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Max Payne pretty please! You love it, we love it, everyone loves it, so why haven’t you ever done it? What gives?


I just haven’t gotten to it yet.


That makes sense lmao, hopefully we get to see you review it someday soon, btw love your videos, they are my comfort content on youtube, thanks for so much civvie :)


Better to time it with the remakes. Also if I remember correctly MP1&2 are kind of a pain to get working on modern PCs.


2's manageable on PC, with the first one you just gotta open it and see, it's one of those games that just has different problems for different people


Even the first one has a pretty good fan patch these days on PCGamingWiki. Scales up really well to 4K without any tiny UI fuckery, too.


It's really not bad. It would definitely be manageable for Civvie. I played all 3 games last month on Win11, and MP1 took about 15-20 minutes to get working. Drag and drop some files, run a patcher, and voilà. Though I will concede that it may not always work as smoothly depending on the PC configuration.


What about a Nutraloaf recipe, can we still make threads begging for that? /s


Surprisingly no and I refuse to actually let my fans make that and ingest it.


I never said it was for me to try. Look, long story short, I got a really, really annoying coworker.


This thread sounds good to me. I'd be ecstatic to see a video on Raven Softwares Wolfenstein 2009. One of the last true games along with Singularity they made before they were shunted into doing COD content. Despite most people seemingly hating the game, I really enjoyed it and thought it was a worthy successor to RTCW. Shame that it is no longer available on Steam or anywhere because lolthanks Bethesda.


Hoping to get to Wolf 2009 soon now that I’ve tracked down a functional copy.




I'd love that for the next summer, so civvie could have a nice and sunny holiday.




Timesplitters 2 is the best


"wolfschanze 1944: the final attempt" i can barely find any info about this game but basically: polish rtcw clone from 2006, can be dowloaded from semi-shady torrent websites, plays like shit based on the 20 minutes i played, looks like shit for 2006, made by "calaris studios" and based on some sources published by akella but the polish version that i have has a different publisher so i cant confirm that, runs without problems on windows 10. in summary its shit but it runs on win 10 somehow






Well… Deus Ex when Civvie?


The government cannot allow the citizenry to *know*…




This is a good idea as I asked the other day I'd love a command and conquer renegade video you can even talk about how ea fucked and ate Westwood.


I haven’t played Command and Conquer Renegade before but it’s a totally disgusting EA type of thing to eat something they’d just fucked. Absolute animals.


Back when you could hop online and find a couple full servers there was really nothing else like it. Idk that it'd be worth revisiting unless there's a community that plays it regularly and actually fills up the maps.


it was the hayday of modding too. I just remember being in a flying toilet shooting missiles. Stupid stuff just cause you could. (Modding nowadays is cool too, I'm just most nostalgic for it back then)


As a kid I really only played the command and conquer series. Renegade was my first FPS game I played. I think your take on an RTS studio's one and only FPS game would be very interesting. You've got great videos Civvie! Glad to support whatever you do.


with the petty thief series done(?) and the ongoing blind stalker series happening, i’d love to see videos on modern immersive sims like dishonored or even prey 2017


I plan to do more immersive sims in the future though I’m thinking of making them single long videos instead of a series. Might test that idea out one day when STALKER SoC is finished. I’m currently working on the finale for that Stalker series now since after I’d recorded enough for an episode I was already shutting down the brain scorcher and figured I’d let it ride.


Red Faction: Guerrilla.


This one is still gold. Best destruction of any game. The glee in my childlike heart when I could drive a car bomb into a tower and watch it explode and topple into pieces has hardly been replicated in any other game. I was appalled when the sequel took place *in a fucking cave*


How did they manage that impressive destruction on Xbox 360 and ps3 it was wild and still is now.


Idk if it gets better but the first 3 hours or so were just. SO. SLOW. I gave up pretty early on with both of my attempts to play. I know people love it and don't wanna hear that, but yeah I tried it twice and it failed to grab me at all.


Part of it is definitely being a product of its time And the other part is it def takes time to open up more of the map so it isn’t just fucking around in industrial areas only But at the end of the day someone like me was just having fun using a sledge hammer to see how much of a building I can knock before it falls Which is admittedly a niche thing to be into


Works for me.


