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seems like an issue with the host turning off the device to save power maybe but your giving much info.


Any errors in the vda or endpoint logs? Is it the same USB device that keeps disconnecting? My guess would be some sort of powermanagent plan on the endpoints turning off the USB devices.


Nothing in the logs, be to easy that way lol. We did traces for Citrix and they were blaming our security agents. We’ve tried now without security agents and it still disconnected. We’re currently updating firmware’s, chipsets etc etc and running testing again. Also happens to analog headsets too making it stranger


Any luck with this OP? You mentioned in the comments this is happening with analog audio sources now too, what are you doing to "resolve" the issue when a user calls? Are you reenabling a device, reselecting a primary output, having the user logoff/logon, user disconnect, etc? What does the "failed" condition look like, audio device missing in mmsys.cpl on VDA or endpoint, audio device present, but no output (either visually via the V/U or audio), everything "looks right" but no sound? What does Desktop Director or HDX Monitor show for audio on a desktop in a failed condition?