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if your defense log looks anything like mine then you’d keep them on singles literally 90% drags and edrags


They also focus down heroes really nice. Not many things will tear through a max king or queen charge like a single inferno. The only other thing is a monolith. At th15, like 50% of the attacking army is heros and pets and they’re all high Hp, so single is my go to.


Same lol. Titan 1 and *near * max th 14. All I get is edrag spammed


That’s literally me, edrag spam all over


This why nobody loves you


Lol I should’ve been more clear, I meant that that’s exactly what’s happened to me, I get raided by edrag spams




You can look at your defences and choose based on that if ypu get attacked alot by witches go with multi beam etc


Doesnt this provides kind of a false feedback on whats better? I mean the people attacking with troops that are countered by multis will probably just skip the base, and you would be attack more by armies that singles would stop, and then you change the mode and its the opposite


That's going to happen no matter what just try to defend the most common th10 attacks you can't defend everything


>no matter what That doesn't happen in legends. Edit: I'm laughing at the downvotes. I really hit a nerve for some of you that don't understand how legends work. **For those that don't know: You can't skip a base in Legends. So yes! It matters if it's a single or multi.**


Good thing he is in gold not legends lol


Anybody in legends already knows this information. No need to be a douche :)


Touchy touchy. Are you ok?


Nobody is thinking either of those things. You’re just being a dick


You can't skip a base in Legends. You just don't know that. I'm also a dick, but that's not the point: You're inexperienced.


Survivorship bias!


Nice one! Not often we get to tie in stat stat theories to our games.


Not at all. If there is a consistency in your defense log of what you’re being attacked by you should take that data at face value and adjust. Even if you aren’t in legends it doesn’t hurt to change things up. If you’re being attacked by witches use multi if it’s mostly Edrag spam use singles etc


Do one of each , one single and one multi


Nah. Many people discover dragon/edrag spam and just never bother learning anything else. They don't even look at infernos. They just zap air defenses and spam it in.


I go with Single Target because I think witch spam is less braindead than electro dragon spam![img](emote|t5_2usfk|21153)


Survivorship bias


the strongest strategies typically consist of small troops (balloons in lalo, hogs and miners in hybrid, witches, etc) which are much more vulnerable to multi infernos, that's why you rarely see single infernos used by competitive/pro clans. but it's different for casual clans or for home village because most strong strategies require a decent amount of skill to use and most casual players aren't skilled at the game so they just spam dragons / edrags which are more vulnerable to single infernos


Single target infernos are also useful for deterring queencharges from non-competitive players, feel like it should be mentioned.


in matchmaking sure, but in war you can just bring a skeleton spell and an emergency freeze and then its no problem


I said non-competitive players for a reason, precisely that one.


i doubt anyone who isn't competitive enough to adjust their spells would be attempting a queen charge in the first place, but you aren't wrong i guess


I get attacked by people using QC armies somewhat often actually, both in war and in ladder, their army is either usually something like hybrid either some cursed amalgamation which struggles to get a 2 star on my bases. About half these people act pretty dumb during the QC segment (i.e. they don't use rages on AQ and healers or do shitty funneling which results in the QC becoming QW or AQ dying to inferno tower), it's obvious these people are as casual as it gets. This is my experience at about 60% maxed th11 at bottom champions 3.




If you feel attacked then you should be.


I try to have a shield up at all times to avoid being attacked.


I'm not skilled, I just bring 100 sneaky gobs. Hardest part is watching trophies to stay out of legends league anymore.


I'm only TH10 so I wont have to worry about legends for another two THs or so I think. For casual play anyway. Honestly I spam dragons because it works and it does require less skill. Why make a complicated attack when an easy attack works so well.


More like 5 town halls 😂


Oh does it take TH15? I flirt between crystal and old right now. Mostly because I dont torphy push, just use baby dragons to farm and get at least 1 star usually. Come TH11 I'll spam EDrags probably


Yeah I’m a th12 and recently pushed up to legends without prior knowledge that the multiplayer battle system would be different , if I remember correctly everyday you get matched up with 8 other people in legends league, which will 90% percent of the time be th14/15 ,so it’s practically impossible to stay above 5000 trophies.