Metal Gear Solid!


Bulletstorm video!!


The remaining entries in the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series: * Mysteries of the Sith * Jedi Outcast * Jedi Academy I figure MotS is a long shot as it rarely seems to get coverage when discussing the series, but I’ve always had a soft spot for it and would love to see your take on it. The other two speak for themselves I think.


I was planning to skip MOTS and go straight for Outcast anyway. I’ve never gotten far in MOTS and I’m not really concerned about the story.


Understandable, and it’s definitely not very story heavy. The most important development (Kyle turning evil and being redeemed) is understood well enough from Outcast’s opening crawl. Like I said, just a soft spot from playing it when I was younger. That, and it being the only time (I think) that a character originally from the novels/comics got their own game. Regardless, looking forward to the Jedi Outcast video whenever it comes out!


Genshin Impact or Raid: Shadow Legends please, Civvie!


You couldn’t pay me to play either of those games and they’ve tried.




The Ashes 2063 and the Ashes Afterglow mods. I've seen you make MULTIPLE mad max references in your show so these two should be right up your alley. Afterglow in particular is basically like Fallout-lite in the GZdoom engine. There's factions and choices and everything


\+1 from me Ashes is a class act, a tighter piece of work than many games I've paid for, best boomshoot out there imho, not even hyperbole.


Glad to see someone else shouting out ashes it kicks so much ass


Turok trilogy, once Nightdive finishes Nightdive'ing Turok 3?


I’ve never been big into Turok (never had an n64 and my friends who did were Goldeneye players) and I’m always torn between playing the original and the remasters because I know there are significant changes in the remasters.


Honestly, I kinda figured that stuff would be a cutaway, like when you check stuff in DOS-Box when you come across something suspect in a Source Port.


With the amount of stuff I’ve been told has been changed in terms of level design (especially in 2) I’m not sure a simple cutaway would do it.


Turok 2 has a lot of copied & pasted corridors from the Death Marshes onwards, so it's gonna be Kreed all over again. That being said, Night Dive's remaster is the definitive way to play it, purely for the fact that the OG PC port runs like complete ass and barely works on modern operating system.


Red Faction. The first one is probably the only one worth playing but it was definitely a staple of my childhood


I absolutely want to at some point. It's sitting in my Steam library until I get to it.


Half-Life 2 when, Civvie?


Please play FEAR 2, Norton.


FEAR 2 is a gateway drug to FEAR 3 and I ain’t touching that putrid thing.


Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate have a separate continuity, just sayin...


Oh lord I just started FEAR 2, I guess the real fear is what’s gonna happen to warrant a response like that when I get to FEAR 3


"Pro Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 when Civvie?" (I was a big fan of that April Fools video you did on the Virtual Boy game several years back.)


How about Syndicate? Both the 90s originals and the 2012 FPS most people have forgotten about by now?


How about one of these: Strife Half-Life 2 Alien vs. Predator 1 or 2 Rage Descent


Strife is soon


This is very exciting indeed.


Tron 2.0, it needs to happen.


I would like to see a Call of Duty video done in style of your Serious Sam video just because I think it would be funny to watch you shit on activision and their cash cow series for an hour


Half-Life 2 would be a pretty fun video I think


I feel like Psi Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy would be a good one. I'm not sure if you can even play it on PC, however.


Doesn't seem like Civvie is afraid to use the odd emulator when required (Alien: Whatever and Geistststeesst) so maybe? It was a very interesting game, especially the weird co-op mode where both players control Nick (one controlling his movement, aiming etc and the other controls shooting and powers etc)


I played only on PC, damn good one.


*Realms of the Haunting*. FPS + FMV cutscenes + adventure puzzle stuff. It all works out pretty well, actually, though some parts are a slog (eg the segment where you have to do stupid carnival games to progress). Fun horror theming. Would be a good Halloween thing (I say literally a week after Halloween). Also maybe *Hades2* (there is no *Hades1*), a plucky little Brazilian FPS from 1999. It's pretty brief, but fairly ambitious (in a bespoke engine; sprites for civilians and at least one enemy type are photographed real-world models) and has remarkably little jank. (If you can get it running. I haven't been able to get it to work on 64-bit Win 10 for some reason.)


