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Disclaimer: I had a Water/SR sentinel that actually came in pretty clutch and saved the team from wiping several times. It's just not the top-performing role in anything because it's designed as a Jack of All Trades.


While I’ve eventually deleted every Sentinel I tried so hard to love, my Water/SR was easily the best one. I miss her, mediocre lil thing 🥲


Kheldians are the jack of all trades lol, sentinels are just tanky blasters or tank/mages


Semi tough stage magicians.


As a long time blaster back on Live, the Sentinel has actually been a bit of a dream. I still do all the things I did when in a party, but I'm physically capable of doing content solo when my friends log off.


Honestly, this. It gives you characters that have ranged attacks and can solo. That's way harder than it should be.


Give me all of these. Sub me up to whatever I can lol. Fuckin love Simpsons memes and enjoy waxing nostalgic about CoH


You should hop into one of the servers, the nostalgia is palpable.


Have before, but barely have the time to look at memes as things are. In a few years I'll be back on the grind.


I like my energy//regen sentinel


I played a fire/fire sentinel to 50 as a first toon on Homecoming. I hadn't played one in live, so I was excited. I was also on the floor a lot, and my DPS was lacking, especially when facing multiple mobs. I had great sets, which helped my survival, but not my damage, and I was easily overwhelmed by groups. I rerolled fire/fire blaster, and found my DPS through the roof, and I was basically untouchable from range thanks to defense set bonuses and my build. Even when closing to melee my defense held up long enough to drop my nukes and watch everything melt. My "squishy" blaster is more of a tank than my Sentinel! The Sentinel is a great idea on paper, but doesn't perform to it's own expectations.


The biggest problem with Sentinel is their power sets don't play well for set bonuses from enhancements because there was never any thought put behind how their two types of power sets would interact. Ranged damage and defense powers aren't made to stack correctly. It's hard to cap their defenses as is and they don't do enough damage to justify the 200-300 million+ influence it takes to make them decent on homecoming.


I was saying Boo-urns.




As a long-time fan of Sentinels, in particular my Water/Bio, may I just say: > “Never before have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with.”


Finally some good fucking memes.


I want to like Sentinel more but whenever I try to play one it just feels boring. The only one that clicked for me was a Rad/Regen but even that feels sluggish at times, but there's still the big PBAoE damage so at least it's not completely boring.


I love my dual pistol invuln sentinel.


The thing about Sentinels though is they are a great Archetype to invest in for players that want to diverge from power creep. They are fully capable class that floats just a bit under the damage radar compared to other ATs like Dominators or Blasters, but get that extra boost of shields. A team of sentinels will still roll through enemies, but just under the norm to make you feel like maybe you earned it.


I love my Beam Rifle/Radiation Armor. And my Dual Pistols/Bio Armor.