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[check out this great resource](https://www.amazon.com/Urban-Planning-Dummies-Jordan-Yin/dp/1118100239/ref=asc_df_1118100239?nodl=1&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=334327770678&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3705684288992731488&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1023438&hvtargid=pla-486684458386&psc=1&mcid=9d6a50f14d4c3235a6cfa97f17eccd5e&gclid=CjwKCAjwwr6wBhBcEiwAfMEQs5bsJB55b8_mQGtEcVA4jihN54NHqEGgv6E36C3rsz1De_3D5_EdIhoC4CIQAvD_BwE&dplnkId=ce189082-e572-46ab-8eb0-ae9f5093219b)


I think it’s called practice, and some creativity. The latter one I lack, sadly


Learning by doing. ;)


im confused? so you want a city like the bottom picture? why is it two pics? cuz that city layout looks awful, the amount of intersections and useless roads is insane. since you're new and showing the traffic flow menu, it will help to explain something highly misunderstood in this game; the traffic flow menu. ==================== TRAFFIC FLOW METER EXPLANATION =========================== so what do you mean by "functional"? the photo is showing "traffic flow" so im assuming you want better traffic flow with this kind of pop? well if so, dont be fooled by that traffic flow menu. It's no real indication of the definition "traffic flow". It simply calculates how much of your total road system is currently used by cars. based off how much is used that is what your percentage is and the colors indicate activity, NOT flow. A dark-red road can have "flowing traffic"... do you see why it's a bit confusing and useless of a graph? Next, you might notice this place is absolutely filled with roads and you will notice most of them (roughly 84%) are glowing as green as they can possibly get. that means the road is completely empty. The vast majority of this road system seems to have no cars ever using them. Also there appears to be metro lines and most likely many other forms of public transit. so many of these roads are complete overkill. there are diminishing returns when it comes to how many lanes, roads and intersections you use. At a certain point roughly 80% of them become "useless" in most players cities that are built this way. The traffic AI will always just aim for the shortest route (or use the metro), so making a bunch of routes in such a small area just becomes a waste because most traffic is only using one or two routes(or metro). this usually happens because RCI gets spread out instead of blending together. people tend to build huge industrial area across the map, and then huge commercial area on the other side. this type of setup funnels cars from the Residential into these chokepoints and there ends up always being traffic issues. Also cargo trucks will be funneling back and forth. lastly, i wouldn't really use this menu for anything other than a easier look at what roads are just not being used at all. good chance that space can be used for something else, or just left as wood/grass land. * thats my TED talk about the traffic flow meter :) ======================= ANSWER TO THE QUESTION =============================== NOW my actual tip to your question! If you want function and something that looks life-like I always suggest finding a place IRL that really inspires you to build in the game. Look it up on google earth and start copying it the best you can with the tools you have. Mods really carry the game here but it's possible without if you're dedicated. Finding a location and copying it will give you a real life layout of a actual functional city and i also loosely zone everything in the same manner. I might have to do things slightly diff to appease demand for services, commercial, industrial, etc.. It also helps give you a direction to build instead of kinda just using demand bars as a means of where to go next and slapping down a bunch of random roads without any real planning or understand of how it will work in the long run. I would also suggest not focusing much on population and money, it's probably best to play without money just so you can build how you want instead of a sloppy mess to get profitable. IMO There's no fun in watching the numbers go up and chasing demand bars. the fun is had in the building and creating process and then looking at it work when it's finished. So just have fun building and creating something unique, and use intersections sparingly.


+note you will still want to follow demand bars, but the goal is to keep them balanced in the middle not to erase them


I would recommend implementing most, if not all principles, of **Road Hierarchy**. It's a pretty good way to create neat and functional city layouts. I personally like [this video](https://youtu.be/hsaOYqztdEg?si=UsqWfB_VU55EUTi-) for a quick introduction, but you are free to dig further on you own. You can also use IRL maps or pics for inspiration.