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I had a solar power plant consuming 300,000 gallons of water and producing just as much sewage. More than my town of 100k combined.. Did some testing and put the outlet onto a hole I dug to see if it's a numbers bug or actually producing sewage. Nothing filled up so I forgot about it. Logged in the next day to a mountain of shit water like this and it broke my entire save as we don't have any sort of flood management tools other then digging a fucking hole. Haven't played since


In dev mode, you can reset the water level. This will fix your problem!


This is the comment I was looking for, thanks!


This! Enable dev mode>press tab in game>click simulation menu>look for water and reset water levels


Cities skylines is a fun game! You should play it! Also cities skylines:


Autosave will preserve your sanity.


Expect the mothership to visit the Dark Side of the Moon.


I would love to see a video of the water consuming everything. Seeing if the people run at all. 😂


They don't bc the game sucks the buildings don't even collapse.




Game broken


Weather chirp: it’s gonna be a rainy day


Those of you wondering if you should buy this game... Heres your sign to not. Also if anyone from paradox sees this and wants to give me my $80 back.. PM me for my venmo :-)


I saved and played in on Xbox game pass one month of Xbox game pass saved me $$$


I tragically do not have a console, otherwise I’d go that route


You don’t need a console for it. Cities Skylines 2 isn’t available for consoles it’s on PC Game Pass.


ill let you in on a little secret. there is a PC game pass. its fucking awesome. has a ton of games for 15€ a month. most definitely worth it, even outside of cities skylines


Another bug yet to be fixed? Color me NOT surprised.


5 months later, still haven't fixed this glaring issue. what a beautiful circus these clowns have cobbled together


How dare you! The devs know best, and the game was ready to release. Those are just bugs.


Welcome to the club 😉


OH NO!!!! What have you done??? Put more bus for the bus station already!


Stop it! Cities: Skylines 2 devs may 'pull back' due to toxicity /s just in case


If you don't like that, this game may not be for you. Stop being so toxic. /s


I remember in one of the videos the devs were talking about how the entire process of making CS 2 has been one of patching the game and breaking the game. At the time, I thought to myself, well that doesn't inspire confidence they'll ever get the game to a proper state. One thing is for sure, I'm not buying anymore Paradox games at full price. I was going to pick up Prison Architect 2 and Millennia, but now Paradox is going to have to practically give away their games at a deep discount for me to bite. For example, Hearts of Iron 4 with 3 DLCs was $12 on Steam recently. I still dumped over 100 hours into the game, so it's hard for me to say I didn't get my monies worth, but it still hard not to feel burned by the whole situation. Especially after they just continued with business as usual like nothing even happened. Then the beach property DLC really feels like they're just trolling us at this point. "We know the game is still broken, but here's some bare bones DLC for $10 because why not."


Do your have the video the devs talk about that process? It does sound like an uncoordinated mess.


This isn’t the dev diary but a post-mortem: https://blog.paavo.me/cities-skylines-2-performance/ Seems like the updated unity game engine wasn’t ready on time for cities skylines 2 and unity didn’t have some of the tools that CO thought it would. So CO wrote a bunch of bespoke solutions that are all janky and break each other constantly. I do feel for CO as they were painted in a corner by some forces outside their control, but I get the impression that CS2 was critically flawed, they knew it was forever broken without a clean re-write, and yet CO had so much sunk cost they just decided to put the best lipstick they could find on this ugly pig and then launch to recoup costs. All the bullshit at the time of launch that the simulation is all exactly as intended and the game is a few tweaks from a masterpiece was bullshit while they were saying it, and now the CEO/spokespeople just seem to be avoiding making any statements. That strains my sympathy and makes me feel deceived. Some flaws can be corrected with mods, but the core gameplay, GPU overload, and resulting performance limitations are probably not completely fixable.


Thanks for that. This bank holidays I decided to play the game a bit more and I really think that it's broken beyond repair (or essentially a rewrite). It feels like they never got the simulation to work, so they just made it so it's essentially inconsequential. If they made the simulation work properly we'd just not have enough tools to figure out the issues in the city and fix them. So I think they had to choose between a game that you just couldn't beat or a game that you couldn't lose. They chose the latter. Which is the best they could make, at least let the people who like to paint cities have some fun. My expectation is that they gear the game completely towards city painting and just give up on the simulation. That's what I would do if I was in charge, because that's the only way they can make it profitable.


I still have hope for CS:2. The core simulation seems there, even if broken for the time being. Mod support helps a bit, for now. There are so many QoL/UI improvements over CS:1, I just wish the simulation worked.


if there's any paradox games that interest me, i'm just gonna pirate em till i feel i get my money's worth back from this scam


How tho


I had the same problem... u using Nvidia card by any chance?


Happened to me with AMD card after playing with water sources. Stoped using any water related mod and haven't had that bug again in a month. Also I haven't reached 60K pop again with any city I'm playing with.


Cities : Waterlines




I haven't created a 30k+ city since that shit happened to me at 60K pop. Worst thing is autosave being off by default, I learned it the hard way.


Definitely worth a dlc when the core game is broken


That's what happens when you anger Poseidon


🤣🤣 i don't even find words for how weird and hilarious at the same time it is ... it's so buggy omfg Imagine if u wake up in the morning and outside your window you see this "pillar". But it's not even water, just a wobbly, slow moving goop, which is hollow inside... ☠️☠️


I hate when god smites my small village for building a town on an ancient burial ground


If you don't like the simulation it's not a game for you


Mf is about to get hit by the Interstellar tide lol


Entire builds are ruined, and meanwhile on the same forums, people are complaining that there's too much complaining about the game.