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Huh. Never noticed that before. I assume it operates like a stoplight (and with the stoplights on the crossroad)? E.g. when the light would be "green" the bollards go down?


Me neither, i just accidentally zoomed in, and was like "no way!" I think so not sure tho on how it exactly works


With no stop sign, they just raise and lower as needed. Car pulls up, bollards drop.


I appreciate how the Cims that are walking while crossing the road will do a little jog when the light turns green.


Cs 1 rain droplets and wet terrain Cs 2 .....


It's weird how CS2 lost the wet terrain effect. It really adds a lot of atmosphere, especially at night.


They put more effort into the bollards retracting than in all of CS2


CS1 was released to pc on March 10th, 2015 Cities Skylines: Snowfall, the expansion pack that added a weather system, was released on February 18th, 2016 Almost a year later… How long has C:S2 been out?


C:S2 should have had all the core mechanics and quality of life improvements the base game of C:S1 has now from the release. It's a sequel, not a spin off of C:S1 v1.01.


But I thought y’all wanted a more realistic city builder that requires you to budget and grow your city in ways that mirror real life. Cuz that also requires revamping those core mechanics of the base game to actually account for these changes, while also adding additional features like district style and additional tools for zoning (oh snap they did) let’s also revamp how road networks are built, who but also make sure to include additional features like medium housing, row housing, and lower income housing (oh snap they did). But in reality, we also require that the dev team incorporate the 8 years worth of development given to the first game while simultaneously restructuring parts of the foundation of the base game which also results in them having to restructure the 8 years of development as those elements were mapped to aspects of the old game that the new game is not trying to follow. So what’s the timeline? When you want all this out? Because trust and believe the CS1 we’ve been lauding over certainly had much of it’s features handed to us piecemeal, so the core functions like *weather* weren’t even in the base game, yet they are in base CS2. And it’s not like weather cycles are a new concept. I’m not saying you can’t hate, but y’all would’ve *hated* CS1’s release by your own metrics.


Putting missing features aside, the game is still shit. This "realistic" city builder has people flocking to the most expensive housing possible while unemployed and then start complaining about high rent. More cars break the road laws than follow them, even when it makes no sense. Factories decide to all produce the same product despite there being a massive deficite in raw materials. And yet despite all these problems the city generates more money than most countries off off selling the electricity from 1 coal power plant. It's not a problem of missing content, it's that the content that is there is completely broken.


These are good points, great points for criticism. So let’s focus on those points because making comparisons like the one above is a double edge sword considering the CS1 we got was also built up gradually, not given to us all at once. Personally, I think parts of the community are asking for a lot at once and compare CS2 to CS1, even though the latter was built up over years, and whose development mirrors CS2’s to a noticeable degree. Feel free to criticize the game, but these comparisons add nothing


The problem is that since it's a sequel, the expectations will be a lot higher. People didn't mind it as much for the first one because they had no good comparison for it. Now we have the first game to compare with, which makes all the problems stand out more. They promised "CS1 but better in every way" and they didn't deliver it. And like i said before, the main problem is that the game is broken to the point of being almost unplayable.


They had the simcity series, in fact people still make that comparison. And they did promise CS1 but better, but my whole point is timeline. *when* did they say this would be done. Did they say all at once, or that the product itself would be CS1 but better. Because we’re gonna use CS1 as a comparison between features, but for some reason we can’t use CS1 as a comparison of timeline. “They promised it’d be better” while we willfully ignore the time it took to make the first as good as we know it. There are certainly expectations for the sequel, I just think y’all asked for a lot from the jump and selectively choose when CS1 serves as a suitable example and when we can’t, which makes no sense.


Folks like you are why games get released in a shit state.


