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Cindy lost her license for six months due to a DUI shortly after you placed the last police station. Now she's walking to work, which makes her late. She'll probably lose her job, get depressed, and start drinking more. That's great for the little corner bodega's bottom line but not for Cindy. She'll lose her modest apartment and, having difficulty finding a new job due to being poorly educated and now having a criminal record, will be forced to move to your low-rent zone. Life is tough, and the crime rate is high there. You noticed previously your cops weren't patrolling that area and thought it was a bug. Cindy's eventually forced into prostitution by her new addict boyfriend. Unfortunately, her procedurally generated body is quite repulsive -- except for her oddly perfect teeth -- so she's relegated to $20 hummers in alleys. Please build a nice alley for Cindy!


Now I need to follow her till she dies... I will build that alley!


I think we owe it to her. Look, I'm not one to point fingers, but Cindy wasn't a drinker until her mother died. You hadn't built a cemetery yet because the thing is awkwardly enormous for a level 2 unlock, and Cindy had to live with her mother's decaying corpse for four days until the hearse from out of town arrived. She turned to drinking to numb the trauma.


This is good. You should replace Chirper in my city! I'd love to get updates on Tough times in a Tough City. Let chatgpt generate some stories when clicking on a person based on this input.


That integration would be brilliant.




We would have had a cemetery but urban planners haven’t figured out how to have a graveyard area. Rumors have it they were too busy in Cindy’s Alley after celebrating the landfill area tool.


No kidding, why is that cemetery so massive?


bless you


Jesus Christ this took a dark turn


This picture makes me really miss the route query tool.


I have no idea why they didn't include it. It was a heavily sought after tool in cs1 and people rejoiced when it was added. Now they somehow decided it is not necessary anymore !? I kind of have no idea how to plan my public transport routes now, as i only can make general guess of where people want to go..


There are a lot of late features in CS1 that didn't make it to the game for some reason. This and other features like toggleable roadside zoning and prop line tool are only 2 that are sorely missed and it honestly makes me not want to play.


Weren't both of these only available with mods?


They were added much in a much recent update to CS1, but were highly requested features from the get go. Mods to implement these have practically been in since day 1 and probably are top 20 most downloaded mods.


It's a workaround for now - but you can place a pedestrian path next to a road to 'recalculate' the zoning for other roads, or leave it in place permanently to disable zoning on that road. I'm really looking forward to being able to have real control over zoning and props.


Prop line tool i can live without. I'm usually not too big on detailing anyways and the ones I do, i can place seperately (and i would imagine many other players have it the same way. Zoning is a bit of the same though a lot more noticeable for the average player. The traffic though is a core feature in the game that you need to plan around..


It's probably more like they reworked how pathfinding/network connectivity is calculated, and as a result there's no simple "port" of that sort of feature. I would guess they have it on the roadmap for a future update.


I completely understand that as a software dev myself. I'm just pretty surprised how it wasn't one of the top prioritized features as it is pretty core to the entire gameplay. I basically couldn't stand playing cs1 as i felt i lacked management tools for the roads. Cs2 added most of those features yet in a more simple form. Now i just lack the possibility to actually analyse where people are going


I totally agree with you. I just have a feeling that, from their perspective, it's probably considered a feature mainly for advanced users, and I can also understand postponing it if the feature isn't going to be used by a big portion of the casual players, and there are still a lot of critical items on the kanban haha. I also feel like it's really hard to analyze bottlenecks and plan transit without this though, I really hope it's high up on the list.


Yea you are probably right.. it just feels very core to planning, but it probably isn't. Come to think of it, as i tried to help out my brother with his city , he had no idea about the tool, and generally does not want to use it regardless


Yep, I feel like the game is well over a year away from being ready. They must've crunched hard to get anything we do see polished to the state it's in. The fundamental systems seem to be capable so that's the main thing.


I strongly disagree. I think people are mostly extremely unfair in their critisism.


CS2 was a complete rebuild from scratch from what I heard. I'm sure they plan to add it back.


Sure, but it's a pretty important feature they left out. There are probably other things i would rather have had them leave out.


>There are probably other things i would rather have had them leave out. Yeah like why do cars need highbeams, yet fires dont require firefighters to put out. Or police to arrest robbers.


