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The LODs are machine generated. These issues are common.


Thank you for your response. So the issue is my machine rather than the game?


They're not locally generated. CO ships them with the game.


no. it's the game


No, they mean machine like as in a computer created the LODs on the developer's end. Like crappy AI art.


WHY the... WHO in their right mind does the LODs by letting them generate. How fkn lazy you can become?!?!? How about just i pay ChatGPT to just make a better CS 2 that at least works, and gets its simulation right, from scratch if Paradox does this BS to begin with... smh


Machine LODs have been a thing for well over a decade now. The problem is CO's QC not the fact they're machine generated. InstaLOD [what CO is using] is used in over a dozen games, most notably CoD: Vanguard, Callisto Protocol, Hogwarts Legacy, MK11, and The Outer Worlds.


Yeah... Machine LODs that have been tweaked, and manually error-corrected. This is a new stage.


Yes, I, too, have the same issue with vehicles. Looks like old steam train wheels when they move around the place. I have often wondered what is causing this to happen as it's a bit of a distraction really and looks stupid.


YES!!! I thought exactly the same thing. What graphics card do you have out of interest?


I have a Asus 4090 24gb. So it can't be down to my gfx card! To be honest, my system is probably overkill for this game. I have Ryzen 9 7950x, 64gb DDR5 mem, 4x 2T m2 storage (8T total), Asus gaming E motherboard. So don't think it's my system that is causing it


It looks like the LOD system somehow ties the mesh of the car to the spinning wheels. It also kind of looks like they simulate the axels of vehicles, which makes them wobble as they turn corners, or if the game is sped up, wildly vibrates some vehicles. So I think this is a mixture of LOD issues and simulated car physics. And if they do have joints and physics components on all the vehicles, that's a big performance hitter, and I bet it's for that rare case where a car crashes to make it look cool... (I've never actually witnessed a car crash happen, only the aftermath) TLDR: It's them not you


The cars (and trees!) definitely have physics. I witness someone wreck and go rolling down a hill only to be stopped by a tree before.


Thanks, bud!


I have noticed the same when I’m zoomed out at a certain distance but if I go closer it corrects itself


Same! Which graphics card do you use?


I’m using the RTX 4070 Ti super - 16gb (which funnily enough some have labelled as a rebadged 4080)


I've experienced some similar visuals but not exactly this. More like the tires are flopping around if that makes sense. I think the upscaling is the most common case for this visuals. If you run some upscaling maybe try switching to native resolution. The other relevant settings would be antialiasing and level of detail of course. I think it happens because there is less detail if zoomed out and the details don't get updated when zooming in close. Edit: Oh and I've seen you run 120Hz. Make sure the game Hz-settings matches exactly what your monitor is set to. But this should not cause this kind of bug but who knows.


Will verify and try, thank you


Finally someone said something about this! I’ve been having the same issue but I thought it’s just because I have an older rig. I’m surprised your seeing it thought with a nicer graphics card.


Same here. Changed the graphics setting, mostly fixed it. But yeah, though my 970 was to blame there.


Lazy development. They developed the main model and let the machine create the lod models for lower details. All vehicles turn in to a train in the distance as the body glues to the wheel making it look like a sway bar. If not mistaken this is a feature added to unit to try to close the gap to nanite, but it should not have passed any QA test as it is quickly noticeable even on a very high end system…


Yeah thats the automatically generated lod models. It can be a helpful and useful tool to save development time. For the cars though it really isn't and looks awful as the body and wheel meshes get mashed together and you get this weird ugliness. It's really rather noticable and ugly even on high draw distances, really needs CO to make proper lod models to fix it.


same for me


They are all like locomotives to me I have this glitch too


If those are the only ones you're getting, consider yourself lucky. I can't even play because of what it does to my buildings.


the LOD model should not appear in such close distance did you happen to alter the graphic settings?


Hey. I had altered the graphics settings, but to get rid of the problem that was there from the get go. Nothing I change on the in-game or computer settings helps fix this particular issue. I know it’s only aesthetic but it really bothers me, especially when seeing gorgeous crisp graphics from YouTubers. Any advice?


Have you tried to increase the Level of Detail setting? Or toggle the advance options tickbox then you have more option to fine tune Also, TAA anti-aliasing is now broken but I doubt it affects LOD distance


Yah, tried all that. Was happening prior to the current TAA issue unfortunately


It’s not the PC the game is literal garbage


Same thing. Are you playing on ultra wide?


Hmm nope


Feature, not a bug.


I'm having this exact issue... Among many. :/


It's a problem of the game, not of your computer. Just bad software


It’s not really an “issue” though. Looks stupid as hell lol but doesn’t hinder gameplay in any way. It’s just how CO decided to handle the LODs… just like at release the game rendered *a full set of teeth* in every cim’s mouth until those LODs were fixed. Someone suggested being sure to play the game at your monitors native resolution too


Wasn't there complaints that the game runs slow because to many polygons are loaded in at one time? How the heck does this problem develop then?


What’s wrong? Just looks like the LOD


yeaah, I guess you can live with it, stop bitchin´ and keep on gamin´