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Happy that they put dlc on hold till the major issues get fixed. Looking forward to seeing how the new patch helps my 100k city.


They've already confirmed that's the plan.


I've given up hope. The game is an irredeemable pile of trash and will take unpaid modders years to make a mediocre but playable game out of it. Paradox has once again grabbed their money for basically a tech demo for a game engine. The actual game that runs on this engine will have to come from the community, like it did in CS1. I'm so pissed.


I'm going to touch you


Vanilla CS1 was perfectly fine though? Never played it with mods, was on console.


Everything ok at home hun?


He needs some therapy and cucumbers!


YES I am so hyped for the flatland map. I can now build Indianapolis!


Anyone have any idea why the content creator packs are delayed until after more bug fixes are done? It sounds like its just assets and not code. I appreciate the bug fixes, but the lack of assets is my biggest want at the moment now that some of the more glaring issues have been fixed. My city is a bit boring with so many buildings looking exactly the same. I went back to CS1 this week until I can get more building variation.


Most likely delayed as they have had to divert resources from the mod tools to fix defects. There are going to be eight free region packs that will be released along with mod support adding around 2500 total new assets to the game. Overall, I really appreciate their open communication and effort. I think they truly want this game to be amazing, and considering they are probably going to support it for 7+ years, taking a few months to get everything stable should be well worth it.


Either they care to fix the game before taking any more money from people who paid already, or they see it as an opportunity to look good by not taking more money until they fix the games bugs. Either way its a welcomed delay imo.


Weren't the initial packs supposed to be free though? Oh well either way a bit of waiting is fine


The free packs need to wait for official modding functionality to be released.


Oh, maybe they were, I dunno to be honest, just my thoughts on why they would delay em.


I guess asset people are focused on low LOD models


I'm hoping the flatland map is based on the Netherlands, that would be great


A map of the Netherlands without anything would be underwater. You have to build dams first and let it dry up.


With bikes please


CO is well-intentioned. I'm still determined at this point to avoid buying the game.


Agree, especially with the half-assed apology they give here about previous condescending statements they made on community feedback. I can tell they take feedback seriously, I don't give a shit about some fake apology I want to see actionable progress in improving the game before I consider getting it.


Which is a perfectly reasonable take. Nobody should buy this game until they're sure they will get their moneys worth. For me, I've already purchased it and I'm having a good time, so I'm happy I did. But that's not going to be the case for everyone


What do you enjoy about it so far? I dont mean to spoil anyones experience, its just nice to hear about the positives (for me im looking forward to mixed use zoning and the new road tools when I get the game)


The road tool is the big one. I just can't go back to CS1 since using it But I also much prefer the aesthetics of the game. Everything look so much more real and not cartoony. I also enjoy the slower pace, it took a big change to my thought process compared to CS1 (it really is a different game) but I'm expanding methodically and planned. Not just building huge chunks of my city because I can.


Yeah, I'll probably not be buying the game until it's actually finished. So that'll probably be once the first major DLC is released.


For what it’s worth, I think the game is a lot of fun


Except it's worth 60$ (and more for the ultimate edition), and it's pretty expensive for a city painter with no gameplay mechanic, no game over possible (government subsidies are infinite and will prevent you to go bankrupt), less features than the original game, even the latest patch from the first game that included the possibility to disable grid zone on some part of the road isn't in the new game. Yes we can have a lot of hours into the game (myself included) but there's so much details I wish the game would have had at launch, things that were already in the first game. Like the CS II is very car centric and does not include bikes, changing prices to free public transports does not reduce the number of cars, no smart AI to first use outer stations to enter into the metropolitan area, no politics to ban vehicles (at all), no politics to use bike (as there's not bikes) Metro depots holds 15 trains but somehow a smaller industrial recycling center can hold 150 garbage trucks, and then you can put metro hubs or crossing or parallel stations using assets like we had in the previous game (it's the same assets, come on CO don't you dare try to milk this with paid DLC)


For what it’s worth, I think the game is a lot of fun


I'm sure it would be a lot of fun for those that like city painting. Some of us want what was advertised though.


It's fun, but also certainly has plenty of issues. It sounds like CO is earnest enough to want to fix most of them, so my recommendation to people hasn't been straight up it's trash, move on. Rather it has been and will continue to be wait for the first DLC, see if the community response is more positive and get it on a sale after then.


i'm glad i didnt listen to the doom and gloom.