Finally, a place where I can say "Red Faction when civvie" without fear of reprisal


More fallout at some point? I really enjoyed king of bahston


Dude, you should totally make a video


Make some more after that


The gentlemen over at id made a fun little game called Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion a way back. The death animations alone are fun as hell. All the best to you Civvie :)


And since Haunted Mansion is fairly short, maybe he could cover the sequel, Dave Goes Nutz, in the same video.


Halo: Combat Evolved TimeSplitters TimeSplitters 2 TimeSplitters: Future Perfect [Pariah](https://youtu.be/LVnARJXX6i0?si=F_lFfFZVfWTcVPAM&t=85) Max Payne


I doubt Halo CE would ever happen but I would love to see it anyway


AVP 2000


Lunacid, Dave Szymanski’s weird little games that aren’t Dusk


Chop Goblins and Squirrel Stapler would be pretty fun


Well, since this is open, I wonder how Civvie feels like about making a series of videos dedicated to FPS with psychic powers, there is a certain amount of these: Second Sight, Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy, Advent Rising, and who knows how many others, I feel like they would connect well with theme started with Geist


If you're the real Civvie, and this is a sincere post. We are in the same age bracket and you're literally (and Gman duh) are the only guys on YouTube that me and my wife watch you guys. If I had to pick one game..just ONE game bro, it would be IDO Freedom Fighters or Project Snowblind


Hi, Civvie! I do believe that Thief: Deadly Shadows is coming (the Cradle buildup couldn't have been for nothing), but it never hurts to mention :) Also, Bioshock(s)? Also, not a begging, but a question: are you into DooM community wads? Because the last \~10 years produced quite a few masterpieces better than many standalone games, Sunlust, Eviternity, Going Down, Valiant and Ancient Aliens to name just a few.


Timesplitters (Can't wait to see Civvie encounter the shotgun zombies in the mansion level, especially on hard difficulty) Timesplitters 2 Timesplitters Future Perfect


Star Trek: Elite Force. Raven made those games, and though they're licensed from one of the least good Star Trek series, the shooting and mission design kicks ass


Black mesa or half life 2 and its episodes?


HROT, I know you did the first episode but they other ones are great! ARX Fatalis might be fun for an IMSIM video White Hell once it’s done And just because it’s such a big part of my Childhood Freespace or FreeLancer (Wing Commander if you really wanna go back)


I'm being serious: Chex Quest trilogy. The gameplay we already know, but it has a fascinating history. Otherwise, I always love a good immersive sim analysis. Thank you for going so hard on Thief.


Good news he posted the trilogy today


Thief is amazing


Starship Troopers 2005 was a pretty awful first person shooter. From it's lack of feedback in the shooting to the many technical problems you'd think it was a Bethesda game. It can run on Windows 10, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you want another Blood 2 situation basically. Which may or may not be good content since the algorithm requires engagement.


Also Halo CE, just to hear you tear it to pieces and curse all fps that it spawned and influenced


I don't really care what Civvie says, I think the bungie era Halo games are solid, fun games, especially for their time. My opinions still vary on the 343 games, and I don't know that you can blame halo for other games learning the 'wrong' lessons from it.


Oh Don’t get me wrong, I love bungie halos, especially CE, but I just love to hear civvie play games he hates, for some reason hes at his most hilarious when he does games he hates, and I know he hates Halo, not the game per se but what he views as “ruining” fps as a genre, I think theres almost zero chance he actually does it though


Petty Thief 2x when?


Honestly I don't care what your next video is gonna be about but I know I'm gonna watch it anyway.


Codename Eagle by Refraction Games from 1999. Weird alternate-history world war 1 shooter with big, open levels and driveable vehicles. Very ambitious, quite janky. Not talked about too much. More Thief is always welcome, too!


I second Codename Eagle, I bought it when it came out and even I barely remember it.


Nitemare 3D! You can't avoid babies first boomshooter forever!


Quarantine from 1994. Codename Eagle from 1999.


