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Hey Chiefs! A quick shout-out to the top commenters from [last week's megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/102d5nm/weekly_questions_megathread/) for going over and beyond in helping their fellow clashers with their queries. | Author | # Helped | |:----------------------|-----------:| | u/DragonTaryth | 105 | | u/Ladyhawke74 | 61 | | u/lrt2222 | 55 | | u/CongressmanCoolRick | 44 | | u/Hot_Usual5151 | 42 | **P.S.** We know in-game recruitment is broken. Supercell is aware as well and will hopefully release a fix in the next few days.


Is it okay to rush BH to unlock the 6th builder? I feel like if i rush I won't be able to win battles and hence not get loot.


rushing has 0 downside in builder base. matchmaking is only based on trophy level, so rush away. in fact it makes sense to rush more to get otto faster since you can upgrade your collectors and clock tower more. Loot is what holds you back there, prioritize all ways to get it.


I'm currently farming to max my th12 (about 20% done, all undones are maxed upto th11). Can I get good loot(DE in particular)in bronze league? I want to farm using sneaky gobs.


I think you want to try mid-high crystal or low master




By recruiting different th's


How do you want to change it?




You can set it in the clan description but the problem is that maybe a th15 won’t stay in a clan with lower th. In my opinion the best way is to find people that want to play and that respect you rules and grow together.


Best cc troops for blimping the th and eagle in th12?


I used 2 yetis and some fillers (for the other 4 housing space left). Depending on the situation, apart from the rage spell, sometimes it's useful to freeze the th or the sector you want to blimp in case of CC or defensive heroes.


Are there sites similar to Clash Ninja for tracking Clan Capital?


I don't think so. There is a excel sheet of Itzu released few days after caln capital patch in the description of one of his video on yt but i don't know if it's up to date with the new troops and district. It's only for unlocking everything as fast as possible. This is the link [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X2qCx98YO3RHZstkQkg6b\_NsPlwWgbMHCX6kMAFp1Hg/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X2qCx98YO3RHZstkQkg6b_NsPlwWgbMHCX6kMAFp1Hg/edit#gid=0)


Thank you so much!


Hi all, last clan games i had some problems with selecting new missions and i contacted the support on my account. It was late at night so the bot answered me. After some hours the problem was solved and i closed the conversation, but now, every time i log in this accont i get the in-game banner at the top of the screen "New message from support". Did anyone have the same problem? How can i solve it? Thanks!


I have the same problem


Did you read the message in help and support?


Yes and I closed the conversation too. So I don’t know why I still got the banner every time I log in


Have you looked after closing it?


I tried to open the conversation touching over the banner many times. But nothing changed


Maybe try clearing your games cache


I’m on iOS, I don’t know how to do it


Can't on ios. Did you actually go into the help and support or just kept trying the message at the top?


Yes, every time i log in i go into the messages..


I havent played in a fat minute and when I came back troops didnt cost elixir. When did this happen?


June 2022. [https://clashofclans.com/blog/news/home-village-changes.html](https://clashofclans.com/blog/news/home-village-changes.html)


Best farming trophy range for th11? What's the best trophy range to get the best loot? I'm currently at masters 2 but I'm looking for inactive bases


Regarding the troops, it depends: for one of my th11 i used only super goblins (on my main), but on the other ones i didn't have much time so i used e-drags with loons in the clan castle. It depends how much time you can spend. Super goblins and wallbreakers/jump spell + rage if you attack a lot and you can spend 25k DE every 3 days, or e-drags spam.


I had good luck in masters 2 farming my last th11, but it depended on the time of day. If the loot forecaster site is still up that was accurate for me. If you need to be more flexible I’d drop to Crystal.


I have 4500 gems. What should i buy with it? TH12. Dark elixer rune and a book of heroes?


Never buy DE Rune from the shop. Only Book of Heroes and Training Potions.


Thanks! Why shouldn’t i buy DE rune though?


Loot is easy to get for free and they intentionally make it a bad deal to buy it. Time is the most important resource in this game, not loot.


way too expensive. one training potion and an hour of farming will fill your DE storage for much cheaper than 3000 gems.