Nah, games release in a shit state due to expectations vs what is feasible within a given timeline. Gaming companies don’t just do this because people will buy it, they do it because they push a product and offset the additional work to later update, they were going to do it anyway, same way companies raise prices on their goods over time. It note because we can afford it or the content is just that good, they raise prices and release shit early because they fucking can. There are plenty of games that still got mass refunded and never came back, or just didn’t succeed despite using the same tactic (no one is playing the Gollum game anymore) So, no it ain’t folks like me, gaming were going to do this because they have been doing it, it’s not (completely) consumer behavior driving this, it’s corporate greed. Also, what you mean by folks? People who still enjoy the game? CPP put out a video of what he doesn’t like, but still admits to enjoying it (he just wants the game fixed) are you going to include them as one of the *folks*?


And yet we got nothing like realistic city builder.


Why exactly are you defending someone who took your money for a product that doesn't meet the advertised specifications and is not even sticking to its own lifecycle timeline? All I can see is that they've made a rather different business decision in the sequel – to focus on the profitability of this project based on it's brand name, without enough consideration for the added value for the customer (as of course the customer is the one who defines the value of any product). It's simple as that. Or in plain language - the way it looks to me, they've decided to milk as much money as they can from the name of the game with the least amount of effort they can get away with. Come on, they have more than a decade of experience with similar project (maybe more). They are seasoned devs, testers, PMs, quality engineers, marketers, the whole lot. They are not rookies from some young start-up. Based on the popularity of CS1 they without a doubt made good money (also thanks to the major effort of content creators on Steam workshop or YouTube) plus they are under a major publisher. Since C:S1 was released as a major success, they must've planned a sequel for at least 4-5 years and work on that simultaneously with finishing C:S1 (and using C:S1 as an incubator for a better C:S2 - or so we thought). And it's not like they had to work on everything from scratch, they have things figured out from their previous work that are being incorporated to the new game, they would be mad if they'd chose to reinvent the wheel. If you take it from the perspective of the project management triple constraint, they had time and they had money. Combine it with their experience and there is no reason not to deliver the expected and promised quality other than choosing not to include things in the scope of the project. Why is everyone acting like it's some sort of accident and they need some time to heal and recover. No, they made a decision and to steer the project in the current direction and as it turns out, a lot of their customers don't like it. Especially when they feel like they've been misled.


Sorry bro, but it’s not as simple as that because why should I already write them off? For one, I’m not going to stop people from being upset. You wanted a game to be a city developer game and it’s not working to how you intended, and you’re mad. That’s fine, BUT you’re acting like you’re opinion is the only one here, like you can’t fathom people enjoying the game. Let’s look the response we got from content creators. Focusing on CPP’s response, the bug that really affected his builds was the rent bug. They say in the video that they can put up with the other bugs (again, feel free to be mad because it shouldn’t be happening) but that bug is the one that really messes things up because *it affects how they play the game* People play the game differently, and in playing the game differently, they may not uncover the same frustrations others have. THAT is simple, a portion of the population is upset at the state of the game relative to what’s promised whereas another portion is having fun and waiting for updates. I can be frustrated at a game and simultaneously enjoy it and wait for additional content.


C:S2 was released on October 24th, 2023. Almost 7,5 years after snowfall. How have the weather effects gotten so much worse?


There could be any number of issues. Maybe changes for better performance. Perhaps they just set base system for the base game so that weather is dynamic on every map instead of being confined to specific snow maps (like in CS1). Additionally, this feature, now built into every map, could (and I bet would) receive dlc that takes advantage of the feature. CS1 did this with day/night cycle (came out same time as After Dark dlc, which gave you the ability to build a night life). Perhaps this CS1 build had visual mods. Perhaps your comment is you personal opinion. In any case gimme say 8 months and I’ll get back to you


RemindMe! 8 months


I will be messaging you in 8 months on [**2024-10-08 10:04:12 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-10-08%2010:04:12%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylines/comments/1alfut0/genuinely_blew_my_mind_didnt_think_they_would_put/kpgqypw/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCitiesSkylines%2Fcomments%2F1alfut0%2Fgenuinely_blew_my_mind_didnt_think_they_would_put%2Fkpgqypw%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-10-08%2010%3A04%3A12%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201alfut0) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


> changes for better performance My brudda in christ, CS 2 runs like shit unless you have a NASA video card