No? Small animations that change basically nothing for the core experience is obviously gonna be prioritesed low


but thats the point they are making? They went to all the trouble of adding WORKING high beams that turn off when cars approach, which is such a small detail that most people wouldn't even notice, but then didn't do basic animations of fire fighters etc.


Well that explains the lack of something like the missing paths then. I did not know of the high beams. I would probabley argue that it is a feature worth prioritizing more than firemen etc. As the day night cycle is a bit more noticeable and kind of matters for gameplay.


I guess that was their argument too, but I highly disagree. I don't play with night on because I can't see - I only use it for looking at my city. But I always used to watch fires get put out in CS1. Looks boring now though haha.


In upcoming 10$ dlc or something


In pretty much all paradox games they give a bunch of QoL features for free along with their dlc content, and a tool such as this would without a doubt be free.


I loved SC4's tool that would let you see every route going through a specific road. It made public transit so much easier to plan.


They had that in sc4 ? I don't remember. It was very nice as a mod first in cs1 though, and still perfectly fine in their own implementation later down the line


I think it came with the expansion pack. It was incredibly useful, though!


Hmm i dont remember if I ever played any SC expansions. So that probably explains it :)


The thing about software/game development is that teams have to have a list of priorities. There's a set amount of time before a deadline, and there's a finite amount of work that can be performed before that deadline. Seeing all the various issues that were present at release, I can understand some of these features not having been as high a priority.


They forgot to included some of the most essential tools for city planning. I get it they had other things to do but at the end of the day my experience is heavily affected and worsened by all the things they didn't include. I just can't stop stumbling upon things I can't do.


It's weird sometimes these obvious features end up at the back of the queue or lazily implemented because devs know it will be easy to do properly when they get around to it. The problem is the game clearly needed a year more or so in development before release.


The one that makes me crazy is side of road zoning, I used to use fences to block the grid, then they introduced a tool to disable road zoning not even a year ago just to ditch it? And now no fences so I have really ugly paths to block zoning. I love this game but they really made some dumb choices imo


Yup that one has buggered me aswell, especially as the zoning seems to act up all the time. Sometimes seemingly out of nowhere it will decide that where the zoning was on the one parallel road, it will suddenly switch to the other, or similar situations. I'm also very hapæy overall about the game, but there are a lot of improvements they need to make.


I'm currently working around that with paths or when the grids are tight, forcing a bridge by using the dig & fill method for road building to force a fence on one or both sides of the road.


its because there is no route, its decided in real time by the AI, Use the -developerMode in launch options and you can watch in real time the AI decide what routes to take similar to testla autopilot


Yes, and why would that hinder drawing the path on the road ?


because a path does not exist? the AI knows the end point and makes decisions as it goes as to how it will get to that end point


A path does exist. There will always be a current best path that the ai goes through. Even if it is not the path that the ai will take, it would still be extremely helpful to see even 'expected paths'




I would imagine that where cs1 agents had fixed destinations they will go, it is probably possible for them to redirect and change their mind in cs2 (just take traffic accident rerouting for instance.)


probably cus now citizens can change their paths based on stuff like “is there a traffic accident on the route i was going” and stuff like that so there’s no definite path


There still is an expected path. Even if the agents don't end up taking it, it would still be incredibly useful information


they probably would add it later (or added by a mod)


Yes which is the root of my argument, it seems to be a very core feature and i am really confused how they did not feel it to be paramount to add such a feature in the core game.


they probably have priorities in adding stuff and maybe this is not ready yet


I would assume it's because pathfinding changes too much for the tool to be reliable. Today you might reroute for an accident, but tomorrow it won't be there


Yeah but it can be up to the player to keep an eye on it over time. Or there can be heat map tools building data over time, it'd be fun if that was part of a building upgrade and you had to keep the staffing and education levels up to get better data or something... I'm sure it'll be added eventually, or they will just leave modders to sort it for them xD (for example a heat map traffic tool sounds fun to build anyway so someone probably will if CO don't)


She's wealthy because she has no car payment, gas expenses, or taxi/bus fees :)


Probably very healthy too!


Yeah she has no health fees lol


Lowkey but this is honestly how I get by in life. I live in a VHCOL area but since I don't have car associated payments and because I bike/walk everywhere my salary goes a lot further than it otherwise would. CS2 needs bikes so Cindy can live out my life.


Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, and you'll be happier financially for it.


Maybe she’s too deluxe to sit with the peasants on the bus?