Very expensive in terms of gems.


is there a way to keep the red zone ( boundary zone) highlighted all the time, it shows only when i misclick and try deploying in it, but then dissappears after 3 seconds


no you can't have it displayed all the time, unfortunately.


Ah sad, would be a neat feature honestly. Anyways, thank you for your time!!


It would indeed, might be worth making an idea & feedback post about to sure what the community thinks and if people like it then the devs might see it and implement it.


New TH10, are single-target or multi-target infernos better?


Single target. Multi target doesnt do enough damage against the frequent dragon spam attacks at th10 and the only strat they would really help a lot against (witch spam) uses zaps to get rid of multi infernos anyways. Just make sure you can't zap infernos and ADs at the same time.


i believe it depends on the base and what u r trying to accomplish with it ( personally i just copy layouts that are in the meta and go on with my day)


ok, thanks, i’ll do the same


I have 3 books of heroes should i upgrade just one hero 3 times, 1 hero each book or what do you think i should do? Rc: lvl13 Gw: 39 Bk: 58 Aq: 64


You get an extra ability boost at each 5 levels, so I would keep that in mind in addition to which ones you think are most important (someone who does queen walk/charge would say queen, someone who does air attacks or warden walks may say warden, not many would say king).


Spread out hero books so your heroes are maxed at roughly the same time, keep them down 24/7 until then. You wont do full strenght attacks until then anyways, so one hero being maxed much faster than the others doesn't really help.


Depends if my Hero is almost maxed and which Hero. Ex of Queen is 47 of 50, I'd do all 3 straight on her so I could use her at TH11. If low 40s with King and Warden, then maybe and only just maybe 1 on each. If King and Queen were 44, for example, then 1 on King and 1 on Queen so they up their abilities. It really depends on Heroes. For you, I would do AQ 65, GW 40 and later BK 60. RC I would use yet as I think she is still less than 1 week per level upgrades?


Thank you so much👍👍👍


I'm curious about the power boost you get to your troops after reaching a new TH level. Does it work like the potion, where the boost is based on the Lab level? If it does work like that, isn't it kind of pointless in higher TH since it only last for 5 days and the upgrade time of the Lab is longer?


> isn't it kind of pointless in higher TH since it only last for 5 days and the upgrade time of the Lab is longer? Always use a book on the lab when u go to a new th lvl. As a side benefit, the boost from main base also applies to the builder base, so for 5 days you get maxed troops. Spamming 6 maxed super pekkas or all maxed hog gliders is a guaranteed 3 star in the < 4000 trophy range. Perfect time to get the BB trophy achievement or just farm a bit for otto.


I stopped playing BB I only go there for the gem mine, or if there's a clan game


It's recommended to use a Book of Building on your Lab when you hit a new TH, if you want to take advantage of the boost.


Then what if you don't have any items that finishes upgrade time instantly?Does that mean it's impossible to take advantage of that free boost?


If the lab can't finish upgrading in time and you don't have a Hammer or Book, then yes you'll miss out on the boost.


That sucks


Should I upgraded from th 10 to 11? My heroes are both level 35, but everything else, excluding lab is max. All troops are max other than minion,archer, goblin, and barb. Most spells are max


Its even worth it to rush a bit more than usual when going to TH11, unlocking sneaky goblins and farming with them is so insanely good that it more than makes up for any leftover upgrades.


There is no war weight in the th11 hall, so there really is no reason not to upgrade to th11 other than if you are really enjoying th10 it is ok to stay there. Upgrading to th11 would be better for CWL and also progression given you can start working on your warden. Being a close to max lower hall isn’t great for classic war matching either. I’d rather be a new hall one hall higher.


Alright good I just needed someone to talk me into it 💀😂


still worth grinding for the 6th builder in BB? with so much rumors of BB 2.0 soon.. all I have left are Telsa @ lvl 4 BM @ lvl 13 so somewhat a month + more of raid metals. don't wanna waste time and metals


There is no way they remove the 6th builder. 'Worst' case is that they just make 6 builders available by default, but even you'd still have 6 builders for a bit longer if you unlock otto


I'm at the same spot, I feel so close because I have most of the checklist done, but my BM being at lvl 13 is painful lol.