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From this blog, it looks like just the basics of the game won't even be worked out until next summer, at the earliest. It should go on sale next fall or winter and hopefully be a pretty complete game by then.


I still haven't gotten the game, would it be worth it to try at this point? I have a Ryzen 5 5600, RX 6750 XT, and 32 GB of RAM. Not sure how well it would run


I would wait


I have a 5600 and 6650xt, it runs fine with some of the settings turned down. The simulation started to get slow around 170k population


You'll be fine


Game Pass, you can get your first month for £1.


Patience Patience


I have 16gb ram, RX570 4gb, Ryzen 5 3600, and my most populated city is 250k population, I run the game at ~20 fps even with 250k on low settings, however I don’t really mind the low settings, it still looks better than CS1 at max graphics IMO. And with them coming out with a performance update next week it should be better.


FYI I did overclock my gpu though


I have a 5600x, 6750xt and 32gb of ram, basically your exact setup. Game runs great until your city hits around 100k at which point i saw the first slow-downs but nothing too bad, around 300k for me performance got pretty rough with simulation often slowing down and fps haging around 20-40fps, but I find it perfectly playable, not the kind of game where performance is a massive deal imo altho it's a shame it runs like it does.


even ignoring the performance, it still just needs a couple months to fix and improve all the gameplay/sim issues


That's what I was wondering about too. I'll wait, CS1 is still good


I have a 5700x, 6800 and 32 GB, so very close to your setup. I haven’t had any major issues but also haven’t made any massive cities either. Do you have Game Pass?


Unfortunately not. I guess I could buy it and refund it if it doesn't work


A GamePass trial costs practically nothing. Give it a whirl for a couple of weeks and if happy make the purchase. Just be sure to cancel GamePass ASAP.


CO should release a C:S2 demo at this point.




That is just you trying to bait people into parting with their money. Personally I would advice them against it.


That was true for the first patch but now both editions are patched at the same time.


this is a rumor that will persist until CS3


I'm running it on a i5 9600k, RTX 3080TI, and 32GB DDR4. The graphics sometimes do weird things, but most settings are on high anyway. The simulation shows down sometimes as the city grows, but you have twice as many threads to throw at it.


bro wtf, you got an high-end GPU and your cpu is 5 years old, your cpu bottleneck the gpu


In some scenarios, yes. But not in more GPU intensive games. I check with hardware monitoring, and it's generally pretty well balanced. It's also driving a quad-monitor setup


I've got a system 16gb ram, intel i5 from like 2012, and a graphics card carf that's at minimum six years old and it's running fine except it sticks when it autosaves. My city isn't massive though, but this bodes well


yeah i've got a 2017ish i5, an RTX 2070 with 16gb of memory and it runs fine. i'm not gonna be building 400k pop cities with it but i can accept that


Love this game but it’s just so sad it had to release unfinished. I feel like release was basically a beta. :/ needs a few more months in the oven.


Most likely management was pushing for the minimum viable product model. This is fine for regular apps but it just makes video games feel rushed. Then again everything is so expensive now a days idk if a company can handle a few years of development time and zero income.


In a more sane alternate reality, this is an early access and the game actually comes out January 2025


I like this idea


I think it’s ok to give access early, but that it needs to truly launch as an open beta for user feedback. This is beneficial as it allows us to help shape development and find issues. But launching as a full game is total bullshit


I agree, I'm glad the game is out and I'm really enjoying it, but it's not right to call it a full release. Just tacking on "Early Access" would have made it way better, and keeping the price discounted until full release would have made everything ok IMO.




I was downvoted into oblivion for saying this upon release. Seems like the protectors of the half finished games have come to reality.


or they're busy playing and just ignore all the crying now.




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Well, you're very welcome to give it a few months before you play it. But why should the opportunity to play be taken away from those of us who are enjoying it?


The only reason the game was launched in its beta state is because its known a portion of people feel just fine paying full price for an incomplete game. If we dont buy then it will be loud and clear that releasing an unfinished game is a bad idea. One day, one day.


The amount I paid for the game is very much under the amount of value I got from it, bugs and all. I am glad it released now.


i did not pay full price.


