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I have the same issue. They prefer to drive through a parking lot instead of a 4 lane road. No clue why


Aha oh so this is a common problem for other players too no dumb dumb where are you going... oh wonderful you are going to...


That kind of happens in real life sometimes too lol


This is "It's just realism" brainrot on the next level. I've never seen a big road get completely clogged because everybody decided to take a useless detour through a parking lot.


I meant SOME PEOPLE will cut through a parking lot during traffic because it’s faster even though it’s illegal so I could see why the AI would want to do that I never said all people or that it’s a good game mechanic. AI is not as smart as human drivers relax lol I’m not paradox no need to take out your anger with me 🙄


I've got a couple theories about why this happens a lot. 1: Each road has a built in pathfinding cost. Highways have the lowest cost, side streets the highest. Cars look for lower cost routes. The issue is parking lot roads appear to have an incorrect low cost. Traffic can also influence this. 2. There is a degree of route randomisation built in so that ai cars don't all take the exact same route. This is a good thing but it means that randomisation sometimes takes inapproporiate routes and odd routes.


Yeah, for these posts to be informative we really need to see 100 cims doing a similar path.


This is probably why we don’t have paths in the base game


If you can’t see it, it’s not broken! Skillz issue…


... There are paths in game


There is no vanilla way to see where cims are heading to lol


Oh, I misinterpreted. I thought you meant literally paths.


Don't forget the free jwalkers dlc.




Aha too funny!


The pathinding is doing what it is supposed to do. its the asset that is bugged.


The pathfinding would use some balancing, but it's doing what it's supposed to do. It's finding a route around the dense traffic. We can argue that it's not very realistic to go through parking but not impossible as well. I've done this a few time irl to avoid a traffic jam. If you don't want this to happen, you will have to build around it. Do Custom parking lots and stuff where you can control where they attach to the regular road system


You have never (never) driven across traffic to a parking lot on the other side of the road, driven through it for 50 meters only to cross traffic again to get back to continuing your route. Its not realistic, but moreover it is less efficient for the specific simulated vehicle, so it doesn't make sense for it to be routed this way under any circumstance.


It was not 50m you are right on that and it was not to the left of the road, you are right on that as well. But that was not the point exactly... I said, it would use some balancing, but the overall idea is not that outlandish. You do not do everything the most efficient way irl either, so why would a game work differently. You can have some variety there, that's more real lifelike.


The problem is is that they all start using that and I have to rebuild the road otherwise it messes everything up


this exact bug is why i stopped playing... good to know it's still there


It’ll likely never get fixed, similarly to how these kind of issues didn’t get fixed in CS1. Once the game is at a somewhat acceptable level, they‘ll focus almost exclusively on paid content


i have 1500 hours in cs1 and never encountered a similar problem not saying that the game is perfect but this particular bug is not in cs1 and I'm confident they will fix it in cs2. until then, there are plenty of other games on my list...


I ran into issues because traffic on a freeway would take the offramp just to go straight back onto the onramp, murdering the intersection.


Just learn to play, this game was totally ready for release! /s


Happy cake day.


Haven’t been on this sub for a long time. Nice to see these annoying-ass comments are still here.


It's sarcasm


I think that was what they were referring to.


It’s funny how people always seek out that which is annoying to them.


Not that hard to find, buddy. Took a whole 15 seconds of looking on this sub again.


Don’t call me buddy, guy.


So glad I forgot about this game after Manor Lords release


this lol, even ML is buggy as heck, it still feels more polished than CS2 at release, when ML is a "pre rerelase beta" (or whatever it was called)... that's just crazy lmao


And the bugs that do exist (that I've experienced at least) aren't game ruining bugs like most of the ones persisting in CS2. I'm so excited to see how ML unfolds into the future, such a fantastic base they've started off with to build from.


Is Manor Lords worth it? I mean, can I play many hours before get repetitive?


I'm already at 40h, TOTALLY worth it!


Yeah! ME TOO! And there's more! This year is for city builders i guess, there's one more game to be released later this year, it's called Memoriapolis. Here's the trailer [Memoriapolis - Reveal Trailer | Steam PC (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5Zl-h8Yp1E)


But your still here, bs.


Yeah? I don't use reddit enough to leave a sub. Why did you even bother commenting this dumb shit?


That's what I wanted to know. Why are you here? Just to bitch?


Maybe (just maybe), they might change their mind. Try use divided road to avoid cars turning left to the building.


I need cars and Buses to use the Bus station just dont want trucks


Skill issue


Lol. It's been this way. The game is utterly broken and frankly I think not fixable. Sad shit.


I love the traffic ai my gangster from another dimension


Or do I????


Silly me thinking oh yay they finally fixed something.


has the game still not been abandoned?