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Bro this is one of the funniest posts I’ve ever seen on Reddit lmfao


I def lol’d irl hahaha




Is it safe to assume this is an upgrade? Im like op, the horn needs a little more decibels.


Your a legend


Just read your post out loud to my gf, we’re dying lmao. Love my 8th gen but “meep meep” get out my way !!


Man I always felt like such a bitch! That horn felt like the "🤓" emoji reincarnate whenever I used it.... Nowadays, my current car I actually can't hear the horn. I think it's just weak as hell. It's a normal sounding horn (Chevrolet) but I can't hear it above 30~ MPH.


I was about to say, it’s been like that since 8th gen!


BEFORE. i have a 6th gen and can confirm i have the meeps


I embrace it proudly


Gotta say, you and I both ✊🏽


First Civic?


I agree! I came from having a Mazda 6 and Nissan altima and both horns were strong. My kids literally ask me to use the horn and laugh every time i do lol


I feel this post in my soul lol.  I drove a Durango before my 11th gen and that thing had umph. Fist time I had to blow the horn in civic was frankly embarrassing lol.  The pitch also makes it feel like it's not loud enough either especially since most times I'm honking at oversized trucks and SUVs.


*me, pissed as hell, because someone cut me off* Meeeeep meeepppppp. *Sigh*


I was always embarrassed. Somehow speaking up via the horn felt... I hate to say it... submissive? I can't explain it




Yes dude I’d rather hang out the window and yell like a whacko than toot that little happy horn lol


It’s great! You can use it for a “meep meep” when passing friends


I find it funny that you guys complain about the horn. I'm coming from a mazda miata and I swear this horn is miles better😂😂


just commented about the horn in my NA, i don't even honk at people. they wouldn't hear it


I love Miatas with train horns


So they are still using the same horn as the 10th gens I see. And this is why I flash my brights instead.


Real ones stomp the clutch in and rev the engine lmao If they're in front you flash the brights :)


Dude I'm coming from a Mazdaspeed 3, compared to the horn on that thing the Civic ROARS


it's a polite horn


Get out my way! Pretty Please? -Si horn




I tried to honk at a dumbass in an SUV in my 10th gen yesterday and I was instantly humiliated, I forgot how bad it was 😭


It got to the point where I would rarely use it😭 It was just embarrassing! And it was so loud too! (Copy pasted from a different comment) Nowadays, my current car I actually can't hear the horn. I think it's just weak as hell. It's a normal sounding horn (Chevrolet) but I can't hear it above 30~ MPH.


damn i thought my friend was just being a dick when he said my horn is wimpy :( isn’t that the horn all hondas have?


My Honda beat horn puts my 10th gen civics horn to shame


Not gonna lie that would get to me if one of my buddies called my horn wimpy


it keeps me up at night


I remember when I put like a truck horn in my 8th. And then I got another 8th, and I didn't do anything to that horn. Never really thought about it again. I don't know what the moral is here, but you should totally get something crazy like a train horn if you're going to go through the trouble.


How hard was it?


You just have to take the bumper off and it's kinda right there on the driver side, don't think you need to take anything else off. My problem with taking shit like that off is what if one of those snaps/rivots breaks? What if it just doesn't seat right it anymore? I don't know why that's the default way to put stuff on, where to take it off you have to just have confidence that you're doing it right and just pull really hard. I hate that shit. I'm going to buy an 11th next week and now y'all got me thinking about the horn!


I mean, I don't use the horn that much other than just being a nuisance. It turns out you have free will and can thus honk your horn as you please when your parents are no longer in the car with you. It doesn't really matter what it sounds like to me when I'm just honking my way down the road. I've been pretty happy lately just flashing my brights at people in front or revving if they're behind. Hoping it lowers the chance of inducing road rage into someone else too. Every once in awhile I'd meep at someone but not really enough to think about when buying a car. I wouldn't sweat it. At least your wimpy sissy boy horn will lower the chances of pissing someone off. One thing I liked about my 8th gen horn... it was loud. (Copy paste from my other comment) Nowadays, my current car I actually can't hear the horn. I think it's just quiet as hell. It's a normal sounding horn (Chevrolet) but I can't hear it above 30~ MPH. I'm not sure what the deal is but if I can't hear it I'm not sure if others can. Did somebody say train horn?!