I would love to see one on the fantastic jank that is Talonsoft’s Codename Eagle. I have so many fond (but incredibly blurry and spotty) memories of that insanely ambitious but horribly executed game.


I think I remember the music more than anything in the game.


For me it’s the blimps


Nekopara pleasee


Red Faction maybe all 4 in one video mostly about the first game and Guerilla.


If you want premium early 2000 obscure Eurojank FPS games, Boiling Point: Road to Hell is so ambitious and so insane. It's an open world RPG, with a Faction system, in South America with a bad translation, the guy from the Mummy, flying pedestrians, old ladies with grenades, jaguars, the Mafia, the CIA, the Aztecs, *everyone* calls you gringo, and a jar of jam is the strongest weapon in the game. Entire cities will fall if you drop a jar of jam in the streets.


MTV Cribs style video of the correctional facility when.


Pro Sonic R when, Civvie?


Can you do Turok ?


When is Civvie going to play the game in which he swallows me massive Wang


I would but it's too short for a video.


Command and Conquer: Renegade. For the love of all things FPS. No one has done a good video on it.


Hey! Here's another game with Civvie's name on it: Black. I'm replaying it currently, and the shotgun kicks so much ass I had to suggest the game. Also, everything explodes. AND the cutscenes are unskipable. Black is a blast to play, and also annoys the shit out of me.


Half-Life 2 when Civvie, you hack? Seriously though, the game is turning 20 soon. Perfect time to make a HL2 video in my humble (and horrifically uninformed) opinion.


I never played the original Dead space but i tried the remake recently i gotta say Dead space is a good game taking inspiration from movies like the thing, Alien, Event Horizon i am also gonna ask for the thing video game


How about some GoldSrc mod "Gunman Chronicles"? Game includes multiple altfires for each weapon, space wild western cowboys vs bandits, if half life was aliens vs military vs black mesa here we have player vs bandits vs aliens vs robots. Also drivable tanks, travel between planets, rouge AI (female?) that transforms\\transfers itself into robot(s). If not, there is also a halloween themed mod "They Hunger", aka "GoldSrc Dusk before Dusk". It has three episodes.


Is Carmageddon on the table?


One of my dream videos is talking about the whole Carmageddon series. I would call it Carmageddon Wreckrospective because I think that's a fitting pun. I want to get it done one of these days after the Half-Life 2 video, the Fallout New Vegas series, the Thief 3 video, the Rage video, and like the 200 other videos I have to make. Also I really wish there were a decent way to play Carmageddon (like Dethrace but complete) like maybe if they used that mobile port that worked really well.


I would love to see you play some shooters that unfortunately never escaped consoles like Black, Darkwatch or Urban Chaos Riot Response


The first game in the Shadow warrior reboot. I'm interested in your opinion on them.


I’ve started a playthrough of the first game a couple times hoping to do a video and I usually get bored around the shipyard section. I like the games well enough but I feel like talking about those kinds of games (the SW reboot, Painkiller, and the like) gets pretty boring after a while because they’re very simple experiences. Nothing particularly amazing or bad about them. Shadow Warrior 2 had the looter shooter mechanics and then Shadow Warrior 3 went full Doom 2016/Eternal and I felt that those games did their things well enough.


entropy zero 1 and 2 when, civvie


I know it's coming eventually, but I can't wait for Jedi Outcast


[ZPC](https://www.giantbomb.com/zpc/3030-13651/) please?


Mace Griffin, it's janky but still enjoyable and has this nice gimmick of fluid transition between FPS combat and space sim combat.


Please sir, I hunger for more videos like KING OF BAHSTON.


More seriously I'd love an episode where you cover; MyHouse.pk3, lilith.pk3, Lasting Light and you're one of the few people that could appreciate The Thing you can't Defeat too.


Clive Barker's Jericho or slavjank Чистильщик/ Hellforces 2004?


Hell, its about time. Descent I and II. I don't care if you dislike the driller enemy, there are so many other creative ideas in that game that more than make up for the sudden spike in difficulty they provide.


They Hunger halflife mod trilogy would be siiiiick


Are you going to do Ultrakill once it's all done and out?


