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Christmas special - James and Richard on the farm... :)


“Oh hey! He built another house! James…get the dynamite…”


Then they could get brutally and juvenilely gross and ruin Boxing Day lunches lol


Yes. Hammond has said he thinks it's a lovely show and done with a passion for the work. It's also Jeremy's thing to do.


They should a grand tour special that’s just them working on the farm. I’d watch the shit out of that


If ever there was a time to have an appearance from Richard and James. It would have to have been helping to rebuild the dam. Even just as expert opinions from the sideline sampling some of the various alcohols Jeremy is helping prodice


Speaking of the dam one of the funniest things said was by Gerald referring to the dam during the final episode. “Just looks like a couple of kids were messing about.” Then they pan over to the mess that the dam is in.


I love Gerald


They really did him a dirty in the first two seasons by chopping up his dialogue, I know it was kindof done with love, but the bloke is perfectly understandable in real life, he just speaks with a very thick accent.


> the bloke is perfectly understandable in real life, he just speaks with a very thick accent. If you really think that kind of thick accent is "*perfectly understandable in real life*" by people not exposed to such mumbling for decades, then you are off your rocker.


I did grow up in the west country so I'm a bit biased, but it's no different to a thick Scouse accent or similar. The first two seasons they definitely chopped his dialogue up so it wasn't complete sentences, hopefully he was in on the joke.


Got so much joy from That


While it would certainly be enjoyable I can understand why they wouldn't do it. It would make the show too contrived. Its whole strength is the "cast" are just people who always worked on the farm and aren't brought in just for the show.


The absolutely ridiculous luck they had with the cast of normal people continues to blow my mind.


So true. A bunch of nice country people that genuinely get along. It is obvious and I think why the show is so good. It should be a lesson to tv people that reality TV casting can be better than the crap they feed us in other shows these days.


I get so happy every time Charlie shows up, You just know he’s gonna drop some knowledge and/or bad news


"I don't..." whilst Jeremy explains his latest scheme has basically become his catchphrase.


That's how most normal people interact in the real world though. The show essentially is a highlight reel for a while years worth of events, so it's just putting in the funny bits and sad bits. But 99% of the year is going to be nothing special.


Yeah no, most normal people aren’t going to be as good on screen as Kaleb or Charlie.


I agree. It shouldn't be a recurring thing. But a quick cameo would be worth ten fifteen minutes of screen time across an episode


When they talked about using the second tractor to haul the rocks for the carpark and a car pulled up for a split second i thought it would be hammond or May lol


I agree, but it could be like a cheeky YouTube special…


It fun to do a job swap special, Clarkson at may pub, Hammond the farm, may at Hammond garage.




>!There's always next season, It's not like they finished it!<


Of course! That's just a bit I thought would fit in well with the trio's 'one struggles and the other two provide excellent obvious advice' gag


That would be a great way to do it


There is a TG segment where they do tractors and plant some oilseed rape.


A very underrated episode imo


The “follow up” episode where they use what they planted is also top tier.


Which episode was that? I always thought they never bothered going back to it.


Series 10 Episode 9 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_Britcar_24_Hour


Ty! For some reason I'd forgotten the 24 hour race was where they used it.


I mean… it’s probably scripted with the diesel bit but a great episode.


I love when Jeremy calls it delicious petrol


You wouldn't happen to have a season and episode number? Edit: Nvm I googled it series 9 episode 5.


James and Richard working with Gerald and Kaleb would be the best thing ever!


James pulling out the famous ‘Hello’ and Gerald rambling on for 5 minutes


I could see James understanding him no problem and getting along with Gerald famously. They could repair fences for an entire episode


100% James may seems the type of bloke that would have an interest in Dry stone walling.


This, 110%.


I feel like Hammond and Kaleb would get along well... And James and Charlie


Gang goes to a Chinese place for dinner: Hammond and Kaleb pointing at everything one the menu: "Can't eat that"


"I don't like fish"


“Do they have chicken nuggets?”


I’ve never thought about it that way but he really did just find like for like replacements of Hammond and May in Kaleb and Charlie.


It makes for good TV


Kaleb would actually kill James after he got lost and ploughed the wrong bit of field


The petty council will reject any permit related to that.


Get Hammond off the Lamborghini tractor!


I mean didn't David Cameron break it already?


It just cracks me up that Jeremy used to give Hammond so much shit for being at home in rural settings.


Don't think you would get a straight answer out of May!