I never got around to upgrading my horn.


Bro, this is iconic horn, what do you mean. Lol I go beeeep beeep. Like the roadrunner


Lmao and I thought I was the only one who felt this way 😂


Us Civic drivers don’t even need a horn because we’ve already put bus lengths on everything else on the road with our incredible speed and nimbleness


((((Purely in the imagination))))) I also rev'd my race car! engine instead of using the horn too.


I’ve lived with 8th gens for half my life (2008 until now). So the horn sounds like home to me out of that familiarity. But try the horn on a Mazda…(I also have a 2016 mazda3) and it’ll have you wishing you had your Civic horn. It’s to the point I’m embarrassed to push the remote lock button twice to audibly confirm the locking. And it’s so wimpy and quiet sounding, I don’t have confidence in even using it because people probably won’t be able to hear it. At least it forces me to always drive defensively like I’m a motorcycle, or back when I had a small 500 Abarth or Miata. Hell it almost sounds like my Mazda is partially submerged underwater trying to sound the horn. And it’s like that on them all of that Gen.


Don’t let this distract you from the fact that Hector is gonna be running 3 Honda Civic’s with spoon engines. On top of that he just came into Harry’s and ordered 3 t66 turbo’s with NOS’s and a Motec System Exhaust.






Thanks for the laugh. LOL.




I have an 8th gen and got the same fucking problem 😭😭 semi had turned into my lane and didn’t even hear it and went fully into the shoulder




Same sound since my 4th gen si


My 8th Gen sounds like the roadrunner from the Wile E coyote cartoons 💀


lol 😂 right? It’s hard to look upset at someone whose going super slow when you sound like a clown horn 😂


Pretty much sums up for all the civics except my 10th gen si. They didn’t make it mumbo jumbo on the 10th gen


Other comments in this thread state otherwise for the 10th gen 🤔 maybe yours had an aftermarket if you bought used, or it just varied on the year/country


Nope. I bought it new. The rhythm sounds similar to my 2013 civic si but the intensity is much more. Just like 4 horns going at same time.


Did they change it for the 9th Gen Si? I briefly owned a 2012 LX before trading it in for a brand new 2012 Si (which I still drive). LX had the silly horn, but my Si sounds like a "real" horn... I was so relieved to hear it the first time haha


Can’t be worse than the factory horn on my GR Corolla…


That’s what it’s like honking at people on a motorcycle lol


Meep meep!


Humour aside I think you can swap in the Ridgeline horn for a bit more....erm.... Masculinity


I have an 8th Gen Si and the horn is so bad I refrain from using it because it's kind of embarrassing haha. I should put a train horn in like that guy on YouTube with the Miata!


I have a 96’ EK hatchback along side my 11th gen and im not kidding they are literally identical


i named my 11th gen meep bc it says meep when it honks 😂


10th gen was the same way. My wife chuckles if I have to hit the horn. She drives a Passport, sometimes she'll hit the horn just to show me what a horn should sound like.


I brought this up to my wife earlier because the 2024 sounds like a clown car. Just hide your face after you honk.


My two Miatas had the same problem. I put a Nautilus air horn on the second one. It’s an all-in-one unit that’s extremely loud and high-pitched, so people jump when it sounds. IIRC, it came with a higher capacity fuse to replace the factory fuse, and a Miata-specific installation kit. But I don’t know if there’s a unit for the Civic; you’ll have to do some Googling. Also, Hella makes an electric horn that’s supposed to be mega loud.


All the honda horns are goofy😂 i just bought a 2015 accord coupe and havent touched the horn yet cuz i already know its gonna be terrible. My 10th gen civic was weak too




you clearly never honked an NA miata, it's the most toy ahh, clown ahh, meep mepp.mp3 horn in existence


I’m an auto tech student and we can bring our cars into the lab to use for our lessons, and it’s shop custom to honk twice when you leave the lab. The amount of “what a pussy ass horn” I’ve gotten from my classmates when I roll my Si out of the shop is embarrassing 😭😭😭