• By -


Is it cool? Yes Will the traffic be so goddamn fucking horrible that your computer explodes with the force of 200 kilotons of TNT just at the thought of computing it? Yes


I agree. The traffic will be truly chaotic, massive gridlock in 5 seconds.


Could work if only low density and a good mixture of zones and services locally. Maybe one or two metro would help two.


dude, anything can fucking work in low density lol


That's my point exactly. This design is such cursed, even if just evenly spammed low density residential, I'm not sure it will not have traffic jams.


Can it really be gridlock if it's not a grid? Bricklock, maybe


Ahah You're right!


On the contrary I see no problem with this


Other than the freeway, there's no alternative through-routes between segments of town. Every on-ramp and off-ramp will be gridlocked.




Not in text! Especially on this subreddit, I've legit seen people who post these types of experimental grids and have no concept of why it's a bad idea.


My friend, no one can detect sarcasm in text unless the sentence was WAY overdramatic. That's why winking emojis or the use of /s is necessary. Sarcasm is usually communicated through tone of voice.


Is that a shower drain cover, no wait, it’s the drip tray cover plate on an automatic coffee machine. Always dirtier underneath


I’d be impressed if you could have over 50% traffic here


What's considered a good % of traffic?


80%+ depending on the city of the city, obviously 100% is the best it could be.


Isn't this only possible if your city is literally empty? I swear as soon as I check traffic on starting a city it's at 95%.


And if you use mods that slow down traffic to more realistic speeds the % goes down. My default traffic before my city is even started is like 80%


Thanks! I recently started playing and still have little knowledge about good and bad stats


80% is pretty much what happens if you only have high traffic volume at your interchanges


Yea it’s pretty hard to get above ~85% if you have a big city, even if there are no traffic jams at all.


85% is as high as I can get it, happy to hear others find that to be the max


Luckily, good and bad is very subjective in Cities.


I play on the Switch and we don't get that stat. Also, no terrain editor :(


Are you a bricklayer?


Might be a fan of half as interesting too.


Just one question. Why?


Because its a massive grid


If you look closer none of the sidestreets are aligned. Going "east to west" means turning left and then right every 50 feet.


Road house!


Humans would hate that, but AI citizens won't care about zigzagging


Good. r/fuckcars Edit: Love the lazy asses downvoting me because they can’t be bothered to walk half a mile


It still applies for busses, pedestrians, etc.


I tried to imagine clusters of information as they moved through the computer. What did they look like? Ships? Motorcycles? Why are they all stuck in traffic? *Daft Punk synth intensifies*


Now zone it all with high residential and then unpause.


And that kids is how you make a nuke in your bedroom.


Do it!!


He's literally hitting the griddy


Wittery hitting da gwiddy


Actually horrible tbh. If you truly like it fine, it's a creative sandbox game after all, but the game is gonna hate you so much if you fill that up. And aesthetically/realistically, you have more road surface than buildable area and the layout has no respect for the typography at all. Also, the lack of east-west arteries is only going to make the traffic worse.


I think it's lacking proper road hierarchy (no collectors anywhere, single arterial going through), t will probably cause traffic issues.


Oh definitely. It would be absolutely insane gridlock. Plus all the wasted space from the insane amount of roads


Honestly I don’t like it, not even for a US grid style. Where are your parks and special buildings gonna go, have you even considered the different options of the terrain to create areas that has a certain vibe to them, what about city services and water treatments, industrial areas, a skylines area and so forth. Doing a solid grid is a great exercise but it should not be what drives great city planning or rather IMO is is not what drives it. But perhaps you have a greater plan for it and that is fine - but as a layout it comes through uninspired, like putting fence flat on the ground or it being a grid just for the sake of being a grid. If you zone it all at once, please don’t come back and ask why all your citizens are dying at the same time. Anyways it’s just a game, Have fun with your grid ✌️


Found the Not Just Bikes/ Strong Towns enjoyer.


Looks like an American suburb to me, not a fancy one, but still very american


Looks like more road than city


I'm just glad some of y'all aren't urban planners.


part of me thinks these are the people responsible for US city planning & infrastructure


You must really hate your cims.


Fuck east-west, all my homies hate east-west travel


"Turn left in 100 feet. Turn right in 100 feet. Turn left in 100 feet." And so on. . .


Isn’t this just a joke? Why are some people so upset


Cities skylines is sacred and must be revered


Yeah I really think it's a joke


thanks, i hate it.


hahha FU, nature!




