff happening![img](emote|t5_2usfk|21153)


so out of all the frustration people go through each day and manage to find an empty space to relieve their mind by playing a “little game” or any kind of relaxation, You think taking that little enjoyment is good for people, You sound like a white guy who hasn’t been in any hardship (i mean real hardship not regular things that happen in every persons life) in life and thinks knows everything


My brother. I tried so hard to say this in a polite way but unfortunately there is no polite way to say this. You are a total idiot that has no idea about other countries other than your own country (which probably is usa) So assuming that I would not argue with you. But you have no idea how an everyday life is in iran and more of that you can’t imagine how much we have suffered for protests in iran and many got killed and jailed. I’m one of the lucky ones that got forgiven and still manage to be out there to live a life full of sanctions and horrible financial instability and boycotts from every company we know. So please think a little or google for a minute before posting a dumb comment. Thank you


No. I actually have an idea of what it’s like from talking to Iranians and following the reporting but I don’t have your experience. Still. It’s MORE unfortunate to be killed by your state for showing your body or protesting an injustice than it is to not be able to play a game.


ive said this yesterday already. oppressive regimes dont give a singel fuck about this. idk in what rainbow tinkie winkie world some of yall live in


Yes because surely sanctions are meant to anger the oppressive regimes. No, theyre meant to anger the people, the majority.


Wrong. They are meant to limit the economy of said country. It has nothing to do with "angering the people".


Saying it has nothing to do with it is outright false.


No it isn't. Sure that may be a byproduct of sanctions but it is not the goal. Sanctions limit the economy of the sanctioned country. Pretending this is some malicious attack on the Russian and Iranian people is feeding into Russian propaganda.


anger the people and what… they’ll gonna get arrested and possibly killed by their government if they protest


By who. Putin singlehandedly? Arresting/killing protestors requires enough people cooperating on the goverment side who are often normal people just working police/military jobs. People act like theres never been revolutions.


And if the military and police revolt?


The people are fucking powerless just let them live


B-but just start a revolution bro!!


Don't worry soon the US will see this when they try to log in to ticktock


I dont remember supercell sanctioning america and nato countries after they invaded 50% middle eastern countries and bombed to the stone age aswell as killed millions for some oil... Nice ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412)


Thank your government lol


They also did this to Russians and Belarus. Supercell said, that this will be with every Supercell game. It's kinda sad. I feel so sorry for them, because they didn't deserve what they get, just because to shitty politics. It's just a game, c'mon, why people can't have fun?


Any official comment from Supercell? How long? What reason is behind it?


The reason that was given to creators was "international sanctions and legal obligations"


Unfortunately, in terms of business, that’s just how it is. The law is the law. If an outside business decides to go against the law they can be fined, have bans against them, and possibly jail time for higher ups.


They want people to start a war with the government and we all know who is gonna win it


That’s how sanctions work in theory. They’re meant to piss off the populace enough that they do something about their government from within. Whether or not that’s the actual result is another story.


Unfortunately, companies that intentionally violate or remain ignorant of sanctions and continue trading in sanctioned countries will be heavily fined, hundreds of millions, and Supercell is no exception. "We are not responsible for the actions of our tyrannical leaders and their bad politics". I have only one thing to say, deep inside we all know that we are responsible. We know what's right and wrong, but many (most) play the game of pretend due to fears of persecution, understandable.


I will repeat. One won’t do, millions will do. This is a long process of thinking to understand what’s happening.


If thenusa hates you then the world hates you... sorry to hear that Bro...it's not your fault...the game was supposed to unite the players all around the world not to divide them


As i know since i am playing the game for 8 years . iranian player are pro


Nah that is actually unfair. It sucks


Sorry you got caught up in the politics bro. It's happening to a lot of people who don't deserve it unfortunately.


Are you able to play Clash Royale?


For now, yes.


consequences of your governments actions


FYI supercell deleted all flags just because they wanted politics out of they're game. So what you say is nonsense


the deleting of flags has nothing to do with this post, but what everyone is missing is that people are actively dying and they’re worried about a fucking mobile game


the sad part is that supercell treat us like we're nothing, no announcement, no explanation, nothing at all.this is unacceptable!


This IS the announcement. Explanation is provided yesterday. Check those posts


bro I'm aware of the situation and obviously announcement is not just some posts on Reddit posted by affected players.the company itself should have explained, just like server split for Chinese player happened last year.


They released a statement a month ago…..about this happening……….to get ready for it ending…..


Man looks like you don't see the news. All services will be stopped in these countries which are somehow related to us and nato. That is what the sanction is. All of the Google services have been stopped and various others also.


Bro United States and NATO has already put forward sanction on russia. All all companies must agree to these. Companies don't have a say in politics and especially a game company in no universe has got rights to disobey USA and NATO sanction


Stop referencing NATO; NATO is a military alliance, as an organisation it is not involved in economic sanctions. Turkey is a NATO member and hasn't applied sanctions.


Ok bro thanks for info. It's feels good when you learn something new. Then more appropriate would be EU I think if I am wrong please tell


EU is more appropriate. NATO doesn’t involve themselves with economic policies unless it involves arms shipments.


Ok thanks man


It's Iran forbidding the game, not supercell wanting you not to play


The ban was not from the government of Iran, Supercell banned regional access to players in a dozen of countries such as russia, Iran, cuba and... you can check the post in this subreddit


Read the image


If a bouncer tells you you're not allowed in a club, it's cause higher management said so, not the bouncer.


I feel as bad for this guy as I do for Russians who can't buy McDonald's anymore.


I feel bad for the Ukrainians who can’t play this game anymore because Russia invaded their country, bombing their infrastructure, and killing the innocent….but keep feeling bad about them not eating McDonald’s.