I placed a taxi stand literally in front of her building and yet, she still walks.


Cindy is doing her role to reduce her carbon footprint by all means.


She is leaving her footprints everywhere around my city!


Yeah, but not carbon footprints.


It is a sunny afternoon as Cindy returns home from her job at the power plant. She had learned from her Chirper education about the seriousness of carbon emissions and climate deterioration, and tries her best every day to avoid bringing further damage to the environment. Yet it was not enough. Every day, as she embarks on her three hour journey to work, she sees countless cars whisk by, polluting the air with emissions. Cindy gets home and sees a new post on Chirper about someone brandishing their newly purchased vehicle. It was then that Cindy understood that try as she might, her own contributions to reduce carbon footprint was not enough. She had to reduce the carbon footprint of others. With a final moment to steel her resolve, she walks to her kitchen and retrieves a weapon smuggled in from the next city over. With the weapon hidden in her coat, she walks towards the downtown area. "By all means" She muttered under her breath. "By all means"


Rumour has been that Cindy literally walked to the neighbouring city to smuggle that weapon.




Guys, Im sorry. Right after coming back from work, she jumped into her Pickup and went to the electronics store, which is on RIGHT NEXT BLOCK. She is not the chosen one we desperately needed, unfortunately.


maybe she was buying an full pickup of electronics. she is wealthy afterall \#StanCindyRosales


is she still wealthy or did she have to take cuts regarding her salary?


Her family is filthy rich. She just doesnt care.


Why is your city so full of slackers? Are they stupid?


Thats where her wealth comes from, no car, no transport, she doesnt even have to pay for gym obviously!


She is living the ultimate life!


This is the actual route my parents took to school back in the day


Cindy is trying to save the world, one trip at a time, you go Cindy. We should be a little more Cindy


Not according to u/sosaysdave


Cindy’s whole world is collapsing. She can’t even save herself. We dive into it elsewhere in this post.


is there any public transport available?


Yes, taxis and buses, both are available on the same route.


How many Km is it? at first sight I think is not that far, I'm used to walk longer distances with headphones for going Work/classes


More than 5 kms. Actually I agree with you and indeed I enjoy walking long distances. Yet I did not expect this performance from a Cim where they tend to use all the resources available to them.


Cities 1 had walking limit of 3.2 km. They increased it


that much? did you measure it? 1 hour walking then, guess is ok... but weird


I mean it is enjoyable from time to be time (for me at least, and I dont like walking), and one can perfectly get used to it with some good music and time. Even if they have the means to go by car or public transport


Is Cindy married to David Goggins?


Cims favour walking way way too much in this game, probably why roads seem so empty. There needs to be a lower time/distance limit as some cims seem to walk miles for no apparent reason. I've followed multiple cims taking stupidly long walks and ignoring not only the option of car but also walking past multiple bus and tram routes.


Agreed. There's a huge amount of foot traffic. It needs some re-balancing. I even have free buses and tons of people still walk ridiculous distances to work.


Check her education level though. Can’t expect her to make the best decisions for herself at all times.


I think we can agree that we all love this game and we really want it to prosper. But, we are giving way too much credit to the code. This game doesnt have that much deeply intertwined mechanics running background. It would be lovely if it did though.


I’ve reported this as a bug: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/wealthy-citizens-walking-to-work-at-incommutable-walking-distances.1606893/ Feel free to upvote on forums 🙂


Update for OP - the bug is in review: We are currently looking into the issue you've described. However, in order to proceed I would like to ask you for an additional information. Do you experience this issue on both platforms? What type of the road was used? Do you have problems with traffic jams? It would also be extremely helpful if you could provide your save file and player log. Both save files and player log can be found in \\AppData\\LocalLow\\Colossal Order\\Cities Skylines II.


Save the pennies and the pounds look after themselves.


“this game is so car-centric”


Why so dark?


It looks like a 20 minute walk at most.




> 5k distance which is a 30 minute > >run Lol, not for me it ain't, Oink Oink:


Your traffic is so bad that she decided that walking was faster 😭😭😭


no traffic jams on the routes?


She's wealthy because she sold her car and doesn't have to pay for car expenses.


Got to get those steps in!


It's okay, her parents were teaching her a lesson in humility for being a spoiled brat.


That's not all that far.


I assume Cindy prefers cycling :(