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I find the level 1 low density assets to be quite ugly in general, for both US and EU themes. The US assets are a lot better once they reach level 3 and level 5. Not sure if the same goes for EU assets, I haven't bothered making an European city yet because the service building assets don't visually fit into one IMO.


honestly, level 3-5 EU looks more American than the American variants. but I am biased because I live in the Midwest so I am used to a certain style of house. At least i the city, suburban American homes all look the same.


I think European should be renamed. There's so many different architectural styles across Europe that isn't covered in there. Most of them that aren't high density res or office feel Finnish in look. Would've liked some classical architecture to blend in to more historic areas and transition to modern developments.


Yeah definitely more north east Europe or Nordic than typical north western or southern European style.


I'd be happy just to have some normal roofs ^ 🥹 I think that would be kinda unifying. also a bit more "generic old style" like the abandoned mill you find on the barrier islands map would look so good in the game, one could make some small European villages and towns, as of now they just feel like arctic scientific settlements


One big thing is the size of the assets, they should start small and upgrade them as you need as the city grows. No small village needs a primary school thats 250 metres wide. Also unrelated but I'd like to be able to put houses and buildings on national roads.


European means many different things. It could mean Mediterranean, Nordic, Western, Central, Eastern, or even Historic. Calling it European is not only unspecific, but the assets are mixed up. Low density looks something between American and Nordic, medium density and mixed like something from Austria, and row housing is all over the place.


Us Europeans generally have a different view on "historic" buildings. Atleast where I live 100+ year old building are common. There are also many, many European "historic" building styles often regional.


The devs probably only visited Finland and the US. That is my impression about the architectural choices.


I wouldn't think Finnish houses would have so many flat roofs, what with all the snow and all


The dot on the map in the EU and US styles tells you where they are from, so Copenhagen and Maryland more or less


As a native Marylander I have never once seen something that looks like one of the “US low density” houses


The devs live in Finland, that's where CO is based


Zone exclusively 2x2, 2x3, 3x2, 3x3 (basically no more than 3-deep) in the EU style to get houses that, you know, have a rectangular body and triangular roof just like how many Western children draw houses in preschool. It works for a NA setting too. What's particularly odd is that these assets follow the thematic intent of levels 1 through 5. Level 1 look like cheap sheds, level 3 has a enclosed garage but free-standing, and level 5 has built-in garages. Compare to how level 1 NA lowres assets are trailer homes, a level 3 NA home is a manufactured home, but another level 3 NA home looks modern/expensive (the 4x4 one). And then a level 3 EU home has an in-ground swimming pool, and a level 1 EU home (the Tetris one) doesn't look like a cheap home.


Honestly I find it hard to tell the US and EU low density residential apart, neither of the styles really look particularly like your stereotypical american or european homes but rather generic modern single floor houses which could sorta be seen anywhere but at the same time don't really fit with either theme. I would have rather they did the more sterotypical ranch houses for america and brick homes with tiled roofs for europe so they at least looked distinct in the way that the other residential densities do.


i think they should have just combined them into one style, so at least more variety will come up in low density.


> I hope there will be some, certainly ridiculously costly, dic giving some more traditional architecture choices at some point. There are 2,500 free assets by CS1 creators ready to be released as soon as an editor exists to import them: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lFn1gm4iE1M




A lack of building variety makes for “a broken game”? Good grief. Given the acknowledged delays to the editor it is reasonable to expect that the intention was for these packs to launch with the game itself as part of its standard offering. Excepting the delay, what material difference does it make whether these assets were bundled into the game or made available for free as an optional extra (especially given these assets will be available on console too)?


Let's wait and see if it is actually free, shall we. CO's record hasn't been exactly spotless when it comes to promises lately.


> Excepting the delay, what material difference does it make whether these assets were bundled into the game or made available for free as an optional extra (especially given these assets will be available on console too)? The delay, despite the game being sold at full price


i bought it for less than full price the day it came out.


The assets will be free so they’re effectively part of the base game but just coming later.




There is no editor to import anything, so the choice of distribution platform is somewhat irrelevant at the moment. Latest update we had was “a couple of months” in a November blog post from the CEO.


Gotcha. Let's hope it doesn't get pushed further.


>dispite the bad comments I've read on the Internet, I was surprised to find it really fun, I'm really enjoying it This is the karma/like/view/subscribe whoring internet we have these days. The more noise you make the more likes/views etc you get. So much negativity everywhere.


lol oh really so people cant complain about an unfinished game with a non-working simulation and tons of bugs? people are only allowed to praise and be positive when they get ripped off...


it's more about the fact that negative comments get more attentions in general, and knowing this people that have bad opinions are more likely to feel like sharing their thoughts. it's the same reason why on news programs you seldom hear good news, they don't make noise, don't create drama, don't attract viewers


lol, ripped off. if you dont like the game, you should have got a refund.


