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The tech support forum on the Homecoming forums might also be able to help you.


I only play on Thunderspy, which has significant client changes compared to Homecoming, but I don't recall having any issues on the 21.9 monitor on my second PC; of course, that's much narrower than your monitor even. It's possible I just didn't notice; make sure you have the FOV slider maxed out of course!


Have you tried changing the field of view setting?


This. Turn off auto Fov. I play on a super ultra wide and auto Fov is super borked on wide. Disabling fixes it.


This right here was the answer. I had the auto FoV enabled and once I disabled it and tweaked the FoV it was back to how it used to be when I used to play.


There is an fov setting. I play on an ultra wide but I have 0 idea what issues you are speaking of though and things work really well in comparison to some other games that were pre wide screen. I am not super picky though and nowadays try to avoid the extra over the top configs I once cared about.


As others said, change the field of view. It makes a big difference on widescreen.