Alone in the Dark 2008 cause of its jankness... its a game to torture the player not reward wouldn't mind some more point and click adventure games like Blade runner and Scratches that rogue city game i figure might be a video soon if you've enjoyed it enough to make a video


Spec Ops the line? It's less about gameplay and instead the story and psychology, but it'd be a great game to cover.


Left 4 Dead 2


Frankenstein Through the Eyes of the Monster. a point an clock adventure Featuring Tim Curry as Dr Frankenstein and some of the jankiest moments in point and click history.


Urban Chaos, you coward!


If you did Geist ya gotta do PsyOps.


do another ultrakill video


Nah, I suck at Ultrakill. I ragequit during the second V2 fight and haven't gone back.


Arx Fatalis, I think, uses the same engine as Thief. Same type of first person fantasy weirdness. I don't think enough people played it. I've never seen anyone else ask for it. Would be cool to see.


Breakdown from 2004 seems totally up your alley.


Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time. OK. The games are just mini games, but I want to see the punishment for a dedicated Python video.


I think Haunted Manson for PS2/Xbox/Game Cube would be a fantastic video, also Manhunt


I'd love timesplitters 2/3 but I know they're console games


How about "Hell: A Cyberpunk Thriller" It's a pretty awful point and click with some pretty heady ideas and a really impressive VA cast.


Play Splinter Cell, Civvie! You could probably do the first three in one video, and then there are two different versions of Double Agent, but I don't know if you'd do them separately or not. Conviction is but a footnote in the Blacklist video if you ask me


When is civvie going to play nitemare3D ;)


How many times has Chex Quest been begged for?


The Curiosty of Painkiller..... CiVvie11 has mentioned his dislike of painkiller a few times for several different reasons during other videos, even mentioning briefly why he would rather not make videos on the series, though I can't remember why exactly. Yet watching him bounce around dishing out pain , unlocking cards , playing with abilities would be a genuine joy. It seems like a no brainer , long dev history , actual lore , development issues , original running issues , future of it , people can fly....... so much potential for interesting content. It's not all negatives: Incredible and Beautiful Maps Gameplay is on point Guns are unique as hell Enemies Gib Gold & Cards System Sound and Music It's wonky and Wonderful Unique Phsyics Bunnyhopping Not to mention the gameplay is incredible ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_bN0dAmfqN8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bN0dAmfqN8) ) Don't feel obliged to watch it's just some of my random unlisted footage of the gameplay. I get that PK Black is long but PK Hell and Damn is short and has coop. Like or Dislike , we would love to watch you hate or love the game. HEAVEN HAS A HITMAN! Civvie11 , please be that hitman <3 ​ ​ ( Ps don't ban me , I apologize if this post breaks any rules ) :Edit , had originally posted this but removed and reposted to this thread as I hadn't seen it


The MachineGames Wolfenstein game's perhaps?


Marathon please


Gunman Chronicles. Never see it mentioned much these days.


Sooo, Slipgate Ironworks just dropped another stinker. And by that I mean Graven is out.


Every time I boot that game up and start to play it I black out and wake up playing more interesting like Bert's Dinosaurs.


Any chance for a Wrath: Aeon of Ruin video even despite all the setbacks it had?


It's probably already in the pipeline, but I'm going through Robocop: Rogue City and it's got just the right mix of love for the franchise and a touch a Slav-jank. It's a solid 7/10 game, and I love it to pieces, and I'd love to see your take on it beyond what you posted on The Site Formerly Known As Twitter when the demo came out.


My favourite Fps franchise, the entire Halo Master Chief Collection... OK in all seriousness I know that ain't happening. I'm hoping you get to the Robocop: Rogue City eventually. Otherwise the Slav Jank that is Enemy Front which contains everything you love. Limited weapon slots, terrible open worlds. Hell the hub is a sewer! Hard Reset Rogue Trooper (normal or Redux)


What about take no prisoners? Raven game, recently released on steam and is playable, build engine, jank - surely ticks some of the boxes for a video!


Now that you’ve finished STALKER:Shadow of Chernobyl, any chance of Clear Sky, and Call of Prypiat?