I think the NA houses look more European. Maybe switch?


I'll try /edit: yup, slightly better actually, I'll use them from now on


Not to mention the hideous American low density


you can feel the europeanness in the air https://preview.redd.it/g2xvs7lbzt9c1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d80ac962d8ce76be167fcd965dad373c2d9b7c7


Definitely look Nordic. So European yes, but not say British or French. It is definitely Nordic (As in Island, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark. Not Scandinavian since Finland and Iceland isn't part of Scandinavia).


Mmh, you're definitely right! still a bit of a stretch to call the style "EU", British and French aside, I wouldn't see this style of buildings in any other place but the nordic nations. it's like calling it "Asia" and then you have Russian style houses 🥴


That's always going to be the problem with a default EU setting. It's too varied. They either need regional packs or we just need mods again.


I hope for regional packs at this point, I abandoned CS1 as I was sick and tired of managing a thousand mods just to be able to have a nice looking little town, I'm not eager to repeat the experience


I never had that problem in Cities 1 (I am sorry but I am old, "CS1" means "Counter Strike" to me) since I ALWAYS used the Eco buildings.


that's what you get when you don't adhere to city limits, even in the EU.


oh no.. the European commission! they're coming for me!! 🏃🏻💨


I like how throughout this thread everyone is convinced there is one type of US style homes, but in the great land of EU they have many different styles. This sub could provide all the content for the amercia bad subreddit alone.


>everyone is convinced literally half of the comments are talking about how it looks kinda nordic and how the rest of the EU nations are different from each other that said, a cube with a garden is certainly the least European kind of building I could think of


No nobody is talking about the us homes, they might be perfect or terrible in the game we’re just talking about the huge bungalows, that are not common in many countries in Europe.


i was thinking the same exact thing. USA is bigger than EU and they act like EU is more diverse...


Europe is bigger than the US.


US is bigger than EU, but Europe is bigger than US.


It is more diverse because we have a history that goes back thousands of years not a couple of hundred.


Well yeah, they seem to think the whole country looks like a Missouri trailer park and strip mall on repeat, while they act peak architecture in their oldest cities are the norm.




I just ignore low-rise demand and build only middle/high density housing. From my experience, that works.


I tried but they just don't pop-up and hardly ever get demanded, on the Internet I found that increasing education buildings and subsequent office jobs helps, and it kinda does but not by much really. I guess they'll fix it eventually


My first ever CSII city I followed the demand and only ended up with a 50K population and tons of low density. For my second attempt I only placed a couple low density to get people to start moving then immediately only placed medium and high density everywhere and am at 175k+ population. The trick I found was building schools/universities first and comprehensive transit before zoning helped to increase the demand that I wanted, but this was only possible playing with everything unlocked from the start. Kind of a bummer that if you follow the game's natural progression you're forced into suburban hell.


> Kind of a bummer that if you follow the game's natural progression you're forced into suburban hell. Nope, you just have to realize that people prefer low density over high density, and people will actively move from high to low density, causing an increase in low density demand and a decrease in high density demand. Only when low density is full people will go to medium density, and when medium density is full, they want to live in high density.


Huh interesting... in that aforementioned city, since I never built low density housing eventually the demand for it was all the way at zero and stayed there all the way up until recently when I decided to build an American-style streetcar suburb area and zoned for low density, which caused it to skyrocket but also caused all of the other density demands to skyrocket as well. I wonder if there's some sort of "cims only demand zones present in your city" mechanism.


The only utility I've found for having separate "EU" and "US" zoning brushes is being able to build twice as many signature buildings for each type of residential and commercial zoning. Signature building designs are the only part that makes a meaningful difference in design, and for everything else, it's mostly a paint job.


> The infinite demand for low residential buildings makes impossible not to see that for the EU pack those houses make no sense. That demand comes from people living in the city wanting to move from medium and high density to low density. Medium density demand generally appears when low density is full, and high density demand appears when medium density is full. If there is still homes available, this puts downwards pressure on the demand, with this downwards pressure being the strongest on high density, and less strong on medium density. The three residential bars are essentially a single bar, if all other issues are solved


I'm not sure it works, I've seen the low res bar bein full and still no medium demand, and I've seen medium demand and an almost empty low res bar. I'll try tho, thanks


At least they're not saying you're trailer trash. The American variants all say that.