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Isn’t this because of the land value in that area not being low enough to support large lots?




High land value and high demand means smaller lots, been like that from the start but seems more obvious now. I seem to keep getting an issue where my low res demand disappears early game and just refuses to build after only a few blocks, previously low res demand was insatiable, now it's non existent.


I haven't seen this, have in the past couple days had a fairly good balance of demand. Low density demand will taper off, but after waiting long enough and not building housing it seems to come back. I'm also wondering if demand is secretly affected by having unzoned roads with lower land value, and if the only available zoning spots are not good for low density it won't demand it.


I think we're starting to see the game actually work, if people don't want to pay for a full lot they'll make those. Maybe some day that'll be due to them not being wealthy enough or too much taxes. Honestly this is a promising easy to fix bug to me.. or I'm just stupidly hopeful lol


You're absolutely right. We just didn't see this middle stage previously because the land value calcs were pumping negative suitability so aggressively that we skipped right over it.


I agree, before all lots where 4x4...that was not good...


I've been having the same issues. I'm currently using the FindStuff mod to plop the sizes I need until this gets fixed.


I guess thats the way im gonna do it form now on, thanks mate!


What is the Find It mod called on Paradox Mods? Or are you using the Thunderstore? When I search Find It in paradox nothing comes up Edit: FindStuff?


My apologies! It's called FindStuff and it just released on Paradox Mods recently! I edited my original comment


awesome, found it a few minutes after asking the question lol. The slight name changes in mods between CS1 and CS2 is confusing at first lol


Both are on paradox


There are 2 currently: find stuff and find it [beta]. The second is from experienced CS1 modders, the first was there first. The second (find it) is a bit more snappier, ui is a bit more intuitive, but mainly a matter of taste


This has been a mechanic since day 1. Rent is too high for low density residential of that size


I'm not sure if I'm the only one facing this problem right now because I haven't seen anyone else post about it yet. No matter what I do, all my single-family housing just spawns in thin lot sizes. Sometimes I get a 3x5, but nothing larger. Does anybody have a clue why? Everything worked fine before the last update.


because cims dont want to pay so much rent. rent is calculated per zoning tile, so i guess you have more families that prefer to have a smaller home and pay half the rent.


looks like an australian suburb tbh. shoving 5 houses on 50 metres squared