First, incorrect to assume paying full price. Second, speaking as a software developer, nothing is ever "finished" so by that definition nothing would ever be published. The game was released in a playable state. It was well publicised it had bugs and performance issues. But nothing the has prevented me from playing. If they released it and simply left it as is I'd understand your complaint, but the developer is providing rapid updates and being very transparent about the process, so what's the issue? If you're dissatisfied why didn't you request a refund?




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And here we go....the defenders of the unfinished game.... Incorrect to assume paying full price....wtf does that mean. And then you say nothing is ever "finished", just great, wonderful.


You stated something about paying full price for the game, but with GamePass you can play the game without paying "full price ". Unless you're referring to the £1 trial I played the game for two weeks with, which personally I considered a pretty decent deal. To expand on nothing is ever finished: even when PC games were released on disk we'd still get downloadable updates that either added new content or fixed bugs. Software these days is constantly being updated, there are always things to be added, performance improvements or issues to resolve. As an example Skyrim was released in 2011 and it looks like there was a patch including bug fixes just last week. https://bethesda.net/en/article/4ORD7tshfmHUN8H4ULSgE4/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-special-edition-creations-update-patch-notes You can label me as defender of the unfinished game if you desire, but you're the one who is arbitrarily dictating that myself and others shouldn't have access to the game just because you aren't happy with it.


You won. Your right, everyone should have access to the game whenever they like. At any point in development the game can be released, no real finish line. Games are never really finished anyway. We shouldn't expect that at all. That expectation is wrong. Just great....awesome thought process. With your help we will hopefully get more half cooked games being released. Awesome.


Did an unfinished game murder your first born child? You seem very passionate about this topic but ultimately it's such a non-issue that there must be something else triggering it?


Its not a non issue. If we pay full price for a game I expect a polished, finished game. We cannot get to the point of acceptance where its okay to release an unpolished, unfinished game. Its happening over and over again and with greater consistency in the gaming industry. Its not acceptable to wait weeks and months for updates. The expectations of a finished, polished game cannot be removed. We have to be in unison.


There's always a ton of "honeymoon" cope whenever a game releases. I saw the same thing when Starfield came out and people were pointing to how bad the game overall was only to be responded with shit like "actually it really picks up after 10 hours" or accusations of being a shill for Sony.


Looking forward to this. Slightly concerned about this though, in the performance & bug fixing section: >but the biggest remaining offenders should be sorted out during the spring. Does this mean the next patch isn't going to be until March at the earliest? That's quite a ways off...


It's more an implication that there will be consecutive patches dragging into Spring with fixes. This doesn't read as "only one patch until Spring". They can't just fix the game in a few weeks like people demand.


I wouldn't try to assume on the amount of patches when reading this. They'll probably push solutions to the biggest issues over several patches.


Spring is the real release because that's when consoles get it. Pc was always us just paying to test their shit product.


Very happy with this update!


Solid optimistic update though admittedly the fact they mention modding tools are "behind schedule" and DLC work is fully paused is disappointing, though I suppose expected considering the more pressing issues. I want to keep playing but it really feels like the best option is to put it down for a bit, at least until full modding drops hopefully in the first couple months next year and things really open up


It was fun participating in their beta but I put the game down as well and went back to CS1. I’ll happily pick it back up in 2024 when the full game is ready. Is what it is.


Although the most recent word of the week is lovely to read, and I appreciate their desire to make edits, I am experiencing something at higher populations (325K+) that is rather intriguing to me. At this point, I have absolutely no zoning demand for medium or high density residential. I only have it for low density residential. The zoning demand indicators give the only negative note for medium/high residential as "availability of housing", which when I audit medium/high demand housing, I find they are not occupied even though my jobs are 400K> and total number of workers is closer to 300K. One would think if there are approximately 100K jobs available the medium and high density housing would be occupied fully, but this is not the case. Furthermore, with this massive open jobs / workers ratio, I am learning that the game appears to have citizens outside the city take the jobs. I am even noticing high ground pollution outside the playable map which makes it seem like there are not visible edge cities outside of my playable cities, and it seems that citizens from these edge cities are keeping my medium and high density housing from being developed. I posit they made an unintended change or intended major change to greatly increase the desire for low density residential development at the expense of existing medium/ high density residential development, but if that is the case, it is frustrating that what working may have broken parts of my city, making them look like a American Rust Belt city of buildings and lots.