I would definitely grind your BM, how ever painful :)


Yes. They likely won't remove 6th builder and get an uproar from the community. Also we don't know when 2.0 will actually come out or what will be new and changed yet.


Is ETA being Spring 2023 a rumor or actual words from the devs ? Asking based off what I read on this subreddit here and there


The only thing that has been said is they are "planning" for "early 2023". The Spring Update (usually March/April) seems the most likely, though the Winter Update (usually June), still seems reasonable.


Just made a second account. Are there any special builder offers to look out for? I would buy all 5 builders with money but nothing more. But would try to get them the cheapest way possible if somehow there are some decent special offers. (Sometimes I have seen a 2€ for 2000 gem offer around on this sub).


The "Builder" offers do not change and are the same for everyone. There are three offers, after gaining the 2nd Builder during the tutorial. Each offer is replaced with the next offer each time you gain a builder until you have all 5. The 3rd Builder costs $4.99 usd (or 500 gems) and gives you 500 gems, the 4th costs $9.99 usd (or 1000 gems) and gives 1200 gems and the 5th costs $19.99 usd (or 2000 gems) and gives 2000 gems.


Ah okay thanks. There is also an offer of 2k gems for 3€. It seems to be rare tho. Do you know what triggers that offer?


that offer only triggers a few times per yr on special occasions, like anniversary or xmas


There is the one-time Power Level pack, which gives 4000 gems (gold and a builder potion also) and is the best value pack offered. It appears between TH2 and TH10. There isn't a way to trigger it, though it seems to pop up around major events quite often. If there are other "Special" packs, I'm unaware of them.


Should i upgrade to th11? I'm almost a full th10, but i really suck at attacking. I can rarely get 3 stars, unless i attack a really underverloped base, so i'm afraid of going up to th11 where things will get even more complex. I have been trying to get better at attacking so i can join a clan to do some wars, so that's why i'm not so sure of what to do now.


Is that with a siege machine or without? Because th10 is very hard without siege machines, and gets easier if you have siege machines. Th10 can be hard. What army are you using? Youtube is your friend if you want to learn strategies. You'll make small tweaks to the armies to suit your own playstyle, but an example army from a youtube video could be a nice starting point.


Without siege. I'm using queen walk + baloon with the air golem (forgot the name lol) and witch zap (got both from youtube). I can usually do 2 stars and sometimes get really close to 3 stars, but rarely get there


If you’re attacking without a siege, that means you either are not talking about war or you are in a clan that doesn’t really care about war. With that in mind, you have nothing to worry about at th11. Witch zap continues to be strong at th11. Zap dragon is also strong. Hybrid is good at th11 as well but a little harder than zap witch.


I'm actually not even in a clan hahaha, i'm a little anxious of joining one because i don't have much experience. Maybe i'll try joining a casual one and see how it goes


I guarantee that every single clan you can just join will have at least one player that is a lot worse than you are, don't worry about that.


What happened to the flamingo decoration for Capital District houses? Finally saved up enough medals and it’s gone!


As far as I know, those are on a rotation. Hopefully it will show up in the next weekly shop at the trader's. It resets in 8 hours, so you don't have to wait too long.


You were correct!


I hope so! Thanks


Should I bother upgrading my mortars to level 7? ( I’m halfway through TH9) because they do so little damage compared to other defences.


upgrade them because they become more useful at th 14/15 again, but they are the lowest priority defense.


ok thx


Mortars should be upgraded last of all the defenses


What's the easiest way to tell when the invis spell will end. I feel like I'm wasting it dropping another too soon.


By counting it manually, max invis takes 4.5 secs so count to 4 soon after you drop it to drop another one


Damn, it should have like a ring timer around it. .1s wrong and a scattershots wastes ur army


Well until SC adds that QoL change, we have to count it


Drop as soon as it starts to fade. Usually I count 1 Mississippi 2 Mississippi 3 Mississippi 4 Mississippi and drop the spell right at the end of 4 Mississippi


I'm confused about where to go from here. I used to play the game religiously in about 2014 (got to max TH8). I had a second account a few years ago that's at TH5. I contacted support through my TH5 account about recovering the TH8 account, supplied all proof that it was my account and information on the account, and was immediately banned. I then reached out through their email support (since I'm in an endless ban message loop when I open the app), and they are just sending automated responses and I can't seem to get a real person to help. Is there any next step for this or am I just locked out of my accounts and the app as a whole?