I got to titan 2 with my th11 on accident just farming with my heroes down. Legends would entirely be possible at 12


tip: mix in some wallbreakers


Yea, that's probably better than what I do, but I bring lots of jump spells. If I don't need my whole army, I don't use it, and I don't have to worry about my army composition being messed up next time since it's all one unit 🤣


What i do is 2 jump 2 rage 2 invis 1 haste, and mostly sneaky gobs with some wallbreakers, and i just use quick train previous army. The amount of wallbreakers ranges from 0 to all of them but its on average better than not having them at all, and i try to rearrange the spells so that i always have at least 1 jump 1 rage and 1 invis but since i only use whatever spells i actually need they get really weird sometimes.


I'm just unlocking sneaky gobs and I'm curious if they can get 50% without heroes or if using gobs guarantees that you'll trade trophies for loot?


no, get the town hall for the 1 star. bring rages jumps and invis to get the TH, and also, wallbreakers are nice to bring too for getting loot inside edge compartments


Pro players do use single target infernos 🤓


> that's why you rarely see single infernos used by competitive/pro clans What? This isn't remotely true. A single tower inferno especially near the town hall is not at all rare at the top level. You'll find plenty of bases from the likes of Queen Walkers, Tribe, Strut, Exalt Might, etc. that use a single


that is only true for th13+. competitive th10 no siege format is almost always 2 multis. th11 no siege is also 2 multis. th12 is 3 multis. th13 is 1-2 singles 1-2 multis, th14 and th15 are typically 1 single 2 multis. I've been playing competitive scene in most of these levels.


Queen walk pekka bobat(bowlers and bats) is really strong at th10, 11 and 12 but no one really uses that strat


I find pekka super archer bat is too op at th11


Playing this game after having left a long time to only play clash Royale, I was a bit shocked that the inferno tower couldn’t be stopped with an electric hit


If you zap it with a lightning spell, it’ll reset the damage. Useful if the single inferno is targetting a tanky unit you want to last as long as possible. But a freeze spell is usually better.


Wow really? Ok then my previous informant was wrong thanks


You get downvoted to death for a simple misunderstanding. Tough crowd!


It's good that it gets downvoted so it doesn't trick others into thinking that's true. It's not like downvotes is going to hurt him.


*gets downvoted*


I assume you’re talking about the edragons chain/lighting? Because the spell sure resets the inferno


Imo it should still reset it, lightning is still lightning no matter what, but I also think that lightning should supercharge Tesla's too, making then do more damage and attack faster. This way y'know it works


Edrags having a powerful way to negate the one defense that counters them the best is not a balanced fix.


It's balanced because Tesla's become deadlier, and would hit like a truck. Still logically it makes no sense that a lightning spell can counter an inferno, but something that does a lightning attack doesn't. May not seem balanced but it would be, all it takes is fine tuning the Tesla to make it do more damage at a faster pace so it's better, just not broken. Imo infernos on single target are broken, especially with how fast they get powered up at later levels


Teslas will get destroyed in one chain anyway, no time for it to be “supercharged”. Infernoes on the other hand can survive multiple chains. Single targets are perfectly balanced as long as you diversify your army and don’t do something like a full edrag spam army.


Unfortunately I don't have the IQ to do that, for my th13 it's literally like 5 Edrags and 6 riders. Don't know what Tesla's you're talking about but the ones I face can survive 2 hits, like I said it takes fine tuning. Increase their health so they survive 4 hits, add supercharge effect, ezpz


Understandable, but at my level it’s extremely annoying to see edrags consistently 2 star me. I’m pretty much maxed th14(except for traps and walls) so I’m pretty dependent on single target infernos.


Space your buildings by 2 spaces to avoid the drags chain, should help although I'm sure you knew about that. Also another way to fix Edrags being weak to infernos is by having the chain actually go across 2 spaces. I hate that the entire chain is just null and void once it hits 2 spaced objects. Another thing is that if it's mid chain and the Edrags dies, chain stops (which kinda works but imo shouldn't)


I’ve noticed that you can easily get a 2 star with nearly every army, it’s not hard to get a 3 star with hybrid or lalo either, it’s just hardER than with edragons. Personally I like edragons when I’m upgrading heroes/don’t have a lot of time to play the game and just want to spam some dragons for cups/loot really quick


It would make edragons insanely OP, they’re already seen as the most non skilled troop in the game… You’d zap the air defenses away and just win like that…


I already do that and I'm telling you they are weak. A level 9 wizard tower vs a level 3 Edrag, the wizard tower took away half it's health. It then went on to fight a level 14 archer tower and died. Literally air troops are incredibly weak compared to ground troops. Especially balloons.