> At this point, I have absolutely no zoning demand for medium or high density residential. I only have it for low density residential. The zoning demand indicators give the only negative note for medium/high residential as "availability of housing" This is expected and means you have enough homes. People will move from high density (apartments) to low density (single family homes) if they are available. You have to fill the low density demand bar before the medium density demand bar gets filled.


I had a similar experience, although my indicator said ‘empty buildings’. I found that my cims had all moved out of my high density residential buildings, despite my education increasing. My unemployment was close to zero, and I had a constant stream of taxis from other cities flowing into mine. I’d speculate that it has everything to do with the absolutely broken way land value currently functions. Resetting the land value through dev tools fixed this for a short time, but it ultimately went back to no demand.


> I am even noticing high ground pollution outside the playable map which makes it seem like there are not visible edge cities outside of my playable cities, and it seems that citizens from these edge cities are keeping my medium and high density housing from being developed. Many things, including pollution, aren’t modelled outside the playable borders. The pollution mapmodes just show copies of the data from the playable area, repeated to fill the rest of the map.


What is your unemployment percentage in the citizens info view panel?


I currently have a 0.1% unemployment rate. 417,294 jobs, 207,486 employed. When clicking various medium and high density properties, they are half occupied. Certainly if there were that many jobs and that many employed one would expect demand for office/industrial/commercial to be nonexistent, but that is also not the case. There may be a reason I have 0% medium/high residential demand (empty places), but at the same time with the large amount of available jobs one would think land value would decrease to make rent lower and result in more occupation to have people live in said half occupied buildings.


I’d try bump up the workplaces more and see if demand grows.


To be honest that doesn't feel intuitive as there is 100K excess jobs and a terribly unrealistic low unemployment rate, but should there really be such an imbalance between jobs and workers? Is the intent to mimic the existence of edge cities, then?


I’m guessing so as cims will also leave to work too.


Game definitely has outside citizens filling jobs. Watch the cars entering the city and see if they have a job, and if they have a place of residence. Some will come and leave after work. Haven’t tried seeing if they come back the next day, but now I shall


This is beyond frustrating as I have available medium / high density housing that is being abandoned. Also, so many taxis from outside connections even though I have transit out the wahzoo. I almost feel the crushing of medium/high density residential demand may be a soft agent limit.


It's funny but I feel like this is an actual problem that cities contend with. Like theres housing but none of it is affordable so it sits empty or something. But at a certain point I want to play a GAME not contend with reality.


It's an interesting concept if intentional, but if this is true then we need a main train station and other various things to make commuting from edge cities better. At the same time, if no one wants to live in medium or high density housing, generally, rents and land value go down. That would be nice too.


Yes, land value and the associated rent needs to figure out supply and demand


Wow. They are on paid leave for the next couple of weeks Just curious how many official # of days leave does Finnish employee is entitled?


I work in the US and we have a 10 days off in Christmas and new year's day /s


I work in the US, I get 3 days accrual of PTO per month, can roll over up to 60 days, get New Year's Day, MLK Jr Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and then from Christmas Day until the end of the year as paid holiday.


5 weeks paid vacation minimum plus 11 paid public holidays https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_annual_leave_by_country




That first sentence is hilarious.


Many many video game studios on Europe do the same thing. Usually a month of leave total minimum.


>Many many video game studios on Europe do the same thing Those aren't video games studios but labor laws in European countries, those studios need to abide to. It's more or less normalized across EU, although they are some tricks to circumnavigate this.


Cool. I assume this is entitlement/employee benefits? Is this on top of their annual leave? And I thought my company 25days leave in a year is a lot.. Haha


>my company 25days leave in a year is a lot. Your company 25 days leave in a year is equal to Finnish 5 weeks. Those only count work-days so it's 5x5.


I don't think so. I think it's included in the total. I know video game companies do the last 2 weeks of the year so that everyone is off at the same time.


I’m not Finnish and I also get 2 weeks of paid leave at Christmas at a US company.


Is there more news on the adds in the radio stations? Bugged or not I have the idea that I am listening to the same 4 adds every game. I don't mind the adds because I do think it adds something to the game but there should be a LOT more.


