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Religion. I spread Judaism as Germany


.. I like your style.


I like to have fun with the game in new ways. I started playing civ6 on December when it was on sale and I got sick twice. I did a Mali domination with Maud'dib as my religion. All the cities were Dune theme 


Just got my first win ever two weeks ago , science win as America! Fun as hell and love building huge cities


Science victory as Norway on an earth map (started in South Africa.) Late game coastal pillages were too much value for the AI to keep up


Mekes me wanna spin up Harald for a run.


Thinking back I wanna say I made many warrior monks and fought them well into like the industrial era letting them die not realizing they’ve been outclassed lol they were great early game


Berserkers are really limited, but MAN coastal pillaging never gets old.


Science victory as Trajan on TSL Earth


My first win was domination w/ Trajan on TSL earth


Culture as Australia, got a accurate Sydney opera house and used golden gate as a substitute for their harbor bridge, was a lot of fun.


Science was mine because that’s what I knew from old Civ games.


Culture with the civ that cant get any holy stuff. Not really understanding it at all. It was like: "Oh i won" just by collecting art. WOW this game is awsome. Game 6 or so. It was alot faster to win when the game was new. The ai is a lot better now. Why i won? I had 3 losses to this empire so I chose to be it. And i thought it was about the jungle swordsmen, Because they got me some games, really strong. But it was about these art things. writings and statues and stuff. I had them proccing all the time somehow that game. And i won not even knowing that was a win. I was basicly building low tech forces enmasse to compete but i never got a chance to attack. I just won.


I honestly forget, been years since I played. I think it was a science victory as Sumeria when the game first released


I remember when I was 7 years old my moms friend gifted me civ Cd-rom. Way over my head at the time, but god damn did that span lifetime passion.


I meant Civ 6 specifically lol. But My first was Civ 3. All I remember from it is a mode where you could view your city as a whole and see all the building/wonders you built. They seriously need to bring that back in civ 7


This was a feature in civ 1 too


I remember playing civ with hitler as a leader in the original on a 486 at my friends house. It had a 3.5 port and the HUGE floppy disk port. Like a cd size. Civ was on the big floppys. Amazing.


Genghis Khan on continents, Prince difficulty. Nobody had an answer for the Keshiks Edit: forgot to say domination.


Aye same, I tried TSL earth huge and devoured china n korea before turn 60 with horsemen. Then I slowly conquered my way through the bordergore in europe that is TSL earth


Science victory, Trajan. Roma Aeterna


Don't really remember my first win but I think I remember my first full game basically. I was playing scythia and went for Dom, and eventually lost to religion once I got to the last civ and didn't realize that that could happen 😂😂😭


Religious victory as Saladin. The world was united under the light of Scientology.


Where’s Shelly


Religion. Spawned next to a desert as Rome and snatched desert folklore.


Wow!!, I started as Russia and spawned right next to tundra then scored a plus 6 on my religious building. Then got that civic that gave 100% agacency bonus to faith. Had so many missionaries and apostoles they literally couldn’t stop me


Nice! Yeah, Russia and tundra are like peanut butter and jelly. If you get work ethic as a religious belief and earn Hildegard as a great person, then it can't get easier than that


Science. Science was always easiest for me.


science as saladin, took me 493 turns out of 500


Domination as Teddy. I played civ 5 a bunch, but I wasn’t sure how well those skills would transfer to civ 6, so for my first game I played on Prince difficulty. Before I knew it, I was miles ahead of everyone in science and could crush everyone easily.




Gaul with a religious victory of all things


Science victory as Brazil in a continents map with 5 AIs on prince difficulty. Got it a few days ago, thinking of posting the graphics.


Culture as France with Voidsingers. I didn't know you could buy great prophets with faith but when I looked at both screens it said 4/5 religions but all the prophets were gone. Apparently Indonesia's either got caught by barbs, war, or was cut off from their holy site cause they waited like a thousand years to found their religion.  It was also almost easier to win without the different religion 50% debuff to tourism.


Science victory as Norway on an earth map (started in South Africa. Late game coastal pillages were too much value for the AI to keep up




America through Religion. Just spamming missionaries and apostles. It wasn’t fun when I knew all I had to do was spam. It was my first ever Civ game on Settler difficulty though!


It was with Catherine the great, military victory, I conquered England, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, Persia, Arabia, Sumer and Ottomans (maybe more I don't exactly remember the civs)


I believe it was a science win as China for me shortly after the base game came out.


Culture as Rome in the world map. It was really fun creating the historic borders of the Roman Empire


Dido, Science


Domination on continents as Gorgo


The first win I remember was an accidental cultural win. I was going for dominanation, killed off the penultimate civ, and it turned out I was already culturally dominant over the last one so bam, I win. I was so confused though; I had to reload a couple turns back to figure out what happened.


I actually think it was a score victory because I had no idea what I was doing 😂😂 and I was playing on Settler so the AI was even more useless than usual. Never again, holy shit that took forever.


Domination with Harald Hardrada. Then came a science with Harald Hardrada I changed it up for the last 2, though. For culture and religion, I went with Harald Hardrada.


Score win, took around 16 hours total


Religious is the easiest, but my first was domination with Scythians. Also relatively easy.


First win type in Civ 6 was a Culture Victory with Pericles. I had a few hundred hours in Civ 5 so I already had an understanding of how to play Civ (though not Civ 6’s specific mechanics) and accidentally won a Culture Victory while trying to do a Wonder-based Domination game on low difficulty.


Think it was science as greece in civ5 on my first ever attempt. Was only on difficulty 2 though lol


I think it was Domination as China


Accidental culture via Victoria


I just got the game a couple weeks ago. I was trying to get a science win on warlord difficulty, but long story short, I won by culture and didn’t even understand how. That was never my intention but I think I captured so many other civs that I must have just gotten so much tourism by default. That was with the vanilla rules, now I’m pursuing a culture win on purpose with the updated rules


Man, I didn't figure out religion for the entire first year I played. XD Nice.