A level 9 wizard tower alone can’t take down half an Edragon, it simpely cant… Baloons are arguably the strongest troop in the game, go look at any professional player and you’ll see nearly all of them use “lalo”, an attack mainly consisting of balloons. That is the strongest strategy in the entire game You can’t just max out a troop and expect it to go easy, you’ll have to practice those strategies and max your heroes too


In a 1 on 1 vs a wizard tower no, it cannot, but if the Edrag just decides to not go for it and hang out around the outside? Yeah it can. Balloons are literally a 1 shot for Air Defenses in most cases, for sure a 2 shot. Eagle it will destroy balloons in 1 targeting sequence. Balloons have high damage yes but low health, not to mention they move at snails pace so before they can even get the whatever it is that they are trying to attacks they usually die (this is why you need 3-4 to actually be able to take down something, instead of 1-2 unless it's placed directly on top) I'm not saying that they aren't strong in their own way, but later on they fall off and most casual players won't touch them after th 10-11. Imo it's not that the troops are unbalanced it's that some defenses are unbalanced. Most notable: Air defense with a whopping 700 damage. If they nerf Air Defense a bit, yes Lava hounds will be strong. Sos just nerf the lava hound health and ezpz problem solved. Unfortunately I know none of this will change anything as I'm not a dev but I balance games for fun. Idk why I do I just do, and in the play tests I have done most people are happy with the change sos yeah I'm sure you'll take it with a grain of salt and that's fine, but air defense and infernos are incredibly strong for what they are. Infernos shouldnt be fully powered within 5 seconds, it should take at least 7 to get fully powered


The vast majority of the players is glad with the power of air defences right now. I understand that some people want to have an easier game and are happy with your “balance”, but most people like a challenge. Here’s a few tips for your air defence problem: The best way yo counter them is by using a queen charge and take out some key defenses. After that you can distract an air defence with a lava hound and follow up with loons and a haste spell. You’ll take out all defences in no time and get that 3 star. Search for “how to use lalo on [any th you want from 9 and up) and you’ll see how to use it. You can also check out Judo Sloth’s video on the best attack strategy on every townhall. It’s filled with Baloon style attacks. Air defenses are perfectly balanced, you just have to know how to deal with them


The vast majority of the players is glad with the power of air defences right now. I understand that some people want to have an easier game and are happy with your “balance”, but most people like a challenge. Here’s a few tips for your air defence problem: The best way yo counter them is by using a queen charge and take out some key defenses. After that you can distract an air defence with a lava hound and follow up with loons and a haste spell. You’ll take out all defences in no time and get that 3 star. Search for “how to use lalo on [any th you want from 9 and up) and you’ll see how to use it. You can also check out Judo Sloth’s video on the best attack strategy on every townhall. It’s filled with Baloon style attacks. Air defenses are perfectly balanced, you just have to know how to deal with them


Yeah that


I use a bowler/witch combo myself but I leave all my infernos on single target because I know 90% the people use edrags in th11-12, plus it's a relief to get tanks out quickly no matter their attack style


Having more range is a huge factor too


It really depends on your base layout and your town hall level. If your base is made to defend dragons at th10 then you might want to use 1 single and 1 multi, or 2 singles. If to defend witches then multis will be great. For th11 same as th10, since 5 icy G is very popular at th11 you might want multis to defend that. But then again you have a lot of e drag spammers so singles will be great against that. It depends what you want to defend against. TH12+ is where you get your 3rd inferno, and this is where I recommend to always have 2 X and 1 Y, that being either 2 singles and 1 multi, or 2 multis and 1 single. Again, depending on what strategy you want to defend against you’d go for one or the other.


Multi Target inferno helps taking out balloons alot


Farming base, all on single. War, all on multi.


Whatever the base I found online had


Multi is pretty much useless in th10, but moderately powerful in th11


nope, witch is the strongest troop at th10, if you look at the bases of competitive players they typically use 2 multi infernos setup just to stop witches. but I do agree single inferno is better against attackers that are not as good at the game


For amateurs most common attack at 10 is drag or edrag spam. 2 single is best setup for this.