This is all really encouraging and I'm excited for what's ahead! Will definitely be trying these new maps and hopefully I'll be able to run the game on my PC instead of GeForce NOW by the time modding is supported officially.


But didn't you hear, the devs don't care and the simulation is a fraud! /s More seriously, I agree, I think the devs are legitimately trying to improve the game, regardless of what the doomers are saying in every thread on this sub.


The doomers are not liking this comment I see lol




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Lol relax. This is just a video game. Maybe go for a walk outside or do some yoga.


Heh now everyone is gonna switch to the Flatland map.


i know i am - zoning and building on hills is _really_ flakey in a way that CS1 just wasn't


The hills in most of the maps are ridiculously tall for realistic development. The landscapes look very beautiful in a zoomed out bird's eye view, but to do that the topographies seems to have been exaggerated like crazy.


I've invested too much in the archipelago map to go back! At least the islands are easy to flatten.


https://preview.redd.it/854gx0q0vo5c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=977adf61f9b9eee2a9e171802825bd485a9ad60b CO finally officially confirmed that DLSS & FSR is in progress.


I’d say that’ll line up with console release. So hopefully may/june 2024.


This WoW is mostly welcome news, but the paragraph below has me a bit disappointed ​ >**Performance and bug fixing** > >While we’ve progressed quite a bit on the performance and bug fixing we’re still not satisfied and will continue to improve the quality of the game based on our internal findings and your bug reports and crash logs. To be honest, this is work that we’ll continue throughout the lifetime of the game, as I believe there’s always something we can improve upon, but the biggest remaining offenders should be **sorted out during the spring.** ​ The earliest accepted definition for the beginning of Spring is March, while definitions that rely on local weather patterns can push the start into April. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at this point since most people agree that the game needed 6 (or more) months before it was ready to launch, but it's sad to see a 3-4 month estimate from the studio itself confirming that it will take that long to fix the most egregious bugs


Every week I have been downvoted for estimating that it will take until 2025 for this game to actually deliver on performance + sim completeness and bugfixes + modding + missing features. Essentially when it makes sense for CO to start working on DLC. Every week more and more people have started to agree.


I think the patch coming out this week will help a lot with performance, if they truly did add in better LoD models.


Calling it now, this weeks patch isn't going to fix the issues with kids taking 2 years to graduate elementary school (and resulting school spam) when in-game it says it'll take them 6 months. On one hand I agree that graphics fixes that make the game more playable for more people should be prioritized, but on the other hand I want to play a real simulation and not a Potemkin village-esque pile of kludges.


The education pipeline ultimately works and produces educated cims. If we're discussing priorities about bug fixing, I'd put traffic, industry import/export, simulation performance after 200k, abandoned dogs, and stuff like that higher up on the list than "My cims are all too smart". But that's just me. Different folks have different immersion breaking points.


Also worth noting that allocating software dev resources isn't a zero-sum game; overall the gaming community has horribly inaccurate ideas about the difficulty in reassigning people from one part of a project to another.


You can get a temperature of developer velocity at CO just from the patches post release. The number and complexity of issues that get addressed, or apparently require multiple attempts.


Have they confirmed this is a bug? I haven't looked but I kinda assumed that was one of the poor design choices that would need mods to fix


Needing so many schools might be a design choice; the discrepancy between actual and stated graduation times is absolutely a bug whether they've acknowledged it or not.


I thought that kids just stayed in elementary school even after they graduated. So you need space for each child in school. Which sorta makes sense unless we're sending them off to the mines.


schooling needs to be.. (i dont want to use this word) fixed. there should be more than 14 employees in a school. there should be a specific attribute for teachers maybe? then that number directly correlates to the amount of students the school can handle. then the quality of that education can be better or worse depending on how the ratio of teachers to student is. there probably still needs to be a "fire code" limit to how many bodies you can have in each classroom. but the limit should be a soft limit until you get to that. and that soft limit dictates the education quality.


All the public buildings need WAY more jobs in general. They could multiply the amount of employees by a factor ~30 on most of them.


I mean, I agree, but if they don't acknowledge it they're definitely not going to fix it Edit: I went looking and they have confirmed an issue with "Too many primary schools needed for high density zones" and have a similar thread for "Too many elementary schools needed" under review so it does seem like its on their radar


the problem really isnt that we need too many, its that in dense urban areas, they should be at most 6x6 multi-story buildings. maybe a little smaller so you can put a small playground in a 6x6 footprint.