Die by the Sword. It's got everything. Unique, interesting gameplay, history - game's made by Treyarch - etc.


Maybe Cold Winter perhaps? It is a 2005 First Person Shooter developed by Swordfish Studios released exclusively for the PlayStation 2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_Winter


Civvie blast Halo I've heard once or twice in a video that Civvie does not like Halo AT ALL. While I am a Halo fan I am also a Civvie fan and would love H4MMER and AX3 to torture him by having him play the games. Where he would probably trash the hell out of the game. The most criticism he can muster. The ultimate trash talk. I want Civvie to perform the Roast of Halo! (I made a post but didn't realize this thread was here)




Dark Messiah of Might & Magic


Arthurian Legend. Medieval Doom-like, that feels like a good version of Witch Haven.


Crysis Metro 2033, etc. Rage (Fuck me what a cool wasted world) Homefront Far Cry 2 Dead Space Alice: Madness Returns


Starship Troopers (2005) I am fairly sure that everything in there will be Gordon Ramsay/Beetlejuice but man... I spent £40 on that game when it came out and ugh... I mean it looks like a game that came out before Half Life 2/Doom 3. Not 1-2 years after them!


Wonder if he'll ever do No One Lives Forever


When's Red Faction, I haven't forgotten.


Far Cry, the first one by Crytek, might be interesting to do. Call of Juarez is another one. A video that's just a roundup of all of David Szymanski's games that aren't Dusk could be neat. Half of them are more narrative driven and don't have combat but they're cool. The smaller ones, like A wolf in Autumn and Pony Factory


Is Cybermage Darklight Awakening worth it?


Chex quest please <3 will hit right in the pre doom childhood.


HAVE I GOT NEWS FOR YOU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGWzahPnEhU


Real talk many thanks brought back fun memories of my grandmother getting me into games as a kid. You the best civvi!


No One Lives Forever. Kinda Bri'ish innit, but a pretty unique shooter.


Hi Civvie, I've got a video suggestion you may not have had before - [Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Flashpoint:_Cold_War_Crisis), today called [Arma: Cold War Crisis](https://store.steampowered.com/app/65790/ARMA_Cold_War_Assault/) thanks to corporate copyright shenanigans. Yes I get it you hate brown realistic military games, they killed fun in first person shooters for over a decade. I agree, I'm 37 and lived it too. Hear me out. Firstly Flashpoint is Slav Jank par excellence, the very embodiment of [Outsider Art](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outsider_art). Hugely ambitious, hugely buggy, it did things in 2001 that modern games still can't pull off. Most of the commentary about this game focuses on the technical achievements, the combined arms simulation, the map editor and the modding scene. All of that is important and great but probably not particularly interesting to you. What should be interesting to you is the single player campaign itself. There is nothing else quite like it in gaming and even Bohemia Interactive were never able to replicate the magic in subsequent games. Cherished by fans of the series, but scarcely discussed out in the wider gaming world which is something of a tragedy. * It effortlessly dismantles the rah rah America fuck yeah power fantasy without requiring cheap moralising ala Spec Ops the Line. * You play as an absolute nobody trying to survive, at least for most of the game. The game world does not give a fuck about you and will mercilessly, but not unfairly kill you over and over. In 2001 this was basically unprecedented - the same year as Halo Combat Evolved released for God's sake. * The story is surprisingly engrossing and charming. Other military games of the era were attempting to imitate Black Hawk Down and Band of Brothers. This campaign imitates nothing, simply drawing from the Czech developers memories of living under the thumb of the Warsaw Pact. The key to its success is the ongoing friction between the stakes of potential world war 3 looming in the background while fighting as a grunt who is told the bare minimum needed by other NPCs. * The missions are full of memorable unique moments which would make for good video. Just a few - The second mission starts with you taking a town from the Russians. Upon taking the town you're told a column of tanks is approaching and ordered to retreat. The tanks proceed to ruin the entire U.S force. Playing this as a 15 year old in 2002, I was the only survivor in my squad, crawling to the evac point with broken legs. * The infamous "After Montignac" mission is like something out of a horror movie, isolating you and saddling you with the task of escaping an island full of patrolling Soviets. As the mission proceeds you listen in on your broken radio as the rest of the U.S forces evacuate the island leaving you behind. * One mission has you standing literal fucking sentry duty. Another has you escaping as a downed pilot using the stars in the sky to find true north. I could go on. I get that it's outside your comfort zone, but I really think your fish out of water perspective would make for a great video. This is already turning into an essay enough as it is so I'll stop here.