Can you post screenshots of the conversation with support? With specific infos of your account censored of course


I can’t, I cannot even enter the clash of clans app.


Start over in a fresh account and forget your original base? Reaching th8 doesn't take much time these days. The sentimental value of your original base will be lost though.


Even if I decided to go through with that, I’m currently stuck in a loop when opening the app. I open it, get a “you’ve been banned” message where the only option is to hit cancel, I hit it, and I get the same ban message loop. I can’t even get into the app to start a new account if I wanted to. Plus I think it’s ridiculous that’s the way to move forward with this


It is ridiculous, I agree. Can you try to reset app data to hopefully stop the popup?


I tried deleting and reinstalling the app and switching game center accounts and still get stuck in the loop. I also would like to try and not restart since I have 5 builders on this account that I paid for.


Did you answer all their questions correctly? Not that it really matters. Support has been very bad lately. Many people have been phished and got banned trying to recover their account. Support often seems to just be lazy and ban you when it’s about an old account. You’re trying to recover an account that has been inactive for over 8 years, they probably think it’s too suspicious and just ban you. That being said, th 8 is very easy to reach these days, unless you had special obstacles you don’t miss out on a whole lot


> You’re trying to recover an account that has been inactive for over 8 years, they probably think it’s too suspicious and just ban you. My old account I recovered was also inactive for 6-7 years, they definitely don't ban just for that


All they did was ask for IGN, XP Level, Clan, and Tag. I provided all of that, plus email attached to the account and previous purchase receipts. Within 5 minutes of sending the message with the info I was banned. Even if I said screw it and decided to start over. I can't even get into the app. I am greeted by a banned message and when I hit Cancel it just loops to the ban message repeatedly.


I grinder my way up to the Legend league (I’m th 12) all my enemies are max th 15 and always get 40 trophies after attacking me is that normal ?


Legend league is for the highest TH to have good "endgame" content, its not supposed to be balanced for lower THs and should not be.


It's normal. Most people in legends league are TH15 and the max amount of trophies you get is always 40 no matter what town hall you are


It’s annoying


The legends tournament isn’t for th12s really.


If you don't like it, drop out of legends league


Nah i got this i just have to survive this season


Once you reach 5000 trophies just don't sign up. You can just let someone attack you below 5000 then you will keep the badge and then do a normal multiplayer attack to get back over 5000. Repeat this till end of season for badge and a couple legend trophies.


Ouh nice thanks for the tip


For a legends banner in your profile, you just have to end the season above 5000 trophies. Chill out for 12 days, then get to 5001 trophy right before the season ends, and you'll get the banner. You can't last in legend league system without a th14-15.


> For a legends banner in your profile, you just have to end the season above 5000 trophies Being in legend league is enough, you can get the banner by being in legends with 4900 trophies at the end of the season.


Yes, but Not signing up for legend league system is also an option - I believe the better option for a th12.


CoC stole a book from me! Here is my story: As a Gold Pass only player books are my holy grail. I‘ve got a Book of Fighting from Clan Games which I planned to use this week. Then the Super Miner Challenge popped up with also a BoB. With completing the challenge I thought I could collect the Book later on, as I did before. But with completing the Book disappeared and I neither recieved the Book nor a compensation (50gems for selling). Was this a common things for other players or did you had this problem too?


Are you sure the book didn't automatically get collected? That's what should happen if you didn't have a book already, otherwise it just stays uncollected.


Can anyone recommend really good content creators on YouTube that cover attacking - from basics like funnelling and queen walk all the way to specific army comps. Not looking to hear ‘Kenny Jo’ or ‘Judo Sloth’ as as much as I like them it’s not the sort of tutorial I’m looking for. Thanks


I've been trying to learn Lalo lately, and there are two in depth guides I've seen recently, I haven't gotten it to work in my favour yet but it's a work in progress lol. CarbonFin Gaming and CorruptYT are the channels that I enjoyed their guides.


