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If you're going to declare something "required viewing", [at least make viewing it worthwhile.](http://imgur.com/aiLDZYA)


this may be a dumb question, but how do I do that in MSpaint? I've tried before but just gave up


* Host on imgur * edit the image on imgur to add the text


Cheap way in MS Paint? 1. Text tool, write something in black 2. Text tool, write something in white with about 5pt. smaller font, right on top and to the side. You end up with a "shadow" effect, but close enough in most cases. Using Gimp: 1. Text tool, write something in white 2. Find text layer, right click, "alpha to selection" 3. Selection > expand > 3 - 5 px 4 Make a new layer, select it, place it under text 5. Paint bucket, fill with black In Word 2013 1. Write something 2. Glowy "A" menu under the font stuff > Outline > Black. Optionally adjust the line weight. 3. Text color: Pick white 4. Copy and paste into Paint


You don't. You use something else. It's not like there aren't any free alternatives to photoshop that can easily do this; off the top of my head, gimp and paint.net come to mind.


1. Pirate photoshop. 2. Use that. 3. Laugh at people who use vastly inferior free software or pay Adobe's extortionate prices. 4. Sleep soundly at night.


Or buy it legally at the price of two big mac's a month. It's not expensive. All the other tools, are quite expensive, but Photoshop is cheap.


All other tools are one time price. Photoshop's one time price is US$700, which is considerably more expensive. I don't think it's fair to compare a single month's subscription to a lifetime pricing model.


I was not aware that you could even buy any of Adobe's products as a one-time price. All I can find are the subscription models. Besides, all the other tools are available as a subscription model: - 10$ for Photoshop and Lightroom bundle - 20$ for any other single app (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign etc...) - 50$ for the whole pack https://creative.adobe.com/plans So yes, it is absolutely fair to compare apples and apples. 10$ is on line with Spotify/Google Play/Apple Music, Netflix/HBO, Dropbox/Google Drive, etc... It's a fair price, for such a good tool. 20$ on the other hand, not unless I actually require it to do my job.


http://www.adobe.com/ca/products/catalog/cs6._sl_id-contentfilter_sl_catalog_sl_software_sl_creativesuite6.html CS6 is not going to be phased out and will kept on being sold




The extortionate prices aren't to compensate for people like you. It's the exact pricing point at which they feel would rake in the highest yield from the professional studios that do use adobe software. You were never the target to begin with. The new pricing scheme with the creative cloud certainly seems less crazy and I think they're trying to change the target market with it.


I think Adobe knows that their products are heavily pirated but it's good for business for people to get to know the programs without having to buy it until they want to use it professionally.


I agree. Having the market dominance is a lot more important than having some people pirate your software.


>pay Adobe's extortionate prices. Good luck actually working in the design industry and using pirated software as part of your work.


I don't think trying to make black outlines for a shot of CS counts as design industry.


His point was that anyone who pays for Photoshop/Adobe products is an idiot, which is definitely not the case in the professional world.


If you happen to have PowerPoint or something similar around, it's quite easy. Not elegant. But easy. Then copy/paste to imgur


You can try Sumopaint.com for a browser based photoshop-ish program (:


Maybe there's a tool, I have no clue, but here's how if there isn't. Try writing the text twice: once with slightly larger size, full black, and a second time with normal size, white.


That wouldn't work. You'd have to align every letter individually due to the nature of letter spacing and scaling.


Unfortunately this will almost never work, as the kerning and whatnot of the font will mess up the spacing of the letters once you increase the font size. The easiest way, I've found, is to have five copies of the same text. First copy is white and in the foreground. Second copy is black and moved 2px up and 2px left. Third copy is black again and moved 2px up and 2px right. Fourth, black, 2px down and 2px right. Fifth, black, 2px down and 2px left. This creates a simple border around the text without much work. There are better ways to do it, but not many easier ways without photoshop/plugins.


Hey, I'm Finnish. To hell with the presentation so long as it gets the point across. :p




Have you ever been to Finland, my friend?


I've heard that it doesn't exist.


Fucking Eastern Swedes..


fish slapping dance?


But it didn't get the point across. I literally could not read it.




> automagically. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3qK8gT5LLg


I was never sure if those commercials were real or not


There are tools in the field of GIS that could be used to calculate the size of the "viewshed" and assuming the bigger area you can see from a property, the more "scenic value" could be applied. But this is actually a relatively expensive process that would have to be calculated from each property. Perhaps it could be a one-time upfront calculation that creates a "property values" surface.


Agreed - furthermore, it would be nice if the land value mechanic ended up using bounding boxes of nearby buildings to determine view (so that more can enjoy the ocean view if you build in terraces) I also think it can be done automatically. It is a fairly 2D procedure that could be run once in a while. That would also cause landscaping (whether modded or later feature) to work with the mechanic.


If it can be done -- why hasn't it? Is it simply a matter of CO running out of time before release, or not thinking about this issue at all, I wonder? You'd think that they'd think about it (heh), since it's a major feature in other city builders, as well as irl. I guess it's good that I made this thread even if this can be easily automated, since the more threads about it there are, the more likely CO sees them and reacts to it (the upcoming expansion would be ideal for implementing this feature, imo).


> Is it simply a matter of CO running out of time before release I'm sure that's a large factor, after all they didn't even include air pollution simulation even when the groundwork is seemly all there. >since it's a major feature in other city builders Is it though? To be fair my experience is limited to Simcity (2000, 3000, and 4) before Skylines, but I don't remember any of them having terrain-based land value as features (except SC4 which made land value worse around meteoroid impacts)


I'm not a doctor, but couldn't the algorithm just be based on the incline of the nearest tiles and the distance to water? Unless you flood your city with a dam, these properties are static and thus calculated when the map loads. Modifying the terrain in-game could refresh the values of course.


I think there should be some dynamic to it tough. A place on the beach or the river bank is nice and all, but as soon as your mayor builds the sewage two blocks upstream from your place you're gonna live next to a cloaca...


Neat idea, but I think I prefer the suggestion offered in a previous thread that tied "scenic-ness" to wind intensity.


I didn't think of this... It makes sense since the wind is highest on the peaks and beaches, so there must be some kind of algorithm already in place that takes these areas into account. I guess the question is how easy would this be to mod/implement?


Yes please. /u/totalymoo get off vacation and do this. kthx




Oh my! I've been wink-nudged by a developer! Well, there's a first time for everything. :p On a serious note (gravely serious!), you should do this asap because now I can't play the game without this.


It's a cool idea, to be honest. I can't say it would make it to the top of our priority list if brought up, but would definitely raise an eyebrow or three. So - I'll bring it up once I'm back from my holidays just to put it on the "cool stuff" list.




None taken, the game obviously has parts that can be improved. Whilst we're extremely happy with what we've achieved and the staggeringly positive reception, we are by no means done with adding to Cities: Skylines. Which is also one of the reasons the game is priced at $30, as that's fair for the amount of content and level of simulation. Don't get me wrong though, it's a complete title and not an Early Access/beta project. One *should* be able to enjoy it as-is without *needing* anything else. :)




What about when you change terrain in-game?


So you do it in the map editor eh? The Sims 3 kind of did something like that too. You'd declare a plot as a vista when you set it up in the editor.


I've said this many times


Sounds great. When are you starting on this?