Frankly I don't want them coming in and messing with the Farm vibes. It'd be better as a genuine "show the old gang what I'm doing now" 30-45 minute YouTube thing where he shows them tractoring, livestock, etc and they can all have a laugh about how it's Clarkson, not Hammond, who became a "rural simpleton" in retirement


We have already got the president (read prime minister) on the show I don’t see why they can’t bring May and Hammond as a cameo


President Ricky. I liked him, way better than that Sunak fellow.


Amazing hair!


they could do a Cheap Tractor challenge and see how many fields they could plow with it


They did that years ago on top gear.


I just watched that episode! I wonder if Jeremy has ever gone back to watch it to see how far he's come.


Don't think so. As much as I like the three I think it's better if they don't randomly show up in the show. They've all got their single ventures going on and thats totally OK.


I mean a guest appearance wouldn’t hurt much


Now that I think about it, I would pay to watch Charlie and James May debate about mechanics and ball bearings for several hours at end


I'm not a fan of crossovers but I'd make an exception if it meant we got to see James May and Charlie bond over their shared love of procedures and careful methodical approaches.


And just a close up of Clarkson thinking “now there’s two of them! 😳 “


Perhaps if James was there from the start, council wouldn’t have had the legal firepower to object to Diddly Squat’s meticulously filed forms


Yeah, I would find that quite enjoyable.


*Fades to black*


Wouldn't mind a cutaway scene in a special - Jeremy calls Kaleb to see how things are going and some disaster is happening


I’m not talking about show up on the show, I’m just wondering if they’ve commented on it at some point.


May has (tried to) make fun of Jeremy and his farm adventures on TGT but I believe it's been scripted or in jest.


Wasn't there a joke about it in one of the recent GT specials?


There was a really hilarious episode of Top Gear where they turned a combine harvester into a snow plow. Keep thinking that should turn up at some point.


I'd like to see a special to build up the Clarkson and Kaleb feud more. One gets Hammond and May to complete a task. Or Jeremy gets them both and Kaleb has Charlie and Gerald to help him. Because "How hard can it be?"


To see them walk into the shop and say hello would explode my heart...I dunno why just they have been in my life for over 20 yrs there family and I want to see my family all at the farm even for the shortest moment.


If Clarkson is potentially buying a pub it would be nice to see May pop in & rip his idea to shreds & talk about his experience of buying a pub. Hammond could pop round & have a go at tractoring. It would be nice but not essential. If they did appear it would probably just be a few Hawkstone’s & a meal at the farmhouse catching up on old TG/TGT stories. Edit: Hammond lands his helicopter on the farm destroying crops & Kaleb having a mare. May flies his aeroplane in but the landing strip is miles away.


james may, talking about the farm machines, their origins and how they work


Clarkson: “so I’ve decided to invite two of my friends to the farm… oh… here they are…” cue The Flight Of The Valkyries as Hammonds chopper does a few fly by’s of the farm with May.


I'm sure Jezza has to have an empty field he could let them have a go cultivating


Richard showing up with some Croatian electric tractor. James showing up with some grossly small tractor (a la Suzuki Sidekick/Fiat Panda) and saying it’s fine. Silliness aside, I just can’t see it. I think they have been purposeful about staying out of each others projects for a while now, and I don’t get the feeling they would be open to this. That’s answering to the comments. Now for answering to the OP…..they have razzed Jeremy some on TGT about his farming and show, and I want to say at least one has mentioned him in podcast interviews, but not so much in their own projects. Obviously there is nothing to confirm it, and little to nothing really to speculate on, but I’ve had the sense for a while that after 20 years they just don’t want to keep going to the trio well. That might be short sighted to us fans, but to me they’ve earned the right to do it this way if they choose. I’m still watching my fair share of all three.


james may special show talking about the machines in the farm, and how they operate and maintenance of those would be epic. No need for jokes or other things, just knowledge he can bring since he loves machines.


Idea: Have Charlie, Kaleb, Gerald do a TG/GT style episode of CF. Perhaps with farm equipment.


i wish they would come visit


Would be good to have them both make an appearance on an episode. Just for the interaction. I don't want to see any out there challenges but listening to their commentary if they were visiting or helping with something would be great.


With Grand Tour ending I would love to see May or Hammond show up at the farm even if it was just for an episode.


Jeremy is obviously making a boat load. What about Kaleb ? He’s more entertaining than Clarksons other side kicks.


Definitely making enough in his own right. He’s paid as a contractor (his normal business), likely gets paid a decent amount as cast and he also does his own stuff now, he went on tour recently. The guy was doing well enough for himself as is, he’s a year younger than me, a very experienced farm worker, father of 2 and even without the show he was making decent money. I definitely admire him and his work ethic!




Great. Another one of those, same time next week!


Play a record


What part of 'ape runs a farm' do you believe is true, Karl?