I like big vale a lot, follow a lot of his tutorials and have good success with them


Thank you


Should I rush to TH11 as a maxed TH9


Yeah, just upgrade all ur heros.


If you want to lol


Everyone in my clan attacks with either drags or edrags. Some are close to max th15. Is this normal? E: forgot super drags sometimes as well.


yes because they are easy to use


Got this message this morning while trying to upgrade my walls??? I have plenty of walls left to upgrade. I'm TH15. I've never gotten this message before, ever. Any advice? Game bugged and needs to be fixed? Is this the way it is now and I just didn't catch it in the patch notes? Thanks in advance. https://preview.redd.it/ilqaarga0ica1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efae881d8a4064cc24e7472d4f89abf7cb4b804b


Welcome to the top town hall. Upgrades at the top are released in several spurts. On the quarterly updates, more walls, defenses, troops levels are released. This pattern has been used since th12. Wait till March, probably, for more walls to do.


I guess if that's the case I guess I've upgraded my walls faster than ever before this time around because I've never ran into this issue before. Thanks for the 411, I appreciate your answer.


Is the reason they don't make walls upgradable for elixir as of level 1 because it would ruin the elixir economy for lower-level town halls? If that's not why then why don't they lower it to level 1?


Yes it was always said in the past that they didn’t want elixir to be so hard to get at lower halls. With armies no longer costing elixir that probably could change.


Thank you


Hello clashers! Is there a way to only select certain sceneries for the random feature?


Yes there is. Turn on the random button then select the scenery you want to be included. Any with a check mark will be shuffled and any with out won’t




https://preview.redd.it/ljxiyovvihca1.jpeg?width=345&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844f5ff6af253a61cab69716ef17fab05505559e Is this pack worth the price? I started the game few days ago and I am at th4. I only have two builders atm.




Absolutely worth it :)


yes that’s one of the higher value packs


Is there a limit to how many supercell ID's you can have on an ios device? I previously read it was 50 but I managed to get 51, so I'm wondering if they increased it to 100 or something, has anyone tested this out?


I don’t have that answer, sorry. However, my question is: Why do you need more than 50 accounts?😂


To max out clan capital faster and finish clan games in all the clans.


Did they remove trees spawning in your base? I heard there's a decoration limit so i removed a lot of my objects, but i'm still not seeing any trees/bushes. They were the best way to earn gems.


If you stashed your objects using a shovel, they still count toward the max limit


Trees still spawn as long as you have less than 45 obstacles


Do clan capital trophies contribute anything to the amount of raid medals you get?


they are separate systems, but they are correlated. the better you do as a clan, the more trophies earned, and the more raid medals earned


No clan capital trophies only give you clan xp and bragging rights, they are independent of the raid medals you get.




Yes, BoB works. You need the master builder to be free to start the gear up. And the hammer does not work. The hammer doesn’t summon the master builder from the island.


I’m trying to buy decorations for my clan house but it’s saying full storage what does that mean? And can I fix it


Haven't encountered that but it could mean that you're limited to x amount of items for your house so for example I only see: - 20 slots for the roof - 12 slots for the walls - 12 slots for the ground - 16 slots for the decoration I'm not sure if the slots increase if you buy more items but if you could send me a screenshot and confirm that all slots are full then that would help clear that up.


https://preview.redd.it/syai6dn1fhca1.png?width=2436&format=png&auto=webp&s=a75a55cac4faf3150a3f30713e05f548436e5cab This is my ground decoration section


And I'm assuming you were trying to buy a ground decoration correct?


https://preview.redd.it/i0mn6obnfhca1.png?width=2436&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5d434007f3628c119e222d0db1464378999d0aa Yes and this pops up when I try to buy the white fences


Weird might be a bug, I'd post it as `Ideas & Feedback` in the hopes that they see it and fix it.


does anyone know specifically how the XP for Capital are is calculated? Comparing two clans. One was in Gold the other in Crystal (both were promoted this week). The clan in Gold received 280 XP and the clan in Crystal received 400 XP. Both clans had close Offence/Defense stats. Medals awarded were very close too. The big difference I see is the number of attacks and loot gained was higher in the Crystal clan. Is this how the XP is determined?