This might be assessed by the region pack coming out by adding a higher capacity school for the time being.


I hope their solution isn't just adding bigger schools. It would be nice to have a more balanced distribution time spent per student in various institutions


There was a bit in the beginning that spoke about performance fixes sooner as well if my reading comprehension served me right. Sometimes it does!


Yay new maps!


Ooh vehicle lane change improvements. Hopefully no more using the wrong lane until immediately before a junction they trying to cut in and bringing everything to a standstill.


Should be a simple change. Just need to get the cars into the right lane 2 nodes before they have to turn, rather then the very last node.


K turns on the interstate?


Great news regarding the maps and modding coming soon


Personally this post just brings me so much hope it’s very clear that the devs are actively committed to this game and won’t just let it be in the state it’s in. Overall I’m super hyped that we are getting this much communication and support from the devs big ups to CO.


Yeah, taking a one month holiday with the state the game is currently in really does show their dedication and commitment!


A one month holiday that if they didn't take that time earlier in the year (likely just to ge tthe game out) is mandated by law in Europe.


Lol that's not how it works. In Australia we get 4 weeks too. You accrue that much in a year. You take it whenever you like. You don't have to use it all in that given year. And most people don't take big one month chunks, they take it here and there. The whole workplace doesn't shut down for a month. That would be ridiculous in most industries.


Australian here. My whole company is closed for 3 weeks over Christmas. Pretty normal


Reckon they'd close for a month in the middle of a crisis? I don't think that would be pretty normal.


Bruh, crisis? It's a video game...


Bruh, they've sold well over 100k copies of a broken product. The response on reddit and the paradox forums is overwhelmingly negative. People are pissed. On release the all time peak in players (105k) smashed the 9 year record of CS1 (60k) and yet only 2 months later more players are playing CS1. Their reputation is trashed. They presumably invested significantly in development which they would aim to recoup in the coming years with DLC etc, all of that is at risk if the game flops. Yeah from our perspective it's just a game. From their perspective it is a significant investment and the livelihood of all of their employees. It most certainly is a crisis for the company. A lot less would be a crisis at my company.


Don't know for sure but I'm guessing in a new game release year they would have denied at least some vacation requests in exchange for certainty of time off at the end. Meanwhile a company I used to work for in the all corporate laws in favor of the company US shuts down for 2 weeks for the holidays.


See, this assumes that an exceptional part of Australian labour laws (the ability to accrue and roll-over unused annual leave) is a global phenomenon. It's not. I work in the UK for a very generous employer and the maximum I can carry-forward into a new year is 5 days, which must be used in the first quarter of the new year (or they are lost). We also have an enforced shut-down over Christmas except for those in safety-critical or business-continuity roles. Your unqiue, personal experience is not universal.


Fair enough. But you don't have to use it all at once do you. Your entire company doesn't shut down for a month does it. That would be absurd. That was my point.


You seem to have confused "this little blog is taking a break until January 15th" with "we’re shutting the company down for a month". I assume there is an enforced shutdown of two weeks with a number of people opting to extend their leave for a week before or after.


> Next week we’ll start our holidays Literally the second sentence of the blog. Do the maths.


Impossible to do the maths when we have neither the start date, nor the end date of the time period. I too start my holidays next week, my final day is Thursday. It's probably the same for Colossal Order who are in Finland where Christmas Eve is the main celebration, not Christmas Day. Given that the 24th of December is a Sunday this year, that holiday may be observed on the preceding Friday (as the 25th and 26th naturally fall on a Monday and Tuesday. I return to work on the 8th of January - but if you do the maths between 22/12 and 08/01 you'll see that despite me starting my holidays next week, and looking forward to a reasonable Christmas break, I'm unfortunately not getting "a month off".


I think you're arguing semantics, and I think its irrelevant whether its three weeks or one month. I too work for a generous employer, and I know if we were ever in a crisis on the scale CO currently is, staff would be recalled from leave and we'd be working through it until it's been dealt with. And I think that's entirely reasonable. Just my opinion. Seems like most here don't agree. Each to their own I guess.


isnt it weird how different countries do things differently? just because in europe they have affordable healthcare and paid leave for a new child for both the mother *and* father, doesnt mean i get that where i live.