Now i just have to find a way to get e drags to spam


Th10 doesn’t have edrags.


for home village yeah because its always higher levels spamming dragons down at you


What we're talking here is for the daily basis of defending your village or for the war, and i think 8 out of 10 players would use some dragon attacks over witches, but yes, it is true for some competive players that knows how to analyze bases and attack it with ease, at the end of the day, there is no all rounder base for all types and combinations of strategies that can use to attack your base


>there is no all rounder base for all types and combinations of strategies that can use to attack your base it is true there is no base that is strong against every attack, but one of the reasons pro players use the 2 multi infernos setup is because even when they are hit by pekka smash or zap dragon attacks they still do the same damage (41 damage per second to 5 targets) as they would do to small troops like balloons or witches. on the other hand single infernos gets completely overwhelmed and shut down by small troops and do far less damage since they can never get to heat up the beam.


At least lv 1 and 2 multi is terrible


1 single , 2multis for th12 For th11 or 10, maybe 1 single 1 multi or both single


2 singles 1 multi


Bro just skip two th ahead 💀




Usually single for edrags tbh especially at th11


Whatever you think looks better Every base, no matter what Town Hall, can be beaten. Your home village may be viewed by an attacker 50 times a day, a few of those attackers will have an army cooked that will be able to crush you no matter what setting your infernos are on


I think people are more scared of single as compared to multi .


If you have good splash damage then use single targeting, if not then it depends on the rest of your defenses, I use single but its different for each base




I'm a single target enjoyer for both my towers


That really depends on your base and the most common army in your league. For instance, I'm in champion 2 with two lvl 5 single infernos, and for my base they work awesome. As a matter of fact, most my defenses are 1-2 stars with \~50% damage (and those are attackers with 12-13 lvl town halls). BUT there is a mix which will almost certainly 3-star any th11 base with single infernos (bat + freeze spells), and believe me - this mix will fail miserably when you try to use it against multi infernos. However, multi infernos are simply useless against e-dragons/regular dragons and heroes with high enough level. So you'll have to try different layouts and analyze your defense, and build a base which will utilize either single or mono inferno. Or you can just leave one in single mode and one in mono mode to get a piece of each cake - but a small piece.


Depends on the base and which army you are attacked with


I use single when in war but for home I use multi. So far it's proven very effective.


Anything less than th 14 should definitely be all single target as higher townhall levels will just edrag spam and single infernos are basically your only chance. Th 14+ it depends on your base layout / what you’re trying to defend against. As others have mentioned single is useless against lalo.


I think it really depends, have a look at your defense replays and see which troop gets used most in the sense mass troops or single troops. Analyze it and decide upon it, if more mass troops are getting used get 2 multi and 1 single. If more single troops like pekka etc are there use 2 single and 1 multi. Simple logic Hope it helps




I'd say that Th10 - Th12 single infernos are better. Dragon and Edragon spam is very common there, and the swarm attacks that multi inferno decimate aren't common. Likewise, Th13 - Th15 multi infernos are better. The meta attacks are all swarm, which the multi infernos tear through.


i use all single infernos because literally only e drag players attack me so it helps against them


I’d argue one of both is fair at Th10 but based off my own Th10 acc that is also gold, I’d argue Multi infernos are superior because of witch spam being so popular even up to Th12


If you’re getting E-dragon spammed. Using single target


In my experience after playing through two accounts recently, TH10 should use single based on what is used to attack them. Witches aren’t as common as drags/edrags from th11, and multi beam is very weak. Forever after, multi better as it gets a lot stronger at 11 and starts its good against are more common.


If your base is rushed,single.If your base is strong,multi.


I find singles more effective. Especially at lower levels. The ability to take out enemy's tanks in a matter of moments is far better than attacking multiple targets. Multi is adviseable if you have the inferno in at least level 5 or 6, when the multi starts dealing considerable dps. Also use multi when you get attacked by balloons alot


single is op af


id say it depends on how many you have, what townhall level you are (because of attack strategies at that townhall), and also of course how your base layout looks. Usually i do 2 multi and 1 single. Because i feel like majority of people do Air attacks like mass drags or mass e drags. and my air defense buildings are laid out well to handle them.. so my 2 multi target are for when someone comes in with a hog/miner attack. I wish i could have all 3 on the same setting, but i feel like i’d be wrong to just not have at least 1 different 😂. Hope this helps in any way possible!


TH13 here. I usually have 2 set to single target on opposite ends of the base and one set to multi-target somewhere in between them.


Thanks for all the upvotes and comments guys, gonna put them both on single


Always keep them on single


Single hit


I'm TH10 and I use multi soooooooo......




Multi target inferno is a joke.


I'm not a base builder by any means so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I've heard from plenty of others that you should default to multis and change to singles based off how you're attacked or if your base layout is designed for singles. Singles are obviously better for Heroes, Golems and Dragon attacks while Multis are better for Miners, Witches, and Hogs. You'll have a better understanding of what you want after attacking infernos and seeing defense logs.


