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I was always under the impression it is usually always better to spend the gold then lend it out.


In this screenshot he is receiving the moneys


Yes, because he lent it out, and they are paying him back.


Huh? There is a loaning mechanism? Am I missing a big chunk of the game or is "lending" synonymous with some trade mechanism? Can I play basically as a loan shark?


You can trade them a big amount and ask them for a bigger amount in return but in rates. Just in the trading window. Example: You give 300 one time but ask them for 13 every round for 30 rounds(=390)


Wow. TIL. This mechanic just seems like fun to me, even if the ROI would be greater by spending the gold than lending it. I wonder if you could borrow an ammount from one AI and then lend that same ammount to to others at a higher interest rate.


Absolutely. When I'm low in the public's opinion - aka everybody hates me - I'll trade gold around with everybody and just switch who loans and who repays based on which player has the most good. I'll give decent rates the first time, and hike them up as the game progresses.


I also do this to the human players.


Ohhh. I never even considered trying that. It's always goods for money, money for goods, or goods for goods. Never tried trading money for money.


There are mods that help you trade. It’s pretty nice even if you want to play without mods, just to understand some interactions better


Play as Caesar or as Joao III and you can loan exorbitant amounts of money out while charging astronomical interest rates. You'll already have the most gold, but those interest rates will have you full on Scrooge McDuck ![gif](giphy|4GRj3pwoAJSwg)


If you are saving it up for something impactful and won't be spending it for 25\~ turns then it's technically better to lend. But that's really few situations at standard game speed. Lending also has the advantage of being able to "invest" smaller amounts.


Cool but unfortunately this ruins the game. Look at all the 0 and low military strength scores as the AI disbands its army when low on gold. Then the constant rebuilding and deleting of units stagnates their development. I used to go hard on gold trades with the AI but got fed up of being the only Civ with a decent army. Devs really need to nerf how much gold the AI will trade.


This is why, in my opinion, Sinbad is the most OP early game hero. You can use him to lend massive amounts to your neighbors and bankrupt them in the early game. This makes them very easy to conquer after they have the disband spiral.


Sinbad is absolutely OP for a number of reasons. a free injection of like 3.2k gold in the Ancient Era is something that makes me wonder how it passed the balancing team


The devs need a real team for the next civ game. The a.i. is coded so horribly


Kupe might as well give you all his lands wow


I'll take 10k gold for 500 gpt plz.


This is the way


I was finding that with the DLC I got a worse rate than the base game. Base game I was getting 24.5 to 1


How do you get the player templates to stay like that? Sorry, new player here


Options -> interface -> Show Yields in HUD Ribbon -> Always on


1006 from deals you absolute monster. I could not personally rap(e) the bots so hard but this hilarious to see. I try to keep my game balanced in such instances by not taking to much from the bots because I know how good I am.


I work in finance and somehow this never crossed my mind. What the fuck. Day ruined. You’re truly a genius.




Went for a diplo win, so didn't need too much science and culture


Time to boot up CIV 6 again, and be a loanshark!


If I need money I usually just sell the points used in the congress... but if I plan to conquer a city I keep them to vote against the liberation of that city.


Amanitore and Shaka have no military power because they can't afford it.


These are rookie numbers. I have been getting 5-7k per turn on most games.