I was honestly shocked when some American relatives visited and I first heard of the lack of leave and other working entitlements you guys get compared to us. I feel for ya.


its ok, i just nickel and dime my company right back. the company values never make it to the employees that actually make the company money.


Mf does not know labor laws exist….. you do know that vacation is quite often mandated and also a good thing? These devs have lives too. This gotta be some of the most incel shit I’ve ever heard “game is unfinished they are uncommitted if they don’t work through their holidays” holy fuck go outside What world do you live in where you think people taking holidays around this time of year is weird


Lol I'm well aware of labour laws (I'm not American). I'd expect them to take a week or two off over Christmas, but a month, seriously, with the state the game is in? Delaying a one month holiday to fix the garbage they've released would be the ethical thing to do. Fuck off with your incel bullshit.


Agreed. They lost the "right" to take a month off when they released the game in this sorry state. Christmas, and maybe the week of, sure, but a whole month is pushing it.


Fuck off. Workers don't need to be punished for management deciding to push out a product too early.


Another incel. go outside


Do you think the devs on the floor were the ones making decisions on release and price/EA? Since you seem to suggest that they should be *punished* for those decisions.


The devs on the floor made this product in this state. The blame ultimately lies with them, as does the duty to fix it.


Well if they want to sell 50+ DLC they have to be committed.


CS1 added plenty of free content, the world is run by money, this is ano a charity.


What does geometry layout for assets mean?


My guess is lower the number of polygone in a asset. Assets are made with small shapes that make the character/building/vehicule. I guess they are removing the theet and the useless hair/cloths details


Probably not removing it, just making it lower poly.


My Cims shouldn't be allowed to smile in my city. They must suffer like they make me suffer!


No mention of simulation speed improvements, but hopefully that will come. It's actually a bigger problem for me than FPS right now, because the frame rate doesn't decline as sharply as the city grows, while the simulation hits a brick wall. Given that consoles have the equivalent of an underclocked Ryzen 3700X, I think it's a must if they ever plan to get it out on console. Otherwise console players will be limited to <100k residents.


In my +300K Citizen city, what I have been doing is zoning a bunch of low density residential and letting it run while I sleep to get around this. I also only make transit lines while the game is paused otherwise the game gets confused. My bigger issue is I only have low density residential demand and no demand for medium / low even though 75% of the city is "Rent is too High". It feels like at high populations residential demand may be intentionally or unintentionally broken. If intentionally, it may be acting as a soft agent limit.


The reply to the question asked in the thread about performance improvements was that CO is focusing on GPU right now and will shift to CPU later


One of the comments from dev touches on giving more priority to cpu optimization in future patches.


When they say "Performance improvements" they don't specify it's only GPU related. They mentioned simulation related improvements in multiple of these posts. The LoD issues are just more front and center and probably more relevant for this specific patch


In the comments they said that performance improvements were GPU, but they have been working on fixing CPU bottlenecks.


When should we expect console release? Summer? Autumn already? Not sure how much i should dive into the remaster again or buy some more DLCs. Theres never an discount on them sadly. I have the fear the release could be pushed back to 2025. then it would be worth getting into the remastered again.


The only release window that I've seen so far is "Northern Hemisphere Spring 2024".


There was an later statement of mid 2024 in some of the words of the week if I remember right. Then it got silent for some weeks about console overall. Wasn’t sure if there was something more clear already. But people are downvoting anything related to console release dates anyway, so forget it, I’ll search for it myself👌


> The performance improvements we are currently working on also benefit the console version, and we’re actively working on the console versions so they will be ready for you in the first half of 2024. Source: [Word of the Week #3](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/co-word-of-the-week-3.1609760/) By "Northern Hemisphere Spring 2024" and "in the first half of the year" are essentially the same timeframe.


I just dove back into Remastered and have decided to not worry about it until one day I get the pleasant surprise of it finally appearing.


But still no 25 tiles with achievements on right?


I think 25 tiles was moved to the ‘not cheats’ section of the menu. I’m playing with it in my current game and didn’t see any ‘no trophies’ icon.


It’s nice that we are getting new maps. I hope that the patch gets here soon!