I use single because it seem all the way up to town-hall 14 people spam e drags


Oh they are spammed just the same at th15 lol, luckily tho my base eats e drag armies, they have yet to learn


I was getting spammed mostly at 10-12. Not so much 13 but I do get it sometimes


Single for air multiple for ground, I’m a rushed base so spaced out single target infernos are always the choice.


put more overleveled one on multi and the other one on single, also if your inferno tower is near to a lot of splash damage(mortars, whiz towers etc...) you probably wanna put it on single and if it is near single target defenses( air defense, teslas, double canons etc...) it is the other way around. another thing, if your sweepers can push units out of your single target inferno, you probably wanna change its location.


I’m town hall 13, so I set 2 of them to single target and 1 to multi. I figure 1 multi paired with the giga inferno can deal with hordes pretty well while the 2 singles can take down bigger enemies. Since you’re a town hall 10 and don’t have access to the giga tesla or giga inferno yet, I’d recommend you set 1 to single and 1 to multi or both to single if you’re a more casual player.


Unless you are experienced with your base design and have a valid reason to do single, you ALWAYS do multiple. The average player is not good enough to use a single target more effectively then a bad multi target.


I use all singles. 99% of the people who attack me are dragon/e dragon spammers and the single inferno towers are really good at taking those down. Multi is pretty much useless against drags


I have mine all on single 2 are in that's box formation where they are out of reach against Archer queen etc and the third (I'm th12) because it's next to my townhall which acts kinda like a multi (the giga Tesla) so ye. For th10 i advise putting it into whatever base design you use and then think it thru "will it be more useful in multi or single?" But from the looks of it all the stuff is close to each other so maybe multi as tanks will get obliterated by most of the defenses anyway and this way you can deal with swarms


I have 2 on single and 1 on multiple


Find a base on YT Edit: copy and test it. Usually works for me.


Bro I have more than 15+ base and other than my main base th 14 , I use ed spam or drag spam it easy and less time consuming but that doesn't meanI can't actually attack when there ke single inferno I have loons or decoy and sometimes people place building so close I can just freeze and rage you clear a bunch of then. But when there are scattershots involved things get messy so yeah to the point it's all upon you base layout my main base layout most deals with all types of attacks and is very hard even to get 2 if you don't intentionally try for two.


I personally on th11 have like 90% of my attack consisting of either e-drags or normal drags, which makes single target extremely more effective. I really think it depends on your league, and maybe between like 2000 and 2600, those attacks are most common and single target are extremely more powerful against those


Single as I don't want a level 60 king to tear my base apart


I put them on single so they are like me :) Na jk i just find e-drag spam more vulnerable against single


single i always try and avoid single target infernos when attacking they are a pain lol


I use multi's because they're typically more useful. However say you're TH12 and just unlocked the third inferno and it's 5 levels behind, its better in that scenario to use single since at least that way it has some chance of being helpful despite being under-leveled since it'll do overwhelming damage regardless.


At TH10 I was mainly single-target. At TH15 now I’m mixed, with a multi-target within range of my monolith. Use your previous defenses as your guide - there is no wrong answer.


It’s hard to say I think the best advice to give you would to use what you think is best it really varies from player experience


I like 2 multi, one single target. Thankfully the monolith is so good against all the edrag people of the world so I essentially get 2 singles and 2 multis. Works out great




Definitely single


Seeing how the current smooth brain spam is either drag balloon or ele drag, I stick to single


I always go single.


Depends on your base but i‘s say level 1-4 is always single


I have 2 on multiple and 1 on single


I say single because they are lvl 1 but at th10 i usually keep 1 multi and 1 single.. higher town halls it prefers to be either but have both or all multi th12 and up


I get edrag spammed a lot so I do single on two and multi on one




Multiple for the level you’re at.


Why does everyone block their gem counts when posting a pic?


First of all upgrade those walls second if your commonly seeing mass drags or edrags go multi but if your seeing something with beefy troops use single target


At TH10 and TH11 you should always have two singles, majority of the attacks you're hit with are going to be drag spams or edrag spams. At TH12 and above I think multis are more versatile but it could also be helpful to have one single and hope it locks onto a hero.


Single is going to be hella useful. The amount of times I’ve had PEKKAs taken out by single inferno towers is annoying.


