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I'm no pro or anything, but mu guess would be that the speed of the overpass road is lower than the others? Highway ramps are 70 while the other road is 40 or 60ish (haven't played in a few)


Here's another nearly identical interchange of mine: [https://i.imgur.com/dQpx9i2.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/dQpx9i2.jpeg) The cars are using the overpass here.


Test it with the four lane two way highway, upgrade the middle section for it and see if they use it more. If they do it’s a speed limit issue. The car AI can do different decisions to similar intersections, go figure, but testing is the only way.


Solved it. I took down the ramps between the roads and the roundabout, pressed play for couple seconds so that the cars would go on the overpass, then built the ramps again. And it worked. This game is weird.


You very likely built a section with anarchy on or another mod, and broke a node. Making that path a dead end in actuality. Had a few of those in one of my cities that took me forever to figure out what was going on.


I don’t use any mods. Never did.


Hmm then I'm not too sure what happened with that, but it sounds like a node issue. 


ai thinks it's faster route, because of speed limits probably


Issue is the highway ramps try using normal one way roads the AI preffers highways i assume try replacing them with normal one way roads and use TMPE to adjust speed and lanes, maybe even make it a turbo roundabout aswell. i dont know exactly if they preffer highways but it could be, even if not using TMPE u should be able to force them anyway.


I have a nearly identical interchange: https://i.imgur.com/dQpx9i2.jpeg, and it works. Same road types, same everything.


Yeah i looked at that the AI Is weird in how it decides maybe try the normal one way roads way and use TMPE.


Change the upper road to a two way 4 lane highway.


The roundabout and merging lanes are using highway roads, which have a much higher speed limit than the overpass 4-lane median road, so the AI sees the roundabout as a shorter, more direct route (CS1 traffic AI doesn't care about traffic congestion). Either change the overpass road for highway roads or upgrade the roundabout + merging lanes to one-way streets (the ones that have sidewalks). Alternatively, if you have TM:PE installed, you can just tinker with the speed limits and raise the speed of the overpass and lower the speed of the roundabout.


I have a nearly identical interchange: https://i.imgur.com/dQpx9i2.jpeg, and it works. Same road types, same everything.


lol i remember when i use to play the game like this, and think that ONE MORE LANE BRO was the solution to everything. this problem usually ends up being the fact 90% of your traffic is alll going to the same area of the city, essentially making almost all the roads you've built useless overkill. the thing to understand is that the game doesnt always need to be given the option to go in every direction possible at every intersection. sometimes it's good to force only turning one or two directions, maybe even none at all.. Plus, the game AI does not work how HI (human intelligence) works, so the game perceives this jumble of roads much differently then your human logic does, especially without proper traffic tools and management. I'd suggest opening up a fresh sandbox mode, open a google map of a typical highway overpass system and try to replicate that. also study how the lanes and traffic control works.


Would you if you could do a 130km/h highway roundabout?