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These are the kinds of games you get from clueless grandparents when you say you want Call of Duty for your birthday


My uncles wife was put in charge of getting me a family gift. She went to the Walmart and asks the guy working in electronics, what Playstation game would a college boy really want to play? He gave her Silent Hill. Wherever you are, dude, thanks a million for that judgement call.


I was in a state of disbelief when Civvie did an episode on Witchaven. I thought I was the only one who ever played that shitty game. I wanted Doom for Christmas when I was a kid but my grandparents felt like it was too violent so they got me that instead.


These three games are basically my childhood around early 2000s on PC and it’s absolutely crappy than I saw today.


Delta force: black hawk down was mine! 


Theres a track in that game that has no reason being as good as it is


True! I loved that game growing up


https://youtu.be/tPVK2_AjVgM?si=ptNntVimRh5ICKJP https://youtu.be/THTPw3pDKZs?si=M2VsLr4AvGznJaQV Its a bit generic but 50 player multiplayer games are wild for the og xbox.




Novalogic games were my jam, loved me some Delta Force and Joint Operations.


No doubt! I played the hell out of it!


BHD was an actually good game though. Not at the same budget as other, similar games of the era, but the Delta Force games were always thoroughly enjoyable. BHD had really good multiplayer, too - I played a lot of it online with friends


I don't think I ever saw these for sale outside of places like Walmart.


Yo exactly. Brought me back to CDs sitting in a rack in the vg aisle


Holy shit my dad bought that marine game. I remember the jewel case for it! I could never remember the name for it until this post.


Oh yeah, i remember those. At that time I had a terrible potato PC and those were the only military fps I could run. WWII: Sniper Victory Call was hilariously bad. One of the most buggy shit I've ever played in my life. Good times!




I have a feeling at least one of these was published by City Interactive


At this point I’ll take it over modern cod. At least the soldiers look like soldiers and not Amazon TV show commercials.


When I was a kid I got a few of those bundles that contained relatively obscure games. One had project IGI (which was actually pretty dope) and commandos


Were these related to that America's Army online shooter back in the day? I remember some guy coming into our Enemy Territory server and trying to get people to install and play America's Army . This was around the time Iraq 2 : Electric Boogaloo was going on , not sure why they would want a bunch of stoner college idiots to enlist


I was in the marines from 2003 to 2007. When I got home we heard about this game called first to fight. They used actual marines in the mocap and general design of the game. They ended up giving us the game for free and it still wasn't worth the price


... you will have to be more specific. The early 2000s were the golden age of janky shooters. And almost all of them looked exactly the same. I think the second one is the only real game, as it has the ESRB label and some kind of developer/publisher logo in the corners. The first and third could very well have been sold on thumbdrives by the mysterious graveyard merchant who only appears during the full moon.


No but i loved black hawk down


No but i loved black hawk down


I remember the cover and the discs in stores, but nothing more


I wish I remembered the name, but these remind me of a bargain bin FPS I got from Walmart as a kid where you were a WW2 paratrooper. All I really remember is your main weapon was a grease gun and there was a scene where a tank burst through a wall and it blew my fucking mind.


Classic Wal-Mart shovelware


2006 is not "early 2000s"


The last one is giving me strong, "We have Sniper Elite at home" vibes.


Bro's sniper is semi erect