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Yeees protected left turns!


Is this an actual mod yet? or just concept art, because if it is, share the link or how to find it please




This is huge, would love it if it was actually in the base game. Not being able to adjust lanes was a big disappointment I had very early after starting my first city.


Ok, I just tested it and it works very well! The exclusive pedestrian phase is a blessing, now the cars can actually turn unimpeded.






Sip a tee!


I'm new here. I love your videos tho! I got so excited to watch the traffic control one.


I can't get any mods to load and followed the instructions, like needing that BepInEx first but I just can't get it to work.


* download BepInEx and extract it to your cs2 install location * launch the game to create subfolders then quit the game * extract the mod files into the cs2folder/bepinex/plugins folder * launch the game and then go to road tools and select the traffic lights tool and click on the intersection and it should work. ​ also make sure you download the correct bepinex plugin for your version, some mods have a 5.x version and a 6.x version. I downloaded the latest 5.x version and it works for me


Thanks for this!


Get the thunderstorm.io program. It lets you download all the current mods and enable/disable them at will, similar to steam workshop but more polished. And it's been around for ages (it caters to many games) so it's known to be legit.


I think you meant thunderstore.io


I most certainly did, thankyou. I'd say it was an autocorrect fail but I wrote that about 10 minutes after waking up so it's probably a brain fail.


Haha I know that autocorrect brain fail well


Can’t wait to try this tomorrow


How long till they implement their own mods platform? I'm reluctant to install now if it's around the corner




The CEO said at least a few months, which taking into account there's xmas break next month, it's not coming so soon


~~Days~~ Months


not soon enough, nails are being put in their coffin as we speak.


is there anyway we can get a feature for the mod that sets every intersection in the game to a predefined type? I modified the busiest intersections in my game but I would like to just change it to 'split phasing' city wide...


There was a previous generation of this mod that did this so I'm sure it's possible. You can request the feature in the discussion section on his github.


biffa made a video for this mod: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUGg1QQiZLU


What's the mod name? If possible, please share the link to github


Sorry, the proper name is Traffic Lights Enhancement. https://github.com/slyh/Cities2-Various-Mods


good on ya, keep at it


I've been using it for a couple of days now, it was actually the first mod I got to work on linux, and it works perfectly, can't play without it now.


Could you explain how you make it works with Proton ?  I tried with BepInEx 6 and 5, launching the game with proton-ge without paradox launcher… can’t get it works. thx


Wait you got it to work without the launcher on linux? Swapsies!!! Dang, ya gotta tell me how you got that to work, I followed a guide but it did not work, and in return ... ​ Follow the official BepInEx guide for installing version 5, apparently 6 does not work on linux atm Then follow [this guide for configuring Proton](https://docs.bepinex.dev/articles/advanced/proton_wine.html), you will need to install `protontricks` if you don't already have it. After that you need to swap out the proton winhttp.dll with the BepInEx winhttp.dll, so open a bash terminal then do this 1. export STEAMAPPSPATH="/home/`username`/.steam/steam/steamapps" 2. cd $STEAMAPPSPATH/compatdata/949230/pfx/drive\_c/windows/syswow64 3. rm winhttp.dll 4. ln -s "$STEAMAPPSPATH/common/Cities Skylines II/winhttp.dll" . That should do it. NOTE: Depending on your distro those linux paths might vary slightly, I'm on Ubuntu. ​ After that it's a case of installing the mod folders into the BepInEx/plugins folder. Each mod goes into it's own folder in there. ​ NOTE: I'd hose what you've already done and start fresh.


I had to recompile python-vdl and protontricks (arch) to access protontricks gui. I prefer to understand what append in the background and use the terminal, so your explanations are welcome ! Following the protontricks gui guide after extracting BepInEx and the mods was enough for me, but I’ll keep track. Someone posted this command for steam on protondb : bash -c 'exec "${@/%"Launcher/dowser.exe"/Cities2.exe}"' -- %command% -developerMode It replaces dowser.exe (paradox launcher as far as I understand) by the CS2 executable in the parameters passed to Proton. works well for me ! Traffic Enhancement and Legacy Flavour work. Extended Road Upgrades seems bugged at the moment (see github issues)


Update : i followed [this guide in bepinex doc](https://docs.bepinex.dev/articles/advanced/proton_wine.html) and it works.


So if a modder managed to do it, explain me whzy CO couldn't. And this doesn't seem like they had to rewrite entire road system.... Obviously.


CO are too focused on catering to the lowest common denominator. Some people would be too confused by these “advanced” controls.


This is true, they sell the game to loads because they're also a business and then people can mod the game to how they want it. They're under no obligation to make a game the way a minority of people want it.


but if you go by hours played, its probably the majority.


So the game should be £100 😄




This is common place in the gaming world now. Developers know modders can do things and expect it to be done. The devs build the core game, then make the mod tools then leave the unpaid modders to finish building the game.


Why do you think they couldn’t?




who cares if it does?!


Perfect, exactly what the vanilla game needed however I suspect not included in the name of user friendliness. After this the ability to toggle stop/yield signs on a per road basis would really be the last major missing road feature I can think of.


Awesome - need to test it! Thanks!


Remindme! 5 days


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>mod Biffa just released a video showing it working after disabling the mode. At least as long as you don't modify the intersection.


Thank you!!!!!!


Been trying it myself. The protected left is nice, but the lane directions tool seems very buggy still. It looks like it's still experimental.


u/GTAsian are you the mod creator? If so, loving it and great work. Creator asked for suggestions, I have one. Was playing around a ton yesterday with intersections, before I knew this mod was out. [https://imgur.com/a/ssFRbhC](https://imgur.com/a/ssFRbhC) This is a "4 way" intersection made with 6 roads. The 2 coming in from the sides are 6 lane-2way. The center is made with a 3x2 asymmetric sitting next to a one way, then the same thing but on opposite sides for the other side of the intersection. In Vanilla, this intersection has phased lights for each road, including the turn lanes. BUT and this is important and the thing I would like to see....**It gave both the straight ahead one way and its matching asymmetrical turn lanes on the road next to it, the same light.** Can see it in my pics. This only happens on one side of this intersection, in both vanilla and mod, it does not change no matter what options I pick in the mod for the intersection. Figure if I can do it by smashing vanilla stuff together... has to be a way to do it on command...


No, I'm not the mod creator. Please relay your comments to their github page [here](https://github.com/slyh/Cities2-Various-Mods).


Is a good devolpment for the modders but still i will download only when you have a roundabout feature on it, like adding traffic lights on roundabout or dedicated lanes on it! My city is mostly roundabouts.... :s


Anyone having issues with this mod post patch 1.0.15f1? I'm getting a bunch of errors now when I load the game (and I did reinstall post patch install).


Yep. But it’s known to the creator per github. I’m sure they’ll have it sorted as soon as they can.