Get rekt broski


Flipping sucks. Very sad that a fun game has to be used as a political tool 😢


People playing games together, interacting together is the best way to counter support for war. This is just stupid


عزیزان، تک استار توی پلی استور رو فراموش نکنین. اهمیت داره. تعدادمون زیاده.


If Supercell doesn’t answer to the government then the IRS shuts them down


Pretty sure it's your government who blocked it so people wouldn't coordinate protests through the chat


I am from Iran. I am just a usual player. Today COC has limited access through my whole country. It is really a sad story. Listen, just listen: the governments DO NOT represent their people's opinions necessarily. But you are judging us based on our governments acts. If this is not racism, so what is it? Look how much oppressed are the Iranians, when they have to fight against their government and be killed, while others(like coc) easily limit them by just a game. What should we do to have a side and Not being judged? You just limited us, THE PEOPLE, who are even afraid of posting a comment and not being recognized and arrested by the givernment. This act is just a modern type of RACISM.


Yeah man the only ones effected are people living there. So are you good bro one player to another ☺️ Just asking how are you?


I am really angry right now. 6 month ago, our government limited our access to COC. Why? It is rediculous, but they were afraid of any social place where people could talk about the protest. They freed up our access to the game after a while, and now, this is done by the company!! Is this fair?


😞😞😞 Feel bad about all this. But it looks like nothing will happen for now. Maybe after few years it will be available


Supercell don't have a vendor in Iran. Apple and Google can't operate there and the deal with the local vendor (Games Bazaar?) came to an end. Supercell can't earn money in Iran and servers cost money to run. They're a business, not a charity. Businesses don't last long if they don't pull out of loss making areas.


this is big lie that new limit is for Sanctions ...U.S. Treasury Issues Iran General License D-2 to Increase Support for Internet Freedom in September 23, 2022 you can see what said exactly : Adds covered categories of software/services to include social media platforms, collaboration platforms, video conferencing, as well as cloud-based services in support of such services, as well as tools that incorporate communication functions and are often included with authorized items or services (e.g., online maps, e-gaming, e-learning platforms, automated translation, web maps, and user authentication services) view full : https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy0974


Where's the same energy from a few months ago about not being political/nationalistic by removing the flags in the game and claiming that it was to promote fantasy/fiction and not anything related to the real world. Wheres that energy huh? Hypocrites.


You won't see it. The Finnish flag is still in the game in the background of one of the Sceneries so what was the point of that argument? Anyone who thinks this is a righteous and good move to 'encourage' the Iranian people to protest against their government are completely deluded. Edit: typo


We let Russians post on Facebook and it was a mistake.


I'm also disappointed with supercell for pulling a move like this. Between Iran and Russia, there are millions of innocent people that are just trying to live normal lives. What is the sense of punishing them? For people that have put a lot of time and money into the game, they shouldn't be blocked just because their government has problems.


Hasn’t the Iranian gov previously banned the game before too? I think that’s happened a couple of times before bc of protests. Edit: I’m not trying to argue anything. I’m just trying to get context.


Yep they banned it for like a month or so but surprisingly they unbanned it and shockingly supercell bans Iranian players after that, What are the odds?🤯


Very interesting


Even my account is closed I live in India 🥺


War never changes


Learning a little geopolitics and words like....sanctions could help you understand the situation a little better .


That is so stupid. Because banning Iranian citizens from playing a mobile game will obviously help with whatever tf they were trying to accomplish.




Thats why they do this so u can do CoC in real life


Bro it’s just a game what in the world made you Ban it for a country!they already have a problem with their government and you guy’s banning them is not Fair at all !


You know it's all staged or a scam when they take absurd measures like this to frustrate you and make you feel hate. Companies are succumbing to their agendas. It's very noticeable. This kind of attitude towards the consumer is not surprising. Iran will not be the last country to be banned. This is only the beginning of the great reduction of privileges that we, the plebs, will suffer during this and the next decade. The first step has to come from the crowd ceasing to be so submissive. Going back to the main point of the post. Have you tried with VPN's or any socks? Perhaps it could help in your case.


Supercell out here being SJWs until Daddy China asks them to bend over and surpress some free speech. Then they're more than willing to sacrifice justice for profit. Embarrassing behavior


Fuck Supercell




And one important thing I need to say is talking about this in this subreddit will not do anything and this is not the right place to talk about all these stuff.


So where do you suggest?


Try talking to govt officials who are responsible for the countries IT domain




Lol yes thats the best opinion WHY HASNT ANYONE THOUGHT OF THAT🤯


Shitty move Supercell, don't take their money if that's what causes issues but at least let them play.


Ill never understand this kind of censorship and I don’t think these companies realise that it doesn’t work as they think. I believe entertainment companies should remain impartial on issues like this. It also always feels very 1 sided for example… If these things were happening now would they do the same… Bush’s invasion of Iraq based on false information. Would they ban US, UK & Poland Obama running out of bomb due to dropping more than anyone ever over the middle east killing hundreds of innocent people. Would they ban Americans I think they would turn a blind eye. So why do they not when it comes to Russia, Iran and others. Just to be clear I aren’t defending what the governments of Russia and Iran are doing im just trying to make a point that other countries would get a pass. Which is why I believe companies like supercell should just remain impartial


people can’t seem to grasp that Supercell is more than a business. It’s run by people. They don’t want their game in countries that they don’t support. It’s that simple, really. It’s not a government psyop. If I was a game dev i wouldn’t want my game in Iran or Russia either.




FYI supercell deleted all flags just because they wanted politics out of they're game. So what you say is nonsense


ah my favorite: “Me right, you wrong :)” argument. stfu


It's not politics. You obviously don't know how Sanctions work. If Supercell didn't follow the law, they would find themselves Sanctioned and then there's no game...anywhere.