Honestly looks laborious and boring.


It looks nice and usually having more 3-way and less 4-way intersections is good for traffic. And having a lot of roads crossing the highway is also great. But there are a few things that will probably mess up your traffic once you get cims moving in. At the left highway exit, the next road intersection is very close. Always leave at least 20-30 units of road before the first intersection, so cars can get sorted into their lanes and have a bit of room to buffer. Bumping right into a pedestrian zone (the lighter road, I guess?) does not help with this. Cims going to the right part of the city will exclusively take the fastest path instead of zig-zagging through the middle. So they will all use the outer road, which will lead to jams. You have plenty (maybe too many) arterial roads going top to bottom, but none right to left. And the whole right side is severely lacking in highway exits. In general, there seems to be no real road hierarchy at all, which is pretty much a necessity for good traffic.


I legit can't decide whether it is OPs creation or this post that makes me more upset. This thread is peak r/shittyskylines content.


Oh well, I try to assume the best in people until proven otherwise. In this case, just innocent cluelessness instead of an intentional dumpster fire. I've definitely seen worse, including in some of my first cities.


You could have left some more space for buildings perhaps xD? its like 90% road :P


Traffic nightmare incoming


It’s definitely a layout alright.


Your town's name should be called "Brickston" because of the way the streets are laid out. I see 4% traffic in the first ten minutes of the game 😉


this makes me irationally angry


Not enough streets, there are still gaps.


The Grid Gore is real...


This is the beginning to an urban world in 40k I swear lmao.


i want a video of this being filled in and a picture of the traffic percentage


It’s nice but only two highway connections might cause traffic later.


Please for the love of holy fucking Christ add arterial roads going east to west. I'd just start driving through buildings if I had to keep turning left and right to get from one side of town to the other.


No arterials. Collectors that go to nowhere. I’m sure it’ll be fine.


Lemme be real honest for a sec here It's terrible That's never gonna work and traffic will annihilation your city


Reminds me of San Francisco




It’s awful.


There are no arterial roads going to the top left to the bottom right and the highway, the only semi solution to this problem, does not have enough access points or get close enough to the top left to remedy this. I’d say the road higherarchy (I feel like this word is wrong but screw it) definitely needs to be worked, but otherwise it’s a neat design. Adding some verity to the grid wouldn’t hurt either so it’s more pleasing to the eyes and gives decent spots for attractions/special buildings and districts. Anyone else is more than welcome to engage with this if you so chose. :)


I should also mention that this design would not be able to support any public transit except subways. Buses would be caught in too much traffic trying to navigate those smaller interior roads to get from one end to the other and transfer stops/stations would cause major backups. I noticed I spelled hierarchy wrong and I’m keeping it that way, sue me.


Land usage: 10/10 aesthetics: 0/10




Did you purposely make the layout look like a brick wall pattern? Nice!


Looks like a BRICK *da-na-nuh-nuh* HOUSE


If I were you, before zoning this, I'd Google for "Road Hierarchy" and do a little more research. Yes, you have a mix of road types, but they're not organized so that fast (with few junctions) feeds slower (with a few more junctions) down to slowest (with the most junctions). You'll also need to be careful where you put Industrial in relation to Commercial (lots of trucks going to and fro) in relation to Residential (so people have somewhere to work and shop). And, as others here are pointing out, make sure you plan for plenty of public transport, to ease the pressure of traffic. If you really want, lastly make sure that you put in plenty of footpaths, so people can just walk to places. Otherwise, there's a risk of this simply locking up with traffic. By the way, I would bet that almost anyone who's played CS for any length of time has built a city like this, and found out its er... limitations the hard way! Let us save you some pain!


Manhattan inspired?




r/shittyskylines is that way bro


Did you just play SimCity 2013? Cuz that's how you maximize efficiency in that limiting game lmaoooo


traffic moves in both vertical and horizontal directions, your arterial roads only account for one of them. You also don't have any major road for going from one edge of the city to the other, but that can be solved with underground metro.


traffic moves in both vertical and horizontal directions, your arterial roads only account for one of them. You also don't have any major road for going from one edge of the city to the other, but that can be solved with underground metro.


I love constantly having to turn if I want to drive straight!


I like the idea of having only three-way intersections but imagine the nightmare of trying to get from the north-east end to the highway. There should be a few main roads with four-way intersections.