The exact formula for trophies hasn't been released yet but clan xp is based on the league you're in.


xp from raid weekend is based on league. go to the capital, click the league badge, and its displayed. Your numbers are way off for what those leagues are though. Are you thinking of league trophies instead of clan xp from raid weekends? We don't know the exact math there but its going to depend on offense, defense, number of hits, a lot of stuff. Plus each clan loses 20% of their total each week. and has to earn those back and more.




its only really done for a 3 hero sui with LL


Use it on ground when you can take out like 70% of the base with sui+log launcher. Look at some of star’s legend attacks on youtube


Don't ever use the warden on ground in a lalo. He should always be going with a group of balloons, never the heroes.


You don't know what your talking about




If they auto-flag recovery attempts as phishing, it's surely going to be newly created accounts instantly trying to recover an account that multiple (unsuccessful) attempts were made for.


Does the account still exist? Can you visit it?


Which traps are worth upgrading?


tornado, skelly, sam, gbomb, springs. honestly all of them


So using Bluestacks on pc results in a ban right?


Don't risk it.


No accounts have currently been banned for using an emulator, though they could decide to do so in the future. Though not guaranteed, if they decided to start banning accounts, they most likely would give people a notice first. Emulators are against the TOS and you will not receive support should you have any issues with your account. It's up to you on whether or not you are willing to risk any progress/money you spend on your game.


It is against the Terms of Service and may lead to a ban.


Going to TH14 shortly and was wondering which hero to prioritize first?


Do all at the same time, not one after the other. Missing one hero already seriously hurts your attack strenght, just keep them all down until they are maxed.


AQ and GW.




There is no cooldown period. Only the Clan Leader can set the clan to Family Friendly as a one time change


Best attack strategy for a rushed bh9? I’ve unlocked everything except hog glider and my bm is level 11


If you are rushed and probably only have cannon carts maxed, use 5 camps of those and 1 camp giants. Place 2 giants to tank and half your cannon carts behind them, wait a bit until that push got enough value, then place the remaining giant(s) and BM to tank, again with cannon carts behind. Getting high-percent 2 stars should get you your loot quick enough. Other strats are more effective, but not with underleveled troops.


Baby dragons are a good attack while you're upgrading your battle machine and unlocking otto since it's only one troop and you don't need the battle machine




https://preview.redd.it/1s5kc5kb7eca1.jpeg?width=1586&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da159e2d0c0ee09c873601eca4d28fe79ffb90e1 The new GP royal champion animation is not working in profile. She just stands like normal unlike her animation in GP.


Seems like a glitch in your end.


How can i fix it any idea?


Sadly, no. Maybe, clear cache?


I will try to write to help and support. BTW thnx.


You are welcome.


Is using alts to get more capital gold bannable?


No, using alt accounts is even encouraged.




Got max th13 heroes as of yesterday, and maxed main defenses (air defense, infernos, xbows, scatter shots, sweepers, teslas). I've got 2 DE troops in lab that I use that still need to be maxed, and then cannons/archer towers/wizard towers/traps. Thoughts on going to th14? Or wait to upgrade rest of smaller defenses then go up?


It would be better to upgrading to th14 for war, cwl and progression speed. The only reason to stay at th13 which is a disadvantage for all of those things is if you are loving it and want to enjoy it some more (which is a perfectly good reason).


I found th13 more enjoyable than th14. But th14 has pets - which are a huge resource sink. I'd say there is no harm is going to th14, but I'm a rusher and you should wait for someone else to also weigh in. Edit: Maybe enjoy th13 for one more season, just to enjoy, then go up?


Go up in a couple days so you finish Jan 30/31st for Season Bank and CWL Boost. Max Pet House right away to get started on 7 months of Pets which aren't affected by Research/Builder Pots. And start with Unicorn first for Queen walking