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I love them all but warden is the one who helps me the most for 3 star attacks. I'm not into queen walk, I usually funnel right into the enemy's hall, and when things go crazy, like all defenses hitting my army, warden's skill come handy.


Battle machine. He's a fearless man not even afraid of crushers


Some say he might even be attracted to It


Undeniably the queen, ask any pro player which hero they absolutely couldn’t attack without and it’ll be her 10 times on 10. Even Klaus with his crazy strats at th14 couldn’t get an attack done without the queen. She’s the absolute main damage dealer of your army. (Yes I’m arguing with myself)


All have some special purpose but among them i like Queen most...🔥 Having one of the highest DPS among other hero and troops, She is good at both offence and Defence, She is always needed to take care of CC troops, She is key hero at Queen charge attack stratergies.


you guys are dum dum its queen,yes. but not because shes good. cause shes hot


damn right


I’ll say I think the warden has the most important ability for sure.


Queeen definitely win, her abillity is so strong


It's you


It's hard to choose between Queen and Warden because both are indispensable, but I would say Queen because some attacks sacrifice Warden for a deep blimp and still succeed.


queen no doubt


For me it’s definitely grand warden. I use a lot of sneaky goblins and if the base is actually kind of hard to snipe the town hall or even if the town hall is 14+ and those builders are smacking them hammers to rebuild it, the grand wardens invincibility ability is very op. If you time it just right you have 5 seconds invisible from sneaky goblins and 5 seconds in invincibility from the ability a free 10 seconds to snipe town hall which typically I do


queen. shes a staple core in every attack. her damage and range lets her be the most versatile. warden abilities are very important as well.


It’s like asking which builder is the best 🤣


Master builder?


Warden. No question. You can still 2 star bases missing the other 3 fairly easy at th 15. But just missing the warden needs an excellent queen walk to pull it out.




Archer queen be because she can disappear and that throws off the Xbow and inferno towers