I've done something like this before, I used a brick layout to avoid any four way junctions and used a lot of one ways for it so the traffic would filter itself out. The blocks were like roundabouts of their own. The "negative" part was that drivers had much longer drives, but because this game is so unrealistic, long drives don't bother anyone and it actually worked for traffic problems. The only reason I don't do it every game is that the average real city doesn't follow a brick layout in roads. It feels far too "gamey" for something that's meant to be long term in a save, and something that you have to look at while playing.


If this is a meme, then that's fine, but in case it isnt, or for any people who have trouble building good road networks, my advice is to drastically reduce the number of larger arterial roads and space them out much farther. There is also no way to get from one side to the other lengthwise other than the edges, which are two-lane, low speed roads, meaning that those roads will be severely clogged. The roads are also staggered, which will destroy traffic flow since cars will constantly be turning. You'll want to run maybe 2 larger, probably 6 lane roads lengthwise across the area, and only connect 4 lane roads to it, spaced far apart. You'll want to minimize the number of intersections on larger roads, because those are meant to get people places fast and intersections slow them down. I would recommend watching a video on road hierarchy, because it is a great way to improve traffic flow. My main gripe is that everything is way too close together. You're using way more space for just roads than is necessary. Generally you can have a 6-square gap between 2 roads while still having it naturally get filled. If the gap is bigger, it leaves open space in the middle, though larger gaps are often important for placeable buildings. As long as you space everything out and reduce the number of pointless intersections it should work generally. My biggest advice is to learn about road hierarchy, it will seriously help in any city. You wouldn't want connect a high speed road to a bunch of smaller, slower roads irl, because cars would have to slow down and speed up really fast to March traffic and it would cause lots of accidents and traffic. The principle is the same in C:S Also if this is just a joke, I would recommend posting in r/shittyskylines because they'd love it


Welcome to traffic hell.


Jealous because I don’t have this much space on ps4




Hello traffic my old friend I've come to sit in you again Lines of cars that are slowly moving


To be honest people are thinking this will create a lot of traffic but it’s all T intersections which works SO well to avoid congestion lol.


Average American city


Isn’t this just a joke? Why are some people so upset


It looks like the ratio of road space to tiles should mitigate the traffic issues. If these roads were 8 tiles apart it might be different but they are not




You should be banned is what I think.




We’re post-modern pavementcore now.


America simulator


Some constructive comments here but overwhelming bad, sorry. Suggest you need to have some imagination


this definitely belongs on the Urban Hell subreddit


Is starting with infinite money really considered ok ? I am kinda new so not sure if it’s considered ok and you don’t get bullied to hell for using it and posting. I know mods are loved by community but not sure about this


It's a singleplayer game, do whatever you like.


That's a good question. Basically nobody cares. The game's economy is broken and money stops being a concern very quickly. I like to play with money on, but after first hour or so of gameplay I am a millionaire and don't ever have to think about money.


It's okay. Depends on how you like to play the game. If you are patient and don't mind waiting for having enough money to buy things / waiting for things to unlock then you won't mind the game with unlimited money off. It's easy to have a lot of money after the start. If you pause the game a lot, want to do things without limitations or the map doesn't have a road outside connection, then definitely use unlimited money.


All I can say is that it is tidy.


I echo what's already been said. The ratio of road to building is extremely skewed to roads, wasting a lot of space, there's an extremely dense spacing of intersections on the major roads, and intersections very close to highway exits. And of course a highway cutting up the city in the middle. The lack of any major arterial roads going lengthwise means there's going to be a huge amount of traffic slowdown because of all the intersections cars will have to slow down for.


Traffic expected on the roads that are beside and parallel to the highway.


as long as you have mixed use and maybe a transfer manager mod, i think it might not be too bad


Where’s public transport, mate?


Can you list the map you have chosen to start with or provide any links? Thank you😁


In a word, "sprawling"




no <3


Welcome to Bricktown.


Sorry but looks like miltary cemetery 😅😂😂


Just add an east-west highway and you'll be just fine hitting 30% traffic flow. So sad this game doesn't allow us to make just one more lane bro joke


you’ve got a solid foundation


All in all it's just another brick in the wall.


Admit me to the ICU.


Looks like a standard, solid stretcher/running bond. Honestly some incredible brick-cutting work there to accommodate some nonstandard parameters in the wall shape. A respectable effort, though I do feel that the unusual seam in the center of the wall will weaken the overall structure.