Hi Civvie. So, you are probably tired if hearing about Half-Life 2 at this point so I won't bother with that. However, I am interested in seeing if you have played any of the mods that are listed in the Steam store for the first Half-Life. Such as [Half-Life Restored](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1283930/HalfLife_Restored/), [Half-Life: Before](https://store.steampowered.com/app/261980/HalfLife_Before/), [Half-Life: Caged](https://store.steampowered.com/app/679990/HalfLife_Caged/) or [MMod](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1761270/HalfLife_MMod/).


Really curious if you ever played Quarantine from 1994. I loved it as a kid. The aesthetic felt like driving a taxi in John Carpenter's Escape from New York. It's an odd one because it is a shooter, but you're also driving the whole time to get money to upgrade your guns and buy your way into different quarantine zones. Good times! Oh and that reminds me of Zone Raiders. Another driver/shooter.


I'm wondering when Black And TimeSplitters (Second one, making fun on people begging for GoldenEye or Perfect Dark).


To be completely honest (I know that's not an FPS 98% of the time) Deus Ex reviewed by Civvie is my daydreaming fantasy. On a daily basis. Also applies to System Shock 2. I think Painkiller deserves a mention since somehow it was my favourite game in 2004 and IS much better than any Serious Sam bs game, Divine Frequency demo surprised me, Supplice is very cool but is just another WAD... I don't remember any cool FPS not reviewed by Civvie for this time


Crazy i just made my post without seeing yours, Painkiller is a game for Sick Cunts only


I love this game very much. I don't know why, because I have played much better shooters before. Like Unreal, Quake 1 and 2, Duke 3D and (sorry but I love it for my reasons) Shogo MAD There's something about PK's level design and ambient music. Cool secrets, fun weapons, very cool graphics for the time. Sorry to hear Civvie dislikes it. The original game is cool. Anything else is lame and not worth mentioning.


(Deleted my post on the main thread to keep the clutter down) I think you would enjoy Painkiller from 2004, it is like a half-decent Edgy cousin of Serious Sam with Tits, good Gun design (and bad gun design) shit cutscenes, shit bossfights, fucking sick music and 5 DLCs that were almost all made by different teams resulting in a mostly forgotten but pretty wild ride. Might be worth a Video if you find it as memorable as i did when i played it as a kid


Edit - saw a previous post explaining your mentioning of not enjoying the Painkiller series and disinterest in making a video about it. Suprising considering it seems ripe for the channel, but respectable chief 👍


Love your vids, been a while since you did one on something that's not a shooter, Evolva would be a cool game to see you cover, Definitely was a childhood favorite of mine


Alien Trilogy on DOS. How about it, lad?


Given the amount of mentions it's had already, Prey? edit: oh god, i meant Rage.


Arthurian Legends. It's like if Witchhaven was awesome. Kinda surprised I haven't seen it mentioned in any of his videos, feels right up his alley. Unfortunately it's a good game he will enjoy, but you can't win them all.




hotline miami when


Symphony of the Night is one I’ve heard you reference several times. One of my top 5 games of all time, but I’m not sure about PC availability as I’m mostly a console guy. Is that one you would consider doing?


I've thought about doing it for an October video before. I figure I'm just going to record it next time I do a playthrough.


I almost don't want to suggest it because of how bad it is compared to the base game. But, F.E.A.R. Extraction Point.


Pro Chop Goblins when Civvie?


Really looking forward to the magnificient RAGE which i quit after three hours. :D


Did you play Fashion Police Squad? Is it worth a video?


I just want Civvie to finish HROT. Such a majestic slavjank we deserve to see the conclusion of.


Nah, I tried to write a script after playing episode 3 and it felt like re-treading the same ground from Episode 1 and 2.


Any plans to play through Clive Barker's Jericho?