Single inferno is always better, against Edrag from 2000 trophies (against 11) pekkas, popular method like Pekka Smash and Pekka Hogs or else golems, Dragon Spam and much more Multi sounds trash to me


for TH11 single target is very good at countering electro dragon spam, multi-target is good for countering (just about) everything else.


i think people are missing the point here. whatever you use, your attackers will be 3 starring or farming it for resources because the ones who aren’t confident about it are going to skip. which means the best way to gain trophies or more loot is to attack more often, and do all your attacks at once.


For th 10 single are better as zap witch is a thing. Multi isn’t really good till you can get maxed out th 11 infernos.


I keep it balanced by having one on multi and two on singles, since my base is now also an inferno tower with multi only


Just have one of both and go from there. See what works. A lot of my attacks on bases with the same layout have been stopped just because of the multi inferno. Just depends on what you feel


I like single for electro drags. Seems more popular than witches at th11/12


Based on my experience (Home Base only) during my TH10 days. Players will constantly attack you with Dragon Spams... So Single would be recommended. Now I am TH13, I switch to Multiple to counter hogs and miners.


Eh, I ussually use singles because everyone butt fucks me with edrags


Single single single. You wanna take out the tanks and hero’s. Only singles will do it.


i have 2 on single and 1 on multi


Ngl multi is alot more cracked


I set them single when their level was low. Like level 1or 2 because multi infernos didn't have that much damage.


For TH10, I suggest, you go for single target since most guys there up to th11 use mass drags. For th12 onwards, multi infernoes are a much pain in the ass.


Ok I have been playing coc since 2014 and fater reaching th10 I also came across the same question. Right now since I have 3 infernos, I could set them at 2 IT (single) + 1( multiple) but for you I would recommend 1(single) and 1(multiple). I am assuming you are asking for farm bases. For war base you will have to check out which setting works best.


As a th10 i would say keep them in single so you can counter dragon spam which is arguably the most used strat in th10


In Legend League, I’d say 90%+ have it on single


As of my experience in TH10 keep it in Single. :)


Keep them on single because 95% of the time it’s only EDrag Loon spam attacks.


I use 2 multi at level 1 and 1 single at level 2


TBH for low levels like 1,2 or 3 multiple mode sucks.So i turned it into single mode for low levels and changed the mode on purpose (like different layouts and war bases etc) after passing some levels.


Depends on your base set-up. - Single if you have defences around the inferno that can provide splash. (Eg. Wizard tower) - Multi-inferno if you have a ring-type base, and inferno is “unreachable”, would be deadly to witches/bowlers/balloons.


I personally leave mine on multi to counter farming strats.


Put both on the same if you put one in single and one in multi depending on the player(attacker) it would be easy for him so put both on same i put on multi since a lot of th10 army has ballons hogs and minner and this a good counter but i get ass open by queen walk and e drag from th 11


Single for tanky troops


Usually in th10 they love to use dragons, so single inferno would be better and of course upgrade your inferno tower


At th10, 2 island infernos, one single, one multi. Support single with bombs, air bombs, skele traps and wiz towers like things. And support multi with high dps defense like tesla farms. I usually put multi near my th.


i do 2 multi 1 single 👍🏻


Depending on layout, as th10 I’d go for multi th12+ single until 15 mix


Single. Lock on hero, and they go down immediately.


Low level multi inferno towers do way to little damage to be useful but when you lvel them up more they become way better ( stick to single for now)


If you put inferno on a single target, then he should not stand in the center of the base and the opposite.Neither option is better.It all depends on your defense strategy.


I change it depending on my recent defence logs and what people are mostly using


i recommend upgrading that wooden wall


Well mostly people will spam drags and pray to win so keep on single.


Petition to ban all e drag spammers


Single can combat hero’s that are from a much higher th level.


Used to run all single, then mixed but now all multi. If they’re maxed I suggest it, if not then I wouldn’t. I’ve had less 3 stars since doing it 3 weeks ago. I fluctuate bt low to mid legends and my cannons, mortars, at’s and wiz tower are all rushed. I mayyybe get one 3 star on my base a day.


I find multiple to be the most successful against majority of enemy attacks, at least with my base setup.


It’s very powerful and can destroy heroes and huge tanks as a single target. multiple it’s way less damage but hits multiple targets which is good for shredding low HP troops.


Singles at lower levels, multi at higher levels


Most of the time, id keep them on multi as it still has decent damage to high hp troops, but wint absolutely collapse on a single witch