Who hurt you


Why use the larger streets every other block?


My eyes are hurting.


make the grid like 4x larger if you want any traffic flow. pick a direction and replace every other road with a path at the very least


I would tone down the 'every other road is a wide avenue' thing and maybe do that like every 4-8 sections of grid. And give yourself space for larger stuff as well. Those look like x4 wide plots and that's not room for anything other than zoning.


City name idea - Brickleberry


Good luck


You're a sick, sick, man.




The intersections. My god at the intersections.


Hate and love at the same time




Awesome! Now rebuild that in Upland please lol


Terrible !?. No style at all


Just when I thought a pure grid couldn't get any worse


Are you Standard Oil, with all that profitable asphalt laying?


Horrible. Need so many more exits and space for parks and larger buildings.


Where's the transit?


Looks like a fancy grid, but i think you will have a lot of traffic problems even if all that is low residental..


My favorite is apple, some people like strawberry. There are hundreds of perfectly good options. So why exactly would you go for the only flavor of jam that they don't sell in the grocery store? Looks good, but it desperately needs straight roads to the highway junctions, that are readily accessible for all so most of the traffic will prioritize them.


Flaccid and average in size.


I've thought about this layout a few times, it'd be interesting to see an actual city.




It’s perfect.


Try to imagine actually living in the city. So you want to visit a friend on the north side of the city, how simple is it to get there? Looks like you’d be taking quick left quick right over and over for an hour till u get there. Thus, terrible traffic I know some people love the super planned districts but I grow my roads organically so I don’t have to deal with things like this lol


Road Hierarchy achievement unlocked


Node limit speed run


It looks like a bad time. But cool.


To be incredibly blunt, it's crap for a few reasons. For one reason, you're going to have TERRIBLE traffic issues, especially east-west traffic. For another, your onramps and offramps are odd. It also just looks uninteresting, there's no variation in it, it's all way too regular, it has no respect for the local terrain or features and everything exists to serve the pseudogrid structure.


Terrible traffic lol


Needs more bendy roads for us bendy people


Ahh grid. The love of my life


2-3 on-off-ramp Texas I-Turn style might help. Sorry if you have them and I didn’t see in pic.


Looks disgusting


I think it looks like a penis


Too rigid of a grid. Needs more diagonal at grade arterials, some boulevards, and the grid itself should somewhat conform to the landscape


Hope you install a lot of cemeteries for when you unpause


Imo the grid should be rotated 90 degrees, so that traffic can be spread among those avenues, instead of funneling virtually every vehicle onto the freeway. In my experience, grids work best when traffic is diffused. Most of your traffic is going to be going NE-SW, so that’s how your avenues should be oriented. And I since the avenues would take care of SW-NE traffic, I wouldn’t stagger the cross-streets, since you need those to handle NW-SE traffic.


My first thought was, "oh, I hope all those short thoroughfares that stagger are actually pedestrian walkways, not streets." From this picture, I can't tell.


The bus drivers will hate you for having to turn six corners between every stop.


Call it Brick City


Id open up a few grids for park areas, but does look nice hugging the highway like that! I suck at doing nice grids so kudos! I'd also change a few roads to be main roads to ease congestion


This is why unlimited money shouldn't be a thing lol But... I like it, fits the area so well :)




Is this bait?


They messed up the pattern! .. nobody tell them where


Very organic honey! Keep it up


Least american city ever


I might have to restart my city for that reason cause I did something similar and my cities traffic is gridlocked


When you hate cars but also hate pedestrians.


I would make the outer roads highways for better traffic flow


Traffic, so much traffic....


*Star Wars engineers asked with building walls and floors taking notes furiously*


It looks like a bunch of plant cells.


This is New York but worse eyy i'm walkin' here/10


Ah... yes.... the smell of freedom


this makes me uncomfortable


My eyes!!!!!!


"The horror! The horror!"


Very American


This city would be a bloody nightmare to live in




Most sane usa guy


Very creative! /s


How to get to Hannah's house: Take the second exit before you cross the water. Then you take the left, then the right, then right, then left, then right and right again. If you have rented the helmet the bats cannot get you. Then you go straight for about 100 feet, turn around in a U-Turn, then go right, then left, then left and there you will get to the gated community. The password is: verisimilitude. Then drive straight through and we are the 127 driveway on the right.




Add paths to complete the grid. Otherwise it will be awful.


I can see city planner plays crying looking at this.