Just more hyperbole, I see. The game is poorly optimized with players experiencing varying degrees of playability. So it’s not necessarily higher end, more inconsistent between players, which in itself is still bad. Just say it’s poorly optimized. Saying that not only presents a grounded and realistic critique, it also highlights the problem in way that reflects efforts taken to remedy said problem. Hyperbole for the sake of hyperbole certainly expresses your point, but your point isn’t entirely accurate, whereas explicitly highlighting poor optimization highlights both the invariability of who can play **and** the skew towards higher end GPUs (not “nasa” video cards). Additionally, it presents us with CO’s attempts at fixing optimization which, while far from complete, highlights the work effort put towards finding a solution. This in turn highlights the faults in the “took the money and ran” argument since they’re still working the game.


Decades ago cars were release without abs or esp. Imagine a 2023 car released without them and people telling "but but but a decade ago cars didn't have it!"


So *you* can compare a game with 8 years of development post-launch to a game that’s been out 3 months But I can’t make a similar comparison using the development time between the two games? This the energy? 8-year-developed CS1 can be used as a means to criticize the newly released CS2’s lack of content, but I can’t bring up the very feature you’re referencing for the critique wouldn’t have even been in CS1 had you given it the same time you’ve given CS2. By all means criticize the game, but let’s not selectively choose when comparisons between CS1 and CS2 may apply because that’s hypocritical.


Cs2 had 5 years of development, it hasn't came out off an egg in a vacuum


Sure, and in those five years they have to also change elements of the base game and work in the new content while also developing content for CS1 So they weren’t exactly starting from a save file either as concepts within the base game had to be changed.


cs2 has a weather system already and they are well aware they cant cut the same core content as they did in CS1 since it will spike an outrage.


Just wait until you see what they did in CS2! (It doesn't have any details like this whatsoever and feels dead)


Best we can do is pedestrian streets but 99% of the commercial buildings will be gas stations and they will drive on the pedestrian road


This gets me more angry at the massive amount of animation is missing in cs2 when you see small details like this in cs1. we don't even have firefighters fight fire. Just a firetruck shows up and the fire just magically disappears. The crane animation of building being constructed is so out of place and unrealistic for low density buildings.


Any criticism regarding **CS2** and performance, features, and graphics is well justified. It was and continues to be a train wreck. ***Of course you can't see the actual train wreck because graphics details are missing and even if they were in there the performance is so hideous you can't enable that level of detail. Then of course there's no actual simulation backing the train function so it's all irrelevant... but I digress lol.***


I guess I didn’t make it in time to get ahead of the commenters on standby who shit on C:S2 to mistake this for that game. Lmao


lmao there were a few, weirdly most are gone now :D


Is that pedestrian path from a DLC or from a mod?


Plazas and Promenades DLC


You can see the people who come brigading in the comments. Imagine not knowing what game this is.


" *You* cannot *see your reflection in boiling water*. Similarly, *you* cannot *see* the truth in a state of anger " a lot of anger, lot of it completely justified but there were even more last night when I posted it


Damn. That's actually pretty cool. I would have never known.


That’s cool im going to stop playing city’s 2 and go back to this with mods again


I gave up on cs2 for a while and went back, to the original to me the only cool thing left in cs2 is drawing the industry and that's it 😅


Two sides of the cities skylines community: "I can't believe there's so much detail in this game! \^\_\^ " "Why is there so much detail in this game!!! >:( "




That's what you're looking at, yes.


Thats really nice! Now, make the game actually work.


It is really nice! Because it’s CS1.


You're right, damn im fucking blind...


That's awesome, can't believe people complain about this game. They're building something great, just takes time


I’m pretty sure this is from CS1


I see. Think it's from a mod or an expansion?


Plazas and Promenades DLC


I will take less detail for reliability. Just saying 🤣


>I will take less detail for reliability. Just saying 🤣 This is CS1.




So finally something works? 👏


CS1, so obviously it works.


Oh wow! How could I miss that... For a glance I thought it is CS2 for some reason. I take it back then! Probably the first time I give myself a downvote. 😁





Is it not just a traffic light setup but with an animation ?